Expert tips from our librarians
Browser settings
Eresources are best accessed using Monash supported browsers:
- Google Chrome
- Safari
- Mozilla Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
You may experience reduced functionality with other browsers.

Some eresources use pop-up windows to display information. If your browser blocks pop-up messages, this may prevent some eresources from working properly.
Beyond the basics
Optimise your eresource access using customised search tools.
Bookmarklets are a useful tool for accessing licensed eresources when you search over the internet, outside of Library Search. The Library’s OpenAthens bookmarklet lets you access full-text content through its eresources gateway.
To create the Monash OpenAthens bookmarklet, drag and drop the
Access via Monash button below to your browser's bookmark bar.
Access via Monash
What is it and why do I need to know about it? OpenAthens is an authentication service that links your Monash account with the Library’s licensed online resources. It allows Library users to easily access eresources through single-sign on. Most of the time you won’t need to know about OpenAthens; however, on some eresources sites like JSTOR, you might be asked to sign in using OpenAthens.
When you see the term “full text” it means you can access the full article, rather than just an abstract which provides a brief summary of the article. If the Library has an active subscription to the specific eresource you’re seeking, it means you can get full text access and view, save or print the full article.
Step-by-step instructions
Configure Google Scholar to automatically check for full text access. Follow our step-by-step instructions.
Follow our step-by-step instructions to access these databases: