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Legal abbreviations: A – C

Legal abbreviations for Australian and international law reports, law journals, legal organisations, courts, etc.
Abbreviation Title
A & BR Accounting and Business Research
A & E Law Reports, Admiralty & Ecclesiastical
A & ELR Arts and Entertainment Law Review (LBC)
A & OP & ELU Allen and Overy Pensions and Employment Law Update
A & SL Air and Space Law
A 2d Atlantic Reporter, (USA) Second Series 1938-
A Bus L Australian Business Lawyer (Law Council of Australia)
A Bus L Rev Australian Business Law Review (LBC)
A Crim R Australian Criminal Reports (LBC) 1978-
A Def R Australian Defamation Reports (Butt - located in Tobin, TK & Sexton, MG Australian Defamation Law and Practice) 1991-
A Fem LJ Australian Feminist Law Journal
A Jur Rep Australian Jurist Reports 1870-1874
A Pol J Australian Police Journal
AA & L Art Antiquity and Law
AAGD Attorney-General's Dept (Australia) Lionel Murphy Library, Canberra
AAI Australian Advocacy Institute
AAIC Australian Advertising Industry Council
AAL Bull Australian Administrative Law Bulletin (Butt)
AALB Australian Administrative Law Bulletin (Butt)
AALC Australian Army Legal Corps
AALCC Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee
AALD Australian Army Legal Department
AALLN American Association of Law Libraries Newsletter
AALR Australian Argus Law Reports (Cont'd as Australian Law Reports) 1960-1973
The Anglo-American Law Review
AALS Australian Administrative Law Series
AANA Australian Association of National Advertisers
AANL Australian Association of Nurse Lawyers
AAO Administrative Arrangements Orders
AAPLJ Australian Animal Protection Law Journal
AAR Administrative Appeals Reports (LBC) 1984-
AASE Listing Manual Australian Associated Stock Exchanges Listing Manual
AASE Official Listing Requirements Australian Associated Stock Exchanges Official Listing Requirements
AASL Annals of Air and Space Law
AAT Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Cth, Vic, ACT)
AAT Decisions & Reasons Administrative Appeals Tribunal Decisions & Reasons 1977-
AATR Administrative Appeals Tribunal Reports (Vic) 1988-
ABCP Abstracts on Criminology and Penology
Ab PS Police Science Abstracts
A'B Res Judg A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments (Port Phillip see also Shadford) 1846-1851
A'B RJ NSW A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments, (NSW) 1845
A'B RJ PP A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments, Port Phillip 1846-1851
ABA American Bar Association
Australian Broadcasting Authority
ABA Rep American Bar Association Reports
ABA Update ABA Update - Newsletter of the Australian Broadcasting Authority
ABAJ American Bar Association Journal
ABB Australian Bankruptcy Bulletin
Abb Adm Abbott's Admiralty Reports (USA) 1847-1850 (District of New York)
Abb NY App Abbott's Court of Appeals Decisions (New York USA) 1850-1869
Abb US Abbott, US Circuit Court and District Court Reports (USA) 1863-1871 (All Circuits)
ABC Australian Bankruptcy Cases (LBC) 1928-1964
ABCA Alberta Court of Appeal
A'Beck Res A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments, Port Phillip 1846-1851
A'Beck Res Judgm A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments, NSW 1845
A'Beck RJ NSW A'Beckett's Reserved and Equity Judgements NSW 1845
A'Beck RJPP A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments of the Supreme Court of NSW for the District of Port Phillip 1846-1851
A'Beckett A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments of the Supreme Court of NSW for the District of Port Phillip 1846-1851
A'Beckett Res Judg A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments, Victoria 1846-1851
ABF American Bar Foundation
ABL Business Law Cases for Australians (CCH) 1978-1980
Law for the Australian Businessman (CCH)
ABLD Australian Building Regulation Reporter 1991-
ABLJ American Business Law Journal
ABLR Australian Business Law Review
ABM Australian Business Monthly (Succeeded Australian Business)
ABN Australian Bibliographic Network
Abor LB Aboriginal Law Bulletin
ABQB Alberta Queen's Bench
ABR Australian Bar Review
ABT Australian Broadcasting Tribunal
ABT Bull Association of Banking Teachers Bulletin
ABT Manual Australian Broadcasting Tribunal Manual (AGPS)
ABTEE ABTEE - Fortnightly Newsletter (Australian broadcasting Tribunal)
ABUS Australian Business Law Manual
AC Appeal Cases (UK; published Council appeals from Australia and NZ) 1875-
Arbitration Court (NZ)
Law Reports, Appeal Cases 1891-
AC & SJ Australian Conveyancer and Solicitors Journal (Butt)
AC Hals Australian Commentary on Halsbury's Laws of England (Fourth Edition) (Butt)
ACA Accident Compensation Appeal Authority (NZ)
American Correctional Association Proceedings
Australian Corporate Affairs Reporter  (CCH)
ACAA Accident Compensation Appeal Authority (NZ)
ACAP Australian Capital Gains Tax Planner (CCH)
ACAR Australian Corporate Affairs Reporter
ACAT (NT) Accident Compensation Appeal Tribunal (Northern Territory)
ACB Australian Customs Service Library, Canberra
ACC Accident Compensation Corporation (Formerly Commission, NZ)
Australian Case Citator
Australian Company Law Cases (CCH - See Also ACLC, CCH CLC, and CLC) 1982-
Australian Copyright Council
ACC Report Accident Compensation Commission Report (NZ)
ACCA Australian Current Case Annotator (Pink Ribbon Publishing Co,  Wilston, Qld) 1989-
ACCB Australian Copyright Council Bulletin
ACCC Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Established in 1995 to succeed the Trade Practices Commission and the Prices Surveillance Authority
ACD Administrative Court Digest
ACDC Australian Commercial Disputes Centre (Sydney)
ACEL Australian Centre for Environmental Law (University of Sydney, Australian National University, University of Adelaide)
ACEPA Commonwealth Environment Protection Agency Library, Canberra
ACFW Children Australia
ACICA Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (Melbourne)
ACILL Australian Construction Industry Law Letter (LBC; changed to Australian Construction Law Bulletin 1990-) 1988-1989
ACJ Acting Chief Justice
Alternative Criminology Journal
Judgements etc, of the Arbitration Court of New Zealand (Dept of Labour, continues Judgements, etc. of the Industrial Court of New Zealand: See Ind Ct, continued by New Zealand Industrial Law Reports) 1979-1986
ACL Australian Corporation Law Bulletin (Butt)
Australian Current Law (Butt - succeeded by Australian Current Law Reporter and Australian Current Law Legislation)
Australian Current Law Bulletin
Australian Current Law Reporter and Legislation
CCH Australian Companies & Securities Legislation (CCH - this publication originally issued in 1982 under the title, Australian Companies Legislation)
ACL (EP) Australian Current Law Reporter and Legislation on Disk - Electronic Product (Butt)
ACL AT Australian Current Law Articles (Butt)
ACL Bull Australian Construction Law Bulletin
ACL DT Australian Current Law Digest (Butt) 1975-1990
ACL Leg Australian Current Law Legislation (Butt)
ACL Rep Australian Current Law Reporter (Butt) 1991-
ACL Rev Asian Commercial Law Review
Australian Current Law Review (Butt)
ACLA Australian Corporate Lawyers Association
ACLB Australian Construction Law Bulletin (Butt)
Australian Corporation Law Bulletin (Butt)
ACLC Australian Company Law Cases (CCH) 1982-
ACLD Australian Current Law Digest (Butt) 1975-1990
ACLF & P Australian Corporation Law - Forms and Precedents (Butt - reprinted from the Australian Encyclopaedia of Forms & Precedents, 3rd ed)
ACLL Australian Corporation Law Legislation (Butt)
ACLN Australian Construction Law Newsletter (Construction Publications, Crows Nest NSW 2065)
ACLPP Australian Corporation Law  Principles and Practice (Butt)
ACLR Australian Company Law Reports (Butt) 1974-89
Australian Construction Law Reporter (Master Builders' Federation of Australia) 1982-
Australian Current Law Review (Butt)
ACM Australians for Constitutional Monarchy
ACMB Appellate Court Minute Book (Maori Appellate Court) (NZ)
ACN  Australian Company Number
Australian Corporate News
Australian Customs Notice
ACNGT Advisory Committee on Novel Genetic Techniques (NZ)
ACO Australian Corporations & Securities Law Reporter (CCH) 1992-
ACOM Arbitration Commission (NZ)
ACompT Australian Competition Tribunal
ACON AIDS Council of New South Wales
Australian Contract Law Reporter (CCH) 1991-
ACopyT Australian Copyright Tribunal
ACP Australian Corporation Practice (Butt) 1991-
CCH Australian Company Law & Practice (CCH) 1981-1991
ACPC Australian Crime Prevention Council
ACPC Forum Australian Crime Prevention Council Forum
ACPCQJ Australian Crime Prevention Council Quarterly Journal
ACPM Australian Corporate Practice Manual (CCH; Formerly Australian Company Secretary's Practice Manual)
ACR Australian & New Zealand Conveyancing Reports (CCH) 1978-
Australian Criminal Reports (LBC)
ACRU Australian Securities Commission Releases 1991-
ACSCC Australian Consumer Sales and Credit Cases (CCH - located in Australian Consumer Sales and Credit Law Reporter) 1981-
ACSL Australian Company Secretary's Letter (CCH)
ACSR Australian Corporations and Securities Reports (Butt - succeeded ACLR) 1990-
Act Acton's Prize Cases 1809-1811
Australian Capital Territory
Acta J Acta Juridica (SAf)
Acta Jur Acta Juridica (Hungary)
ACTAAT Australian Capital Territory Administrative Appeals
ACTCA Australian Capital Territory Supreme Court of Appeal
ACTDT Australian Capital Territory Discrimination Tribunal
ACTLR Australian Capital Territory Law Reports
ACTDT Australian Capital Territory Discrimination Tribunal
ACTLRC Australian Capital Territory Law Reform Commission
ACTLS Australian Capital Territory Law Society
ACTLS Gaz Australian Capital Territory Law Society Gazette
ACTLS Newsl. Australian Capital Territory Law Society Newsletter
ACTP Australian Accounts Preparation Manual (CCH)
ACTR Australian Capital Territory Reports (Butt) 1973- (Published with Australian Law Reports)
Acts Austl.Parl. Acts of the Australian Parliament
Acts S.Austl. Acts of South Australia
Acts Tasm. Acts of Tasmania
Acts Van Diem.L Acts of Van Dieman's Land (Aus)
Acts Vict. Acts of Victoria
ACTSC Australian Capital Territory Supreme Court
ACTU Australian Council of Trade Unions
ACV Accident Compensation Victoria
Australian & New Zealand Conveyancing Report (CCH)
ACWS (2d) All Canada Weekly Summaries - Second Series
ACWS (3d) All Canada Weekly Summaries - Third Series
AD American Decisions 1765-1870
Australian Digest
South African Supreme Court Appellate Division Reports 1910-1946
AD 2d Appellate Division Reports 2d Series
Ad & El Adolphus and Ellis's Reports 1834-1840
Ad & Fos Adoption and Fostering
Ad & MAR L & P Advertising and Marketing Law and Practice
Ad & MAR LL Advertising and Marketing Law Letter
AD Cas Americans with Disabilities Cases
Ad Jus Adam's Justiciary Court Reports (Scotland) 1893-1916
Ad LR Administrative Law Review
Ad Trib Tas Anti-Discrimination Tribunal of Tasmania
Ad Trib Vic Anti-Discrimination Tribunal of Victoria
Adam Adam's Justiciary Court Reports (Scotland) 1893-1919

Adams' Reports (Maine USA) (41, 42 ME)

Adams' Reports (New Hampshire USA) (1 NH)
ADB Anti-Discrimination Board
Australian Digest Bulletin (LBC)
ADB-INK Newsletter Anti-Discrimination Board Newsletter (NSW)
ADCSL Annuario di Diritto Comparato e di Studi Legislativi
Add Addam's Ecclesiastical Reports 1822-1826
Addison's Reports (Pennsylvania USA) 1791-1799
ADDB (LEC) Australian Drugs Data Base  (Law Enforcement Component)
Adel  L R Adelaide Law Review
Adel L Rev Adelaide Law Review
Adelaide Law Rev Adelaide Law Review
Adelaide LR Adelaide Law Review
ADFDAT Defence Force Discipline Tribunal
ADIG CCH Tax Action Digest (CCH)
ADIL Annual Digest and Reports of Public International Law Cases
Annual Digest of Public International Law
ADIR Department of Industrial Relations (Australia) Library, Canberra
The Directors Manual (CCH)
ADJR Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 (Cth)
ADL Bull Australian Administrative Law Bulletin (Butt)
ADLS Auckland District Law Society (NZ)
Admin App Trib Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Federal, Victorian or ACT)
Admin L Rev Administrative Law Review
Admin LR Administrative Law Reports
Admin Rev Admin Review (Administrative Review Council)
Admn Administration Appeals Tribunal Decisions (CCH) 1984-1985
ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution
Australian De Facto Relationships Law (CCH)
ADRJ Australian Dispute Resolution Journal
ADRLJ Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Law Journal
ADRLN Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Law Newsletter
Adv Advocate (International Academy of Trial Lawyers)
Advoc Advocate / Advocacy
AE Australian Environment Review (Formely Australian Environment Management Review Newsletter)
AEB Australian Business & Estate Planning Reporter (CCH)
AEC Australian Electoral Commission
Australian Environmental Council (continued by ANZECC)
AEDC Australian Electronics Development Corporation
AEF & P Australian Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents (Butt)
AEFP Australian Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents (Butt)
AEFPD Australian Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents Desk Edition (Butt) 
AEG Australian Estate and Gift Duty Reporter (CCH)
AEGR Australian Estate and Gift Duty Cases (CCH)
AEL Australian Employment Legislation (CCH)
AELJ Atomic Energy Law Journal
AELN Australian Environmental Law News
AEM Australian Employment Law Guide (CCH)
AENB Australian Enterprise Bargaining Manual (CCH)
AEOP Australian & New Zealand Equal Opportunity Law & Practice (CCH)
AER All England Law Reports 1936-
Australian Environment Review (Formerly Australian Environment Management Review Newsletter)
AER Rep.Ext. All England Law Reports Reprint Extension Volumes, Australia 1861-1935
AF Federal Legislation Annotations
AF L Rev Air Force Law Review
AFAM Australian Family Law Guide (CCH)
AFAR Australian Foreign Affairs Record
AFB Australian Fringe Benefits Tax Guide for Employers (CCH)
AFCH Australian Family Law - Court Handbook (CCH)
AFI Asset Finance International
AFIN Australian Finance Availability Guide (CCH)
AFL Australian Family Law and Practice (CCH)
Australian Family Lawyer
AFLB Australian Family Law Bulletin (Butt)
AFLCSH Australian Family Law Child Support Handbook
AFLJ Australian Feminist Law Journal
AFP Australian Federal Police
AFP Australian Federal Police College Library, Canberra
AFR Australian Financial Review
Afr Hum Rts LJ African Human Rights Law Journal
Afr J Legal Stud African Journal of Legal Studies
Afr LD African Law Digest
African LR Comm African Law Reports, Commercial Series 1964-
African LR Mal African Law Reports, Malawa Series 1923-
African LRSL African Law Reports, Sierra Leone Series 1920-
AFT Australian Federal Tax Reporter (CCH)
AFTR Australian Federal Tax Reporter (CCH)
A-G Attorney-General
A-G Newsl.(Vic) Attorney-General's Newsletter (Victoria)
AGDD Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Information Resource Centre, Canberra
Age (The) The Age (Newspaper) 1855-
Agen Agender : Newsletter of the Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner
AGENDA Agenda : a Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform
AGIS Attorney-General's Information Service
AGLA Australian Government Lawyers' Association
AGLA Bull. AGLA Bulletin: Journal of the Australian Government Lawyer's Association
AGLLJ Australasian Gay and Lesbian Law Journal
AGPS Australian Government Publishing Service
Agra Agra High Court Reports (India) 1866-1868
Agra FB Agra High Court, Full Bench Rulings (India) 1866-1868
Agri Law Agricultural Law
AGS Australian Government Solicitors' Office
AHC High Court of Australia Library, Canberra
AHF Australian High Court and Federal Court Practice (CCH)
AHLB Australian Health Law Bulletin
AHMLR Australian Health and Medical Law Reporter
AHRLR African Human Rights Law Reports
AHRM Human Resources Management (CCH - continued Personnel Management News)
AI & L Artificial Intelligence and Law
AIAJ Asian International Arbitration Journal
AIAL Australian Institute of Administrative Law, Canberra
AIALF Australian Institute of Administrative Law Forum
AIALN Australian Institute of Administrative Law Newsletter
AIB Australian Insolvency Bulletin
AIC Arab-Israel Collection
Australian Institute of Criminology (Canberra)
Australian Institute of Criminology, JV Barry Library, Canberra
AIC Seminar Proceedings Australian Institute of Criminology Seminar Proceedings
AICR Australian Institute of Criminology Reporter
AID Australian Industrial Digest (Butt)
AIDA International Association for Insurance Law
AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
AIFS Australian Institute of Family Studies
AIFS Australian Institute of Forensic Sciences (Sydney)
AIIA Australian Institute of International Affairs
AIIJ Australian Insurance Institute Journal
AIIP Australian Industrial & Intellectual Property (CCH)
AIJA Australian Institute of Judicial Affairs
Aik Aikens Reports (Vermont USA) 1825-1828
AIL Australian Industrial Law Review (CCH) 1961-1997
AIL Rep Australian Indigenous Law Reporter 1996-
AILA Australian Insurance Law Association
AILC American International Law Cases 1783-1979
AILC 2d S American International Law Cases, Second Series 1979-
AILEC Australian International Indochina Legal Cooperation Program
AILN American Indian Law Newsletter
Australian International Law News (University of Technology, Sydney, School of Law for the International Law Association - Australian Branch)
AILR American Indian Law Review
Australian Indigenous Law Reporter 1996-
Australian Industrial Law Review (CCH) 1959-
Australian Industrial Law Reports
AIN Australian & New Zealand Insurance Cases 1979-
Australian & New Zealand Insurance Reporter (CCH) 1979-
AIPC Australian Intellectual Property Cases (CCH) 1982-
AIPJ Australian Intellectual Property Journal (LBC - formerly Intellectual Property Journal)
AIPL Annual of Industrial Property Law
AIPLB Australian Intellectual Property Law Bulletin (LBC - formerly Intellectual Property)
AIPO Australian Industrial Property Organisation (Incorporating the Patent, Trade Marks and Design Offices, Canberra)
AIPPI International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property
AIPR Asia Intellectual Property Reports
AIR All India Reporter 1914-
Immigration Review Tribunal Library, Canberra
Asia Insurance Review
Air & Space L Air and Space Law (Kluwer, The Netherlands, formerly Air Law 1976-1991)
Air L Air Law (Kluwer, Deventer, The Netherlands)
Air Law Air Law (Kluwer)
AIRC Australian Industrial Relations Commission
AISHWC Australian Industrial Safety, Health and Welfare Cases (CCH - Located in Australian Industrial Safety, Health and Welfare Reporter) 1979-
AISP Australian Insolvency Management Practice (CCH)
AITB Australian Income Tax Bills (CCH - originally issued in 1990 as Australian Federal Tax Reporter Vol11)
AITG Australian Income Tax Guide (CCH)
AITL & P Australian Income Tax Law and Practice (Butt)
AITR Australian & New Zealand Income Tax Reports 1937-1940, 1940-1969
AIVLE Australian Institute of Valuers and Land Economists
AIX Australian International Tax Agreements (CCH)
AJ Australian Jurist Reports (Vic) 1870-1874
A-J Acting Justice or Judge
AJ Admin L Australian Journal of Administrative Law
AJAT CCH Journal of Australian Taxation
AJC Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology
AJCCL Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law (formerly Trade Practices Law Journal)
AJCL Australian Journal of Corporate Law (Butt)
American Journal of Comparative Law
AJDA American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
AJEM Australian Journal of Environmental Management (LBC)
AJFL Australian Journal of Family Law (Butt)
AJFS Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences (Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences, Sydney)
AJHR Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives (New Zealand)
Australian Journal of Human Rights
AJIL American Journal of International Law
AJLL Australian Journal of Labour Law
AJLM American Journal of Law and Medicine
AJLP Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy
AJLS Australian Journal of Law & Society
AJNRLP Australasian Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy
AJPA Australian Journal of Public Administration
AJR Australian Jurist Reports (Vic) 1870-1874
AJR  NC Australian Jurist Reports (Notes of Cases) (Vic) 1870-1874
AJSH Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia & New Zealand (CCH)
AJSI Australian Journal of Social Issues
AJTP American Journal of Tax Policy
Akron  LR Akron Law Review
Akron Tax J Akron Tax Journal
Akt Die Aktiengesellschaft
Abbreviation Title
AL Administrative Law Service (Butt)
Air Law  (Kluwer, The Netherlands; change in title to Air and Space Law from 1992)
Asia Law (Asia Law and Practice Ltd/Euromoney, HK)
Auckland District Law Society Library
AL Rep Australian Law Reporter (Butt)
Ala Alabama (USA)
Alabama Reports (USA) 1840-1976
American Library Association
Ala Law Alabama Lawyer
Ala LR Alabama Law Review
ALAA Aviation Law Association of Australia
ALAA Papers Aviation Law Association of Australia Papers
ALAB Laboratory Safety Manual (CCH)
ALAC Alcoholic Liquor Advisory Council (New Zealand)
Alaska Alaska (USA)
Alaska Reports (USA) 1884-1959
Alaska L Rev Alaska Law Review
ALB Aboriginal Law Bulletin
Administrative Law Bulletin
Alb L Envtl Outlook Albany Law Environmental outlook
Alb  LR Albany Law Review
Alb LJ Sci & Tech Albany Law Journal of Science and Technology
Alc Alcock Registration Cases (Ireland) 1832-1841
Alc & N Alcock & Napier's King's Bench Reports (Ire) 1831-1833
Alc Reg Cas Alcock's Registration Cases (Ire) 1832-1841
ALCA Arts Law Centre of Australia
ALCF Australian Law Council Foundation
Australian Lawyers' Christian Fellowship
ALD Administrative Law Decisions (Butt - located in Australian Administrative Law Service, Vol 2, from 1987 published as booklets) 1976-
ALEC Australian Industrial & Intellectual Property (CCH)
ALER Antitrust Law & Economics Review
ALEY Australian Legal Education Yearbook 1995-
ALF Asia Law Forum
ALGPED Australian Local Government Planning and Environment Digest (Butt)
ALI American Law Institute
ALIR American Law Institute. Annual Report
ALJ Asian Law Journal
Australian Law Journal  (LBC)
ALJR Australian Law Journal Reports  (LBC)
All Allen's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1848-1866
ALL Australian Law Librarian
All ER All England Law Reports 1936-
All ER AR All England Law Reports Annual Review
All ER (Comm) All England Law Reports (Commercial Cases)
All ER (D) All England Digest
All ER Rep All England Law Reports Reprint 1558-1935
All ER (Comm) All England Law Reports (Commercial Cases)
All ER (D) All England Digest
All ER Rep All England Law Reports Reprint 1558-1935
All ER Rep Ext All England Law Reports Reprint, Australian Extension Volumes 1865-1935
All ER Rev All England Law Reports Annual Review
All SA All South African Law Reports (1828 - ; LexisNexis South Africa)
Allen Allen's Reports (Massachusetts USA) 1861-1867 (83-96 Mass)
Allen's Reports (Washington Territory USA) 1854-1885
ALLG Australian Law Librarians Group
ALLG Newsletter Australian Law Librarians' Group Newsletter
ALLR Australian Labour Law Reporter
ALM Brief Association of Lloyd's Members Briefing
ALM News Association of Lloyd's Members News
ALMD Australian Legal Monthly Digest (LBC)
ALMD Advance ALMD Advance (LBC)
ALN Administrative Law News
Administrative Law Notes (Butt)
Australian Law News (Law Council of Australia; succeeded by Australian Lawyer 1993-)
ALPD Australian Legal Profession Digest
ALQ Arab Law Quarterly
ALR Adelaide Law Review
Alberta Law Reports (Can) 1908-1932
American Law Reports
American Law Reports, Annotated 1913-1947
Argus Law Reports, Victoria 1895-1959
Australian Argus Law Reports 1960-1973
Australian Law Reports  1973-
ALR (CN) Argus Law Reports (Current Notes) 1895-1958
ALR 2d American Law Reports Annotated, Second Series 1948-1965
ALR 3d American Law Reports Annotated, Third Series 1965-1980
ALR 4th American Law Reports Annotated, Fourth Series 1980-1992
ALR 5th American Law Reports Annotated, Fifth Series 1992-
ALRA Australian Lawyers for Refugees Association
ALRC Australian Law Reform Commission
ALRC DP Australian Law Reform Commission Discussion Paper
ALRM Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement
ALS Aboriginal Legal Service
ALSA Australasian Law Students Association
ALSA Journal Australasian Law Students Association Journal
ALSAAJ Australasian Law Students Association Academic Journal
ALT Australian Law Times
Alt LJ Alternative Law Journal (formerly Legal Services Bulletin)
Alta Alberta (Can)
Australasian Law Teachers Association (Formerly AULSA)
Alta CA Alberta Court of Appeal
Alta Dec Alberta Decisions (Can) 1974-
Alta LR Alberta Law Reports (Can) 1908-1932
Alberta Law Review
Alta LR (2d.) Alberta Law Reports Second Series (Can) 1976-1992
Alta LR (3d) Alberta Law Reports Third Series (Can) 1992-
ALTS Automated Land Titles System
ALVE Australian Leave & Holidays Practice Manual (CCH)
ALWG Newsletter Australian Legal Workers Group Newsletter (NSW)
Am & Eng Ann Cas American and English Annotated Cases 1901-1918
Am Bankr L J American Bankruptcy Law Journal
Am BAR American Bar Association Reports
Am Bus LJ American Business Law Journal
Am Civ LJ American Civil Law Journal
Am Crim L Rev American Criminal Law Review
Am Dec American Decisions (USA) 1760-1870
Am J Comp L American Journal of Comparative Law
Am J Int L American Journal of International Law
Am J Juris American Journal of Jurisprudence
Am J Police Sci American Journal of Police Science
Am J Tax Pol'y American Journal of Tax Policy
Am JCL American Journal of Criminal Law
Am JJ American Journal of Jurisprudence
Am JL & Med American Journal of Law and Medicine
Am JLH American Journal of Legal History
Am LJ American Law Journal
Am Law Econ rev American Law and Economics Review
Am L Review American Law Review
Am Mun L Rev American Municipal Law Review
Am R American Reports (USA) 1869-1887
Am Rep American Reports (USA) 1869-1887
Am Rev Int'l Arb American Review of International Arbitration
Am St R American State Reports (USA) 1886-1911
Am U Int'l L Rev American University International Law Review
Am UJ Gender & Soc Pol'y & L American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law
Am ULR American University Law Review
Amb Ambler's Chancery Reports 1737-1784
AMC American Maritime Cases (1923-)
AMCM Marketers Compliance Manual (CCH)
AMED Australian Health and Medical Law Reporter (CCH)
Ames Ames Reports (Rhode Island USA) (4-7 RI)
Ames K & B Ames, Knowles and Bradley's Reports (Rhode Island USA) (8 RI)
AMIC Australian Mining Industrial Council (change to Minerals Council of Australia 1995)
AMLB Australian & NZ Trade Practices Advertising & Marketing Law Bulletin
Trade Practices Advertising & Marketing Law Bulletin (LBC)
AMLC Australian Medical Liability Cases (CCH)
AMLR Australian Media Law Reporter (LBC)
AMPLA Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association Limited  (Melbourne)
AMPLA Bull Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association Bulletin
AMPLA Journal Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Journal
AMPLA Yearbook Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association Yearbook
AMPLJ Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Journal
AMPLY Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association Yearbook
AMR All Malaysia Reports
AN New South Wales Statutes Annotations (Butt)
An Int Cr Annales Internationales de Criminologie
ANB Australian National Bibliography (National Library of Australia)
ANC New South Wales Conveyancing Law & Practice (CCH)
ANCP New South Wales Local Courts Civil Practice (CCH)
And Anderson's Agricultural Decisions (Scotland) 1800-1883
Anderson's Common Pleas Reports 1534-1605
Andrew's Reports (Connecticut, USA) (63-73)
Andr Andrew's King's Bench Reports 1738-1739
ANDX Research Manual of Industrial Law (CCH - formerly Australian Industrial Law Index )
ANG Australian Net Guide
Ang & Dur Angell and Durfee's Reports (Rhode Island USA) (1 RI)
Animal L Animal Law
aNiMaLs National Media Liaison Service (Canberra)
ANL National Library of Australia
ANLX New South Wales Land Tax (CCH)
ANMA New South Wales Motor Accidents Practitioners Manual (CCH)
Ann Dr Annales de Droit de Louvain
Ann Fr Int Annuaire Francais de Droit International ( Belg)
Ann Law Rev Annual Law Review
Ann Rev Banking L Annual Review of Banking Law
Ann Rev UNA Annual Review of United Nations Affairs
Ann Surv Annual Survey of Australian Law
Ann Surv Am L Annual Survey of American Law
Ann Surv Austl L Annual Survey of Australian Law
Ann Surv Int'l & Comp L Annual Survey of International and Comparative Law
Ann Surv Law Annual Survey of Law
Annual L Rev Western Australian Annual Law Review
ANR The National Economic and Legislative Report (CCH)
ANRU New South Wales Revenue Rulings (CCH)
Anst Anstruther's Exchequer Reports 1792-1797
New South Wales Strata Title Law & Practice (CCH)
Anti LJ Antitrust Law Journal (ABA)
Antitrust Bull Antitrust Bulletin
Antitrust L & Econ Rev Antitrust Law & Economics Review
ANZ ConvR Australian and New Zealand Conveyancing Report (CCH) 1979-
ANZ IC Australian and New Zealand Insurance Cases (located in Australian and New Zealand Insurance Reporter (CCH) 1979-
ANZ Insurance Cases Australian and New Zealand Insurance Cases (located in Australian and New Zealand Insurance Reporter (CCH) 1979-
ANZALS Australian and New Zealand Association of Law Schools
ANZAPPL Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law
ANZC Hals Australian and New Zealand Commentary on Halsbury's Laws of England
ANZCERTA Australian and New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement
ANZCR Australian and New Zealand Conveyancing Report (CCH) 1979-
ANZECC Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (continues AEC)
ANZJ Crim Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology
ANZJ of Crim Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology
ANZJC Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology (CCH)
ANZJLE Australia & New Zealand Journal of Law & Education
ANZLIC Australian and New Zealand Land Information Council (formerly ALIC - Australian Land Information Council)
ANZLS Australian and New Zealand Association of Law Students Annual Report
ANZTP Australian and New Zealand Trade Practices Law Bulletin
ANZUS Australia - New Zealand - United States of America Treaty
AOJP Australian Official Journal of Patents, Trademarks and Designs
AOJPTMD Australian Official Journal of Patents Trade Marks and Designs
AOJTM Australian Official Journal of Trade Marks
AOPM Office of Parliamentary Council, Library, Canberra
AP Tax CCH Journal of Asian Pacific Taxation
AP Tax & Invest Bull Asian-Pacific Tax and Investment Bulletin
APA Australian Planning Appeal Decisions (LBC) 1982-1993
APAD Australian Planning Appeal Decisions (LBC) 1982-1993
APAIS Australian Public Affairs Information Service (National Library of Australia)
APAM Australian Payroll Administration Manual (CCH)
APD Archives de Philosophie du Droit
APC Asian Pacific Community
Australian Press Council
APCL Asian Pacific Commercial Lawyer (Oyez Longman, UK)
APCLR Asia-Pacific Construction Law Reports (Butt - Singapore) 1992-
APEC Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (Forum)
APELJ Asia Pacific Environment Law Journal
APJ Australian Police Journal
APJEL Asia-Pacific Journal of Environmental Law
APJHR Asian Pacific Journal of Human Resources
APL Australian Pollution Law: Control Volume (CCH)
APLA Australian Plaintiff Lawyers Association
APLA Journal Asian-Pacific Lawyers Association Journal
APLA QJ APLA Quarterly Journal
APLB Australian Property Law Bulletin (LBC)
APLE Australian Professional Liability - Education
APLPJ Asian Pacific Law & Policy Journal
APLJ Australian Property Law Journal
APLR Asia-Pacific Law Review
Australian Product Liability Reporter (LBC)
APLTR Asian Pacific Law & Tax Review (Oyez Longman, UK)
APM Australian Personnel Management (CCH - succeeded by AHRM 1993-)
APMC Australian Police Ministers' Council
APN Australian Pollution Law: New South Wales (CCH)
APO Australian Patent Office
App Appleton's Reports (Maine USA) (19, 20 Me)
App Cas Law Reports, Appeal Cases, House of Lords 1875-1890
App Ct Rep See NZCA
App D South African Law Reports, Appellate Division 1910-1946
App Fish Com Appeals from Fisheries Commission (Ireland) 1861-1893
Appalachian JL Appalachian Journal of Law
Appleton Appleton's Reports (Maine USA) (19, 20 Me)
APR Atlantic Provinces Reports (Can) 1974-
APRCTL Asian Pacific Review of Computers Technology and the Law (Continued by IRCTL)
APS Australian Protective Security
APTIRC Asian-Pacific Tax and Investment Research Centre
APTIRC Bulletin Asian-Pacific Tax and Investment Bulletin
APV Australian Pollution Law: Victoria (CCH)
APX Australian Tax Planning Report (CCH)
APY Australian Pay-Roll Tax Manual (CCH)
AQ Australian Quarterly (Australian Institute of Political Science)
AQC Queensland Conveyancing Law & Practice (CCH)
AR Administrative Review (Aust)
Alberta Reports (Can) 1976-
Appeal Reports, Upper Canada 1846-1866
Argus Reports Victoria 1895-1959
Industrial Arbitration Reports (NSW) 1902-
Ontario Appeal Reports (Can) 1876-1900
AR (NSW) Industrial Arbitration Reports, New South Wales
Industrial Arbitration Reports, NSW 1902-
Ar Rep Argus Reports, Victoria 1895-1959
Arab LQ Arab Law Quarterly
Arb Ct See ACJ
Arb Int Arbitration International Quarterly
Arb J Arbitration Journal (UK) (USA)
Arbitration Int Arbitration International
Arbitrator Arbitrator (Journal of the Institute of Arbitrators Australia)
ARC Administrative Review Council (Canberra)
American Railway Cases (USA) 1854-1856
Avoidance and Resolution of Conflict Group (Sydney)
Arch Phil Dr Archives de Philosophie du Droit (Fr)
Archer Archer's Reports (Florida USA) (2 Fla)
Archer & H Archer and Hogue's Reports (Florida USA) (2 Fla)
Arg LR Argus Law Reports 1895-1959
Arg Rep Argus Law Reports 1895-1959
Argus LR Argus Law Reports 1895-1959
Argus LR (CN) Argus Law Reports (Current Notes) 1895-1959
Ariz Arizona (USA)
Arizona Reports (USA) 1866-
Ariz J Int'l & Comp L Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law
Ariz L Rev Arizona Law Review
Ariz St LJ Arizona State Law Journal
Ark Arkansas (USA)
Arkansas Reports (USA) 1837-
Ark App Arkansas Appellate Reports 1981
Ark LR Arkansas Law Review
Arkley Arkley's Justiciary Reports (Scotland) 1846-1848
ARLR Australian Resources Law Reports
ARM Australian Republican Movement
Arm  M & O Armstrong, Macartney and Ogle's Nisi Prius Reports (Ire) 1840-1842
Armour Armour's Manitoba Queen's Bench Reports tempore Wood (Can) 1875-1883
Arn Arnold's Common Pleas Reports 1838-1839
Arnot's Criminal Trials (Scotland) 1536-1784
Arn & H Arnold and Hodges' Practice Cases, Queen's Bench 1840-1841
ARPL Annual Review of Population Law
ARRC Aboriginal Research and Resource Centre (University of New South Wales)
ARSP Archiv Fur Rechts - und Sozialphilosophie (Ger)
Artif Intell Law Artificial Intelligence and Law
ARTG Recruitment and Termination Guide (CCH)
ASAL Annual Survey of Australian Law (LBC)
Australian Sales & Fair Trading Law Reports
ASAL (Digest) Australian Sales & Fair Trading Law Reports Digest
ASC Australian Consumer Sales and Credit Law Reporter (or Cases) (CCH - Cases found in Vol2 of Reporter)
Australian Securities Commission.  Successor to NCSC
Law Courts of the ACT, Russell Fox Library, Canberra
ASC Digest ASC Digest (Australian Securities Commission / Centre for Professional Development)
ASC Rel Australian Securities Commission Media Releases (contained in the ASC Digest)
ASCL Annual Survey of Commonwealth Law (Butt)
ASD Australian Sentencing Digest (LBC)
ASDL Australian Stamp Duties Law (Butt)
ASEC Australian Corporate Practice Manual (CCH - formerly LSEC)
ASEJ Australian Stock Exchange Journal
ASF Australian Securitisation Forum (Sydney)
ASFL Australian State Family Law Legislation (CCH)
ASH Australian Industrial Safety, Health & Welfare (CCH)
Ashb Ashburner's Principles of Equity. 2ed 1933
Asia BLR Asia Business Law Review
Asia Pac J Envtl L  Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law
Asia Pac JHR & L Asia Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law
Asian AM LJ Asian American Law Journal
Asian J WTO & Int'l Health L & Pol'y Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy
Asian JEM Asian Journal of Environmental Management
Asian-Pac Tax & Invest Bull Asian-Pacific Tax and Investment Bulletin
Asian YB Int'l L Asian Yearbook of International Law
ASIC Australian Securities and Investments Commission
ASIL American Society of International Law
Annual Survey of Indian Law
ASILS Association of Student International Law Societies
ASILS Int'l LJ ASILS International Law Journal - (continued by ILSA Journal of International Law 1987-)
ASJB Australian Sentencing Judgments Bulletin
ASL Annual Survey of Law (Change in title to Annual Survey of Australian law)
ASLB Australian Superannuation Law Bulletin
ASLC Australian Securities Law Cases (CCH - found in Australian Securities Law Reporter) 1971-
ASLJ Arizona State Law Journal
ASLP Australian Society of Legal Philosophy (Sydney)
ASLP Bulletin Australian Society of Legal Philosophy Bulletin
ASLP Proc Australian Society of Legal Philosophy Proceedings
ASM Australian Superannuation Source Materials
ASMA Journal of the Australian Stipendiary Magistrates' Association
ASN Australian Super News (CCH)
ASP Australian Superannuation Law and Practice (CCH; formerly Australian Superannuation & Employment Benefits Guide)
Asp MC Aspinall's Maritime Cases 1870-1940
Asp MLC Aspinall's Maritime Cases 1870-1940
ASPAC Asian and Pacific Council
ASPAMLJ Asian Pacific American Law Journal
Asper Rev Int'l Bus & Trade L Asper Review of International Business and Trade Law
ASR American Samoa Reports 1900-1975
Australian Securities Law Reporter (CCH)
ASR 2d. American Samoa Reports, Second Series 1983-
ASS Australian Society Security Guide (CCH)
ASSAL Annual Survey of South African Law
ASSC Australian Social Security Cases (CCH - located in Australian Social Security Guide, Vol 2) 1984-
Assess Ct Assessment Court (NZ)
ASTC Australian Sales Tax Cases (CCH - located in Australian Sales Tax Guide, Vol 2) 1973-
ASTLR Australian Succession and Trusts Law Reports 2009-
ASTM Australian Stamp Duties (CCH)
ASTN New South Wales and ACT Stamp Duties (CCH)
ASTQ Queensland Stamp Duties (CCH)
ASTS South Australia & Northern Territory Stamp Duties (CCH)
ASTV Victorian and Tasmanian Stamp Duties (CCH)
ASTW Western Australia Stamp Duties (CCH)
ASX Australian Stock Exchange
ASX Listing Rules Australian Stock Exchange Main Board Official Listing Rules
ASX Second Board Listing Rules Australian Stock Exchange (Sydney) Limited Official Listing Rules for Second Board Companies
Abbreviation Title
AT Australian Current Law Digest Articles (Butt - Included in Australian Current Law)
AT Rev Australian Tax Review (LBC)
ATC Annotated (Accountant to 1926) Tax Cases
Australian Tax Cases (CCH) 1969-
ATD Australasian Tax Decisions 1943-1969
Australian Tax Decisions (LBC) 1930-1942
ATF Australian Tax Forum (Monash University)
ATG Australian Income Tax Guide (CCH - also referred to as AITG ; ITG)
Atk Atkyn's Chancery Reports 1736-1755
ATL Australian Income Tax Legislation (CCH)
ATM Australian Tax Monitor
ATN Australian Torts News (CCH - located in Australian Torts Reporter Vol 3)
ATO Australian Tax Office
ATO Rulings & Guidelines Australian Taxation Office Rulings & Guidelines
ATOP Australian Taxation Office Practice (LBC)
ATOR Australian Torts Reporter (CCH)
ATP Australian Trade Practices Reporter (CCH)
Trade Practices Commission (Australia) Library, Canberra
ATP Com Australian Tax Practice Commentary (Butt)
ATP Leg Australian Tax Practice Legislation (Butt)
ATPR Australian Trade Practices Reports (CCH - Located in Australian Trade Practices Reporter Vol 2) 1974
ATPR (Com) Australian Trade Practices Reporter Commission Decisions, Authorisations, Notifications and Reports (CCH) 1974-
ATPR (Digest) Australian Trade Practices Reports Cases and Decisions Digest (CCH) 1985-
ATR Australasian Tax Reports (Butt) 1970-1990
Australian Tax Reports (Butt) 1991-
Australian Tax Review
ATRF Australian Tax Research Foundation (Sydney)
ATRF Conference Series Australian Tax Research Foundation Conference Series
ATRF Occasional Paper Australian Tax Research Foundation Occasional Paper
ATRF Tax Matters Newsletter Australian Tax Research Foundation Tax Matters Newsletter
ATRU Australian Income Tax Rulings (CCH)
ATS Antarctic Treaty System
Australian Treaty Series (Australian Dept of Foreign Affairs & Trade) 1948-
ATSIC Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, Library, Canberra
ATTA Australasian Tax Teachers Association
Atw Atwater's Reports (Minnesota USA) (1 Minn)
CCH Tax Week
ATX Australian Sales Tax Guide (CCH)
Auck LR Auckland University Law Review (NZ)
Auck UL Rev Auckland University Law Review (NZ)
Auck ULR Auckland University Law Review (NZ)
AUILA Alberta University. Institute of Law Research and Reform. Annual Report
AUILR Alberta University Institute of Law Research and Reform Report
AUL Davis Law Library, University of Auckland
AULR Auckland University Law Review (NZ)
AULSA Conference Proceedings Australasian Universities Law Schools Association Conference Proceedings.  Change in name from 1989 to Australasian Law Teachers Association
Aus Quart Australian Quarterly
Aus YIL Australian Yearbook of International Law 1965-
AUSIMM Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (Melbourne)
Aust & NZJ Crim Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology
Aust Acc Australian Accountant (Journal of the Australian Society of Accountants)
Aust Acctnt Australian Accountant (Journal of the Australian Society of Accountants)
Aust Bankr Cas Australian Bankruptcy Cases (LBC) 1928-1964
Aust Bar Gaz Australian Bar Gazette
Aust Bar Rev Australian Bar Review (Butt)
Aust Bus L Rev Australian Business Law Review (LBC)
Aust Bus Lawyer Australian Business Lawyer
Aust Bus Rev Australian Business Law Review (LBC)
Aust CL Rev Australian Current Law Review (Butt)
Aust CLN Australian Construction Law Newsletter
Aust Comp Law Cases Australian Company Law Cases (CCH) 1982-
Aust Contract Reports Australian Contract Reports (CCH - Found in Australian Contract Law Reporter Vol 2) 1991-
Aust Conv Sol J Australian Conveyancer and Solicitors' Journal (Butt - Continued as Australian Lawyer)
Aust Copyright Cncl Bull Australian Copyright Council Bulletin
Aust Corp Law Australian Corporate Lawyer (Australian Corporate Lawyers Association)
Aust DFA Treaty Series Australia:  Dept of Foreign Affairs.  Treaty Series 1948-
Aust Digest Australian Digest (LBC)
Aust Director Australian Director (Institute of Directors in Australia, Sydney)
Aust DRJ Australian Dispute Resolution Journal
Aust ER Australian Environment Review (LBC)
Aust HC & Fed Ct Prac Australian High Court and Federal Court Practice (CCH)
Aust IJ Australian Insolvency Journal
Aust Ind LR Australian Industrial Law Review (CCH)
Aust J Asian L Australian Journal of Asian Law
Aust J For Sci Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences (Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences, Sydney)
Aust J Leg Hist Australian Journal of Legal History
Aust J Psych Phil Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy
Aust J Pub Admin Australian Journal of Public Administration
Aust JCL Australian Journal of Corporate Law
Aust JL & Soc Australian Journal of Law and Society
Aust Jnl of Forensic Sciences Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences (Butt)
Aust Jnl of Social Issues Australian Journal of Social Issues (Australian Council of Social Services Canberra)
Aust JPTM Australian Official Journal of Patents, Trademarks & Designs
Aust Jur Australian Jurist 1870-1874
Australian Jurist Reports 1870-1874
Aust Jur R Australian Jurist Reports 1870-1874
Aust Jur Rep Australian Jurist Reports 1870-1874
Aust Law Australian Lawyer
Australian Lawyer (Butt)
Aust Law News Australian Law News
Australian Law News (Law Council of Australia; now Australian Lawyer)
Aust Lawyer Australian Lawyer (Law Council of Australia; formerly Australian Law News)
The Australian Lawyer (Butt)
Aust LJ Australian Law Journal (LBC)
Aust LJ Rep Australian Law Journal Reports 1958-
Aust LL Australian Law Librarian (formerly Australian Law Librarians' Group Newsletter)
Aust LN Australian Law News
Aust LP Australian Legal Practice (Law Council of Australia; formerly The Legal Manager
Aust LT Australian Law Times 1879-1928
Aust NZJ Criminol Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology
Aust Pol J Australian Police Journal
Aust Q Australian Quarterly
Aust Quart Australian Quarterly
Aust Tax D Australasian/Australian Tax Decisions 1930-1969
Aust Tax Rev Australian Tax Review (LBC)
Aust Torts Reports Australian Torts Reports (Located in Australian Torts Reporter Vol 2) 1984-
Aust YBIL Australian Yearbook of International Law 1965-
Austl & NZ JL & Educ Australia & New Zealand Journal of Law & Education
AUSTEL Australian Telecommunications Authority
AUSTRAC Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre
AUSTRADE Australian Trade Commission
Aust L Leg Hist Australian Journal of Legal History
Australian YBIL Australian Yearbook of International Law
Austl & NZ Mar LJ Australian & New Zealand Maritime Law Journal
Austl & NZJL & Educ Australia & New Zealand Journal of Law & Education
Austrian Rev Int'l & Eur L Austrian Review of International and European Law
Av Cas Aviation Cases (USA) 1822-
Av L Rep Aviation Law Reporter (USA)
AVC Victorian Conveyancing Law & Practice (CCH)
AVCP Victorian Civil Procedure Update (CCH)
Ave Maria L Rev Ave Maria Law Review
AVMA M & LJ Action for Victims of Medical Accidents Medical and Legal Journal
AVST Australian Investment Planning Guide (CCH)
AVW Victorian Accident Compensation Practice Guide (CCH)
AWK Australian Workers Compensation Guide (CCH)
AWR Australian Workers Compensation Review
AXT Australian Sales Tax Guide (CCH)
AYBIL Australian Yearbook of International Law 1965-
AYIL Australian Yearbook of International Law 1965-
Ayl Pan Ayliffe's New Pandect of Roman Civil Law 1734
Ayl Par Ayliffe's Parergon Juris Canonici Anglicani 1726, 1734
Abbreviation Title
B Buchanan's Supreme Court Reports, Cape (S Afr) 1868-1879
B & Ad Barnewall and Adolphus' King's Bench Reports 1830-1834
B & Ald Barnewall and Alderson's King's Bench Reports 1817-1822
B & C Barnewall and Cresswell's King's Bench Reports 1822-1830
B & CR Reports of Bankruptcy & Companies (Winding-Up) Cases 1918-1941
B & FT Banking and Financial Training
B & MEL Baker and McKenzie Employment Law
B & MPL Baker and McKenzie Pensions Law
B & S Best and Smith's Queen's Bench Reports 1861-1865
B Dig Bose's Digest, (India)
BA Book of Awards (made under the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, New Zealand)
Bac Abr Bacon's Abridgment 7ed 1832
BaCA Barbados Court of Appeal
Bach Bach's Reports (Montana USA) (19-21 Mont)
BACR Brooker's Accident Compensation Reports
Bagl Bagley's Reports (California USA) (16 Cal)
Bagl & H Bagley and Harman's Reports (California USA) (17-19 Cal)
Bah CA Bahamas Court of Appeal
Bail Ct Cas Lowndes and Maxwell's Bail Court Cases 1852-1854
Baild Baildon's Select Cases in Chancery 1364-1471
Bailey Bailey's South Carolina Law Reports (South Carolina USA) 1828-1832 (17-18 SCL)
Bailey Eq Bailey's South Carolina Equity Reports (South Carolina USA) 1830-1831 (8 SC Eq)
Bal Balance: Journal of the Law Society of the Northern Territory
Bald CC Baldwin's US 3rd Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1827-1833
Ball & B Ball and Beatty's Chancery Reports (Ireland) 1807-1814
Ban LJ Banaras Law Journal (India)
Bank LR Banking Law Reports
Bankr & Ins R Bankruptcy and Insolvency Reports 1853-1855
Banks Banks Reports (Kansas USA) (1-5 Kan)
Bann & A Banning and Arden's Patent Cases (USA) 1874-1881
Bann & A Pat Cas Banning and Arden's Patent Cases (USA) 1874-1881
Bar & Arn Barron and Arnold's Election Cases 1843-1846
Bar & Aust Barron and Austin's Election Cases 1842
Bar Gaz Bar Gazette (NSW)
Bar News Bar News - Journal of New South Wales Bar Association
Bar News - Journal of the NSW Bar Association
Bar Review Bar Review
Barb Barber's Reports (Arkansas USA) (14-21 Ark)
Barb Ch Barbour's Chancery Reports (New York USA) 1845-1848
Barc R Barclays Review
Barn Ch Barnardiston's Reports Chancery 1740-1741
Barn KB Barnardiston's Kings Bench Reports 1726-1735
Barnes Barnes' Notes of Cases of Practice in Common Pleas 1732-1760
Barr Barr's Reports (Pennsylvania USA) (1-10 Pa St)
Barrows Barrow's Reports (Rhode Island USA) (18 RI)
BASLP Bulletin of the Australian Society of Legal Philosophy (University of Sydney, Dept of Jurisprudence and International Law)
Batt Batty's King's Bench Reports (Ireland) 1825-1846
Baxt Baxter's Reports (Tennessee USA) 1872-1878 (60-68 Tenn)
Bay    Bay's Reports (Missouri USA) (1-3, 5-8 Mo)
Bay's South Carolina Law Reports (South Carolina USA) 1783-1804 (1-2 SCL)
Baylor LR Baylor Law Review
BB& FLR Butterworths Banking and Financial Law Review
BC    British Columbia (Can)
New South Wales Bankruptcy Cases 1890-1899
BC (Newspr) (Q) Brisbane Courier Reports (Newspaper)
BC (NSW) New South Wales Bankruptcy Cases 1890-1899
BC Envtl Aff L Rev Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review
BC Ind & Com L Boston College Industrial and Commercial Law Review
BC Int'l & Comp L Rev Boston College International and Comparative Law Review
BC Third World LJ Boston College Third World Law Journal
BCA Building Code of Australia
BCA Business Council of Australia (Melbourne)
BCAC British Columbia Appeal Cases 1991-
BCB    Business Council Bulletin
Butterworths Conveyancing Bulletin (NZ)
BCC British Company Law Cases 1983-
BCCA British Columbia Court of Appeal
BCCB Butterworths Consumer Credit Bulletin
BCD British Columbia Decisions (Can) 1972-
BCICL Boston College International and Comparative Law Journal
BCL    Building and Construction Law
Butterworths Current Law (NZ)
BCL Bull Butterworths Company Law Bulletin
BCLB    Butterworths Company Law Bulletin
Butterworths Corporation Law Bulletin
BCLC Butterworths Company Law Cases 1983-
Building and Construction Law Cases
BCLD Butterworths Current Law Digest (NZ)
BCLN Butterworths Company Law News
BCLR British Columbia Law Reports (Can) 1976-
Butterworths Constitutional Law Reports (S Afr)
BCLRC British Columbia Law Reform Commission
BCLRS Building & Construction Legal Reporting Service
BCPC Provincial  Court of British Columbia
BCR    British Columbia Reports (Can) 1867-1947
Butterworths Company Reports (NZ, Continued as Morison's Company Law Reports) 1970-1990
BCSLR Brooker's Company and Securities Law Reports
BCTWLJ Boston College Third World Law Journal
BCWL Bulletin of Canadian Welfare Law
BCWLD British Columbia Weekly Law Digest
Bd Td Board of Trade
Bd Td Arb Board of Trade and Arbitration
BD Trib (WA) Building Disputes Tribunal (WA)
BDC Building Disputes Committee (WA)
BDIL British Digest of International Law 1965-
BDS    Bills Digest Service (Australia Dept of the Parliamentary Library, Canberra)
Bills Digest Service (NSW Parliamentary Library, Sydney)
Beas Beasley's New Jersey Equity Reports (New Jersery USA) 1856-1861 (12, 13 NJ Eq)
Beat Beatty's Irish Chancery Reports 1813-1830
Beav Beavan's Rolls Court Reports 1838-1866
Beav & Wal Beavan & Walford's Railway and Canal Parliamentary Cases 1846
Beaw Beawes', Lex Mercatoria 6 ed 1846
Beck Beck's Reports (Colorado USA) (12-16 Colo; 1 Colo App)
Bedell Bedell's Reports (New York USA) (163-191 NY)
Bee Adm Bee's US Admiralty Reports (USA) 1792-1809 (Appendix to Bee's US District Court Reports) (District of South Carolina)
Behav Sci Law Behavioral Sciences & the Law
Bell Bellinger's Reports (Oregon USA) (4-8 Ore)
Bell's Crown Cases Reserved 1858-1860
Bell's House of Lords Appeal Cases (Scotland) 1842-1850
Bell App Bell's House of Lords Appeal Cases (Scot) (1842-50)
Bell Ct of Sess Bell's Session Cases (Scotland) 1790-1795
Bell Ct of Sess fol R. Bell's Decisions, Session Cases (Scotland) 1794-1795
Bell Dict Dec Bell, Dictionary of Decisions, Court of Sessions (Scotland) 1808-1833
Bell Sc App Bell's House of Lords Appeal Cases (Scotland) 1842-1850
Bellewe Bellewe's King's bench Reports tempore Richard II 1378-1400
Belt's Supp Belt's Supplement to Vasey Senior's Chancery Reports 1746-1756
Ben    Benedict's US District Court Reports (New York USA) 1865-1879 (District of New York)
Benloe's King's Bench Reports1531-1628
Benl Benloe's (or Bendloe's) King's Bench Reports 1531-1628
Benn     Bennett's Reports (California USA) (1 Cal)
Bennett's Reports (Missouri USA) (16-21 Mo)
Beor Queensland Law Reports 1876-1878
BEQB Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin
Ber Berton's New Brunswick Reports 1835-1839
Berkeley J Afr Am L & Pol'y Berkeley Journal of African American Law & Policy
Berkeley J Crim L Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law
Berkeley J Emp & Lab L Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law
Berkeley J Gender L & Just Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice
Berkeley J Int'l L Berkeley Journal of International Law
Berkeley J Middle E & Islamic L Berkeley Journal of Middle Eastern & Islamic Law
Berkeley La Raza LJ Berkeley La Raza Law Journal
Berkeley Tech LJ Berkeley Technology Law Journal
Berkeley Women's LJ Berkeley Women's Law Journal
Bern Ch Cas Bernard's Church Cases (Ireland) 1870-1875
Best & Sm Best & Smith's Queen's Bench Reports 1861-1865
BFIT Bulletin for International Taxation
BFLJ Butterworths Family Law Journal ( NZ-Continues Family Law Bulletin)
BFLR Banking and Finance Law Review
BFRA Banking and Finance Reports of Australia
BFSP British and Foreign State Papers 1812/1814-1939
BGHSt Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshof in Strafsachen (Germany)...Reports of the Supreme Federal Court in Criminal Matters 1951-
BGHZ Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshof in Zivilsachen (Germany)...Reports of the Federal Supreme Court in Civil Matters 1951-
BHCR Bombay High Court Reports (India) 1862-1875
BHRC Butterworths Human Rights Cases
BIA    Broadcasting in Australia
Building Industry Authority (NZ)
BIALL British and Irish Association of Law Librarians
Bibb Bibb's Reports (Kentucky USA) 1808-1817 (4-7 Ky)
Bick & H Bicknell and Hawley's Reports (Nevada USA) (10-20 Nev)
BIFD Bulletin for International Fiscal Documentation (Amsterdam)
BIICLR British Institute of International and Comparative Law
BILAJ British Insurance Law Association Journal
BILC British International Law Cases
Bill Bill of Rights Review
BILS British International Law Society
Bing Bingham's Common Pleas Reports 1822-1834
Bing NC Bingham, New Cases, English Common Pleas 1834-1840
Binn Binney's Reports (Pennsylvania USA) 1799-1814
BISD GATT Basic Instruments and Selected Documents
Biss & Sm Bissett and Smith's Digest, (S Afr)
Biss CC Bissell's US 7th Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1851-1883
BITB Butterworths International Tax Bulletin
Bitt Rep in Ch Bittleston's Reports in Chambers, Queen's Bench Division 1875-1876, 1883-1884
Bitt W & P Bittleston Wise & Parnell's New Magistrate's and Municipal Corporation Cases 1844-50
BJ Crim British Journal of Criminology
BJAL British Journal of Administrative Law
BJIB & FL Butterworths Journal of International Banking & Finance Law
BJIL Brooklyn Journal of International Law
BJIR British Journal of Industrial Relations
BJLS British Journal of Law and Society
Bl & How Blatchford and Howland's US District Court Reports (USA) 1827-1837 (District of New York)
Bl Com Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England
Bl D & Osb Blackham, Dundas and Osborne's Irish Nisi Prius Reports 1846-1848
Bl Pr Cas Blatchford's Prize Cases, District of New York (USA) 1861-1865
Black    Blackerby's Magistrates' Reports 1327-1716
Black's Reports (Indiana USA) (30-53 Ind)
Black (US) Black's United States Supreme Court Reports (USA) 1861-1862 (66-67 US
Black D & O Blackham, Dundas & Osborne's Irish Nisi Prius Reports (Ireland) 1846-1848
Black H Henry Blackstone's Common Pleas Reports 1788-1796
Black W Sir William Blackstone's King's Bench Reports 1746-1780
Blackacre Blackacre (Sydney University Law Society)
Blackf Blackford's Reports (Indiana USA) 1817-1847
Blake Blake's Reports (Montana USA) (1-3 Mont)
Blake & H Blake and Hedges Reports (Montana USA) (2-3 Mont)
Bland Bland's Chancery Reports (Maryland USA) 1811-1832
Blatch & H Blatchford and Howland US District Court Reports (USA) 1827-1837 (District of New York)
Blatch CC Blatchford's US 2nd Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1845-1887
Blatch Pr Cas Blatchford's Prize Cases (USA) 1861-1865 (District of New York)
BLB Australian Banking & Finance Law Bulletin
Australian Banking Law Bulletin (previous title)
Banking Law Bulletin (previous title)
BLD    Bulletin of Legal Developments (British Institute of International and Comparative Law)
Butterworths Law Digest
BLE Business Law Europe
BLEC Business Law Education Centre (Melbourne)
Bleck Bleckley's Reports (Georgia USA) (34-35 Ga)
BLG Ins Law Q Barlow Lyde and Gilbert Insurance Law Quarterly
BLGELR Barlow Lyde and Gilbert Employment Law Review
BLGP & ERD Barlow Lyde and Gilbert Pollution and Environmental Risk Digest
BLI Business Law International
Bli Bligh's House of Lords, Reports 1818-1821
Bli NS Bligh's House of Lords, Reports, New Series 1827-1837
BLISS Building Law Information Subscriber Service
BLJ The Banking Law Journal
BLPR Biotechnology Law and Policy Reporter
BLR   Bahamas Law Reports
Barbados Law Reports 1894-1903
Bengal Law Reports, High Court (India) 1868-1875
Bombay Law Reporter (India) 1899-
Brunei Law Reports 1965-
Building Law Reports 1971-
Business Law Reports (Canada) 1977-1991
Business Law Review
BLR (2d) Business Law Reports, Second Series, (Canada) 1991-
BLRAC Bengal Law Reports, Appeal Cases
BLRPC Bengal Law Reports, Privy Council
Bluett Bluett's Isle of Man Cases 1720-1847
BM & IA Broker's Monthly and Insurance Advisor
BMA Australian Banker
BMC British Maritime Cases 1648-1871
BMLR    Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports
BNB Bracton's Note Book 1217-1240
Board of Review Decisions Decisions of the Income Tax Board of Review 1925-1951
Bom All India Reporter, Bombay 1914-
Bombay High Court Reports (India) 1862-1875
Indian Law Reports, Bombay 1876-
Indian Rulings, Bombay 1929-1947
Bom AC Bombay Reports, Appellate Jurisdiction (India)
Bom Cr Ca Bombay Reports, Crown Cases (India)
Bom OC Bombay Reports, Original Civil Jurisdiction
Bond Bond's US 6th & 7th Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1856-1871
Bond LR Bond Law Review
Boor Booraem's Reports (California USA) (6-8 Cal)
Bos & P Bosanquet and Puller's Common Pleas Reports 1796-1804
Bos & PNR Bosanquet and Puller's New Reports, Common Pleas 1804-1807
Bost CLR Boston College Law Review
Bost ULR Boston University Law Review
Bould Bouldin's Reports (Alabama USA) (119 Ala)
Boyce Boyce's Reports (Delaware USA) 1909-1919 (24-30 Del)
BPIR Bankruptcy and Personal Insolvency Reports
BPL British Pension Lawyer
BPR Butterworths' Property Reports 1982-
BR Broadcasting Reports 1979-
Br & Col Pr C British & Colonial Prize Cases 1914-1919
Br & Fr Broderick and Fremantle's Ecclesiastical Cases 1840-1864
BR & G Brownlow & Goldesborough's Common Pleas Reports (123 ER)
Br Y Int L British Yearbook of International Law 1920-
BRA    Building Regulation Australia
Butterworths' Rating Appeals 1913-1931
Brac Bracton's Note Book, King's Bench 1217-1240
Bract Bracton, De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae
Bracton LJ Bracton Law Journal
Bradf Sur Bradford's New York Surrogate Court Reports 1849-57
Brame Brame's Reports (Mississippi USA) (66-72 Miss)
Branch Branch's Reports (Florida, USA) (1 Fla)
Brant Brantly's Reports (Maryland USA) (80-90 Md)
Brayt Brayton's Reports (Vermont USA) 1815-1819
BRB Butterworths Bill of Rights Bulletin (NZ)
BRC British Ruling Cases 1900-1931
Bresse Bresse's Reports (Illinois USA) 1819-1831(1 Ill)
Brev Brevard's South Carolina Law Reports (South Carolina USA) 1793-1816 (3-5 SCL)
Brew Brewer's Reports (Maryland USA) (19-26 Md)
Brews Brewster's Reports (Pennsylvania, USA) 1856-1873 (4 Pa St)
Brief Law Society of Western Australia Brief
Briefnotes Briefnotes (Public Solicitor's Office, NSW)
Brightly NP Brightly's Pennsylvania Nisi Prius Reports (Pennsylvania USA) 1809-1851
Brisbin Brisbin's Reports (Minnesota USA) (1 Minn)
Brit Cr Cas British Crown Cases
Brit J Criminol British Journal of Criminology
Brit J Delin British Journal of Delinquency
Brit J Ind Rel British Journal of Industrial Relations
Brit J Int'l L British Journal of International Law
Brit J L & Soc'y British Journal of Law and Society
Brit J Law & Soc British Journal of Law and Society
Brit Tax Rev British Tax Review
Brit YB Int'l L British Yearbook of International Law 1920-
BRMB Butterworths Resource Management Bulletin (NZ)
BRMG Brooker's Research Management Gazette (NZ)
Bro Abr Sir R Brooke's Abridgment (1573, 1576,1586 eds)
Bro Adm Brown's US Admiralty Reports (USA) 1859-1875
Bro CC W Brown's Chancery Reports 1778-1794
Bro Ecc Rep Brooke's Ecclesiastical Reports, Privy Council 1850-1872
Bro Just Brown's Justiciary Reports (Scotland) 1842-1845
Bro LR Brooklyn Law Review
Bro NC Sir R Brooke's New Cases, King's Bench 1515-1588
Bro Parl Cas J Brown's Cases in Parliament 1702-1800
Bro Supp to Mor M P Brown's Supplement to Morrison's Dictionary of Decisions, Court of Session (Scotland) 1622-1780
Bro Synop M P Brown's Synopsis of Decisions, Court of Session (Scotland) 1532-1827
Brock    Brockenbrough's Marshall's Decisions, US 4th Circuit Court (USA) 1802-1836
Brock's Bankruptcy Cases 1816-1820
Brod & Bing Broderip and Bingham's Common Pleas Reports 1819-1822
Brod & F Broderick and Fremantle's Ecclesiastical Cases 1840-1864
Brook J Corp Fin & Com L Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial & Commercial Law
Brook J Int'l L Brooklyn Journal International Law
Brook L Rev Brooklyn Law Review
Brooks Brooks' Reports (Michigan USA) (106-119 Mich)
Broun Broun's Justiciary Reports (Scotland) 1842-1845
Brown Brown's Chancery Reports 1778-94
Brown's Reports (Mississippi USA) (53-65 Miss)
Brown's Reports (Nebraska USA) (4-25 Neb)
Brown's US Admiralty Reports (USA) 1859-1875 (Western District)
J. Brown's Cases in Parliament 1702-1801
Brown & L Browning and Lushington's Admiralty Reports 1863-1865
Brown & R Brown and Rader's Reports (Missouri USA) (137 Mo)
Brown Ecc Brown's Ecclesiastical Cases 1850-1872
Brown Sup Dec Brown's Supplement to Morison's Dictionary of Decisions (Scotland) 1622-1780
Brown Syn Brown's Synopsis of Decisions, Court of Session (Scotland) 1532-1827
Browne Browne's Reports (Massachusetts USA) (97-109, 112-114 Mass)
Browne & G Browne and Gray's Reports (Massachusetts USA) (110-111 Mass)
Browne & H Browne and Hemingway's Reports (Mississippi USA) (53-58 Miss)
Brownl Brownlow and Goldesborough's Common Pleas Reports 1569-1624
Bruce Bruce's Decisions Court of Session (Scotland) 1714-1715
Brunn Coll Cas Brunner's Collected Cases (USA) 1789-1860
Bruns LC Brunskill's Land Cases (Ireland) 1891-1895
BRW Business Review Weekly
BS Eu Bull Beachcroft Stanleys EU Bulletin
BSAB Barristers' and Solicitors' Admission Board
BSB Butterworths Superannuation Bulletin
BSEU Bull Beachcroft Stanleys EU Bulletin
BSI British Standards Institution
BT Banking Technology
BTC British Tax Cases
BTG Butterworths Tax Guide
BTLC Butterworths Trading Law Cases 1986-1988
BTPD Busy Tax Practitioners Digest
BTR British Tax Review
BTRLR Brewers' Trade Review Law Reports 1913-1953
BU & GTC Building Units and Group Titles Cases (CCH) 1980-
BU Int'l LJ Boston University International Law Journal
BU L Rev Boston University Law Review
BU Pub Int LJ Boston University Public Interest Law Journal
Buch Buchanan's Appeal Court Reports, Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1880-1910
Buchanan's Reports of the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope 1868-1879
Buch AC Buchanan's Appeal Court Reports, Cape of Good Hope (S Afr )1880-1910
Buch App Cas E J and J Buchanan's Appeal Court Reports, Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1880-1910
Buch Cas Buchanan's Remarkable Cases (Scotland) 1806-1813
Buch ED Cape GH E J Buchanan's Eastern District Reports, Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1880-1909
Buch Eq Buchanan's Equity Reports (New Jersey USA) 1906-1915 (71-85 NJ Eq)
Buch J J Buchanan's Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1868-1870
Buch Rep E J Buchanan's Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1873-1879
Buch SC Rep J Buchanan's Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1868-1870
Buchanan Buchanan's Reports, Court of Session and Justiciary (Scotland) 1806-1813
Buck Buck's Cases in Bankruptcy 1816-1820
Buff Crim L Rev Buffalo Criminal Law Review
Buff Envtl LJ Buffalo Environmental Law Journal
Buff Hum Rts L Rev Buffalo Human Rights Law Review
Buff Intell Prop LJ Buffalo Intellectual Property Law Journal
Buff J Gender L & Soc Pol'y Buffalo Journal of Gender, Law and Social Policy
Buff Pub Interest LJ Buffalo Public Interest Law Journal
Buff Women's LJ Buffalo Women's Law Journal
Buffalo LR Buffalo Law Review
Build LM Building Law Monthly
Build LR Building Law Reports 1976-
Bull Cr Soc Bulletin of the Copyright Society of the USA
Bull EC Bulletin of the European Communities
Bull Int Fisc Doc Bulletin of International Fiscal Documentation
Bull L Dev The Bulletin of Legal Developments
Bull Med E Bulletin of Medical Ethics
Bull NP Buller's Law of Nisi Prius
Bull NSPI Bulletin of the National Society of Penal Information
Bulst Bulstrode's King's Bench Reports 1609-1625
Bunb Bunbury's Exchequer Reports 1713-1741
Burgess Burgess Reports (Ohio USA) (16-49 Ohio)
Burks Burks Reports (Virginia USA) (91-98 Va)
Burnett Burnett's Reports (Oregon USA) (20-22 Ore)
Burnett's Reports of the Supreme Territory of Wisconsin (Wisconsin, USA) 1841, 1842-1843
Burr Burrow's King's Bench Reports tempore Mansfield 1757-1771
Burr SC Burrow's Settlement Cases  1733-1776
Bus Ins Business Insurance
Bus L Business and Law  (NZ)
Business Lawyer
Bus LI Business Law International
Bus TP Business Tax Planning
Busb Busbee's North Carolina Reports (North Carolina USA) 1852-1853 (44 NC)
Busb Eq Busbee's North Carolina Equity Reports (North Carolina USA) 1852-1853 (45 NC)
Bush Bush's Reports (Kentucky USA) 1866-1879 (64-77 Ky)
Business L Rev Business Law Review
Buxton Buxton's Reports (North Carolina USA) (123-129 NC)
BVerfGE Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts (Germany) ...Reports of the Decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court 1952-
BW Banking World
BWCC Butterworth's Workmen's Compensation Cases 1908-1947
BWLJ Berkeley Women's Law Journal
BWT Bull Butterworth's Weekly Tax Bulletin
By LR Baylor Law Review
BYBIL British Yearbook of International Law
BYU Educ & LJ Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal
BYU L Rev Brigham Young University Law Review
Abbreviation Title
C California Reports (USA) 1850-
Command Papers, Second Series (UK C 1-9550) 1870-1899)
C & Arb Bds Conciliation and Arbitration Boards, Victoria
C & EEBLB Central and East European Business Law Bulletin
C & FL Credit and Finance Law
C & FLU Child and Family Law Update
C & J Crime and Justice Bulletin (NSW Attorney-General's Department)
C & M Crompton & Meeson's Exchequer Reports
C & P Carrington & Payne's Nisi Prius Reports 1823-1841
Craig & Phillips' Chancery Reports 1840-1841
C & S Bull Companies and Securities Bulletin
C & SL Rep Australian Corporations and Securities Law Reporter (CCH)
C & SLJ Company and Securities Law Journal 
C 2d California Supreme Court Reports, Second Series
C 3d California Supreme Court Reports, Third Series
C of IR Commissioner of Inland Revenue (NZ)
CA Court of Appeal Reports, by Johnston (NZ) 1867-1877
CAA Commonwealth Arbitration Awards and Determinations
Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal
Courts Administration Authority (SA)
CAB Civil Aeronautics Board Reports (USA) 1940-1984
Current Affairs Bulletin
Cab & El Cababe and Ellis's Queen's Bench Reports 1882-1885
CAC Corporate Affairs Commission (Various States; superseded by ASC)
Cadwalader Cadwalder's US District Court Reports (USA) 1858-1879 (District of Pennsylvania)
Cah Cahiers du Centre d'Etudes des Coutumes
Cai Cas Caines' Cases in Error (New York USA) 1796-1805
Cai R Caines' Reports (New York USA) 1803-1805
Cain Caine's New York Cases in Error (New York, USA) 1796-1805
CAJB Crime and Justice Bulletin
Cal California (USA)
Cal California Reports (USA) 1850-1934
Copyright Agency Limited
Cal 2d California Reports Second Series (USA) 1934-1969
Cal 3d California Reports Third Series (USA) 1970-1992
Cal 4th California Reports Fourth Series (USA) 1992-
Cal App California Appellate Reports (USA) 1905-1934
Cal App 2d California Appellate, Reports Second Series (USA) 1934-1969
Cal App 3d California Appellate Reports, Third Series (USA) 1969-1992
Cal App 4th California Appellate Reports, Fourth Series (USA) 1992-
Cal L California Lawyer
Cal Rptr California Reporter (USA) 1960-1992
Cal Rptr 2d California Reporter, Second Series (USA) 1992-
Cal W Int'l LJ California Western International Law Journal
Cald Caldwell's Reports (West Virginia USA) (25-36 W Va)
Committee of Australian Law Deans
Cald Mag Cas Caldecott's Magistrates' and Settlement Cases 1776-1785
Calif L Rev California Law Review
Calif LR California Law Review
Calif Reptr California Reporter
Calif WLR California Western Law Review
Call Call's Reports (Virginia USA) 1797-1825 (5-10 Va)
Canadian Association of Law Libraries
CALLN Canadian Association of Law Libraries Newsletter
CALS Customs Acts Legislation Service
Calth Calthrop's City of London Cases, King's Bench 1609-1618
Cam Cameron's Privy Council Decisions (Can) 1832-1929
Cam & Nor Cameron and Norwood's North Carolina Conference Reports (North Carolina USA) 1800-4 (1 NC)
Cam Cas Cameron's Supreme Court Cases (Can) 1880-1905
Cam LJ Cambridge Law Journal
Cam LR Cambrian Law Review
Cam Prac Cameron's Supreme Court Practice (Can) 1844
Cam SC Cameron's Supreme Court Cases (Can) 1880-1905
Camb LJ Cambridge Law Journal
Cambridge Student LRev Cambridge Student Law Review
Cambrian LR Cambrian Law Review
CAMLA Communications and Media Law Association
Camp Campbell's Nisi Prius Reports 1808-1816
Camp's Reports (North Dakota USA) (1 ND)
Campb Campbell's Reports (Nebraska USA) (27-58 Neb)
Campbell L Rev Campbell Law Review
Can Abr Canadian Abridgment 1823-
Can Am LJ Canadian American Law Journal
Can B Rev Canadian Bar Review
Can BAJ Canadian Bar Association Journal
Can Bar Rev Canadian Bar Review
Can BJ Canadian Bar Journal
Can BR Canadian Bar Review
Can Bus LJ Canadian Business Law Journal
Can CC Canadian Criminal Cases 1893-
Can CL Canadian Current Law
Can Com Cas Canadian Commercial Law Reports 1901-1903
Can Crim Cas Canadian Criminal Cases 1898-
Can Crim Cas (NS) Canadian Criminal Cases, New Series 1893-
Can Crim L Rev Canadian Criminal Law Review
Can Gaz Canada Gazette
Can Ins Canadian Insurance
Can Int TT Canadian International Trade Tribunal
Can J Admin L & Prac Canadian Journal of Administrative Law & Practice
Can J Fam L Canadian Journal of Family Law
Can J Ins L Canadian Journal of Insurance Law
Can J L & Soc'y Canadian Journal of Law and Society
Can J L Juris Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence
Can J Women & L Canadian Journal of Women and the Law
Can JCC Canadian Journal of Criminology
Can JLI Canadian Journal of Life Insurance
Can Lab Canadian Labour
Can LJ Canada Law Journal
Can LL Canadian Law Libraries
Can L Libr Rev Canadian Law Library Review
Can L Rev Canadian Law Review
Can L T Canadian Law Times
Can PR Canadian Patent Reporter
Can Ry Cas Canadian Railway and Transport Cases 1902-1966
Can S Ct Canada Supreme Court Reports 1923-
Can SCR Canada Supreme Court Reports 1876-1922
Can TF Canadian Tax Foundation Annual Report
Can TJ Canadian Tax Journal
Can TS Canada Treaty Series 1928-
Can US LJ Canada United States Law Journal
Can W Canadian Welfare
Can Y Int'l L Canadian Yearbook International Law 1963-
Canb LR Canberra Law Review (University of Canberra)
Cant LR Canterbury Law Review
Canta LR Canterbury Law Review 
CANZLLI Current Australian & New Zealand Legal Literature Index (LBC)
Cap Def J Capital Defense Journal
Cap Tax Capital Taxes
Cap U L Rev Capital University Law Review
Cape TR Cape Times Reports, Supreme Court, Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1891-1910
CAPLUS Centre for Asian and Pacific Law (University of Sydney)
CAR Commonwealth Arbitration Reports 1905-
Car & Kir Carrington and Kirwan's Nisi Prius Reports 1843-50
Car & M Carrington and Marshman's Nisi Prius Reports 1840-1842
Car & P Carrington & Payne's Nisi Prius Reports 1823-1841
CAR (Aust) Commonwealth Arbitration Reports 1905-
Car H & A Carrow Hamerton & Allen's Session Cases 1844-1851
Car L Rep Carolina Law Repository (North Carolina USA) 1813-1816 (4 NC)
Cardozo Arts & Ent LJ Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal
Cardozo J Int'l & Comp L Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law
Cardozo Stud L & Lit Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature
Cardozo Women's LJ Cardozo Women's Law Journal
Carey Manitoba Reports  by Carey (Can) 1875
Carib LR Caribbean Law Review
Carl Carleton's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1895-1902
Carp Carpenter's Reports (California USA) (52, 53 Cal)
Carp Pat Cas Carpmael's Patent Cases 1602-1842
Carr & K Carrington & Kirwan's Nisi Prius Reports 1843-1850
Carr & M Carrington & Marshman's Nisi Prius Reports 1840-1842
Carswell BC Carswell British Columbia Cases
Carswell For Carswell Foreign
Carswell NS Carswell Nova Scotia Cases (Canada)
Cart Carter's Common Pleas Reports 1664-1676
Carter's Reports (Indiana USA) (1, 2 Ind
Cartwright's Cases on British North American Act (Can) 1868-1896
Carth Carthew's King's Bench Reports 1686-1701
Cartm Cartmell's Trade Mark Cases 1876-1892
Cary Cary's Chancery Reports 1557-1604
Cas in Ch Cases in Chancery 1660-1697
Cas Prac CP Cases of Practice, Common Pleas 1702-1727
Cas Prac KB Cases of Practice, King's Bench 1603-1774
Cas Sett Cases of Settlement and Removals 1710-1742
Cas Six Cir Cases on the Six Circuits (Ireland) 1841-1843
Cas t Finch Cases in Chancery tempore Finch 1673-1681
Cas t King Select Cases tempore King, Chancery 1724-1733
Cas t Talb Cases in Equity tempore Talbot 1733-1738
CASE Briefcase (NZ), (Available on Kiwinet)
Case JIL Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law
Case W Res L Rev Case Western Reserve Law Review
Casey Casey's Reports (Pennsylvania USA) (25-36 Pa t)
Cass Dig Cassell's Digest (Can) 1875-1893
CAT Competition Appeal Tribunal
Cates Cates Reports (Tennessee USA) 1902-1913 (109-127 Tenn)
Cath L The Catholic Lawyer
Cath U Am LR Catholic University of America Law Review
Catholic UL Rev Catholic University Law Review
CAUL Committee of Australian University Librarians
Caveat Caveat (Law Society of NSW)
Caveat (Victoria University Law Faculty Club, NZ)
Cay Is CA Cayman Islands Court of Appeal
CB Butterworths Conveyancing Bulletin (NZ)
Common Bench Reports by Manning, Granger & Scott, 1845-1856
CB (NS) Common Bench Reports by Manning Granger & Scott, New Series 1856-1865
CBLG China Business Law Guide (CCH)
CBLJ Corporate & Business Law Journal
Canadian Business Law Journal
CBPA Canberra Bulletin of Public Administration (Royal Institute of Public Administration Australia - ACT Division)
CBR Canadian Bankruptcy Reports 1920-1960
Canadian Bar Review
Consolidated By-Law Reference
CBR (3d) Canadian Bankruptcy Reports, Third Series 1991-
CBR (NS) Canadian Bankruptcy Reports, New Series 1960-1990
CBS Commercial By-Law System
CBSI Jour Charted Building Societies Institute Journal
CC County Council
County Court
Crown Cases
Crown Court
CC Ct Cas Central Criminal Court Cases 1834-1913
CC Trib Contract of Carriage Tribunal
CCA Consolidated Case Annotations (Brooker's, continued as NZ Law Digest)
Court of Criminal Appeal (NSW; Qld)
Cargo Claims Analysis
CCAMLR Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
CCAR Constitutional Centenary Annual Report 
CCC Canadian Criminal Cases 1898-
CCC (2d) Canadian Criminal Cases, Second Series 1971-1983
CCC(3d) Canadian Criminal Cases, Third Series 1983-
CCCR Consumer Credit Law Reports
CCD Commonwealth Compensation Decisions 1974-1981 (Located with Administrative Law Decisions)
Commonwealth Employees' Compensation Decisions 1974-1981
CCF Canadian Criminology Forum
Child Care Forum
CCH CLC CCH Company Law Cases 1969-1981
CCH J Aust Taxn CCH Journal of Australian Taxation
CCH NSW Conv R New South Wales Conveyancing Law and Practice (CCH)
CCH Q Conv R Queensland Conveyancing Law and Practice (CCH)
CCH V Conv R Victorian Conveyancing Law and Practice (CCH)
CCL Canadian Current Law 1948-
Council for Civil Liberties
Current Commercial Law
CCLI Canadian Cases on the Law of Insurance
CCLJ Competition and Consumer Law Journal 
CCLN Competition and Consumer Law News (Located in Australian Competition and Consumer Law Reporter)
CCLR Consumer Credit Law Reports 1984-
Canadian Computer Law Reporter
CCLRC Contracts and Commercial Law Reform Committee (NZ)
CCLT Canadian Cases on the Law of Torts 1976-1990
CCLT (2d) Canadian Cases on the Law of Torts Second Series 1990-
CCMAU Crown Company Monitoring Advisory Unit (NZ)
CCMLR Clifford Chance Media Law Review
CCN Commonwealth Employees' Compensation Notes (Located with Administrative Law Decisions)
Constitutional Centenary Newsletter
CCNO Compendium of Casenotes of the Ombudsmen/man (NZ)
CCP Court of Common Pleas
CCPA Reports of the Court of Customs and Patent Appeals (USA)
CCR Conciliation Court Review
County Court Reports (Vic) 1966-1972
County Court Rules
Crown Cases Reserved 1865-1875
New South Wales Compensation Court Reports 1985-
CCR Trib Coal Compensation Review Tribunal
CCR (Vic) County Court Reports (Vic) 1966-1972
Cd Command Papers, 3rd Series (UK Cd1-9239) 1900-1918
Company Director (Australian Institute of Company Directors)
CDE Cahiers de Droit European (Belg)
CDFI Cahiers de Droit Fiscal International
CDP Contemporary Drug Problems
CDRJ Commercial Dispute Resolution Journal
CE Council of Europe
CEC European Community Cases
CECTrib Commonwealth Employees Compensation Tribunal
CEDAW UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women 1979
CELR Canadian Environmental Law Reports
CELR (NS) Canadian Environmental Law Reports, New Series
Cent Crim Ct Central Criminal Court (UK)
CEPA Commonwealth Environment Protection Agency
CERD UN International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination 1965
CFI European Court of First Instance
CFILR Company Financial and Insolvency Law Review
CFL Current Family Law
CFLQ Child and Family Law Quarterly
CFN Court Forms, Precedents & Pleadings, New South Wales (Butt)
CFQ Court Forms, Precedents & Pleadings Queensland
CFV Court Form, Precedents & Pleadings Victoria
CGT Capital Gains Tax
CGTB Capital Gains Tax Brief
Ch Law Reports, Chancery Division 1891-
Ch App Court of Appeal in Chancery 
Law Reports, Chancery Appeals 1865-1875
Ch Cas App Law Reports, Chancery Appeal Cases 1865-1875
Ch Cas in Ch Choyce Cases in Chancery 1557-1606
Ch Ch Upper Canada Chancery Chambers Reports (Ontario) 1857-1872
Ch D Law Reports, Chancery Division 1876-1890
Ch LRJ Children's Legal Rights Journal
Ch Rob Christopher Robinson's Admiralty Reports 1799-1808
Chand Chandler's Reports (New Hampshire USA) (20, 38-44 NH)
Chandler's Reports (Wisconsin USA) 1849-1852
Chaney Chaney's Reports (Michigan USA) (37-44 Mich)
Char Acctnt Aust Chartered Accountant in Australia (title change to Charter in 1990)
Char Cham Cas Charley's Chamber Cases 1875-1876
Char Pr Cas Charley's Practice Cases 1875-1881
Charl RM RM Charlton's Reports (Georgia USA) 1811-1837
Charl TUP TUP Charlton's Georgia Reports (Georgia USA) 1805-1811
Chartac Taxation Report Chartac Taxation Report
Chartered Acc Chartered Accountant in Australia (title change to Charter in 1990)
Chase CC Chase's US 4th Circuit Court Decisions (USA) 1865-1869
CHBR China Laws for Foreign Business - Business Regulation (CCH)
CHE Crown Health Enterprises (NZ)
Chev Cheves South Carolina Law Reports (South Carolina USA) 1839-1840 (25 SCL)
Chev Eq Cheve's South Carolina Equity Reports (South Carolina USA) 1839-1840 (15 SC Eq)
Chi J Int'l L Chicago Journal of International Law
Chi-KLR Chicago-Kent Law Review
Chi-Kent L Rev Chicago-Kent Law Review
Chicano L Rev Chicano-Latino Law Review
Chin L Rep China Law Reporter
Chin LR  China Law Review
China L Rep China Law Reports 1991-
China LJ China Law Journal
Chip Chipman's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1825-1835
Chip D D Chipman's Reports (Vermont USA) 1789-1824
Chip N N Chipman's Reports (Vermont USA) 1789-1791
Chit Chitty's King's Bench Practice Reports 1819-1820
Chit BC Chitty's Bail Court Reports
Chit LJ Chitty's Law Journal
Cho Ca Ch Choyce's Cases in Chancery 1557-1606
CHOGM Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting
CHRLD Commonwealth Human Rights Law Digest
CHRR Canadian Human Rights Reporter
CHTC China Laws for Foreign Business - Taxation and Customs (CCH)
Chula L Rev Chulalongkorn Law Review (Thailand)
CHZC China Laws for Foreign Business - Special Zones & Cities (CCH)
CIB CALS Information Bulletin
CICB Criminal Injuries Compensation Board
CICJ  Current Issues in Criminal Justice (Institute of Criminology, Faculty of Law, University of Sydney)
CIC Reports Captive Insurance Company Reports
CIC Rev Captive Insurance Company Review
CIIC Current Issues in Criminal Justice
CIJL Centre for Independence of Judges and Lawyers (Established 1978, by the International Commission of Jurists)
CIL Contemporary Issues in Law
CILC Commonwealth International Law Cases 1974-
CILJSA Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa
CILL Construction Industry Law Letter 1983-
CILSA Comparative & International Law Journal of South Africa
CIM Chief Industrial Magistrate
CIMCt (NSW) Chief Industrial Magistrates Court (NSW)
CINCH  Computerised Information from National Criminological Holdings (Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra)
CIPA Chartered Institute of Patent Agents Journal
CIPAJ Chartered Institute of Patent Agents Journal
CIPAT Chartered Institute of Patent Agents
CIPL Centre for International and Public Law (Australian National University)
CIPR Canadian Intellectual Property Reports 1984-1990
Circ Circit Newsletter
CIs CA Canary Islands Court of Appeal
CIT Australian and New Zealand Citator to UK Reports (Butt)
CITCM Canberra Income Tax Circular Memorandum
Civ Lib Dock Civil Liberties Docket
Civ PB Civil Practice Bulletin
CJ Chief Justice
Crime and Justice (New York)
CJAB Crime and Justice Bulletin
CJAPT CCH Journal of Asian Pacific Taxation
CJAT CCH Journal of Australian Taxation
CJB Criminal Justice and Behaviour 
CJC Criminal Justice Commission (Qld)
CJE Criminal Justice Ethics
CJEC Court of Justice of the European Communities
CJFL Canadian Journal of Family Law
CJIL Connecticut Journal of International Law
CJMB Chief Judge's Minute Book (Maori Land Court, NZ)
CJQ Civil Justice Quarterly (NZ Dept of Justice, Continues Corrections Quarterly)
CJRB Commercial Judicial Review Bulletin
CJRC Civil Justice Research Centre (Law Foundation of New South Wales)
CJWL Canadian Journal of Women and the Law
CL Butterworths Current Law (NZ)
Computers and Law (Journal for the Australian and New Zealand Societies for Computers and the Law)
Current Law
Australian Civil Liability
Cl & Fin Clark and Finelly's House of Lords Cases 1831-1846
CL & P Tolley's Computer Law & Practice
CL & SC Crime Law and Social Change (formerly Contemporary Crises)
Cl & Sc Dr Cas Clark and Scully's Drainage Cases (Ontario) 1891-1903
Cl Ch Clarke's Chancery Reports (New York USA) 1839-1841
Cl Home Clerk Home, Session Cases (Scotland) 1735-1744
CL Pract Commercial Law Practitioner
Cl R Clearinghouse Review
CL Rev Commonwealth Law Review
CL&PR Charity Law and Practice Review
CL(Q) Crown Lands Law Reports (Qld) 1859-1973
CLA Commercial Law Quarterly
CLA Bulletin Commercial Law Association Bulletin
CLAA Bulletin Commercial Law Association of Australia Bulletin
CLAAB Commercial Law Association of Australia Bulletin
CLAB Commercial Law Association Bulletin
Clark & Fin Clark & Finnelly's House of Lords Reports 1831-1846
Clarke Clarke's Reports (Alabama USA) (58 Ala)
  Clarke's Reports (Iowa USA) (1-8 Iowa)
Clarke's Reports (Michigan USA) (19-22 Mich)
CLASS Computerised Legal Aid Services System
Clay Clayton's Reports and Pleas of Assizes at York 1631-1650
CLB Commonwealth Law Bulletin
Communications Law Bulletin
CLBU China Law and Business Update
CLC Australian Company Law Cases (CCH-1971-1981:continued as ACLC-Australian Company Law Cases) 1982-
Commercial Law Cases
Communications Law Centre (University of New South Wales)
Community Legal Centres
CLD Civil Liberties Docket
Company Lawyer Digest
CompuLaw Digest (succeeded by CompuLaw Newsletter; Butt)
CLE Commercial Law of Europe
Commonwealth Legal Education
Continuing Legal Education
CLE Bull CLE (Continuing Legal Education) Bulletin
CLE Bulletin CLE (Continuing Legal Education) Bulletin
CLEA Newsletter Commonwealth Legal Education Association Newsletter
CLEAA Continuing Legal Education Association of Australasia
Cleary RC Cleary's Registration Cases (Ireland) 1886-1887
CLEB Commonwealth Law Enforcement Boatd
Clem Clemen's Reports (Kansas USA) (57-59 Kan)
CLEO Community Legal Education Office (Victoria)
CLERP Corporate Law Economic Reform Program
Clev Mar L Rev Cleveland Marshall Law Review
Clev SLR Cleveland State Law Review
Clev St L Rev Cleveland State Law Review
Clev St LR Cleveland State Law Review
CLEW Community Legal Education Workers
CLG Chinese Law & Government
CLGA Newsletter Customary Law Group of Australia Newsletter
CLI Commodity Law International
Current Law Index
Current Legal Information
CLIC Canadian Law Information Council
Clif & Rick Clifford and Rickards' Locus Standi Reports 1873-1884
Clif & Steph Clifford & Stephens' Locus Standi Reports 1867-1872
Clif CC Clifford US 1st Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1858-1878
Cliff Clifford's Southwark Election Cases 1896-1897
Clinical Law Rev Clinical Law Review
CLIP Centre for Legal Information and Publications (College of Law, St Leonards, NSW)
CLJ Cambridge Law Journal
Cape Law Journal (S Afr)
Colonial Law Journal (NZ)
Colonial Law Journal Reports (NZ) 1865, 1874-1875
Computer Law Journal
Current Law Journal (Malaysia) 1981-
CLJ Criminal Law Journal (Aus)
CLJNS Canada Law Journal, New Series 1865-1922
CLJOS Canada Law Journal, Old Series 1855-1864
CLL Comparative Labor Law Journal
CLL Rev Commercial Liability Law Review
CLLC Canadian Labour Law Cases 1944-
CLLR City of London Law Review
Crown Lands Law Reports (Qld) 1859-1973
CLM Company Law Monitor
CLMD Current Law Monthly Digest
CLN Construction Law Newsletter
CLNQ Criminal Law News (Queensland)
CLNV Bourke's Criminal Law News (Victoria)
CLP Communications Law and Policy in Australia (Butt)
Current Legal Problems
CLPR Constitutional Law & Policy Review
CLQ Commercial Law Quarterly
CLR Calcutta Law Reports (India) 1877-1884
Cambrian Law Review
Canada Law Reports 1923-
Cape Law Reports (S Afr) 1906-1910
Cardozo Law Review
Common Law Reports 1853-1855
Commonwealth Law Reports 1903-
Crown Lands Law Reports (Qld) 1859-1973
Cyprus Law Reports (Cyprus) 1883-
CLR (Can) Canada Law Reports 1923-
CLR Aust Commonwealth Law Reports 1903-
CLRBR Canadian Labour Relations Board Reports 1974-1982
CLRBR (NS) Canadian Labour Relations Board Reports, New Series 1983-
CLRC Canada Law Reform Commission 
Copyright Law Review Committee
Criminal Law Reform Committee (NZ)
CLS Christian Lawyers Society (Victoria)
CLSA Criminal Law South Australia (Butt)
CLSR Computer Law and Security Report
CLSRC Company Law and Securities Review Committee
CLT Canadian Law Times
CLT Occ N Canadian Law Times, Occasional Notes
CLU China Law Update (University of Melbourne, Asian Law Centre)
CLV Criminal Law Victoria (Butt)
CLWR Common Law World Review
CLY Current Law Yearbook
CLYB Current Law Year Book
Abbreviation Title
CM Canberra Income Tax Circular Memorandum
Cm Command Papers, (UK) 6th series, 1986-
CM Trib NSW Commercial Tribunal, New South Wales
CM Trib SA Criminal Tribunal, South Australia
CM Trib Vic Commercial Tribunal, Victoria
CMA Court of Military Appeals Reports (USA) 1951-1975
CMA Ct (NZ) Courts Martial Appeals Court (NZ)
CMA Ct (UK) Courts Martial Appeals Court (UK)
CMAT Courts Martial Appeals Tribunal
Cmcl Law Assoc Bull Commercial Law Association Bulletin
Cmd Command Papers, (UK) 4th series, 1919-1956
CML Rev Common Market Law Review
CMLR Common Market Law Reports 1962-
Common Market Law Review
Cmnd Command Paper, (UK) 5th series 1956-1986
CMP Contract Management in Practice
CMT Corporate Management Tax Conference
CN Legal Costs New South Wales (Butt)
CNLR Canadian Native Law Reporter 1977-
Co & Sec LJ Company and Securities Law Journal (LBC)
Co A Cook's Lower Canada Admiralty Court Cases (Can) 1873-1884
Co Ent Coke's Entries 1614
Co HRLR Columbia Human Rights Law Review
Co Inst Coke's Institutes
Co JLSP Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems
Co Law  Company Lawyer (UK)
Co Litt Coke on Littleton (First Institute)
Co LJ Colonial Law Journal (NZ) 1865, 1874-1875
Commercial Litigation Journal
Co Rep Coke's King's Bench Reports 1572-1616
COAG Council of Australian Governments
Cobb Cobb's Reports (Alabama USA) (121 Ala)
Cobb's Reports (Georgia USA) (6-20 Ga)
Coch Cochran's Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1859
Cochr Cochran's Reports (North Dakota USA) (3-10 ND)
Cock & Rowe Cockburn and Rowe's Election Cases 1833
Cocke Cocke's Reports (Alabama USA) (16-18 Ala)
Cocke's Reports (Florida USA) (14-15 Fla)
COD Crown Office Digest
Coke Coke's King's Bench Reports 1572-1616
Col Coleman's Reports (Alabama USA) (99, 101, 106, 110-129 Ala)
Col HRLR Columbia Human Rights Law Review
Col JLSP Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems
Col JTL Columbia Journal of Transnational Law
Col LJ Colonial Law Journal (NZ) 1865, 1874-1875
Col LJNZ Colonial Law Journal (NZ) 1865, 1874-1875
Col LR Columbia Law Review
Cold Coldwell's Reports (Tennessee USA) 1860-1870 (41-42 Tenn)
Cole & Cai Cas Coleman and Caines' Cases (New York USA) 1794-1805
Cole Cas Coleman's Cases of Practice (New York USA) 1791-1800
Coll Collyer's Chancery Cases tempore Bruce, V-C 1844-1845
Coll Jurid Collectanea Juridica
Colles Colles Cases in Parliament 1697-1713
Colo Colorado (USA)
Colorado Reports (USA) 1864-1980
Colo App Colorado Court of Appeals Reports (USA) 1891-1905,1912-1915,1970-1980
Colo J Int'l Envtl L & Pol'y Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy
Colom LR Colombo Law Review
Colt Coltman's Registration Cases 1879-1885
Colum Bus L Rev Columbia Business Law Review
Colum Hum Rts L Rev Columbia Human Rights Law Review
Colum J Asian L Columbia Journal of Asian Law
Colum J Envtl L Columbia Journal of Environmental Law
Colum J Eur L Columbia Journal of European Law
Colum J Transnatl'L Columbia Journal of Transnational Law
Colum JGL Columbia Journal of Gender and Law
Colum JL & The Arts Columbia Journal of Law & The Arts
Colum JL & Soc Prob Columbia Journal of Law & Social Problems
Colum L Rev Columbia Law Review
Colum LT Columbia Law Times
Colum Sci & Tech L Rev Columbia Science and Technology Law Review
Colum-VLA JL & Arts Columbia-VLA Journal of Law and the Arts
Com Comyns' Reports, King's Bench 1695-1741
Com B Common Bench Reports (Manning Granger & Scott) 1845-1856
Com Cas Commercial Cases 1896-1941
Com D Commercial Division (NSW Supreme Court)
Com Dig Comyn's Digest of the Laws of England, 5ed 1882
Com Jud J Commonwealth Judicial Journal
Com LB Communications Law Bulletin
Com LL Commonwealth Law Librarian
Com LN CompuLaw Newsletter (Butt - formerly CompuLaw Digest)
Com LQ Commercial Law Quarterly
Com LR Commercial Law Reports 1903-1905
Common Law Reports 1853-1855
Com MLR Common Market Law Review
Comb Comberbach's King's Bench Reports 1685-1699
COMCAS Commonwealth Cases on LEXIS (includes UK, Australia New Zealand, Canada)
ComCt C & A Commercial Court of Conciliation and Arbitration (Cth)
Comm AR Commonwealth Arbitration Reports 1905-
Comm Jud J Commonwealth Judicial Journal
Comm L Assoc Aust Bull Commercial Law Association of Australia Bulletin 
Comm L Assoc Bull Commercial Law Association Bulletin
Comm L Bull Commonwealth Law Bulletin
Comm Law Commercial Lawyer
Comm Law Bull Commonwealth Law Bulletin
Comm LJ Commercial Law Journal
Comm LQ Commercial Law Quarterly
Comm LR Commonwealth Law Reports 1903-
Commonwealth Law Review
Comm Prop Commercial Property
Comm Rec Commonwealth Record (AGPS)
Comm LB Commonwealth Law Bulletin
CommCNMI Commonwealth Code Northern Mariana Islands
Common L Rev Commonwealth Law Review
Commonwealth Law Bull Commonwealth Law Bulletin
CompR Trib Compensation Review Tribunal
Comms L Communications Law
Commu LB Communications Law Bulletin
Commw Arb Commonwealth Arbitration Reports 1905-
Commw Jud J Commonwealth Judicial Journal
Commw LB Commonwealth Law Bulletin
Commw LR Commonwealth Law Reports 1903-
Commw Sec Commonwealth Secretariat
Comp & L Computers and Law
Comp & Law Computers and Law
Comp Ct Compensation Court (NZ)
Comp L The Company Lawyer
Comp L & P Computer Law & Practice
Comp Lab L & Pol'y J Comparative Labor Law Journal and Policy Journal
Comp LI Competition Law Insight
Comp LJ Company Law Journal
Comp LP Computer Law and Practice
Comp LY Comparative Law Yearbook
Comp Law EC Competition Law in the European Communities
Company Director Company Director
Compu Law Digest Compulaw Digest
Comst Comstock's Reports (New York USA) (1-4 NY Ct App)
Comyn Comyn's King's Bench Reports
Con & Law Connor and Lawson's Irish Chancery Reports (Ireland) 1841-1843
Con C Crime Law and Social Change
Con LD Construction Law Digest
Con LJ Construction Law Journal
Con LR Construction Law Reports
CONBPR Butterworths Property Reports 1982-
Conf Rept Conference Reports by Cameron & Norwood North Carolina (North Carolina USA) 1800-4 (1 NC)
Cong Dig Congdon's Digest, (Can) 1803-1888
Conn Connecticut (USA)
Connecticut Reports (Connecticut USA) 1814-
Conveyancing Service New South Wales (Butt)
Conn CA Connicticut Court of Appeal
Conn Ins LJ Connecticut Insurance Law Journal
Conn LJ Construction Law Journal
Conn LR Connecticut Law Review
Conover Conover's Reports (Wisconsin USA) (16-153 Wis)
Conr Conroy's Custodian Reports (Ireland) 1652-1788
Cons & Mar Law Consumer and Marketing Law
Const Bott's Poor Laws by Const 1560-1833
Const Com Constitutional Commentary 
Const Comm Constitutional Commentary
Const LR Construction Law Reports
Const R The Constitutional Review
Const Ref Constitutional Reform
Const Ct Consistory Court, (UK)
Const LJ Construction Law Journal
Consum C Consumer Credit
Consum LJ Consumer Law Journal (UK)
Conv Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
Convey (NS) Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
Conveyancer Precedents (Loose Leaf)
Cooke & Al Cooke and Alcock's King's Bench Reports (Ire) 1833-1834
Cooke (Tenn) Cooke's Reports (Tennessee USA) 1811-1814 (3 Tenn)
Cooke Pr Cas Cooke's Practice Cases, Common Pleas 1706-1741
Cooke Pr Reg Cooke's Practice Register of the Common Pleas
Cooley Cooley's Reports (Michigan USA) (5-12 Mich)
Coop Cooper's Reports (Florida USA) (21-24 Fla)
Coop G G Cooper's Chancery Reports tempore Eldon 1815
Coop Pr Cas C P Cooper's Practice Cases 1837-1838
Coop t Brough C P Cooper's Chancery Cases tempore Brougham 1833-1834
Coop t Cott C P Cooper's Chancery Reports tempore Cottenham 1846-1848
Cooper t Cott Cooper's Chancery Reports tempore Cottenham 1846-1848
Cope Cope's Reports (California USA) (63-72 Cal)
Copy Copyright
Copy Bull Copyright Bulletin
Copy Dec Copyright Decisions (USA) 1787-1894
Copy Rep Copyright Reporter
Copy Soc Aust News Copyright Society of Australia Newsletter
Copyright Copyright : Monthly Review of the World Intellectual Property Organisation
Copyright World Copyright World (Intellectual Property Publishing Ltd)
CopyU Copyright Update
Cor Coryton's High Court Reports, Bengal (India) 1864-1915
Corb & D Corbett and Daniell's Election Cases 1819
Corn ILJ Cornell International Law Journal
Corn LR Cornell Law Review
Cornell JL & Pub Pol'y Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy
Correspondences Jud Correspondences Judiciaries (Can) 1906
Costs LR Costs Law Reports
Coun Counsel
Council Brief Council Brief (Wellington District Law Society)
Couper Couper's Justiciary Reports (Scotland) 1868-1885
Cout Dig Coutlee's Digest, Supreme Court (Can) 1875-1908
Cow Cowen's Reports (New York USA) 1823-1829
Cowper's King's Bench Reports 1774-1778
Cowp Cowper's King's Bench Reports 1774-1778
Cox Cox's Chancery Reports 1783-1796
Cox's Reports (Arkansas USA) (25-27 Ark)
Cox & Atk Cox and Atkinson's Registration Appeal Cases 1843-1846
Cox CC Cox's Criminal Cases 1843-1945
Cox Eq Cas Cox's Equity Cases 1745-1797
Cox M & H Cox, Macrae and Hertslet's County Court Reports 1847-1857
Coxe Coxe's New Jersey Law Reports (New Jersey USA) 1790-95 (1 NJ Law)
CP Common Pleas (Law Reports)
Law Reports, Common Pleas 1865-1875
Upper Canada Common Pleas Reports 1850-1882
CP Rep Civil Procedure Reports
CP Rev Consumer Policy Review
CPC Carswell's Practice Cases (Can) 1976-1985
CPC (2d) Carswell's Practice Cases, Second Series (Can) 1985-92
CPC (3d) Carswell's Practice Cases, Third Series (Can) 1991-
CPCU Jour Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters Journal
CPD Decisions of the Supreme Court of South Africa, Cape Provincial Division 1910-1946
Law Reports, Common Pleas Division 1875-1880
CPL Current Property Law
CPLJ Conveyancing and Property Law Journal
CPLL Centre for Plain Legal Language (University of Sydney, Faculty of Law)
CPLR Civil Practice Law Reports
CPN Civil Procedure News
CPNN Civil Procedure News New South Wales
CPPN Criminal Practice & Procedure New South Wales (Butt)
CPR Canadian Patent Reporter
Civil Procedure Rules
Cprght Trib Copyright Tribunal (UK)
CPSA Civil Procedure South Australia (Butt)
CPSAR Commonwealth Public Service Arbitration Reports 1920-
CPUC Common Pleas Reports, Upper Canada 1850-1882
CPV Civil Procedure Victoria (Butt)
CPWA Civil Procedure Western Australia (Butt)
CQ Corrections Quarterly (NZ Department of Justice; succeeded by Criminal Justice Quarterly)
CR Canadian Reports, Appeal Cases 1828-1913
Commonwealth Record
Constitutional Reform
Criminal Reports (Can) 1946-1967
Cr & J Crompton and Jervis' Exchequer Reports 1830-1832
Cr & M Crompton and Meeson's Exchequer Reports 1832-1834
Cr & Ph Craig and Phillips' Chancery Reports 1840-1841
CR (3d) Criminal Reports Third Series (Can) 1978-
CR (4th) Criminal Reports Fourth Series (Can) 1991-
CR (NS) Criminal Reports New Series (Can) 1967-1978
Cr App R Criminal Appeal Reports 1908-
Cr App Rep Criminal Appeal Reports 1908-
Cr App Rep (S) Criminal Appeal Reports (Sentencing) 1979-
Cr Cas Res Law Reports, Crown Cases Reserved 1865-1875
Cr J Crime and Justice (Chicago)
Cr M & R Crompton, Meeson and Roscoe's Exchequer Reports 1834-1835
CR NS Criminal Reports New Series (Can) 1967-1978
Cr Trib Credit Tribunal
Crab Crabbe's US District Court Reports (USA) 1836-1846 (District of Pennsylvania)
CRAC Canadian Reports, Appeal Cases 1828-1913
Craig & Ph Craig & Philips' Chancery Reports 1840-1841
Craig St & P Craigie, Stewart & Paton's Appeal Cases (Scotland) 1726-1821
CRAMRA Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resources Activities
Cranch Cranch's Reports (District of Columbia USA) 1801-1841 (1-5 DC)
Cranch (US) Cranch's United States Supreme Court Reports (USA) 1801-1815 (5-13 US)
Cranch CC Cranch's US Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1801-1840
Cranch Pat Dec Cranch's Patent Decisions (USA) 1841-1847
Crane Crane's Reports (Montana USA) (22-29 Mont)
Craw Crawford's Reports (Arkansas USA) (53-69 Ark; 71-101 Ark)
Craw & D Crawfords and Dix's Circuit Court Cases (Ire) 1839-1846
Craw & D Ab Cas Crawfords and Dix's Abridged Cases (Ire) 1837-1838
CRD Court of Review Decisions, Ratcliffe and McGrath, 1927
Cre LR Creighton Law Review
Cress Insolv Cas Cresswell's Insolvency Cases 1827-1829
CRI Crown Research Institute (NZ)
Crim Criminology
Crim & Del Crime and Delinquency
Crim App R Court of Criminal Appeals, Criminal Appeal Reports 1908-
Crim Aust  Criminology Australia
Crim Del L Criminal Justice Abstracts
Crim J Crime and Justice (Ottawa)
Crim JR Criminal Justice Review
Crim L Rev Criminal Law Review
Crim Law Criminal Lawyer
Crim LB Criminal Law Bulletin
Crim LF Criminal Law Forum (Rutgers University School of Law at Camden/Society for the Reform of Criminal Law
Crim LJ Criminal Law Journal
Crim LN Criminal Law News (Butt; Criminal Law Newsletter for NSW and the ACT - Companion to Criminal Practice and Procedure NSW)
Crim LQ Criminal Law Quarterly
Crim LR Criminal Law Review
Crim RC Criminology Research Council Annual Report
Crim RY Criminology Review Yearbook
Cripps Church Cas Cripps' Church and Clergy Cases 1847-1850
Critch  Critchfield's Reports (Ohio USA) (5-21 Ohio St)
CrLAuth Credit Licensing Authority
CRLS Copyright Law Symposium
CRNZ  Criminal Reports of New Zealand (Brooker's)
Cro Car Croke's King's Bench Reports tempore Charles 1 1625-1641
Cro Eliz Croke's King's Bench Reports tempore Elizabeth 1582-1603
Cro Jac Croke's King's Bench Reports tempore James 1 1603-1625
Croke Croke's Reports 1603-1641
Cromp & J Crompton & Jervis' Exchequer Reports 1830-1832
Cromp & Mees Crompton & Meeson's Exchequer Reports 1832-1834
Cromp M & R Crompton Meeson & Roscoe's Exchequer Reports 1834-1835
Crounse Crounse's Reports (Nebraska USA) (3 Neb)
Crown LC Crown Land Cases (NSW) 1885-1889
CRR Canadian Rights Reporter
CRTC Canadian Railway and Transport Cases 1939-1966
Cru Dig Cruise's Digest of the Law of Real Property 4th ed 1835
Crumrine Crumrine's Reports (Pennsylvania USA) (116-146 Pa)
CS Child Support Rulings
CSB Companies and Securities Bulletin
CSFS Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal
CSG Community Schools Gazette
CSIH Court of Sessions, Inner House (a UK medium neutral citation)
CSIH Inner House, Court of Sessions (Scotland)
CSJ Crime and Social Justice
CSLB Butterworths Companies and Securities Law Bulletin (NZ)
CSLJ Company and Securities Law Journal
CSLRC Discussion Papers Companies and Securities Law Review Committee Discussion Papers
CSOH Outer House, Court of Sessions (Scotland)
CSR Chuuk State Supreme Court Reports (Micronesia) 1989-
Chuuk State Supreme Court Reports 1989-1994
Company Secretary's Review
CT & EPQ Capital Taxes and Estates Planning Quarterly
 Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review
Ct App NZ Court of Appeal Reports by Johnstone (New Zealand) 1867-1877
Ct CL United States Court of Claims Reports
Ct CP Court of Common Pleas (UK)
Ct Ind Arb Court of Industrial Arbitration
Ct Mar Inq Court of Marine Inquiry
CT News & Reps Capital Taxes News and Reports
Ct Pett Sess Court of Petty Sessions
Ct Rev (NSW) Court of Review (NSW)
Ct Rev (Qld) Court of Review (Qld)
Ct of Sess Court of Sessions
CTBR Commonwealth Taxation Board of Review Decisions  Old Series 1925-1951
CTBR (NS) VTBR Case Victorian Taxation Board of Review Case (Occasionally published in CTBR (NS) - Butt)
CTBR Reprint Commonwealth Taxation Board of Review Decisions (Reprints) (Butt; 1968-1969) (Reprint of selected cases from the Decisions of the Boards of Review)
CTBR (NS) Taxation Board of Review Decisions, New Series 1950-1986
CTC Canada Tax Cases 1917-
CTF Canadian Tax Foundation Conference Report
Cth Lawyer Commonwealth Lawyer (Commonwealth Lawyers' Association, London)
Cth Val Bd Commonwealth Valuation Board
CTLR Computer and Telecommunications Law Review
CTP Capital Gains Planning
CTR Cape Times Reports of the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1891-1910
Corporate Tax Review
CTS Children's Television Standards, reprinted in: Durie, R & Catterns, D Broadcasting Law and Practice, LBC, 1987-
Concise Tax Service (Butt)
Consolidated Treaty Series
Cty Ct County Court
CU Communications Update (Communications Law Centre, University of NSW)
CUB Companies Update Bulletin
CUL Law Library, University of Canterbury (NZ)
CUM SLR Cumberland Law Review
Cunn Cunningham's King's Bench Reports 1734-1736
Curr CL Current Commercial Law
Curr LP Current Legal Problems
Current Review See LBC's Industrial Arbitration Service (Current Review)
Curry Curry's Reports (Louisiana USA) 1833-1841 (6-19 La)
Curt Curteis' Ecclesiastical Reports 1834-1844
Curt CC Curtis US 1st Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1851-1856
Cush Cushing's Reports (Massachusetts USA) 1848-1853 (55-66 Mass)
Cushm Cushman's Reports (Mississippi USA) (23-29 Miss)
Cust Ct United States Customs Courts Reports
CVLAJLA Columbia VLA Journal of Law and the Arts
CWCL Conspectus of Workers' Compensation Legislation
Cwlth. Record Commonwealth Record
CWN Calcutta Weekly Notes (India) 1896-
CWRLR Case Western Reserve Law Review
Cwth L R Commonwealth Law Review
CYELS Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies
Cyprus LR Cyprus Law Reports 1883-