Law librarians are available to help support your studies.
Library Research skills consultations with a librarian can be booked Monday to Friday 10am-5pm subject to availability via ZOOM.
A short consultation (up to 15 minutes) : Meet with a Librarian.
A longer consultation (up to 55 minutes): Consult With a Librarian
Email the Law Library team at
Use the side navigation tabs on this guide to find information and advice about researching and writing.
Use the home page of the Law Library Guide to find resources including Legislation, Cases and Legal Commentary.
The Student Academic Success team of Learning and Language Advisers can help you get on track with your learning and stay on track to boost your grades.
You can book a learning or language consultation for support with:
Library Research Skills Workshops
Learn essential research and writing skills for law, so that you will be able to find and evaluate the most relevant resources, and write excellent legal assignments.
In your first trimester, you should participate in scheduled workshops as part of LAW5000, Australian Legal Reasoning and Methods (ALRM). Details and materials are available in your LAW5000 Moodle unit.
Workshop 1 - Finding and Researching cases - (Week 2)
Workshop 2 - Finding and Researching legislation - (Week 4)
Workshop 3 - Legal research using secondary sources - (Week 5)
Text books
Where possible the Library has purchased electronic versions of your text books. Some of these have a limited number of simultaneous users, so if it’s in use try again at another time. Links to these will be in your Moodle units and via Search
Look at our eTexts for Law page to see whether there is an eText available for a particular area of law.
Library Node at the Law Chambers
The Library Node is a room containing a small collection of textbooks from the Monash University Library, which have been set for postgraduate units run at the Law Chambers. Books are available for three hour loan.
Postgraduate law students can also place 'Requests' for books held at Library branches (via Search) to be sent to the Node for pick up, borrowing, and returning.
The Node is not a staffed branch of the Monash University Library. It has been established for the convenience of Law postgraduate students, so please help to keep it tidy and remember to borrow the books when you remove them from the Library Node.
For more information about the Library Node, go to The Library Node webpage.
Take a virtual tour of the Law Library, Clayton Campus.