Citing and referencing: Ephemera

A guide to the styles recommended by Monash schools and departments for students and researchers


Warning symbolThis guide is no longer being maintained as the 7th edition of the MLA Handbook has been replaced by the 8th edition. Only use the 7th edition under direction of your lecturer or tutor. Please click here to go to the MLA 8th library guide.


Treat a brochure or pamphlet as you would a book. For a Concert or Theatre Programme, include the performance date if stated on the Programme.


Concert Programme

Miss Louise Lightfoot presents the Kalamandalam Ballet, Ootcamond, South India: Programme, 14 May 1939. Louise Lightfoot Collection, LL05, Music Archives, Sir Zelman Cowen School of Music, Monash University, Australia. Print.

In text citation
Miss Lightfoot's fascination with Indian dance was evident by her presentation of the Kalamadalam Ballet ("Miss Louise Lightfoot...", 1939)