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Copyright and Monash Professional Development Education Courses: Permissions

A guide for academic staff.

Seeking Permission

Monash University does not run a permissions service for staff. However, advice on permissions can be obtained from the copyright adviser .

Most scholarly publishers have outsourced their permissions to Rightslink or Copyright Clearance Centre, an online automated permissions system. You will have to create an account and follow the prompts. NOTE: You may have to pay a fee for using this material.

ALWAYS keep a record of any attempts to contact the copyright owner and any permissions gained.

Does the resource already have a licence or terms of use that allow copying for a short course?

Many resources may already have licences such as creative commons that will allow use in short courses. Check the terms of use of online material.

Remember, just because it is freely available online, it doesn't mean it is free to use. However, linking to resources does not involve copyright issues at all, as long as the online material is legitimate ie placed online with permission of the copyright owner.

Licence Term

What does it mean?

Personal use

Cannot copy for short course. Link only or ask for permission


Cannot copy for short course, unless not charging. Link only or ask for permission

Private/individual use

Cannot copy for short course. Link only or ask for permission

Use in organisation

Cannot copy for short course unless it is internal only. Link only or ask for permission

© name and/or year and no terms of use

Cannot copy for short course. Link only or ask for permission

No © info but terms of use

Depends on what the terms of use say. Can only do those actions permitted by the terms of use.

Educational use

Can copy as long as can classify short course as educational

Free for education

Can copy as long as can classify short course as educational

Free copying

Can copy, no restrictions

All rights reserved

Cannot copy for short course. Link only or ask for permission

Some rights reserved

Depends on what the terms of use say. Can only do those actions permitted by the terms of use. If it does not state what rights are reserved explicitly, will have to ask copyright owner

If you are unsure of the copyright status of any online resources, please contact the copyright adviser .

For information on open access resources appropriate for your short course, see the Open-access resources page.

Permission Tips

  • There is no register or list of records of Copyright owners
  • An employer usually owns copyright in work made by employees as part of their duties
  • Check the name next to the copyright symbol ©: this can show the copyright owner (though not always correct).
  • Publishers are often the copyright owners or the publisher may know how to contact the copyright owner.
  • Production companies will often be copyright owners of film and TV programs.
  • Galleries or museums may give permission for artistic works in their collections or contact the copyright owner.
  • For websites look on the site's contact page or the webmaster. They may have contact details for owners.
  • If there is no copyright information on a website this could indicate the material is online without permission
  • Collecting societies and professional organisations may have information about copyright owners: