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Library Search (original): Browser tools

Help with using Search, the Library's discovery platform


These utilities and tools are provided to make Search more useful and accessible for you, however, Monash University makes no warranties of any kind, including, but not limited to, any express or implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy or non-infringement.

Monash ezproxy bookmarklet

When you have discovered resources via a general search over the internet, typically you will be asked to subscribe and/or pay a fee to access the full-text content. You can use this bookmarklet to re-direct the web page to go through the Monash University Library electronic resources gateway, which will then allow you full-text access to the content. 

To create the Monash ezproxy bookmarklet

Drag and drop the Access via Monash button below to your browser's bookmark bar

Access via Monash


Create the bookmarklet manually:

  1. Copy the script below to text editor such as Notepad
  2. Create a Bookmark or Favorite by bookmarking a web page. Locate the bookmark and open it for direct editing:
    • For Firefox etc edit 'Name' field: enter suitable text eg 'Access via Monash'; in 'Location' field; paste the Notepad script over the URL
    • For Internet Explorer, edit 'General' and 'Web Document' tabs

Access via Monash script


To use the Monash ezproxy bookmarklet

  1. Search and discover electronic resources such as journal articles.
  2. Click the Bookmark or Favorite you just created. This will bring you to the Monash University Library electronic resources access gateway where you will be asked to enter your Monash computer account details.
  3. Enter your Monash computer account details and you should be able to access full-text via the Library's subscription.


This bookmarklet and user instructions are adopted from the information made available via pages (now archived) prepared by Dr Russell Anderson from Monash School of Physics. 

Use the EzProxy bookmarklet generator

This online generator will create a bookmarklet for any EzProxy URL entered. The Monash EzProzy URL for this tool is:

This tool is developed by Phil Wolstenholm.


Although the Library subscribe to many electronic resources there will be cases where no full-text access is granted even via the Library's gateway. In these cases, please contact the Library for other access options.

Library Search toolbar

Install the LibX browser toolbar to search Library resources in Firefox or Internet Explorer:

Note: Sign in option is only available once you are in Search itself.

Librarian's view

View all MARC fields associated with a Search record

To create the Librarian's view bookmarklet

  1. Drag and drop the Librarian view link below to your browser's bookmark bar
    Librarian view (for FireFox, Chrome etc.)
    Librarian view (for IE)
  2. There are two scripts available below, pnxbookmarklet4ie which can be used with Internet Explorer and pnxbookmarklet for all other browsers.
    1. Copy the browser appropriate script to text editor such as Notepad
    2. Create a Bookmark or Favorite eg go to the Basic Search screen. Locate Bookmark and open for direct editing
      • For Firefox etc edit 'Name' field: enter suitable text eg 'Librarian's view'; in 'Location' field; paste appropriate Notepad script over URL
      • For Internet Explorer, edit 'General' and 'Web Document' tabs

pnxbookmarklet (for Firefox, Chrome etc.)
javascript:function o(){'&showPnx=true',"PNX Record")};o()

pnxbookmarklet4ie (for Internet Explorer)
javascript:function o(){'&showPnx=true',"PNXRecord")};o()

Use the Librarian's view bookmarklet

  1. Open Search in your preferred browser and run a query for any library resource
  2. In the Results screen, open a specific record using the title hyperlink
  3. Click the Bookmark or Favorite you just created. This will, in a new window display the Librarian's view showing the XML file details of the selected item