The name of the legislative material should generally be provided in full when it is first referred to in the text. The first citation of a legislative material in a footnote should also be given in full. Subsequently, the short title can be used in the text and footnotes.
This is covered by the Property Law Act 1958 (Vic) ('Property Act').
45 Property Law Act 1958 (Vic) ('Property Act').
46 ...
47 Property Act (n 45) s 6.
- Creating a 'short title' can make it easier to refer to a resource that you use multiple times, or that has a long title. You must spell out the full title the first time, and abbreviate it afterwards.
- The rules vary depending on whether you're creating a short title for a secondary source or referring to a primary source. Follow AGLC Rules 1.4.4 and 3.5.