Citing and referencing: Books

A guide to the styles recommended by Monash schools and departments for students and researchers

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Elements required when referencing a book:

Initials, Authors(s), Title of Book (in italics); - capitalise each word of the title, Edition (except for the first), Publisher, Place of publication, Year of Publication (in brackets) , with page numbers if required.



 Single Author


A.A. Surname, Title of Book, Edition (Publisher, Place of Publication, Year of Publication)


A.A. Surname, Title of Book, Edition (Publisher, Place of Publication, Year of Publication), pp


L.S. Birks, Electron Probe Microanalysis, 2nd ed. (Wiley, New York, 1971)


L.S. Birks, Electron Probe Microanalysis, 2nd ed. (Wiley, New York, 1971), p. 40


Multiple Authors


A.A. Surname and B.B. Surname, Title of Book, Edition, (Publisher, Place of Publication, Year of Publication)


A.A. Surname, B.B. Surname and C.C. Surname, Title of Book, Edition, (Publisher, Place of Publication, Year of Publication)



S. Inoue and K.R. Spring, Video Microscopy: The fundamentals, 2nd ed. (Plenum, New York, 1997)


B.P. Jena, J.K.H. Horber and L.Wilson, Atomic Force Microscopy in Cell Biology (Academic Press, San Diego, 2002)


Book Chapters

Initials, Authors(s), in: Title of Book (in italics); - capitalise each word of the title, edited by Editor(S) (if available), Edition (except first), Publisher, Place of publication, Year of Publication (in brackets) , pp. first and last pages.

Format A.A. Surname and B.B. Surname, in: Title of Book, Edition (Publisher, Place of Publication, Year of Publication),  pp
Example J.M. Gonzalez-Leal, P. Krecmer, J. Prokop and S.R. Elliot, in: Photo-Induced Metastability in Amorphous Semiconductors, edited by A.V. Kolobov (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2003), pp. 338-340.


Edited Book

Format A.A. Surname and B.B. Surname, editors, Title of Book, Edition (Publisher, Place of Publication, Year of Publication)
Example Z. Li and H.Meng, editors, Organic Light-Emitting Materials and Devices, (CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL, 2007)


Multi-Volume Book

Initials, Authors(s), Title of Book (in italics); - capitalise each word of the title, Publisher, Place of publication, Year of Publication (in brackets) , Vol No., pp. first and last pages.

Format A.A. Surname and B.B. Surname, editors (if required), Title of Book, (Publisher, Place of Publication, Year of Publication ) Volume No, pp.
Example J-P. Francoise, G.L. Naber and T.S. Tsun, editors, Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2006) Vol 1., pp.150-162


Electronic Books

eBooks are cited in the same manner as the print version with the additional elements of the database or website from where it was retrieved. Books accessed using eBook readers are notated by the eBook Reader edition type.


Initials, Authors(s), Title of Book (in italics); - capitalise each word of the title, Edition (except for the first), Publisher, Place of publication, Year of Publication (in brackets), Retrieved from or ebook reader ed.



A.A. Surname and B.B. Surname, edition, Title of Book, Edition (Publisher, Place of Publication, Year of Publication) Retrieved from


A.A. Surname and B.B. Surname, editors, Title of Book, Edition (Publisher, Place of Publication, Year of Publication) Retrieved from


J.A. Tuszynski and M. Kurzynski, Introduction to Molecular Biophysics, (CRC Press, 2003). Retrieved from CRCnetBASE


J.D. Cutnell and K.W. Johnson, Physics, 9th ed. (Wiley, 2012). Kindle edition.