Researcher profiles (or researcher portals) can maximise your citation metrics and research discoverability by:
- increasing the visibility and accessibility of your research output
- ensuring work is correctly attributed to you
- generating citation metrics which indicate the reach of your work

Add your publications to the Monash institutional repository for research publications, Pure. See the Law Faculty instructions on adding publications (Monash only).
You can also create an ORCID ID through the link provided on your personal profile in Pure.
Quick Guide- myResearch viewing and managing your web profile

Set up a free, permanent, unique ORCiD identifier. Your ORCiD ID can easily link with other researcher ID schemes. You should edit your MyResearch page to include your ORCiD ID.
Setting up an ORCID Identifier
How to import publications from Google Scholar to Orcid
Scopus Author Identifier
Scopus automatically assigns authors an author identifier and associates authors with their publications. If you have publications in Scopus, find your author ID by logging in to Scopus and using Author search to find your profile. Pure (MyResearch profile) will automatically add your Scopus ID if you have one.

The best way to showcase your work and the citations you’ve received, and to make sure your work is easily discoverable, is to set up a Google Scholar Profile. Follow these easy instructions.
Read Google Scholar Citations is now open to everyone. It shows great promise as a free, reliable way to track and compare academic impact over time (LSE Impact Blog) - includes instructions on setting up a profile.