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Standards databases

Standards produced by the following bodies can be accessed using one of our subscription databases:

  1. Australian Standards (AS): All can be accessed via Intertek i2i, (limit of ten concurrent users).

    • Restricted to Monash University Australia staff and students only

    • Standards can be viewed online or downloaded. The downloaded files are encrypted, can only be viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and will expire after around 3 days

    • Standards can be downloaded as many time as required. 

  2. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO): Some can be accessed via Knovel Library

  3. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): All can be accessed via ASCE Library

  4. ASTM International (formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials): All can be accessed via ASTM Compass

  5. British Standards (BS): Some can be accessed via Intertek i2i, (limit of ten concurrent users, Australian campuses only).

  6. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): All can be accessed via IEEE Xplore

  7. International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO): Some can be accessed via Intertek i2i, (limit of ten concurrent users).

If you are a HDR student or staff member from any Faculty or Institute who requires access to a standard that is not part of the collection, we may be able to arrange this for you. Refer to the Home page of this guide.