The words "attribution" and "citation" are sometimes used interchangeably. However, with digital images, the words can have slightly different meanings.
All Creative Commons licences require attribution. There is no single correct way of attribution, as long as your attribution is reasonable, clear, and suited to the medium you're working with. You can list the licence name in full, use an abbreviation, or use an icon button.
Best practice attribution is:
[Title of image] by [name of creator] is licensed under [type of licence]. [URL or source].
If you have modified or adapted the original, that should be noted too.
You can download the creative commons licence buttons to indicate the licence or use ImageCoder which will generate the html code required to insert the image of the required buttons and attribution.
For more information see:
Kenroku-en Garden, Kanazawa, Japan. CC0 - “No Rights Reserved” Source: The Coffee Travel book.
"Creative Commons 10th Birthday Celebration San Francisco" by Timothy Vollmer is licensed under CC BY 4.0.