eBooks are books in an online or digital format, and Monash University Library is always adding new eBook titles to our collection.
Like print books, eBooks come in all shapes and sizes - range, access, downloading, and printing conditions may vary depending on the vendor platform, and/or eBook publisher.
In general, eBooks allow for more people to access material at any one time, and for this reason, Monash University Library has an e-preferred policy - where a book is available in e-format, we will purchase this instead of the physical copy. Please note that some eBook publishers do not make their products available for purchase by institutions.
eTextbooks are growing in popularity and availability, however some titles still require purchase in print format.
While print books are always purchased outright, eBooks can be made accessible via the Library in two ways:
eBooks purchased via package subscription may have more limitations on number of loans, and ability to print. If you have any questions about eBook access and usage from the perspective of copyright, please refer to to Monash's Copyright Intranet.
Digital Rights Management (DRM) affects the way in which users can interact with eBooks (especially in terms of downloading and printing eBook content).
It is important to note that an eBook listed as being 'Unlimited' typically applies to the nature of accessing the eBook (i.e. an unlimited number of users will be able to access the eBook). There may still be restrictions on the amount of that eBook's content that can be downloaded and/or printed.
Different eBooks have different rules that determine how many users can access an eBook's content at any given time. These rules are called User Licences, and are set by the publisher.