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Vancouver 2022

Conferences, theses and university materials

Conference papers are more often than not, no longer published in a conference proceeding (official record of the conference). Sometimes, only the abstracts can be located in published formats. If you do find the entire published proceedings with the full text of the papers presented follow the example below.



Number.      Author A. Paper title. Paper presented at: Name of Conference; Month Day, Year of conference; Conference City, Conference Country. Accessed Month Day, Year. URL


38.     MacIntyre S. Participation in the classroom, productivity in the workforce: unfulfilled expectations. Paper presented at: Australian Council for Educational Research Conference; August 10-12, 2008; Brisbane, Australia. Accessed August 12, 2022.

Otherwise, published conference papers are sometimes referenced as part of a book, a journal, or another medium.

Conference paper published in a book


Number.      Author A. Title of chapter. In: Editor A, ed. Title of Book. Xth ed. Publisher; Year:page-page. OR Accessed Month Day, Year. URL


39.     Krylatov A, Raevskaya A. Travel times equilibration procedure for route-flow traffic assignment problem. In: Kotsireas I, Pardalos P, eds. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 12096: Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference Proceedings. Springer; 2020:225–240. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-53552-0_9


  • How you reference conference papers, abstracts, posters or recordings will depend on whether the items are published or unpublished.
  • For more details about referencing conference proceedings see 3.13.8 of the Style Manual.
  • Section 3.13.9 of the Style Manual details how to refer to meeting presentations and other unpublished material.

University theses can be sourced in hardcopy in some libraries or online via repositories.


Present the title of the thesis in italics and title case. Following the title, describe the type of thesis, i.e. Dissertation (PhD), Masters, Honours, etc., the university that awarded the degree, and the year of completion. If the thesis is available online, reference the doi or accessed date and URL.



Number.      Author A. Title of Thesis. Type of Thesis; University; Year. OR Accessed Month Day, Year. URL


40.     Diemer MJ. Placemaking and Streetscape Design: Exploring the Impacts of Tram Network Modernisation on Subjective Perception of Place Quality. Dissertation. Monash University; 2020. doi:10.26180/13211444.

41.     Khumra S. Empowering hospital pharmacists to integrate antimicrobial stewardship into their daily practice. Master's thesis. Monash University; 2022. doi:10.26180/20724190.v1 



Number.      Author A. Title of Thesis. Type of Thesis; University; Year.


42.     Saunders BJ. "Because There's A Better Way Than Hurting Someone" An Exploratory Study of the Nature, Effect and Persistence of "Physical Punishment" in Childhood. Dissertation. Monash University; 2005.


Number.      Author A. Title of Work. Type of Course material; Year. Accessed Month Day, Year. URL


43.     Allen K. Week 4 Quantitative Study Design: Experimental Studies and Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs). Lecture; 2019. Accessed April 20, 2019.


  • Not all unit coordinators allow for the use of unit materials, such as lecture slides, in assignments. Check first to see if these resources are acceptable.
  • The unit coordinator is usually the author unless otherwise noted.
  • Include the type of course material after the title (e.g. Lecture, Moodle book, etc.)

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