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International materials



Treaty Title, Parties' Names, Date Opened for Signature or Signed, Treaty Series (Date of Entry into Force) Pinpoint.


Agreement regarding the Transfer of the Administration of Justice in the Territories of Northern Slesvig, Denmark-Germany, signed 12 July 1921, 8 LNTS 397 (entered into force 17 January 1922) art 2.


  • These examples are for footnotes. Bibliography entries will not require a full stop or a pinpoint at the end of the reference.
  • For multilateral treaties with more than three signatories, the names of the parties should not be included.
  • See Chapter 8 of the AGLC4 for additional guidance on how to cite treaties.

Treaties not yet in force


Treaty Title, Parties' Names, Date Opened for Signature or Signed, Treaty Series (not yet in force) Pinpoint.


Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting, open for signature 31 December 2016, [2017] ANTIF 23 (not yet in force) art 4.


  • These examples are for footnotes. Bibliography entries will not require a full stop or a pinpoint at the end of the reference.
  • If a treaty series is organised by year the year of volume should include square brackets.
  • See Chapter 8 of the AGLC4 for additional guidance on how to cite treaties.

Memoranda of Understanding


MOU Title, Parties' Names, signed Date of Signature (Memorandum of Understanding) Pinpoint.


Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Cuba, signed 16 February 2016, s 2.


  • These examples are for footnotes. Bibliography entries will not require a full stop or a pinpoint at the end of the reference.
  • If the names of the parties appear in the treaty title they should not be repeated after the title.
  • Where 'Memorandum of Understanding' appears in the title of the agreement itself, it should not be included after the date of signature.
  • See Chapter 8 of the AGLC4 for additional guidance on how to cite treaties.

Official Document of the United Nations


A citation of a United Nations document should include the elements listed in the table below that appear in the document.

Element Example
Author H S Amerasinghe,
Title Informal Single Negotiating Text Part IV Presented by the President of the Conference,
Resolution or Decision Number GA Res 3314,
Official Records UN GAOR,
Committee Number 4th Comm,
Session (and Part) Number 34th sess, 1st pt,
Meeting Number 46th plen mtg,
Agenda Item Agenda Item 2,
Supplement Supp No 3,
UN Document Number UN Doc A/RES/150
Full Date (20 August 2008)
Annex annex I
Pinpoint Reference [2]

Millennium Summit of the United Nations, GA Res 54/254, UN Doc A/RES/54/254 (23 March 2000, adopted 15 March 2000) para 3.


  • These examples are for footnotes. Bibliography entries will not require a full stop or a pinpoint at the end of the reference.
  • Documents of the World Health Organisation, International Labour Organisation and other similar bodies may be cited using the above table, replacing the UN document number with the appropriate alternative document number.
  • See Chapter 9 of the AGLC4 for additional guidance on how to cite UN documents.

Official WTO Documents


Document Title, Document Number (Full Date) (Document Description) Pinpoint.


Implementation of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, WTO Doc WT/L/540 (2 September 2003) (Decision of 30 August 2003) para 2(a).

WTO Panel, Appellate and Arbitration Decisions


Document Description, Case Name, Document Number (Full Date) [Pinpoint].


Panel Report, China - Measures Affecting the Protection and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights, WTO Doc WT/DS362/R (26 January 2009) [7.28]-[7.50].


  • These examples are for footnotes. Bibliography entries will not require a full stop or a pinpoint at the end of the reference.
  • See Chapter 13 of the AGLC4 for additional guidance on how to cite World Trade Organization documents.

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