Standards produced by the following bodies can be accessed using one of our subscription databases:
Australian Standards (AS): All can be accessed via Intertek i2i, (limit of ten concurrent users).
NotesRestricted to Monash University Australia staff and students only
Standards can be viewed online or downloaded. The downloaded files are encrypted, can only be viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and will expire after around 3 days
Standards can be downloaded as many time as required.
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO): Some can be accessed via Knovel Library
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): All can be accessed via ASCE Library
ASTM International (formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials): All can be accessed via ASTM Compass
British Standards (BS): Some can be accessed via Intertek i2i, (limit of ten concurrent users, Australian campuses only).
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): All can be accessed via IEEE Xplore
International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO): Some can be accessed via Intertek i2i, (limit of ten concurrent users).
If you are a HDR student or staff member from any Faculty or Institute who requires access to a standard that is not part of the collection, we may be able to arrange this for you. Refer to the Home page of this guide.