Abbreviation | Title | |
A & BR | Accounting and Business Research | |
A & E | Law Reports, Admiralty & Ecclesiastical | |
A & ELR | Arts and Entertainment Law Review (LBC) | |
A & OP & ELU | Allen and Overy Pensions and Employment Law Update | |
A & SL | Air and Space Law | |
A 2d | Atlantic Reporter, (USA) Second Series 1938- | |
A Bus L | Australian Business Lawyer (Law Council of Australia) | |
A Bus L Rev | Australian Business Law Review (LBC) | |
A Crim R | Australian Criminal Reports (LBC) 1978- | |
A Def R | Australian Defamation Reports (Australian Defamation Law and Practice) | |
A Fem LJ | Australian Feminist Law Journal | |
A Jur Rep | Australian Jurist Reports 1870-1874 | |
A Pol J | Australian Police Journal | |
AA & L | Art Antiquity and Law | |
AAGD | Attorney-General's Dept (Australia) Lionel Murphy Library, Canberra | |
AAI | Australian Advocacy Institute | |
AAIC | Australian Advertising Industry Council | |
AAL Bull | Australian Administrative Law Bulletin (Butt) | |
AALB | Australian Administrative Law Bulletin (Butt) | |
AALC | Australian Army Legal Corps | |
AALCC | Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee | |
AALD | Australian Army Legal Department | |
AALLN | American Association of Law Libraries Newsletter | |
AALR | Australian Argus Law Reports (Cont'd as Australian Law Reports) 1960-1973 | |
The Anglo-American Law Review | ||
AALS | Australian Administrative Law Series | |
AANA | Australian Association of National Advertisers | |
AANL | Australian Association of Nurse Lawyers | |
AAO | Administrative Arrangements Orders | |
AAPLJ | Australian Animal Protection Law Journal | |
AAR | Administrative Appeals Reports (LBC) 1984- | |
AASE Listing Manual | Australian Associated Stock Exchanges Listing Manual | |
AASE Official Listing Requirements | Australian Associated Stock Exchanges Official Listing Requirements | |
AASL | Annals of Air and Space Law | |
AAT | Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Cth, Vic, ACT) | |
AAT Decisions & Reasons | Administrative Appeals Tribunal Decisions & Reasons 1977- | |
AATR | Administrative Appeals Tribunal Reports (Vic) 1988- | |
ABCP | Abstracts on Criminology and Penology | |
Ab PS | Police Science Abstracts | |
A'B Res Judg | A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments (Port Phillip see also Shadford) 1846-1851 | |
A'B RJ NSW | A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments, (NSW) 1845 | |
A'B RJ PP | A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments, Port Phillip 1846-1851 | |
ABA | American Bar Association | |
Australian Broadcasting Authority | ||
ABA Rep | American Bar Association Reports | |
ABA Update | ABA Update - Newsletter of the Australian Broadcasting Authority | |
ABAJ | American Bar Association Journal | |
ABB | Australian Bankruptcy Bulletin | |
Abb Adm | Abbott's Admiralty Reports (USA) 1847-1850 (District of New York) | |
Abb NY App | Abbott's Court of Appeals Decisions (New York USA) 1850-1869 | |
Abb US | Abbott, US Circuit Court and District Court Reports (USA) 1863-1871 (All Circuits) | |
ABC | Australian Bankruptcy Cases (LBC) 1928-1964 | |
ABCA | Alberta Court of Appeal | |
A'Beck Res | A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments, Port Phillip 1846-1851 | |
A'Beck Res Judgm | A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments, NSW 1845 | |
A'Beck RJ NSW | A'Beckett's Reserved and Equity Judgements NSW 1845 | |
A'Beck RJPP | A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments of the Supreme Court of NSW for the District of Port Phillip 1846-1851 | |
A'Beckett | A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments of the Supreme Court of NSW for the District of Port Phillip 1846-1851 | |
A'Beckett Res Judg | A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments, Victoria 1846-1851 | |
ABF | American Bar Foundation | |
ABL | Business Law Cases for Australians (CCH) 1978-1980 | |
Law for the Australian Businessman (CCH) | ||
ABLD | Australian Building Regulation Reporter 1991- | |
ABLJ | American Business Law Journal | |
ABLR | Australian Business Law Review | |
ABM | Australian Business Monthly (Succeeded Australian Business) | |
ABN | Australian Bibliographic Network | |
Abor LB | Aboriginal Law Bulletin | |
ABQB | Alberta Queen's Bench | |
ABR | Australian Bar Review | |
ABT | Australian Broadcasting Tribunal | |
ABT Bull | Association of Banking Teachers Bulletin | |
ABT Manual | Australian Broadcasting Tribunal Manual (AGPS) | |
ABTEE | ABTEE - Fortnightly Newsletter (Australian broadcasting Tribunal) | |
ABUS | Australian Business Law Manual | |
AC | Appeal Cases (UK; published Council appeals from Australia and NZ) 1875- | |
Arbitration Court (NZ) | ||
Law Reports, Appeal Cases 1891- | ||
AC & SJ | Australian Conveyancer and Solicitors Journal (Butt) | |
AC Hals | Australian Commentary on Halsbury's Laws of England (Fourth Edition) (Butt) | |
ACA | Accident Compensation Appeal Authority (NZ) | |
American Correctional Association Proceedings | ||
Australian Corporate Affairs Reporter (CCH) | ||
ACAA | Accident Compensation Appeal Authority (NZ) | |
ACAP | Australian Capital Gains Tax Planner (CCH) | |
ACAR | Australian Corporate Affairs Reporter | |
ACAT (NT) | Accident Compensation Appeal Tribunal (Northern Territory) | |
ACB | Australian Customs Service Library, Canberra | |
ACC | Accident Compensation Corporation (Formerly Commission, NZ) | |
Australian Case Citator | ||
Australian Company Law Cases (CCH - See Also ACLC, CCH CLC, and CLC) 1982- | ||
Australian Copyright Council | ||
ACC Report | Accident Compensation Commission Report (NZ) | |
ACCA | Australian Current Case Annotator (Pink Ribbon Publishing Co, Wilston, Qld) 1989- | |
ACCB | Australian Copyright Council Bulletin | |
ACCC | Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Established in 1995 to succeed the Trade Practices Commission and the Prices Surveillance Authority | |
ACD | Administrative Court Digest | |
ACDC | Australian Commercial Disputes Centre (Sydney) | |
ACEL | Australian Centre for Environmental Law (University of Sydney, Australian National University, University of Adelaide) | |
ACEPA | Commonwealth Environment Protection Agency Library, Canberra | |
ACFW | Children Australia | |
ACICA | Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (Melbourne) | |
ACILL | Australian Construction Industry Law Letter (LBC; changed to Australian Construction Law Bulletin 1990-) 1988-1989 | |
ACJ | Acting Chief Justice | |
Alternative Criminology Journal | ||
Judgements etc, of the Arbitration Court of New Zealand (Dept of Labour, continues Judgements, etc. of the Industrial Court of New Zealand: See Ind Ct, continued by New Zealand Industrial Law Reports) 1979-1986 | ||
ACL | Australian Corporation Law Bulletin (Butt) | |
Australian Current Law (Butt - succeeded by Australian Current Law Reporter and Australian Current Law Legislation) | ||
Australian Current Law Bulletin | ||
Australian Current Law Reporter and Legislation | ||
CCH Australian Companies & Securities Legislation (CCH - this publication originally issued in 1982 under the title, Australian Companies Legislation) CCH iKnowConnect | ||
ACL (EP) | Australian Current Law Reporter and Legislation on Disk - Electronic Product (Butt) | |
ACL AT | Australian Current Law Articles (Butt) | |
ACL Bull | Australian Construction Law Bulletin | |
ACL DT | Australian Current Law Digest (Butt) 1975-1990 | |
ACL Leg | Australian Current Law Legislation (Butt) | |
ACL Rep | Australian Current Law Reporter (Butt) 1991- | |
ACL Rev | Asian Commercial Law Review | |
Australian Current Law Review (Butt) | ||
ACLA | Australian Corporate Lawyers Association | |
ACLB | Australian Construction Law Bulletin (Butt) | |
Australian Corporation Law Bulletin (Butt) | ||
ACLC | Australian Company Law Cases (CCH) 1982- | |
ACLD | Australian Current Law Digest (Butt) 1975-1990 | |
ACLF & P | Australian Corporation Law - Forms and Precedents (Butt - reprinted from the Australian Encyclopaedia of Forms & Precedents, 3rd ed) | |
ACLL | Australian Corporation Law Legislation (Butt) | |
ACLN | Australian Construction Law Newsletter (Construction Publications, Crows Nest NSW 2065) | |
ACLPP | Australian Corporation Law Principles and Practice (Butt) | |
ACLR | Australian Company Law Reports (Butt) 1974-89 | |
Australian Construction Law Reporter (Master Builders' Federation of Australia) 1982- | ||
Australian Current Law Review (Butt) | ||
ACM | Australians for Constitutional Monarchy | |
ACMB | Appellate Court Minute Book (Maori Appellate Court) (NZ) | |
ACN | Australian Company Number | |
Australian Corporate News | ||
Australian Customs Notice | ||
ACNGT | Advisory Committee on Novel Genetic Techniques (NZ) | |
ACO | Australian Corporations & Securities Law Reporter (CCH) 1992- | |
ACOM | Arbitration Commission (NZ) | |
ACompT | Australian Competition Tribunal | |
ACON | AIDS Council of New South Wales | |
Australian Contract Law Reporter (CCH) 1991- | ||
ACopyT | Australian Copyright Tribunal | |
ACP | Australian Corporation Practice (Butt) 1991- | |
CCH Australian Company Law & Practice (CCH) 1981-1991 | ||
ACPC | Australian Crime Prevention Council | |
ACPC Forum | Australian Crime Prevention Council Forum | |
ACPCQJ | Australian Crime Prevention Council Quarterly Journal | |
ACPM | Australian Corporate Practice Manual (CCH; Formerly Australian Company Secretary's Practice Manual) | |
ACR | Australian & New Zealand Conveyancing Reports (CCH) 1978- | |
Australian Criminal Reports (LBC) | ||
ACRU | Australian Securities Commission Releases 1991- | |
ACSCC | Australian Consumer Sales and Credit Cases (CCH - located in Australian Consumer Sales and Credit Law Reporter (CCH iKnowConnect)) 1981- | |
ACSL | Australian Company Secretary's Letter (CCH) | |
ACSR | Australian Corporations and Securities Reports (Butt - succeeded ACLR) 1990- | |
Act | Acton's Prize Cases 1809-1811 | |
Australian Capital Territory | ||
Acta J | Acta Juridica (SAf) | |
Acta Jur | Acta Juridica (Hungary) | |
ACTAAT | Australian Capital Territory Administrative Appeals | |
ACTCA | Australian Capital Territory Supreme Court of Appeal | |
ACTDT | Australian Capital Territory Discrimination Tribunal | |
ACTLR | Australian Capital Territory Law Reports | |
ACTDT | Australian Capital Territory Discrimination Tribunal | |
ACTLRC | Australian Capital Territory Law Reform Commission | |
ACTLS | Australian Capital Territory Law Society | |
ACTLS Gaz | Australian Capital Territory Law Society Gazette | |
ACTLS Newsl. | Australian Capital Territory Law Society Newsletter | |
ACTP | Australian Accounts Preparation Manual (CCH) | |
ACTR | Australian Capital Territory Reports (Butt) 1973- (Published with Australian Law Reports) | |
Acts Austl.Parl. | Acts of the Australian Parliament | |
Acts S.Austl. | Acts of South Australia | |
Acts Tasm. | Acts of Tasmania | |
Acts Van Diem.L | Acts of Van Dieman's Land (Aus) | |
Acts Vict. | Acts of Victoria | |
ACTSC | Australian Capital Territory Supreme Court | |
ACTU | Australian Council of Trade Unions | |
ACV | Accident Compensation Victoria | |
Australian & New Zealand Conveyancing Report (CCH) | ||
ACWS (2d) | All Canada Weekly Summaries - Second Series | |
ACWS (3d) | All Canada Weekly Summaries - Third Series | |
AD | American Decisions 1765-1870 | |
Australian Digest | ||
South African Supreme Court Appellate Division Reports 1910-1946 | ||
AD 2d | Appellate Division Reports 2d Series | |
Ad & El | Adolphus and Ellis's Reports 1834-1840 | |
Ad & Fos | Adoption and Fostering | |
Ad & MAR L & P | Advertising and Marketing Law and Practice | |
Ad & MAR LL | Advertising and Marketing Law Letter | |
AD Cas | Americans with Disabilities Cases | |
Ad Jus | Adam's Justiciary Court Reports (Scotland) 1893-1916 | |
Ad LR | Administrative Law Review | |
Ad Trib Tas | Anti-Discrimination Tribunal of Tasmania | |
Ad Trib Vic | Anti-Discrimination Tribunal of Victoria | |
Adam | Adam's Justiciary Court Reports (Scotland) 1893-1919 | |
Adams |
Adams' Reports (Maine USA) (41, 42 ME) |
Adams' Reports (New Hampshire USA) (1 NH) | ||
ADB | Anti-Discrimination Board | |
Australian Digest Bulletin (LBC) | ||
ADB-INK Newsletter | Anti-Discrimination Board Newsletter (NSW) | |
ADCSL | Annuario di Diritto Comparato e di Studi Legislativi | |
Add | Addam's Ecclesiastical Reports 1822-1826 | |
Addison's Reports (Pennsylvania USA) 1791-1799 | ||
ADDB (LEC) | Australian Drugs Data Base (Law Enforcement Component) | |
Adel L R | Adelaide Law Review | |
Adel L Rev | Adelaide Law Review | |
Adelaide Law Rev | Adelaide Law Review | |
Adelaide LR | Adelaide Law Review | |
ADFDAT | Defence Force Discipline Tribunal | |
ADIG | CCH Tax Action Digest (CCH) | |
ADIL | Annual Digest and Reports of Public International Law Cases | |
Annual Digest of Public International Law | ||
ADIR | Department of Industrial Relations (Australia) Library, Canberra | |
The Directors Manual (CCH) | ||
ADJR | Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 (Cth) | |
ADL Bull | Australian Administrative Law Bulletin (Butt) | |
ADLS | Auckland District Law Society (NZ) | |
Admin App Trib | Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Federal, Victorian or ACT) | |
Admin L Rev | Administrative Law Review | |
Admin LR | Administrative Law Reports | |
Admin Rev | Admin Review (Administrative Review Council) | |
Admn | Administration Appeals Tribunal Decisions (CCH) 1984-1985 | |
ADR | Alternative Dispute Resolution | |
Australian De Facto Relationships Law (CCH) | ||
ADRJ | Australian Dispute Resolution Journal | |
ADRLJ | Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Law Journal | |
ADRLN | Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Law Newsletter | |
Adv | Advocate (International Academy of Trial Lawyers) | |
Advoc | Advocate / Advocacy | |
AE | Australian Environment Review (Formely Australian Environment Management Review Newsletter) | |
AEB | Australian Business & Estate Planning Reporter (CCH) | |
AEC | Australian Electoral Commission | |
Australian Environmental Council (continued by ANZECC) | ||
AEDC | Australian Electronics Development Corporation | |
AEF & P | Australian Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents (Butt) | |
AEFP | Australian Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents (Butt) | |
AEFPD | Australian Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents Desk Edition (Butt) | |
AEG | Australian Estate and Gift Duty Reporter (CCH) | |
AEGR | Australian Estate and Gift Duty Cases (CCH iKnowConnect) | |
AEL | Australian Employment Legislation (CCH) | |
AELJ | Atomic Energy Law Journal | |
AELN | Australian Environmental Law News | |
AEM | Australian Employment Law Guide (CCH) | |
AENB | Australian Enterprise Bargaining Manual (CCH) | |
AEOP | Australian & New Zealand Equal Opportunity Law & Practice (CCH iKnowConnect) | |
AER | All England Law Reports 1936- | |
Australian Environment Review (Formerly Australian Environment Management Review Newsletter) | ||
AER Rep.Ext. | All England Law Reports Reprint Extension Volumes, Australia 1861-1935 | |
AF | Federal Legislation Annotations | |
AF L Rev | Air Force Law Review | |
AFAM | Australian Family Law Guide (CCH iKnowConnect) | |
AFAR | Australian Foreign Affairs Record | |
AFAX | CCH Faxtax | |
AFB | Australian Fringe Benefits Tax Guide for Employers (CCH iKnowConnect) | |
AFCH | Australian Family Law - Court Handbook (CCH) | |
AFI | Asset Finance International | |
AFIN | Australian Finance Availability Guide (CCH) | |
AFL | Australian Family Law and Practice (CCH iKnowConnect) | |
Australian Family Lawyer | ||
AFLB | Australian Family Law Bulletin (Butt) | |
AFLCSH | Australian Family Law Child Support Handbook | |
AFLJ | Australian Feminist Law Journal | |
AFP | Australian Federal Police | |
AFP | Australian Federal Police College Library, Canberra | |
AFR | Australian Financial Review | |
Afr Hum Rts LJ | African Human Rights Law Journal | |
Afr J Legal Stud | African Journal of Legal Studies | |
Afr LD | African Law Digest | |
African LR Comm | African Law Reports, Commercial Series 1964- | |
African LR Mal | African Law Reports, Malawa Series 1923- | |
African LRSL | African Law Reports, Sierra Leone Series 1920- | |
AFT | Australian Federal Tax Reporter (CCH iKnowConnect) | |
AFTR | Australian Federal Tax Reporter (CCH iKnowConnect) | |
A-G | Attorney-General | |
A-G Newsl.(Vic) | Attorney-General's Newsletter (Victoria) | |
AGDD | Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Information Resource Centre, Canberra | |
Age (The) | The Age (Newspaper) 1855- | |
Agen | Agender : Newsletter of the Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner | |
AGENDA | Agenda : a Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform | |
AGIS | Attorney-General's Information Service | |
AGLA | Australian Government Lawyers' Association | |
AGLA Bull. | AGLA Bulletin: Journal of the Australian Government Lawyer's Association | |
AGLLJ | Australasian Gay and Lesbian Law Journal | |
AGPS | Australian Government Publishing Service | |
Agra | Agra High Court Reports (India) 1866-1868 | |
Agra FB | Agra High Court, Full Bench Rulings (India) 1866-1868 | |
Agri Law | Agricultural Law | |
AGS | Australian Government Solicitors' Office | |
AHC | High Court of Australia Library, Canberra | |
AHF | Australian High Court and Federal Court Practice (CCH iKnowConnect) | |
AHLB | Australian Health Law Bulletin | |
AHMLR | Australian Health and Medical Law Reporter | |
AHRLR | African Human Rights Law Reports | |
AHRM | Human Resources Management (CCH - continued Personnel Management News) | |
AI & L | Artificial Intelligence and Law | |
AIAJ | Asian International Arbitration Journal | |
AIAL | Australian Institute of Administrative Law, Canberra | |
AIALF | Australian Institute of Administrative Law Forum | |
AIALN | Australian Institute of Administrative Law Newsletter | |
AIB | Australian Insolvency Bulletin | |
AIC | Arab-Israel Collection | |
Australian Institute of Criminology (Canberra) | ||
Australian Institute of Criminology, JV Barry Library, Canberra | ||
AIC Seminar Proceedings | Australian Institute of Criminology Seminar Proceedings | |
AICR | Australian Institute of Criminology Reporter | |
AID | Australian Industrial Digest (Butt) | |
AIDA | International Association for Insurance Law | |
AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome | |
AIFS | Australian Institute of Family Studies | |
AIFS | Australian Institute of Forensic Sciences (Sydney) | |
AIIA | Australian Institute of International Affairs | |
AIIJ | Australian Insurance Institute Journal | |
AIIP | Australian Industrial & Intellectual Property (CCH iKnowConnect) | |
AIJA | Australian Institute of Judicial Affairs | |
Aik | Aikens Reports (Vermont USA) 1825-1828 | |
AIL | Australian Industrial Law Review (CCH iKnowConnect) | |
AIL Rep | Australian Indigenous Law Reporter 1996- | |
AILA | Australian Insurance Law Association | |
AILC | American International Law Cases 1783-1979 | |
AILC 2d S | American International Law Cases, Second Series 1979- | |
AILEC | Australian International Indochina Legal Cooperation Program | |
AILN | American Indian Law Newsletter | |
Australian International Law News | ||
AILR | American Indian Law Review | |
Australian Indigenous Law Reporter | ||
Australian Industrial Law Review (CCH iKnowConnect) | ||
Australian Industrial Law Reports | ||
AIN | Australian & New Zealand Insurance Cases 1979- | |
Australian & New Zealand Insurance Reporter (CCH iKnowConnect) | ||
AIPC | Australian Intellectual Property Cases (CCH iKnowConnect) | |
AIPJ | Australian Intellectual Property Journal (LBC - formerly Intellectual Property Journal) | |
AIPL | Annual of Industrial Property Law | |
AIPLB | Australian Intellectual Property Law Bulletin (LBC - formerly Intellectual Property) | |
AIPO | Australian Industrial Property Organisation (Incorporating the Patent, Trade Marks and Design Offices, Canberra) | |
AIPPI | International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property | |
AIPR | Asia Intellectual Property Reports | |
AIR | All India Reporter 1914- | |
Immigration Review Tribunal Library, Canberra | ||
Asia Insurance Review | ||
Air & Space L | Air and Space Law (Kluwer, The Netherlands, formerly Air Law 1976-1991) | |
Air L | Air Law (Kluwer, Deventer, The Netherlands) | |
Air Law | Air Law (Kluwer) | |
AIRC | Australian Industrial Relations Commission | |
AISHWC | Australian Industrial Safety, Health and Welfare Cases (CCH - Located in Australian Industrial Safety, Health and Welfare Reporter) 1979- | |
AISP | Australian Insolvency Management Practice (CCH iKnowConnect) | |
AITB | Australian Income Tax Bills (CCH iKnowConnect) | |
AITG | Australian Income Tax Guide (CCH iKnowConnect) | |
AITL & P | Australian Income Tax Law and Practice (Butt) | |
AITR | Australian & New Zealand Income Tax Reports 1937-1940, 1940-1969 | |
AIVLE | Australian Institute of Valuers and Land Economists | |
AIX | Australian International Tax Agreements (CCH iKnowConnect) | |
AJ | Australian Jurist Reports (Vic) 1870-1874 | |
A-J | Acting Justice or Judge | |
AJ Admin L | Australian Journal of Administrative Law | |
AJAT | CCH Journal of Australian Taxation | |
AJC | Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology | |
AJCCL | Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law (formerly Trade Practices Law Journal) | |
AJCL | Australian Journal of Corporate Law (Butt) | |
American Journal of Comparative Law | ||
AJDA | American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse | |
AJEM | Australian Journal of Environmental Management (LBC) | |
AJFL | Australian Journal of Family Law (Butt) | |
AJFS | Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences (Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences, Sydney) | |
AJHR | Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives (New Zealand) | |
Australian Journal of Human Rights | ||
AJIL | American Journal of International Law | |
AJLL | Australian Journal of Labour Law | |
AJLM | American Journal of Law and Medicine | |
AJLP | Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy | |
AJLS | Australian Journal of Law & Society | |
AJNRLP | Australasian Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy | |
AJPA | Australian Journal of Public Administration | |
AJR | Australian Jurist Reports (Vic) 1870-1874 | |
AJR NC | Australian Jurist Reports (Notes of Cases) (Vic) 1870-1874 | |
AJSH | Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia & New Zealand (CCH) | |
AJSI | Australian Journal of Social Issues | |
AJTP | American Journal of Tax Policy | |
Akron LR | Akron Law Review | |
Akron Tax J | Akron Tax Journal | |
Akt | Die Aktiengesellschaft |
Abbreviation | Title |
AL | Administrative Law Service (Butt) |
Air Law (Kluwer, The Netherlands; change in title to Air and Space Law from 1992) | |
Asia Law (Asia Law and Practice Ltd/Euromoney, HK) | |
Auckland District Law Society Library | |
AL Rep | Australian Law Reporter (Butt) |
Ala | Alabama (USA) |
Alabama Reports (USA) 1840-1976 | |
American Library Association | |
Ala Law | Alabama Lawyer |
Ala LR | Alabama Law Review |
ALAA | Aviation Law Association of Australia |
ALAA Papers | Aviation Law Association of Australia Papers |
ALAB | Laboratory Safety Manual (CCH) |
ALAC | Alcoholic Liquor Advisory Council (New Zealand) |
Alaska | Alaska (USA) |
Alaska Reports (USA) 1884-1959 | |
Alaska L Rev | Alaska Law Review |
ALB | Aboriginal Law Bulletin |
Administrative Law Bulletin | |
Alb L Envtl Outlook | Albany Law Environmental outlook |
Alb LR | Albany Law Review |
Alb LJ Sci & Tech | Albany Law Journal of Science and Technology |
Alc | Alcock Registration Cases (Ireland) 1832-1841 |
Alc & N | Alcock & Napier's King's Bench Reports (Ire) 1831-1833 |
Alc Reg Cas | Alcock's Registration Cases (Ire) 1832-1841 |
ALCA | Arts Law Centre of Australia |
ALCF | Australian Law Council Foundation |
Australian Lawyers' Christian Fellowship | |
ALD | Administrative Law Decisions (Butt - located in Australian Administrative Law Service, Vol 2, from 1987 published as booklets) 1976- |
ALEC | Australian Industrial & Intellectual Property (CCH iKnowConnect) |
ALER | Antitrust Law & Economics Review |
ALEY | Australian Legal Education Yearbook 1995- |
ALF | Asia Law Forum |
ALGPED | Australian Local Government Planning and Environment Digest (Butt) |
ALI | American Law Institute |
ALIR | American Law Institute. Annual Report |
ALJ | Asian Law Journal |
Australian Law Journal (LBC) | |
ALJR | Australian Law Journal Reports (LBC) |
All | Allen's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1848-1866 |
ALL | Australian Law Librarian |
All ER | All England Law Reports |
All ER AR | All England Law Reports Annual Review |
All ER (Comm) | All England Law Reports (Commercial Cases) |
All ER (D) | All England Digest |
All ER Rep | All England Law Reports Reprint 1558-1935 |
All ER (Comm) | All England Law Reports (Commercial Cases) |
All ER (D) | All England Digest |
All ER Rep | All England Law Reports Reprint 1558-1935 |
All ER Rep Ext | All England Law Reports Reprint, Australian Extension Volumes 1865-1935 |
All ER Rev | All England Law Reports Annual Review |
All SA | All South African Law Reports (1828 - ; LexisNexis South Africa) |
Allen | Allen's Reports (Massachusetts USA) 1861-1867 (83-96 Mass) |
Allen's Reports (Washington Territory USA) 1854-1885 | |
ALLG | Australian Law Librarians Group |
ALLG Newsletter | Australian Law Librarians' Group Newsletter |
ALLR | Australian Labour Law Reporter |
ALM Brief | Association of Lloyd's Members Briefing |
ALM News | Association of Lloyd's Members News |
ALMD | Australian Legal Monthly Digest (LBC) |
ALMD Advance | ALMD Advance (LBC) |
ALN | Administrative Law News |
Administrative Law Notes (Butt) | |
Australian Law News (Law Council of Australia; succeeded by Australian Lawyer 1993-) | |
ALPD | Australian Legal Profession Digest |
ALQ | Arab Law Quarterly |
ALR | Adelaide Law Review |
Alberta Law Reports (Can) 1908-1932 | |
American Law Reports | |
American Law Reports, Annotated 1913-1947 | |
Argus Law Reports, Victoria 1895-1959 | |
Australian Argus Law Reports 1960-1973 | |
Australian Law Reports 1973- | |
ALR (CN) | Argus Law Reports (Current Notes) 1895-1958 |
ALR 2d | American Law Reports Annotated, Second Series 1948-1965 |
ALR 3d | American Law Reports Annotated, Third Series 1965-1980 |
ALR 4th | American Law Reports Annotated, Fourth Series 1980-1992 |
ALR 5th | American Law Reports Annotated, Fifth Series 1992- |
ALRA | Australian Lawyers for Refugees Association |
ALRC | Australian Law Reform Commission |
ALRC DP | Australian Law Reform Commission Discussion Paper |
ALRM | Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement |
ALS | Aboriginal Legal Service |
ALSA | Australasian Law Students Association |
ALSA Journal | Australasian Law Students Association Journal |
ALSAAJ | Australasian Law Students Association Academic Journal |
ALT | Australian Law Times |
Alt LJ | Alternative Law Journal (formerly Legal Services Bulletin) |
Alta | Alberta (Can) |
Australasian Law Teachers Association (Formerly AULSA) | |
Alta CA | Alberta Court of Appeal |
Alta Dec | Alberta Decisions (Can) 1974- |
Alta LR | Alberta Law Reports (Can) |
Alberta Law Review | |
Alta LR (2d.) | Alberta Law Reports Second Series (Can) 1976-1992 |
Alta LR (3d) | Alberta Law Reports Third Series (Can) 1992- |
ALTS | Automated Land Titles System |
ALVE | Australian Leave & Holidays Practice Manual (CCH) |
ALWG Newsletter | Australian Legal Workers Group Newsletter (NSW) |
Am & Eng Ann Cas | American and English Annotated Cases 1 |
Am Bankr L J | American Bankruptcy Law Journal |
Am BAR | American Bar Association Reports |
Am Bus LJ | American Business Law Journal |
Am Civ LJ | American Civil Law Journal |
Am Crim L Rev | American Criminal Law Review |
Am Dec | American Decisions (USA) 1760-1870 |
Am J Comp L | American Journal of Comparative Law |
Am J Int L | American Journal of International Law |
Am J Juris | American Journal of Jurisprudence |
Am J Police Sci | American Journal of Police Science |
Am J Tax Pol'y | American Journal of Tax Policy |
Am JCL | American Journal of Criminal Law |
Am JJ | American Journal of Jurisprudence |
Am JL & Med | American Journal of Law and Medicine |
Am JLH | American Journal of Legal History |
Am LJ | American Law Journal |
Am Law Econ rev | American Law and Economics Review |
Am L Review | American Law Review |
Am Mun L Rev | American Municipal Law Review |
Am R | American Reports (USA) 1869-1887 |
Am Rep | American Reports (USA) 1869-1887 |
Am Rev Int'l Arb | American Review of International Arbitration |
Am St R | American State Reports (USA) 1886-1911 |
Am U Int'l L Rev | American University International Law Review |
Am UJ Gender & Soc Pol'y & L | American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law |
Am ULR | American University Law Review |
Amb | Ambler's Chancery Reports 1737-1784 |
AMC | American Maritime Cases (1923-) |
AMCM | Marketers Compliance Manual (CCH) |
AMED | Australian Health and Medical Law Reporter (CCH) |
Ames | Ames Reports (Rhode Island USA) (4-7 RI) |
Ames K & B | Ames, Knowles and Bradley's Reports (Rhode Island USA) (8 RI) |
AMIC | Minerals Council of Australia (formerly Australian Mining Industrial Council) |
AMLB | Australian & NZ Trade Practices Advertising & Marketing Law Bulletin |
Trade Practices Advertising & Marketing Law Bulletin (LBC) | |
AMLC | Australian Medical Liability Cases (CCH) |
AMLR | Australian Media Law Reporter (LBC) |
AMPLA | Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association Limited (Melbourne) |
AMPLA Bull | Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association Bulletin |
AMPLA Journal | Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Journal |
AMPLA Yearbook | Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association Yearbook |
AMPLJ | Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Journal |
AMPLY | Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association Yearbook |
AMR | All Malaysia Reports |
AN | New South Wales Statutes Annotations (Butt) |
An Int Cr | Annales Internationales de Criminologie |
ANB | Australian National Bibliography (National Library of Australia) |
ANC | New South Wales Conveyancing Law & Practice (CCH iKnowConnect) |
ANCP | New South Wales Local Courts Civil Practice (CCH) |
And | Anderson's Agricultural Decisions (Scotland) 1800-1883 |
Anderson's Common Pleas Reports 1534-1605 | |
Andrew's Reports (Connecticut, USA) (63-73) | |
Andr | Andrew's King's Bench Reports 1738-1739 |
ANDX | Research Manual of Industrial Law (CCH - formerly Australian Industrial Law Index ) |
ANG | Australian Net Guide |
Ang & Dur | Angell and Durfee's Reports (Rhode Island USA) (1 RI) |
Animal L | Animal Law |
aNiMaLs | National Media Liaison Service (Canberra) |
ANL | National Library of Australia |
ANLX | New South Wales Land Tax (CCH) |
ANMA | New South Wales Motor Accidents Practitioners Manual (CCH) |
Ann Dr | Annales de Droit de Louvain |
Ann Fr Int | Annuaire Francais de Droit International ( Belg) |
Ann Law Rev | Annual Law Review |
Ann Rev Banking L | Annual Review of Banking Law |
Ann Rev UNA | Annual Review of United Nations Affairs |
Ann Surv | Annual Survey of Australian Law |
Ann Surv Am L | Annual Survey of American Law |
Ann Surv Austl L | Annual Survey of Australian Law |
Ann Surv Int'l & Comp L | Annual Survey of International and Comparative Law |
Ann Surv Law | Annual Survey of Law |
Annual L Rev | Western Australian Annual Law Review |
ANR | The National Economic and Legislative Report (CCH) |
ANRU | New South Wales Revenue Rulings (CCH) |
Anst | Anstruther's Exchequer Reports 1792-1797 |
New South Wales Strata Title Law & Practice (CCH) | |
Anti LJ | Antitrust Law Journal (ABA) |
Antitrust Bull | Antitrust Bulletin |
Antitrust L & Econ Rev | Antitrust Law & Economics Review |
ANZ ConvR | Australian and New Zealand Conveyancing Report (CCH) 1979- |
ANZ IC | Australian and New Zealand Insurance Cases (CCH iKnowConnect) |
ANZ Insurance Cases | Australian and New Zealand Insurance Cases (CCH iKnowConnect) |
ANZALS | Australian and New Zealand Association of Law Schools |
ANZAPPL | Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law |
ANZC Hals | Australian and New Zealand Commentary on Halsbury's Laws of England |
ANZCERTA | Australian and New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement |
ANZCR | Australian and New Zealand Conveyancing Report (CCH) 1979- |
ANZECC | Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (continues AEC) |
ANZJ Crim | Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology |
ANZJ of Crim | Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology |
ANZJC | Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology (CCH) |
ANZJLE | Australia & New Zealand Journal of Law & Education |
ANZLIC | Australian and New Zealand Land Information Council (formerly ALIC - Australian Land Information Council) |
ANZLS | Australian and New Zealand Association of Law Students Annual Report |
ANZTP | Australian and New Zealand Trade Practices Law Bulletin |
ANZUS | Australia - New Zealand - United States of America Treaty |
AOJP | Australian Official Journal of Patents, Trademarks and Designs |
AOJPTMD | Australian Official Journal of Patents Trade Marks and Designs |
AOJTM | Australian Official Journal of Trade Marks |
AOPM | Office of Parliamentary Council, Library, Canberra |
AP Tax | CCH Journal of Asian Pacific Taxation |
AP Tax & Invest Bull | Asian-Pacific Tax and Investment Bulletin |
APA | Australian Planning Appeal Decisions (LBC) 1982-1993 |
APAD | Australian Planning Appeal Decisions (LBC) 1982-1993 |
APAIS | Australian Public Affairs Information Service (National Library of Australia) |
APAM | Australian Payroll Administration Manual (CCH) |
APD | Archives de Philosophie du Droit |
APC | Asian Pacific Community |
Australian Press Council | |
APCL | Asian Pacific Commercial Lawyer (Oyez Longman, UK) |
APCLR | Asia-Pacific Construction Law Reports (Butt - Singapore) 1992- |
APEC | Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (Forum) |
APELJ | Asia Pacific Environment Law Journal |
APJ | Australian Police Journal |
APJEL | Asia-Pacific Journal of Environmental Law |
APJHR | Asian Pacific Journal of Human Resources |
APL | Australian Pollution Law: Control Volume (CCH) |
APLA | Australian Plaintiff Lawyers Association |
APLA Journal | Asian-Pacific Lawyers Association Journal |
APLA QJ | APLA Quarterly Journal |
APLB | Australian Property Law Bulletin (LBC) |
APLE | Australian Professional Liability - Education |
APLPJ | Asian Pacific Law & Policy Journal |
APLJ | Australian Property Law Journal |
APLR | Asia-Pacific Law Review |
Australian Product Liability Reporter (LBC) | |
APLTR | Asian Pacific Law & Tax Review (Oyez Longman, UK) |
APM | Australian Personnel Management (CCH - succeeded by AHRM 1993-) |
APMC | Australian Police Ministers' Council |
APN | Australian Pollution Law: New South Wales (CCH) |
APO | Australian Patent Office |
App | Appleton's Reports (Maine USA) (19, 20 Me) |
App Cas | Law Reports, Appeal Cases, House of Lords 1875-1890 |
App Ct Rep | See NZCA |
App D | South African Law Reports, Appellate Division 1910-1946 |
App Fish Com | Appeals from Fisheries Commission (Ireland) 1861-1893 |
App JHR | See AJHR |
App NZ | See NZCA |
App RNZ | See NZCA |
Appalachian JL | Appalachian Journal of Law |
Appleton | Appleton's Reports (Maine USA) (19, 20 Me) |
APR | Atlantic Provinces Reports (Can) 1974- |
APRCTL | Asian Pacific Review of Computers Technology and the Law (Continued by IRCTL) |
APS | Australian Protective Security |
APTIRC | Asian-Pacific Tax and Investment Research Centre |
APTIRC Bulletin | Asian-Pacific Tax and Investment Bulletin |
APV | Australian Pollution Law: Victoria (CCH) |
APX | Australian Tax Planning Report (via Checkpoint) |
APY | Australian Pay-Roll Tax Manual (via CCH iKnowConnect) |
AQ | Australian Quarterly (Australian Institute of Political Science) |
AQC | Queensland Conveyancing Law & Practice (CCH) |
AR | Administrative Review (Aust) |
Alberta Reports (Can) 1976- | |
Appeal Reports, Upper Canada 1846-1866 | |
Argus Reports Victoria 1895-1959 | |
Industrial Arbitration Reports (NSW) 1902- | |
Ontario Appeal Reports (Can) 1876-1900 | |
AR (NSW) | Industrial Arbitration Reports, New South Wales |
Industrial Arbitration Reports, NSW 1902- | |
Ar Rep | Argus Reports, Victoria 1895-1959 |
Arab LQ | Arab Law Quarterly |
Arb Ct | See ACJ |
Arb Int | Arbitration International Quarterly |
Arb J | Arbitration Journal (UK) (USA) |
Arbitration Int | Arbitration International |
Arbitrator | Arbitrator (Journal of the Institute of Arbitrators Australia) |
ARC | Administrative Review Council (Canberra) |
American Railway Cases (USA) 1854-1856 | |
Avoidance and Resolution of Conflict Group (Sydney) | |
Arch Phil Dr | Archives de Philosophie du Droit (Fr) |
Archer | Archer's Reports (Florida USA) (2 Fla) |
Archer & H | Archer and Hogue's Reports (Florida USA) (2 Fla) |
Arg LR | Argus Law Reports 1895-1959 |
Arg Rep | Argus Law Reports 1895-1959 |
Argus LR | Argus Law Reports 1895-1959 |
Argus LR (CN) | Argus Law Reports (Current Notes) 1895-1959 |
Ariz | Arizona (USA) |
Arizona Reports (USA) 1866- | |
Ariz J Int'l & Comp L | Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law |
Ariz L Rev | Arizona Law Review |
Ariz St LJ | Arizona State Law Journal |
Ark | Arkansas (USA) |
Arkansas Reports (USA) 1837- | |
Ark App | Arkansas Appellate Reports 1981 |
Ark LR | Arkansas Law Review |
Arkley | Arkley's Justiciary Reports (Scotland) 1846-1848 |
ARLR | Australian Resources Law Reports |
ARM | Australian Republican Movement |
Arm M & O | Armstrong, Macartney and Ogle's Nisi Prius Reports (Ire) 1840-1842 |
Armour | Armour's Manitoba Queen's Bench Reports tempore Wood (Can) 1875-1883 |
Arn | Arnold's Common Pleas Reports 1838-1839 |
Arnot's Criminal Trials (Scotland) 1536-1784 | |
Arn & H | Arnold and Hodges' Practice Cases, Queen's Bench 1840-1841 |
ARPL | Annual Review of Population Law |
ARRC | Aboriginal Research and Resource Centre (University of New South Wales) |
ARSP | Archiv Fur Rechts - und Sozialphilosophie (Ger) |
Artif Intell Law | Artificial Intelligence and Law |
ARTG | Recruitment and Termination Guide (CCH) |
ASAL | Annual Survey of Australian Law (LBC) |
Australian Sales & Fair Trading Law Reports | |
ASAL (Digest) | Australian Sales & Fair Trading Law Reports Digest |
ASC | Australian Consumer Sales and Credit Law Reporter (via CCH iKnowConnect) |
Australian Securities Commission. Successor to NCSC | |
Law Courts of the ACT, Russell Fox Library, Canberra | |
ASC Digest | ASC Digest (Australian Securities Commission / Centre for Professional Development) |
ASC Rel | Australian Securities Commission Media Releases (contained in the ASC Digest) |
ASCL | Annual Survey of Commonwealth Law (Butt) |
ASD | Australian Sentencing Digest (LBC) |
ASDL | Australian Stamp Duties Law (Butt) |
ASEC | Australian Corporate Practice Manual |
ASEJ | Australian Stock Exchange Journal |
ASF | Australian Securitisation Forum (Sydney) |
ASFL | Australian State Family Law Legislation (via CCH iKnowConnect) |
ASH | Australian Industrial Safety, Health & Welfare (CCH) |
Ashb | Ashburner's Principles of Equity. 2ed 1933 |
Asia BLR | Asia Business Law Review |
Asia Pac J Envtl L | Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law |
Asia Pac JHR & L | Asia Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law |
Asian AM LJ | Asian American Law Journal |
Asian J WTO & Int'l Health L & Pol'y | Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy |
Asian JEM | Asian Journal of Environmental Management |
Asian-Pac Tax & Invest Bull | Asian-Pacific Tax and Investment Bulletin |
Asian YB Int'l L | Asian Yearbook of International Law |
ASIC | Australian Securities and Investments Commission |
ASIL | American Society of International Law |
Annual Survey of Indian Law | |
ASILS | Association of Student International Law Societies |
ASILS Int'l LJ | ASILS International Law Journal - (continued by ILSA Journal of International Law 1987-) |
ASJB | Australian Sentencing Judgments Bulletin |
ASL | Annual Survey of Law (Change in title to Annual Survey of Australian law) |
ASLB | Australian Superannuation Law Bulletin |
ASLC | Australian Securities Law Cases (via CCH iKnowConnect) (CCH - found in Australian Securities Law Reporter) 1971- |
ASLJ | Arizona State Law Journal |
ASLP | Australian Society of Legal Philosophy (Sydney) |
ASLP Bulletin | Australian Society of Legal Philosophy Bulletin |
ASLP Proc | Australian Society of Legal Philosophy Proceedings |
ASM | Australian Superannuation Source Materials |
ASMA | Journal of the Australian Stipendiary Magistrates' Association |
ASN | Australian Super News (CCH) |
ASP | Australian Superannuation Law and Practice (CCH; formerly Australian Superannuation & Employment Benefits Guide) |
Asp MC | Aspinall's Maritime Cases 1870-1940 |
Asp MLC | Aspinall's Maritime Cases 1870-1940 |
ASPAC | Asian and Pacific Council |
ASPAMLJ | Asian Pacific American Law Journal |
Asper Rev Int'l Bus & Trade L | Asper Review of International Business and Trade Law |
ASR | American Samoa Reports 1900-1975 |
Australian Securities Law Reporter (via CCH iKnowConnect) | |
ASR 2d. | American Samoa Reports, Second Series 1983- |
ASS | Australian Society Security Guide (CCH) |
ASSAL | Annual Survey of South African Law |
ASSC | Australian Social Security Cases (CCH - located in Australian Social Security Guide, Vol 2) 1984- |
Assess Ct | Assessment Court (NZ) |
ASTC | Australian Sales Tax Cases (CCH - located in Australian Sales Tax Guide, Vol 2) 1973- |
ASTLR | Australian Succession and Trusts Law Reports 2009- |
ASTM | Australian Stamp Duties (CCH) |
ASTN | New South Wales and ACT Stamp Duties (CCH) |
ASTQ | Queensland Stamp Duties (CCH) |
ASTS | South Australia & Northern Territory Stamp Duties (via CCH iKnowConnect) |
ASTV | Victorian and Tasmanian Stamp Duties (CCH) |
ASTW | Western Australia Stamp Duties (CCH) |
ASX | Australian Stock Exchange |
ASX Listing Rules | Australian Stock Exchange Main Board Official Listing Rules |
ASX Second Board Listing Rules | Australian Stock Exchange (Sydney) Limited Official Listing Rules for Second Board Companies |
Abbreviation | Title |
B | Buchanan's Supreme Court Reports, Cape (S Afr) 1868-1879 |
B & Ad | Barnewall and Adolphus' King's Bench Reports 1830-1834 |
B & Ald | Barnewall and Alderson's King's Bench Reports 1817-1822 |
B & C | Barnewall and Cresswell's King's Bench Reports 1822-1830 |
B & CR | Reports of Bankruptcy & Companies (Winding-Up) Cases 1918-1941 |
B & FT | Banking and Financial Training |
B & MEL | Baker and McKenzie Employment Law |
B & MPL | Baker and McKenzie Pensions Law |
B & S | Best and Smith's Queen's Bench Reports 1861-1865 |
B Dig | Bose's Digest, (India) |
BA | Book of Awards (made under the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, New Zealand) |
Bac Abr | Bacon's Abridgment 7ed 1832 |
BaCA | Barbados Court of Appeal |
Bach | Bach's Reports (Montana USA) (19-21 Mont) |
BACR | Brooker's Accident Compensation Reports |
Bagl | Bagley's Reports (California USA) (16 Cal) |
Bagl & H | Bagley and Harman's Reports (California USA) (17-19 Cal) |
Bah CA | Bahamas Court of Appeal |
Bail Ct Cas | Lowndes and Maxwell's Bail Court Cases 1852-1854 |
Baild | Baildon's Select Cases in Chancery 1364-1471 |
Bailey | Bailey's South Carolina Law Reports (South Carolina USA) 1828-1832 (17-18 SCL) |
Bailey Eq | Bailey's South Carolina Equity Reports (South Carolina USA) 1830-1831 (8 SC Eq) |
Bal | Balance: Journal of the Law Society of the Northern Territory |
Bald CC | Baldwin's US 3rd Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1827-1833 |
Ball & B | Ball and Beatty's Chancery Reports (Ireland) 1807-1814 |
Ban LJ | Banaras Law Journal (India) |
Bank LR | Banking Law Reports |
Bankr & Ins R | Bankruptcy and Insolvency Reports 1853-1855 |
Banks | Banks Reports (Kansas USA) (1-5 Kan) |
Bann & A | Banning and Arden's Patent Cases (USA) 1874-1881 |
Bann & A Pat Cas | Banning and Arden's Patent Cases (USA) 1874-1881 |
Bar & Arn | Barron and Arnold's Election Cases 1843-1846 |
Bar & Aust | Barron and Austin's Election Cases 1842 |
Bar Gaz | Bar Gazette (NSW) |
Bar News | Bar News - Journal of New South Wales Bar Association |
Bar News - Journal of the NSW Bar Association | |
Bar Review | Bar Review |
Barb | Barber's Reports (Arkansas USA) (14-21 Ark) |
Barb Ch | Barbour's Chancery Reports (New York USA) 1845-1848 |
Barc R | Barclays Review |
Barn Ch | Barnardiston's Reports Chancery 1740-1741 |
Barn KB | Barnardiston's Kings Bench Reports 1726-1735 |
Barnes | Barnes' Notes of Cases of Practice in Common Pleas 1732-1760 |
Barr | Barr's Reports (Pennsylvania USA) (1-10 Pa St) |
Barrows | Barrow's Reports (Rhode Island USA) (18 RI) |
BASLP | Bulletin of the Australian Society of Legal Philosophy (University of Sydney, Dept of Jurisprudence and International Law) |
Batt | Batty's King's Bench Reports (Ireland) 1825-1846 |
Baxt | Baxter's Reports (Tennessee USA) 1872-1878 (60-68 Tenn) |
Bay | Bay's Reports (Missouri USA) (1-3, 5-8 Mo) |
Bay's South Carolina Law Reports (South Carolina USA) 1783-1804 (1-2 SCL) | |
Baylor LR | Baylor Law Review |
BB& FLR | Butterworths Banking and Financial Law Review |
BC | British Columbia (Can) |
New South Wales Bankruptcy Cases 1890-1899 | |
BC (Newspr) (Q) | Brisbane Courier Reports (Newspaper) |
BC (NSW) | New South Wales Bankruptcy Cases 1890-1899 |
BC Envtl Aff L Rev | Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review |
BC Ind & Com L | Boston College Industrial and Commercial Law Review |
BC Int'l & Comp L Rev | Boston College International and Comparative Law Review |
BC Third World LJ | Boston College Third World Law Journal |
BCA | Building Code of Australia |
BCA | Business Council of Australia (Melbourne) |
BCAC | British Columbia Appeal Cases 1991- |
BCB | Business Council Bulletin |
Butterworths Conveyancing Bulletin (NZ) | |
BCC | British Company Law Cases 1983- |
BCCA | British Columbia Court of Appeal |
BCCB | Butterworths Consumer Credit Bulletin |
BCD | British Columbia Decisions (Can) 1972- |
BCICL | Boston College International and Comparative Law Journal |
BCL | Building and Construction Law |
Butterworths Current Law (NZ) | |
BCL Bull | Butterworths Company Law Bulletin |
BCLB | Butterworths Company Law Bulletin |
Butterworths Corporation Law Bulletin | |
BCLC | Butterworths Company Law Cases |
Building and Construction Law Cases | |
BCLD | Butterworths Current Law Digest (NZ) |
BCLN | Butterworths Company Law News |
BCLR | British Columbia Law Reports (Can) 1976- |
Butterworths Constitutional Law Reports (S Afr) | |
BCLRC | British Columbia Law Reform Commission |
BCLRS | Building & Construction Legal Reporting Service |
BCPC | Provincial Court of British Columbia |
BCR | British Columbia Reports (Can) 1867-1947 |
Butterworths Company Reports (NZ, Continued as Morison's Company Law Reports) 1970-1990 | |
BCSLR | Brooker's Company and Securities Law Reports |
BCTWLJ | Boston College Third World Law Journal |
BCWL | Bulletin of Canadian Welfare Law |
BCWLD | British Columbia Weekly Law Digest |
Bd Td | Board of Trade |
Bd Td Arb | Board of Trade and Arbitration |
BD Trib (WA) | Building Disputes Tribunal (WA) |
BDC | Building Disputes Committee (WA) |
BDIL | British Digest of International Law 1965- |
BDS | Bills Digest Service (Australia Dept of the Parliamentary Library, Canberra) |
Bills Digest Service (NSW Parliamentary Library, Sydney) | |
Beas | Beasley's New Jersey Equity Reports (New Jersery USA) 1856-1861 (12, 13 NJ Eq) |
Beat | Beatty's Irish Chancery Reports 1813-1830 |
Beav | Beavan's Rolls Court Reports 1838-1866 |
Beav & Wal | Beavan & Walford's Railway and Canal Parliamentary Cases 1846 |
Beaw | Beawes', Lex Mercatoria 6 ed 1846 |
Beck | Beck's Reports (Colorado USA) (12-16 Colo; 1 Colo App) |
Bedell | Bedell's Reports (New York USA) (163-191 NY) |
Bee Adm | Bee's US Admiralty Reports (USA) 1792-1809 (Appendix to Bee's US District Court Reports) (District of South Carolina) |
Behav Sci Law | Behavioral Sciences & the Law |
Bell | Bellinger's Reports (Oregon USA) (4-8 Ore) |
Bell's Crown Cases Reserved 1858-1860 | |
Bell's House of Lords Appeal Cases (Scotland) 1842-1850 | |
Bell App | Bell's House of Lords Appeal Cases (Scot) (1842-50) |
Bell Ct of Sess | Bell's Session Cases (Scotland) 1790-1795 |
Bell Ct of Sess fol | R. Bell's Decisions, Session Cases (Scotland) 1794-1795 |
Bell Dict Dec | Bell, Dictionary of Decisions, Court of Sessions (Scotland) 1808-1833 |
Bell Sc App | Bell's House of Lords Appeal Cases (Scotland) 1842-1850 |
Bellewe | Bellewe's King's bench Reports tempore Richard II 1378-1400 |
Belt's Supp | Belt's Supplement to Vasey Senior's Chancery Reports 1746-1756 |
Ben | Benedict's US District Court Reports (New York USA) 1865-1879 (District of New York) |
Benloe's King's Bench Reports1531-1628 | |
Benl | Benloe's (or Bendloe's) King's Bench Reports 1531-1628 |
Benn | Bennett's Reports (California USA) (1 Cal) |
Bennett's Reports (Missouri USA) (16-21 Mo) | |
Beor | Queensland Law Reports 1876-1878 |
BEQB | Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin |
Ber | Berton's New Brunswick Reports 1835-1839 |
Berkeley J Afr Am L & Pol'y | Berkeley Journal of African American Law & Policy |
Berkeley J Crim L | Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law |
Berkeley J Emp & Lab L | Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law |
Berkeley J Gender L & Just | Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice |
Berkeley J Int'l L | Berkeley Journal of International Law |
Berkeley J Middle E & Islamic L | Berkeley Journal of Middle Eastern & Islamic Law |
Berkeley La Raza LJ | Berkeley La Raza Law Journal |
Berkeley Tech LJ | Berkeley Technology Law Journal |
Berkeley Women's LJ | Berkeley Women's Law Journal |
Bern Ch Cas | Bernard's Church Cases (Ireland) 1870-1875 |
Best & Sm | Best & Smith's Queen's Bench Reports 1861-1865 |
BFIT | Bulletin for International Taxation |
BFLJ | Butterworths Family Law Journal ( NZ-Continues Family Law Bulletin) |
BFLR | Banking and Finance Law Review |
BFRA | Banking and Finance Reports of Australia |
BFSP | British and Foreign State Papers 1812/1814-1939 |
BGHSt | Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshof in Strafsachen (Germany)...Reports of the Supreme Federal Court in Criminal Matters 1951- |
BGHZ | Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshof in Zivilsachen (Germany)...Reports of the Federal Supreme Court in Civil Matters 1951- |
BHCR | Bombay High Court Reports (India) 1862-1875 |
BHRC | Butterworths Human Rights Cases |
BIA | Broadcasting in Australia |
Building Industry Authority (NZ) | |
BIALL | British and Irish Association of Law Librarians |
Bibb | Bibb's Reports (Kentucky USA) 1808-1817 (4-7 Ky) |
Bick & H | Bicknell and Hawley's Reports (Nevada USA) (10-20 Nev) |
BIFD | Bulletin for International Fiscal Documentation (Amsterdam) |
BIICLR | British Institute of International and Comparative Law |
BILAJ | British Insurance Law Association Journal |
BILC | British International Law Cases |
Bill | Bill of Rights Review |
BILS | British International Law Society |
Bing | Bingham's Common Pleas Reports 1822-1834 |
Bing NC | Bingham, New Cases, English Common Pleas 1834-1840 |
Binn | Binney's Reports (Pennsylvania USA) 1799-1814 |
BISD | GATT Basic Instruments and Selected Documents |
Biss & Sm | Bissett and Smith's Digest, (S Afr) |
Biss CC | Bissell's US 7th Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1851-1883 |
BITB | Butterworths International Tax Bulletin |
Bitt Rep in Ch | Bittleston's Reports in Chambers, Queen's Bench Division 1875-1876, 1883-1884 |
Bitt W & P | Bittleston Wise & Parnell's New Magistrate's and Municipal Corporation Cases 1844-50 |
BJ Crim | British Journal of Criminology |
BJAL | British Journal of Administrative Law |
BJIB & FL | Butterworths Journal of International Banking & Finance Law |
BJIL | Brooklyn Journal of International Law |
BJIR | British Journal of Industrial Relations |
BJLS | British Journal of Law and Society |
Bl & How | Blatchford and Howland's US District Court Reports (USA) 1827-1837 (District of New York) |
Bl Com | Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England |
Bl D & Osb | Blackham, Dundas and Osborne's Irish Nisi Prius Reports 1846-1848 |
Bl Pr Cas | Blatchford's Prize Cases, District of New York (USA) 1861-1865 |
Black | Blackerby's Magistrates' Reports 1327-1716 |
Black's Reports (Indiana USA) (30-53 Ind) | |
Black (US) | Black's United States Supreme Court Reports (USA) 1861-1862 (66-67 US |
Black D & O | Blackham, Dundas & Osborne's Irish Nisi Prius Reports (Ireland) 1846-1848 |
Black H | Henry Blackstone's Common Pleas Reports 1788-1796 |
Black W | Sir William Blackstone's King's Bench Reports 1746-1780 |
Blackacre | Blackacre (Sydney University Law Society) |
Blackf | Blackford's Reports (Indiana USA) 1817-1847 |
Blake | Blake's Reports (Montana USA) (1-3 Mont) |
Blake & H | Blake and Hedges Reports (Montana USA) (2-3 Mont) |
Bland | Bland's Chancery Reports (Maryland USA) 1811-1832 |
Blatch & H | Blatchford and Howland US District Court Reports (USA) 1827-1837 (District of New York) |
Blatch CC | Blatchford's US 2nd Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1845-1887 |
Blatch Pr Cas | Blatchford's Prize Cases (USA) 1861-1865 (District of New York) |
BLB | Australian Banking & Finance Law Bulletin Australian Banking Law Bulletin (previous title) Banking Law Bulletin (previous title) |
BLD | Bulletin of Legal Developments (British Institute of International and Comparative Law) |
Butterworths Law Digest | |
BLE | Business Law Europe |
BLEC | Business Law Education Centre (Melbourne) |
Bleck | Bleckley's Reports (Georgia USA) (34-35 Ga) |
BLG Ins Law Q | Barlow Lyde and Gilbert Insurance Law Quarterly |
BLGELR | Barlow Lyde and Gilbert Employment Law Review |
BLGP & ERD | Barlow Lyde and Gilbert Pollution and Environmental Risk Digest |
BLI | Business Law International |
Bli | Bligh's House of Lords, Reports 1818-1821 |
Bli NS | Bligh's House of Lords, Reports, New Series 1827-1837 |
BLISS | Building Law Information Subscriber Service |
BLJ | The Banking Law Journal |
BLPR | Biotechnology Law and Policy Reporter |
BLR | Bahamas Law Reports |
Barbados Law Reports 1894-1903 | |
Bengal Law Reports, High Court (India) 1868-1875 | |
Bombay Law Reporter (India) | |
Brunei Law Reports 1965- | |
Building Law Reports 1971- | |
Business Law Reports (Canada) | |
Business Law Review | |
BLR (2d) | Business Law Reports, Second Series, (Canada) |
BLRAC | Bengal Law Reports, Appeal Cases |
BLRPC | Bengal Law Reports, Privy Council |
Bluett | Bluett's Isle of Man Cases 1720-1847 |
BM & IA | Broker's Monthly and Insurance Advisor |
BMA | Australian Banker |
BMC | British Maritime Cases |
BMLR | Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports (via Lexis+) |
BNB | Bracton's Note Book 1217-1240 |
Board of Review Decisions | Decisions of the Income Tax Board of Review 1925-1951 |
Bom | All India Reporter, Bombay 1914- |
Bombay High Court Reports (India) 1862-1875 | |
Indian Law Reports, Bombay 1876- | |
Indian Rulings, Bombay 1929-1947 | |
Bom AC | Bombay Reports, Appellate Jurisdiction (India) |
Bom Cr Ca | Bombay Reports, Crown Cases (India) |
Bom OC | Bombay Reports, Original Civil Jurisdiction |
Bond | Bond's US 6th & 7th Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1856-1871 |
Bond LR | Bond Law Review |
Boor | Booraem's Reports (California USA) (6-8 Cal) |
Bos & P | Bosanquet and Puller's Common Pleas Reports 1796-1804 |
Bos & PNR | Bosanquet and Puller's New Reports, Common Pleas 1804-1807 |
Bost CLR | Boston College Law Review |
Bost ULR | Boston University Law Review |
Bould | Bouldin's Reports (Alabama USA) (119 Ala) |
Boyce | Boyce's Reports (Delaware USA) 1909-1919 (24-30 Del) |
BPIR | Bankruptcy and Personal Insolvency Reports |
BPL | British Pension Lawyer |
BPR | Butterworths' Property Reports 1982- |
BR | Broadcasting Reports 1979- |
Br & Col Pr C | British & Colonial Prize Cases 1914-1919 |
Br & Fr | Broderick and Fremantle's Ecclesiastical Cases 1840-1864 |
BR & G | Brownlow & Goldesborough's Common Pleas Reports (123 ER) |
Br Y Int L | British Yearbook of International Law 1920- |
BRA | Building Regulation Australia |
Butterworths' Rating Appeals 1913-1931 | |
Brac | Bracton's Note Book, King's Bench 1217-1240 |
Bract | Bracton, De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae |
Bracton LJ | Bracton Law Journal |
Bradf Sur | Bradford's New York Surrogate Court Reports 1849-57 |
Brame | Brame's Reports (Mississippi USA) (66-72 Miss) |
Branch | Branch's Reports (Florida, USA) (1 Fla) |
Brant | Brantly's Reports (Maryland USA) (80-90 Md) |
Brayt | Brayton's Reports (Vermont USA) 1815-1819 |
BRB | Butterworths Bill of Rights Bulletin (NZ) |
BRC | British Ruling Cases 1900-1931 |
Bresse | Bresse's Reports (Illinois USA) 1819-1831(1 Ill) |
Brev | Brevard's South Carolina Law Reports (South Carolina USA) 1793-1816 (3-5 SCL) |
Brew | Brewer's Reports (Maryland USA) (19-26 Md) |
Brews | Brewster's Reports (Pennsylvania, USA) 1856-1873 (4 Pa St) |
Brief | Law Society of Western Australia Brief |
Briefnotes | Briefnotes (Public Solicitor's Office, NSW) |
Brightly NP | Brightly's Pennsylvania Nisi Prius Reports (Pennsylvania USA) 1809-1851 |
Brisbin | Brisbin's Reports (Minnesota USA) (1 Minn) |
Brit Cr Cas | British Crown Cases |
Brit J Criminol | British Journal of Criminology |
Brit J Delin | British Journal of Delinquency |
Brit J Ind Rel | British Journal of Industrial Relations |
Brit J Int'l L | British Journal of International Law |
Brit J L & Soc'y | British Journal of Law and Society |
Brit J Law & Soc | British Journal of Law and Society |
Brit Tax Rev | British Tax Review |
Brit YB Int'l L | British Yearbook of International Law 1920- |
BRMB | Butterworths Resource Management Bulletin (NZ) |
BRMG | Brooker's Research Management Gazette (NZ) |
Bro Abr | Sir R Brooke's Abridgment (1573, 1576,1586 eds) |
Bro Adm | Brown's US Admiralty Reports (USA) 1859-1875 |
Bro CC | W Brown's Chancery Reports 1778-1794 |
Bro Ecc Rep | Brooke's Ecclesiastical Reports, Privy Council 1850-1872 |
Bro Just | Brown's Justiciary Reports (Scotland) 1842-1845 |
Bro LR | Brooklyn Law Review |
Bro NC | Sir R Brooke's New Cases, King's Bench 1515-1588 |
Bro Parl Cas | J Brown's Cases in Parliament 1702-1800 |
Bro Supp to Mor | M P Brown's Supplement to Morrison's Dictionary of Decisions, Court of Session (Scotland) 1622-1780 |
Bro Synop | M P Brown's Synopsis of Decisions, Court of Session (Scotland) 1532-1827 |
Brock | Brockenbrough's Marshall's Decisions, US 4th Circuit Court (USA) 1802-1836 |
Brock's Bankruptcy Cases 1816-1820 | |
Brod & Bing | Broderip and Bingham's Common Pleas Reports 1819-1822 |
Brod & F | Broderick and Fremantle's Ecclesiastical Cases 1840-1864 |
Brook J Corp Fin & Com L | Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial & Commercial Law |
Brook J Int'l L | Brooklyn Journal International Law |
Brook L Rev | Brooklyn Law Review |
Brooks | Brooks' Reports (Michigan USA) (106-119 Mich) |
Broun | Broun's Justiciary Reports (Scotland) 1842-1845 |
Brown | Brown's Chancery Reports 1778-94 |
Brown's Reports (Mississippi USA) (53-65 Miss) | |
Brown's Reports (Nebraska USA) (4-25 Neb) | |
Brown's US Admiralty Reports (USA) 1859-1875 (Western District) | |
J. Brown's Cases in Parliament 1702-1801 | |
Brown & L | Browning and Lushington's Admiralty Reports 1863-1865 |
Brown & R | Brown and Rader's Reports (Missouri USA) (137 Mo) |
Brown Ecc | Brown's Ecclesiastical Cases 1850-1872 |
Brown Sup Dec | Brown's Supplement to Morison's Dictionary of Decisions (Scotland) 1622-1780 |
Brown Syn | Brown's Synopsis of Decisions, Court of Session (Scotland) 1532-1827 |
Browne | Browne's Reports (Massachusetts USA) (97-109, 112-114 Mass) |
Browne & G | Browne and Gray's Reports (Massachusetts USA) (110-111 Mass) |
Browne & H | Browne and Hemingway's Reports (Mississippi USA) (53-58 Miss) |
Brownl | Brownlow and Goldesborough's Common Pleas Reports 1569-1624 |
Bruce | Bruce's Decisions Court of Session (Scotland) 1714-1715 |
Brunn Coll Cas | Brunner's Collected Cases (USA) 1789-1860 |
Bruns LC | Brunskill's Land Cases (Ireland) 1891-1895 |
BRW | Business Review Weekly |
BS Eu Bull | Beachcroft Stanleys EU Bulletin |
BSAB | Barristers' and Solicitors' Admission Board |
BSB | Butterworths Superannuation Bulletin |
BSEU Bull | Beachcroft Stanleys EU Bulletin |
BSI | British Standards Institution |
BT | Banking Technology |
BTC | British Tax Cases |
BTG | Butterworths Tax Guide |
BTLC | Butterworths Trading Law Cases 1986-1988 |
BTPD | Busy Tax Practitioners Digest |
BTR | British Tax Review |
BTRLR | Brewers' Trade Review Law Reports 1913-1953 |
BU & GTC | Building Units and Group Titles Cases (CCH) 1980- |
BU Int'l LJ | Boston University International Law Journal |
BU L Rev | Boston University Law Review |
BU Pub Int LJ | Boston University Public Interest Law Journal |
Buch | Buchanan's Appeal Court Reports, Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1880-1910 |
Buchanan's Reports of the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope 1868-1879 | |
Buch AC | Buchanan's Appeal Court Reports, Cape of Good Hope (S Afr )1880-1910 |
Buch App Cas | E J and J Buchanan's Appeal Court Reports, Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1880-1910 |
Buch Cas | Buchanan's Remarkable Cases (Scotland) 1806-1813 |
Buch ED Cape GH | E J Buchanan's Eastern District Reports, Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1880-1909 |
Buch Eq | Buchanan's Equity Reports (New Jersey USA) 1906-1915 (71-85 NJ Eq) |
Buch J | J Buchanan's Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1868-1870 |
Buch Rep | E J Buchanan's Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1873-1879 |
Buch SC Rep | J Buchanan's Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1868-1870 |
Buchanan | Buchanan's Reports, Court of Session and Justiciary (Scotland) 1806-1813 |
Buck | Buck's Cases in Bankruptcy 1816-1820 |
Buff Crim L Rev | Buffalo Criminal Law Review |
Buff Envtl LJ | Buffalo Environmental Law Journal |
Buff Hum Rts L Rev | Buffalo Human Rights Law Review |
Buff Intell Prop LJ | Buffalo Intellectual Property Law Journal |
Buff J Gender L & Soc Pol'y | Buffalo Journal of Gender, Law and Social Policy |
Buff Pub Interest LJ | Buffalo Public Interest Law Journal |
Buff Women's LJ | Buffalo Women's Law Journal |
Buffalo LR | Buffalo Law Review |
Build LM | Building Law Monthly |
Build LR | Building Law Reports 1976- |
Bull Cr Soc | Bulletin of the Copyright Society of the USA |
Bull EC | Bulletin of the European Communities |
Bull Int Fisc Doc | Bulletin of International Fiscal Documentation |
Bull L Dev | The Bulletin of Legal Developments |
Bull Med E | Bulletin of Medical Ethics |
Bull NP | Buller's Law of Nisi Prius |
Bull NSPI | Bulletin of the National Society of Penal Information |
Bulst | Bulstrode's King's Bench Reports 1609-1625 |
Bunb | Bunbury's Exchequer Reports 1713-1741 |
Burgess | Burgess Reports (Ohio USA) (16-49 Ohio) |
Burks | Burks Reports (Virginia USA) (91-98 Va) |
Burnett | Burnett's Reports (Oregon USA) (20-22 Ore) |
Burnett's Reports of the Supreme Territory of Wisconsin (Wisconsin, USA) 1841, 1842-1843 | |
Burr | Burrow's King's Bench Reports tempore Mansfield 1757-1771 |
Burr SC | Burrow's Settlement Cases 1733-1776 |
Bus Ins | Business Insurance |
Bus L | Business and Law (NZ) |
Business Lawyer | |
Bus LI | Business Law International |
Bus TP | Business Tax Planning |
Busb | Busbee's North Carolina Reports (North Carolina USA) 1852-1853 (44 NC) |
Busb Eq | Busbee's North Carolina Equity Reports (North Carolina USA) 1852-1853 (45 NC) |
Bush | Bush's Reports (Kentucky USA) 1866-1879 (64-77 Ky) |
Business L Rev | Business Law Review |
Buxton | Buxton's Reports (North Carolina USA) (123-129 NC) |
BVerfGE | Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts (Germany) ...Reports of the Decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court 1952- |
BW | Banking World |
BWCC | Butterworth's Workmen's Compensation Cases 1908-1947 |
BWLJ | Berkeley Women's Law Journal |
BWT Bull | Butterworth's Weekly Tax Bulletin |
By LR | Baylor Law Review |
BYBIL | British Yearbook of International Law |
BYU Educ & LJ | Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal |
BYU L Rev | Brigham Young University Law Review |
Abbreviation | Title |
C | California Reports (USA) 1850- |
Command Papers, Second Series (UK C 1-9550) 1870-1899) | |
C & Arb Bds | Conciliation and Arbitration Boards, Victoria |
C & EEBLB | Central and East European Business Law Bulletin |
C & FL | Credit and Finance Law |
C & FLU | Child and Family Law Update |
C & J | Crime and Justice Bulletin (NSW Attorney-General's Department) |
C & M | Crompton & Meeson's Exchequer Reports |
C & P | Carrington & Payne's Nisi Prius Reports 1823-1841 |
Craig & Phillips' Chancery Reports 1840-1841 | |
C & S Bull | Companies and Securities Bulletin |
C & SL Rep | Australian Corporations and Securities Law Reporter (via CCH iKnowConnect) |
C & SLJ | Company and Securities Law Journal |
C 2d | California Supreme Court Reports, Second Series |
C 3d | California Supreme Court Reports, Third Series |
C of IR | Commissioner of Inland Revenue (NZ) |
CA | Court of Appeal Reports, by Johnston (NZ) 1867-1877 |
CAA | Commonwealth Arbitration Awards and Determinations |
Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal | |
Courts Administration Authority (SA) | |
CAB | Civil Aeronautics Board Reports (USA) 1940-1984 |
Current Affairs Bulletin | |
Cab & El | Cababe and Ellis's Queen's Bench Reports 1882-1885 |
CAC | Corporate Affairs Commission (Various States; superseded by ASC) |
Cadwalader | Cadwalder's US District Court Reports (USA) 1858-1879 (District of Pennsylvania) |
Cah | Cahiers du Centre d'Etudes des Coutumes |
Cai Cas | Caines' Cases in Error (New York USA) 1796-1805 |
Cai R | Caines' Reports (New York USA) 1803-1805 |
Cain | Caine's New York Cases in Error (New York, USA) 1796-1805 |
CAJB | Crime and Justice Bulletin |
Cal | California (USA) |
Cal | California Reports (USA) 1850-1934 |
Copyright Agency Limited | |
Cal 2d | California Reports Second Series (USA) 1934-1969 |
Cal 3d | California Reports Third Series (USA) 1970-1992 |
Cal 4th | California Reports Fourth Series (USA) 1992- |
Cal App | California Appellate Reports (USA) 1905-1934 |
Cal App 2d | California Appellate, Reports Second Series (USA) 1934-1969 |
Cal App 3d | California Appellate Reports, Third Series (USA) 1969-1992 |
Cal App 4th | California Appellate Reports, Fourth Series (USA) 1992- |
Cal L | California Lawyer |
Cal Rptr | California Reporter (USA) 1960-1992 |
Cal Rptr 2d | California Reporter, Second Series (USA) 1992- |
Cal W Int'l LJ | California Western International Law Journal |
Cald | Caldwell's Reports (West Virginia USA) (25-36 W Va) |
Committee of Australian Law Deans | |
Cald Mag Cas | Caldecott's Magistrates' and Settlement Cases 1776-1785 |
Calif L Rev | California Law Review |
Calif LR | California Law Review |
Calif Reptr | California Reporter |
Calif WLR | California Western Law Review |
Call | Call's Reports (Virginia USA) 1797-1825 (5-10 Va) |
Canadian Association of Law Libraries | |
CALLN | Canadian Association of Law Libraries Newsletter |
CALS | Customs Acts Legislation Service |
Calth | Calthrop's City of London Cases, King's Bench 1609-1618 |
Cam | Cameron's Privy Council Decisions (Can) 1832-1929 |
Cam & Nor | Cameron and Norwood's North Carolina Conference Reports (North Carolina USA) 1800-4 (1 NC) |
Cam Cas | Cameron's Supreme Court Cases (Can) 1880-1905 |
Cam LJ | Cambridge Law Journal |
Cam LR | Cambrian Law Review |
Cam Prac | Cameron's Supreme Court Practice (Can) 1844 |
Cam SC | Cameron's Supreme Court Cases (Can) 1880-1905 |
Camb LJ | Cambridge Law Journal |
Cambridge Student LRev | Cambridge Student Law Review |
Cambrian LR | Cambrian Law Review |
CAMLA | Communications and Media Law Association |
Camp | Campbell's Nisi Prius Reports 1808-1816 |
Camp's Reports (North Dakota USA) (1 ND) | |
Campb | Campbell's Reports (Nebraska USA) (27-58 Neb) |
Campbell L Rev | Campbell Law Review |
Can Abr | Canadian Abridgment 1823- |
Can Am LJ | Canadian American Law Journal |
Can B Rev | Canadian Bar Review |
Can BAJ | Canadian Bar Association Journal |
Can Bar Rev | Canadian Bar Review |
Can BJ | Canadian Bar Journal |
Can BR | Canadian Bar Review |
Can Bus LJ | Canadian Business Law Journal |
Can CC | Canadian Criminal Cases 1893- |
Can CL | Canadian Current Law |
Can Com Cas | Canadian Commercial Law Reports 1901-1903 |
Can Crim Cas | Canadian Criminal Cases 1898- |
Can Crim Cas (NS) | Canadian Criminal Cases, New Series 1893- |
Can Crim L Rev | Canadian Criminal Law Review |
Can Gaz | Canada Gazette |
Can Ins | Canadian Insurance |
Can Int TT | Canadian International Trade Tribunal |
Can J Admin L & Prac | Canadian Journal of Administrative Law & Practice |
Can J Fam L | Canadian Journal of Family Law |
Can J Ins L | Canadian Journal of Insurance Law |
Can J L & Soc'y | Canadian Journal of Law and Society |
Can J L Juris | Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence |
Can J Women & L | Canadian Journal of Women and the Law |
Can JCC | Canadian Journal of Criminology |
Can JLI | Canadian Journal of Life Insurance |
Can Lab | Canadian Labour |
Can LJ | Canada Law Journal |
Can LL | Canadian Law Libraries |
Can L Libr Rev | Canadian Law Library Review |
Can L Rev | Canadian Law Review |
Can L T | Canadian Law Times |
Can PR | Canadian Patent Reporter |
Can Ry Cas | Canadian Railway and Transport Cases 1902-1966 |
Can S Ct | Canada Supreme Court Reports 1923- |
Can SCR | Canada Supreme Court Reports 1876-1922 |
Can TF | Canadian Tax Foundation Annual Report |
Can TJ | Canadian Tax Journal |
Can TS | Canada Treaty Series 1928- |
Can US LJ | Canada United States Law Journal |
Can W | Canadian Welfare |
Can Y Int'l L | Canadian Yearbook International Law 1963- |
Canb LR | Canberra Law Review (University of Canberra) |
Cant LR | Canterbury Law Review |
Canta LR | Canterbury Law Review |
CANZLLI | Current Australian & New Zealand Legal Literature Index (LBC) |
Cap Def J | Capital Defense Journal |
Cap Tax | Capital Taxes |
Cap U L Rev | Capital University Law Review |
Cape TR | Cape Times Reports, Supreme Court, Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1891-1910 |
CAPLUS | Centre for Asian and Pacific Law (University of Sydney) |
CAR | Commonwealth Arbitration Reports 1905- |
Car & Kir | Carrington and Kirwan's Nisi Prius Reports 1843-50 |
Car & M | Carrington and Marshman's Nisi Prius Reports 1840-1842 |
Car & P | Carrington & Payne's Nisi Prius Reports 1823-1841 |
CAR (Aust) | Commonwealth Arbitration Reports 1905- |
Car H & A | Carrow Hamerton & Allen's Session Cases 1844-1851 |
Car L Rep | Carolina Law Repository (North Carolina USA) 1813-1816 (4 NC) |
Cardozo Arts & Ent LJ | Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal |
Cardozo J Int'l & Comp L | Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law |
Cardozo Stud L & Lit | Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature |
Cardozo Women's LJ | Cardozo Women's Law Journal |
Carey | Manitoba Reports by Carey (Can) 1875 |
Carib LR | Caribbean Law Review |
Carl | Carleton's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1895-1902 |
Carp | Carpenter's Reports (California USA) (52, 53 Cal) |
Carp Pat Cas | Carpmael's Patent Cases 1602-1842 |
Carr & K | Carrington & Kirwan's Nisi Prius Reports 1843-1850 |
Carr & M | Carrington & Marshman's Nisi Prius Reports 1840-1842 |
Carswell BC | Carswell British Columbia Cases |
Carswell For | Carswell Foreign |
Carswell NS | Carswell Nova Scotia Cases (Canada) |
Cart | Carter's Common Pleas Reports 1664-1676 |
Carter's Reports (Indiana USA) (1, 2 Ind | |
Cartwright's Cases on British North American Act (Can) 1868-1896 | |
Carth | Carthew's King's Bench Reports 1686-1701 |
Cartm | Cartmell's Trade Mark Cases 1876-1892 |
Cary | Cary's Chancery Reports 1557-1604 |
Cas in Ch | Cases in Chancery 1660-1697 |
Cas Prac CP | Cases of Practice, Common Pleas 1702-1727 |
Cas Prac KB | Cases of Practice, King's Bench 1603-1774 |
Cas Sett | Cases of Settlement and Removals 1710-1742 |
Cas Six Cir | Cases on the Six Circuits (Ireland) 1841-1843 |
Cas t Finch | Cases in Chancery tempore Finch 1673-1681 |
Cas t King | Select Cases tempore King, Chancery 1724-1733 |
Cas t Talb | Cases in Equity tempore Talbot 1733-1738 |
CASE | Briefcase (NZ), (Available on Kiwinet) |
Case JIL | Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law |
Case W Res L Rev | Case Western Reserve Law Review |
Casey | Casey's Reports (Pennsylvania USA) (25-36 Pa t) |
Cass Dig | Cassell's Digest (Can) 1875-1893 |
CAT | Competition Appeal Tribunal |
Cates | Cates Reports (Tennessee USA) 1902-1913 (109-127 Tenn) |
Cath L | The Catholic Lawyer |
Cath U Am LR | Catholic University of America Law Review |
Catholic UL Rev | Catholic University Law Review |
CAUL | Committee of Australian University Librarians |
Caveat | Caveat (Law Society of NSW) |
Caveat (Victoria University Law Faculty Club, NZ) | |
Cay Is CA | Cayman Islands Court of Appeal |
CB | Butterworths Conveyancing Bulletin (NZ) |
Common Bench Reports by Manning, Granger & Scott, 1845-1856 | |
CB (NS) | Common Bench Reports by Manning Granger & Scott, New Series 1856-1865 |
CBLG | China Business Law Guide (CCH) |
CBLJ | Corporate & Business Law Journal |
Canadian Business Law Journal | |
CBPA | Canberra Bulletin of Public Administration (Royal Institute of Public Administration Australia - ACT Division) |
CBR | Canadian Bankruptcy Reports 1920-1960 |
Canadian Bar Review | |
Consolidated By-Law Reference | |
CBR (3d) | Canadian Bankruptcy Reports, Third Series 1991- |
CBR (NS) | Canadian Bankruptcy Reports, New Series 1960-1990 |
CBS | Commercial By-Law System |
CBSI Jour | Charted Building Societies Institute Journal |
CC | County Council |
County Court | |
Crown Cases | |
Crown Court | |
CC Ct Cas | Central Criminal Court Cases 1834-1913 |
CC Trib | Contract of Carriage Tribunal |
CCA | Consolidated Case Annotations (Brooker's, continued as NZ Law Digest) |
Court of Criminal Appeal (NSW; Qld) | |
Cargo Claims Analysis | |
CCAMLR | Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources |
CCAR | Constitutional Centenary Annual Report |
CCC | Canadian Criminal Cases 1898- |
CCC (2d) | Canadian Criminal Cases, Second Series 1971-1983 |
CCC(3d) | Canadian Criminal Cases, Third Series 1983- |
CCCR | Consumer Credit Law Reports |
CCD | Commonwealth Compensation Decisions 1974-1981 (Located with Administrative Law Decisions) |
Commonwealth Employees' Compensation Decisions 1974-1981 | |
CCF | Canadian Criminology Forum |
Child Care Forum | |
CCH CLC | CCH Company Law Cases (via CCH iKnowConnect) |
CCH J Aust Taxn | CCH Journal of Australian Taxation (via CCH iKnowConnect) |
CCH NSW Conv R | New South Wales Conveyancing Law and Practice (via CCH iKnowConnect) |
CCH Q Conv R | Queensland Conveyancing Law and Practice (via CCH iKnowConnect) |
CCH V Conv R | Victorian Conveyancing Law and Practice (via CCH iKnowConnect) |
CCL | Canadian Current Law 1948- |
Council for Civil Liberties | |
Current Commercial Law | |
CCLI | Canadian Cases on the Law of Insurance |
CCLJ | Competition and Consumer Law Journal |
CCLN | Competition and Consumer Law News (Located in Australian Competition and Consumer Law Reporter) |
CCLR | Consumer Credit Law Reports 1984- |
Canadian Computer Law Reporter | |
CCLRC | Contracts and Commercial Law Reform Committee (NZ) |
CCLT | Canadian Cases on the Law of Torts 1976-1990 |
CCLT (2d) | Canadian Cases on the Law of Torts Second Series 1990- |
CCMAU | Crown Company Monitoring Advisory Unit (NZ) |
CCMLR | Clifford Chance Media Law Review |
CCN | Commonwealth Employees' Compensation Notes (Located with Administrative Law Decisions) |
Constitutional Centenary Newsletter | |
CCNO | Compendium of Casenotes of the Ombudsmen/man (NZ) |
CCP | Court of Common Pleas |
CCPA | Reports of the Court of Customs and Patent Appeals (USA) |
CCR | Conciliation Court Review |
County Court Reports (Vic) 1966-1972 | |
County Court Rules | |
Crown Cases Reserved 1865-1875 | |
New South Wales Compensation Court Reports 1985- | |
CCR Trib | Coal Compensation Review Tribunal |
CCR (Vic) | County Court Reports (Vic) 1966-1972 |
Cd | Command Papers, 3rd Series (UK Cd1-9239) 1900-1918 |
Company Director (Australian Institute of Company Directors) | |
CDE | Cahiers de Droit European (Belg) |
CDFI | Cahiers de Droit Fiscal International |
CDP | Contemporary Drug Problems |
CDRJ | Commercial Dispute Resolution Journal |
CE | Council of Europe |
CEC | European Community Cases |
CECTrib | Commonwealth Employees Compensation Tribunal |
CEDAW | UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women 1979 |
CELR | Canadian Environmental Law Reports |
CELR (NS) | Canadian Environmental Law Reports, New Series |
Cent Crim Ct | Central Criminal Court (UK) |
CEPA | Commonwealth Environment Protection Agency |
CERD | UN International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination 1965 |
CFI | European Court of First Instance |
CFILR | Company Financial and Insolvency Law Review |
CFL | Current Family Law |
CFLQ | Child and Family Law Quarterly |
CFN | Court Forms, Precedents & Pleadings, New South Wales (Butt) |
CFQ | Court Forms, Precedents & Pleadings Queensland |
CFV | Court Form, Precedents & Pleadings Victoria |
CGT | Capital Gains Tax |
CGTB | Capital Gains Tax Brief |
Ch | Law Reports, Chancery Division 1891- |
Ch App | Court of Appeal in Chancery |
Law Reports, Chancery Appeals 1865-1875 | |
Ch Cas App | Law Reports, Chancery Appeal Cases 1865-1875 |
Ch Cas in Ch | Choyce Cases in Chancery 1557-1606 |
Ch Ch | Upper Canada Chancery Chambers Reports (Ontario) 1857-1872 |
Ch D | Law Reports, Chancery Division 1876-1890 |
Ch LRJ | Children's Legal Rights Journal |
Ch Rob | Christopher Robinson's Admiralty Reports 1799-1808 |
Chand | Chandler's Reports (New Hampshire USA) (20, 38-44 NH) |
Chandler's Reports (Wisconsin USA) 1849-1852 | |
Chaney | Chaney's Reports (Michigan USA) (37-44 Mich) |
Char Acctnt Aust | Chartered Accountant in Australia (title change to Charter in 1990) |
Char Cham Cas | Charley's Chamber Cases 1875-1876 |
Char Pr Cas | Charley's Practice Cases 1875-1881 |
Charl RM | RM Charlton's Reports (Georgia USA) 1811-1837 |
Charl TUP | TUP Charlton's Georgia Reports (Georgia USA) 1805-1811 |
Chartac Taxation Report | Chartac Taxation Report |
Chartered Acc | Chartered Accountant in Australia (title change to Charter in 1990) |
Chase CC | Chase's US 4th Circuit Court Decisions (USA) 1865-1869 |
CHBR | China Laws for Foreign Business - Business Regulation (CCH) |
CHE | Crown Health Enterprises (NZ) |
Chev | Cheves South Carolina Law Reports (South Carolina USA) 1839-1840 (25 SCL) |
Chev Eq | Cheve's South Carolina Equity Reports (South Carolina USA) 1839-1840 (15 SC Eq) |
Chi J Int'l L | Chicago Journal of International Law |
Chi-KLR | Chicago-Kent Law Review |
Chi-Kent L Rev | Chicago-Kent Law Review |
Chicano L Rev | Chicano-Latino Law Review |
Chin L Rep | China Law Reporter |
Chin LR | China Law Review |
China L Rep | China Law Reports 1991- |
China LJ | China Law Journal |
Chip | Chipman's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1825-1835 |
Chip D | D Chipman's Reports (Vermont USA) 1789-1824 |
Chip N | N Chipman's Reports (Vermont USA) 1789-1791 |
Chit | Chitty's King's Bench Practice Reports 1819-1820 |
Chit BC | Chitty's Bail Court Reports |
Chit LJ | Chitty's Law Journal |
Cho Ca Ch | Choyce's Cases in Chancery 1557-1606 |
CHOGM | Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting |
CHRLD | Commonwealth Human Rights Law Digest |
CHRR | Canadian Human Rights Reporter |
CHTC | China Laws for Foreign Business - Taxation and Customs (CCH) |
Chula L Rev | Chulalongkorn Law Review (Thailand) |
CHZC | China Laws for Foreign Business - Special Zones & Cities (CCH) |
CIB | CALS Information Bulletin |
CICB | Criminal Injuries Compensation Board |
CICJ | Current Issues in Criminal Justice (Institute of Criminology, Faculty of Law, University of Sydney) |
CIC Reports | Captive Insurance Company Reports |
CIC Rev | Captive Insurance Company Review |
CIIC | Current Issues in Criminal Justice |
CIJL | Centre for Independence of Judges and Lawyers (Established 1978, by the International Commission of Jurists) |
CIL | Contemporary Issues in Law |
CILC | Commonwealth International Law Cases 1974- |
CILJSA | Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa |
CILL | Construction Industry Law Letter 1983- |
CILSA | Comparative & International Law Journal of South Africa |
CIM | Chief Industrial Magistrate |
CIMCt (NSW) | Chief Industrial Magistrates Court (NSW) |
CINCH | Computerised Information from National Criminological Holdings (Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra) |
CIPA | Chartered Institute of Patent Agents Journal |
CIPAJ | Chartered Institute of Patent Agents Journal |
CIPAT | Chartered Institute of Patent Agents |
CIPL | Centre for International and Public Law (Australian National University) |
CIPR | Canadian Intellectual Property Reports 1984-1990 |
Circ | Circit Newsletter |
CIs CA | Canary Islands Court of Appeal |
CIT | Australian and New Zealand Citator to UK Reports (Butt) |
CITCM | Canberra Income Tax Circular Memorandum |
Civ Lib Dock | Civil Liberties Docket |
Civ PB | Civil Practice Bulletin |
CJ | Chief Justice |
Crime and Justice (New York) | |
CJAB | Crime and Justice Bulletin |
CJAPT | CCH Journal of Asian Pacific Taxation |
CJAT | CCH Journal of Australian Taxation |
CJB | Criminal Justice and Behaviour |
CJC | Criminal Justice Commission (Qld) |
CJE | Criminal Justice Ethics |
CJEC | Court of Justice of the European Communities |
CJFL | Canadian Journal of Family Law |
CJIL | Connecticut Journal of International Law |
CJMB | Chief Judge's Minute Book (Maori Land Court, NZ) |
CJQ | Civil Justice Quarterly (NZ Dept of Justice, Continues Corrections Quarterly) |
CJRB | Commercial Judicial Review Bulletin |
CJRC | Civil Justice Research Centre (Law Foundation of New South Wales) |
CJWL | Canadian Journal of Women and the Law |
CL | Butterworths Current Law (NZ) |
Computers and Law (Journal for the Australian and New Zealand Societies for Computers and the Law) | |
Current Law | |
Australian Civil Liability | |
Cl & Fin | Clark and Finelly's House of Lords Cases 1831-1846 |
CL & P | Tolley's Computer Law & Practice |
CL & SC | Crime Law and Social Change (formerly Contemporary Crises) |
Cl & Sc Dr Cas | Clark and Scully's Drainage Cases (Ontario) 1891-1903 |
Cl Ch | Clarke's Chancery Reports (New York USA) 1839-1841 |
Cl Home | Clerk Home, Session Cases (Scotland) 1735-1744 |
CL Pract | Commercial Law Practitioner |
Cl R | Clearinghouse Review |
CL Rev | Commonwealth Law Review |
CL&PR | Charity Law and Practice Review |
CL(Q) | Crown Lands Law Reports (Qld) 1859-1973 |
CLA | Commercial Law Quarterly |
CLA Bulletin | Commercial Law Association Bulletin |
CLAA Bulletin | Commercial Law Association of Australia Bulletin |
CLAAB | Commercial Law Association of Australia Bulletin |
CLAB | Commercial Law Association Bulletin |
Clark & Fin | Clark & Finnelly's House of Lords Reports 1831-1846 |
Clarke | Clarke's Reports (Alabama USA) (58 Ala) |
Clarke's Reports (Iowa USA) (1-8 Iowa) | |
Clarke's Reports (Michigan USA) (19-22 Mich) | |
CLASS | Computerised Legal Aid Services System |
Clay | Clayton's Reports and Pleas of Assizes at York 1631-1650 |
CLB | Commonwealth Law Bulletin |
Communications Law Bulletin | |
CLBU | China Law and Business Update |
CLC | Australian Company Law Cases (CCH-1971-1981:continued as ACLC-Australian Company Law Cases) 1982- |
Commercial Law Cases | |
Communications Law Centre (University of New South Wales) | |
Community Legal Centres | |
CLD | Civil Liberties Docket |
Company Lawyer Digest | |
CompuLaw Digest (succeeded by CompuLaw Newsletter; Butt) | |
CLE | Commercial Law of Europe |
Commonwealth Legal Education | |
Continuing Legal Education | |
CLE Bull | CLE (Continuing Legal Education) Bulletin |
CLE Bulletin | CLE (Continuing Legal Education) Bulletin |
CLEA Newsletter | Commonwealth Legal Education Association Newsletter |
CLEAA | Continuing Legal Education Association of Australasia |
Cleary RC | Cleary's Registration Cases (Ireland) 1886-1887 |
CLEB | Commonwealth Law Enforcement Boatd |
Clem | Clemen's Reports (Kansas USA) (57-59 Kan) |
CLEO | Community Legal Education Office (Victoria) |
CLERP | Corporate Law Economic Reform Program |
Clev Mar L Rev | Cleveland Marshall Law Review |
Clev SLR | Cleveland State Law Review |
Clev St L Rev | Cleveland State Law Review |
Clev St LR | Cleveland State Law Review |
CLEW | Community Legal Education Workers |
CLG | Chinese Law & Government |
CLGA Newsletter | Customary Law Group of Australia Newsletter |
CLI | Commodity Law International |
Current Law Index | |
Current Legal Information | |
CLIC | Canadian Law Information Council |
Clif & Rick | Clifford and Rickards' Locus Standi Reports 1873-1884 |
Clif & Steph | Clifford & Stephens' Locus Standi Reports 1867-1872 |
Clif CC | Clifford US 1st Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1858-1878 |
Cliff | Clifford's Southwark Election Cases 1896-1897 |
Clinical Law Rev | Clinical Law Review |
CLIP | Centre for Legal Information and Publications (College of Law, St Leonards, NSW) |
CLJ | Cambridge Law Journal |
Cape Law Journal (S Afr) | |
Colonial Law Journal (NZ) | |
Colonial Law Journal Reports (NZ) 1865, 1874-1875 | |
Computer Law Journal | |
Current Law Journal (Malaysia) 1981- | |
CLJ | Criminal Law Journal (Aus) |
CLJNS | Canada Law Journal, New Series 1865-1922 |
CLJOS | Canada Law Journal, Old Series 1855-1864 |
CLL | Comparative Labor Law Journal |
CLL Rev | Commercial Liability Law Review |
CLLC | Canadian Labour Law Cases 1944- |
CLLR | City of London Law Review |
Crown Lands Law Reports (Qld) 1859-1973 | |
CLM | Company Law Monitor |
CLMD | Current Law Monthly Digest |
CLN | Construction Law Newsletter |
CLNQ | Criminal Law News (Queensland) |
CLNV | Bourke's Criminal Law News (Victoria) |
CLP | Communications Law and Policy in Australia (Butt) |
Current Legal Problems | |
CLPR | Constitutional Law & Policy Review |
CLQ | Commercial Law Quarterly |
CLR | Calcutta Law Reports (India) 1877-1884 |
Cambrian Law Review | |
Canada Law Reports 1923- | |
Cape Law Reports (S Afr) 1906-1910 | |
Cardozo Law Review | |
Common Law Reports 1853-1855 | |
Commonwealth Law Reports 1903- | |
Crown Lands Law Reports (Qld) 1859-1973 | |
Cyprus Law Reports (Cyprus) 1883- | |
CLR (Can) | Canada Law Reports 1923- |
CLR Aust | Commonwealth Law Reports 1903- |
CLRBR | Canadian Labour Relations Board Reports 1974-1982 |
CLRBR (NS) | Canadian Labour Relations Board Reports, New Series 1983- |
CLRC | Canada Law Reform Commission |
Copyright Law Review Committee | |
Criminal Law Reform Committee (NZ) | |
CLS | Christian Lawyers Society (Victoria) |
CLSA | Criminal Law South Australia (Butt) |
CLSR | Computer Law and Security Report |
CLSRC | Company Law and Securities Review Committee |
CLT | Canadian Law Times |
CLT Occ N | Canadian Law Times, Occasional Notes |
CLU | China Law Update (University of Melbourne, Asian Law Centre) |
CLV | Criminal Law Victoria (Butt) |
CLWR | Common Law World Review |
CLY | Current Law Yearbook |
CLYB | Current Law Year Book |
Abbreviation | Title |
CM | Canberra Income Tax Circular Memorandum |
Cm | Command Papers, (UK) 6th series, 1986- |
CM Trib NSW | Commercial Tribunal, New South Wales |
CM Trib SA | Criminal Tribunal, South Australia |
CM Trib Vic | Commercial Tribunal, Victoria |
CMA | Court of Military Appeals Reports (USA) 1951-1975 |
CMA Ct (NZ) | Courts Martial Appeals Court (NZ) |
CMA Ct (UK) | Courts Martial Appeals Court (UK) |
CMAT | Courts Martial Appeals Tribunal |
Cmcl Law Assoc Bull | Commercial Law Association Bulletin |
Cmd | Command Papers, (UK) 4th series, 1919-1956 |
CML Rev | Common Market Law Review |
CMLR | Common Market Law Reports 1962- |
Common Market Law Review | |
Cmnd | Command Paper, (UK) 5th series 1956-1986 |
CMP | Contract Management in Practice |
CMT | Corporate Management Tax Conference |
CN | Legal Costs New South Wales (Butt) |
CNLR | Canadian Native Law Reporter 1977- |
Co & Sec LJ | Company and Securities Law Journal (LBC) |
Co A | Cook's Lower Canada Admiralty Court Cases (Can) 1873-1884 |
Co Ent | Coke's Entries 1614 |
Co HRLR | Columbia Human Rights Law Review |
Co Inst | Coke's Institutes |
Co JLSP | Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems |
Co Law | Company Lawyer (UK) |
Co Litt | Coke on Littleton (First Institute) |
Co LJ | Colonial Law Journal (NZ) 1865, 1874-1875 |
Commercial Litigation Journal | |
Co Rep | Coke's King's Bench Reports 1572-1616 |
COAG | Council of Australian Governments |
Cobb | Cobb's Reports (Alabama USA) (121 Ala) |
Cobb's Reports (Georgia USA) (6-20 Ga) | |
Coch | Cochran's Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1859 |
Cochr | Cochran's Reports (North Dakota USA) (3-10 ND) |
Cock & Rowe | Cockburn and Rowe's Election Cases 1833 |
Cocke | Cocke's Reports (Alabama USA) (16-18 Ala) |
Cocke's Reports (Florida USA) (14-15 Fla) | |
COD | Crown Office Digest |
Coke | Coke's King's Bench Reports 1572-1616 |
Col | Coleman's Reports (Alabama USA) (99, 101, 106, 110-129 Ala) |
Col HRLR | Columbia Human Rights Law Review |
Col JLSP | Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems |
Col JTL | Columbia Journal of Transnational Law |
Col LJ | Colonial Law Journal (NZ) 1865, 1874-1875 |
Col LJNZ | Colonial Law Journal (NZ) 1865, 1874-1875 |
Col LR | Columbia Law Review |
Cold | Coldwell's Reports (Tennessee USA) 1860-1870 (41-42 Tenn) |
Cole & Cai Cas | Coleman and Caines' Cases (New York USA) 1794-1805 |
Cole Cas | Coleman's Cases of Practice (New York USA) 1791-1800 |
Coll | Collyer's Chancery Cases tempore Bruce, V-C 1844-1845 |
Coll Jurid | Collectanea Juridica |
Colles | Colles Cases in Parliament 1697-1713 |
Colo | Colorado (USA) |
Colorado Reports (USA) 1864-1980 | |
Colo App | Colorado Court of Appeals Reports (USA) 1891-1905,1912-1915,1970-1980 |
Colo J Int'l Envtl L & Pol'y | Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy |
Colom LR | Colombo Law Review |
Colt | Coltman's Registration Cases 1879-1885 |
Colum Bus L Rev | Columbia Business Law Review |
Colum Hum Rts L Rev | Columbia Human Rights Law Review |
Colum J Asian L | Columbia Journal of Asian Law |
Colum J Envtl L | Columbia Journal of Environmental Law |
Colum J Eur L | Columbia Journal of European Law |
Colum J Transnatl'L | Columbia Journal of Transnational Law |
Colum JGL | Columbia Journal of Gender and Law |
Colum JL & The Arts | Columbia Journal of Law & The Arts |
Colum JL & Soc Prob | Columbia Journal of Law & Social Problems |
Colum L Rev | Columbia Law Review |
Colum LT | Columbia Law Times |
Colum Sci & Tech L Rev | Columbia Science and Technology Law Review |
Colum-VLA JL & Arts | Columbia-VLA Journal of Law and the Arts |
Com | Comyns' Reports, King's Bench 1695-1741 |
Com B | Common Bench Reports (Manning Granger & Scott) 1845-1856 |
Com Cas | Commercial Cases 1896-1941 |
Com D | Commercial Division (NSW Supreme Court) |
Com Dig | Comyn's Digest of the Laws of England, 5ed 1882 |
Com Jud J | Commonwealth Judicial Journal |
Com LB | Communications Law Bulletin |
Com LL | Commonwealth Law Librarian |
Com LN | CompuLaw Newsletter (Butt - formerly CompuLaw Digest) |
Com LQ | Commercial Law Quarterly |
Com LR | Commercial Law Reports 1903-1905 |
Common Law Reports 1853-1855 | |
Com MLR | Common Market Law Review |
Comb | Comberbach's King's Bench Reports 1685-1699 |
COMCAS | Commonwealth Cases on LEXIS (includes UK, Australia New Zealand, Canada) |
ComCt C & A | Commercial Court of Conciliation and Arbitration (Cth) |
Comm AR | Commonwealth Arbitration Reports 1905- |
Comm Jud J | Commonwealth Judicial Journal |
Comm L Assoc Aust Bull | Commercial Law Association of Australia Bulletin |
Comm L Assoc Bull | Commercial Law Association Bulletin |
Comm L Bull | Commonwealth Law Bulletin |
Comm Law | Commercial Lawyer |
Comm Law Bull | Commonwealth Law Bulletin |
Comm LJ | Commercial Law Journal |
Comm LQ | Commercial Law Quarterly |
Comm LR | Commonwealth Law Reports 1903- |
Commonwealth Law Review | |
Comm Prop | Commercial Property |
Comm Rec | Commonwealth Record (AGPS) |
Comm LB | Commonwealth Law Bulletin |
CommCNMI | Commonwealth Code Northern Mariana Islands |
Common L Rev | Commonwealth Law Review |
Commonwealth Law Bull | Commonwealth Law Bulletin |
CompR Trib | Compensation Review Tribunal |
Comms L | Communications Law |
Commu LB | Communications Law Bulletin |
Commw Arb | Commonwealth Arbitration Reports 1905- |
Commw Jud J | Commonwealth Judicial Journal |
Commw LB | Commonwealth Law Bulletin |
Commw LR | Commonwealth Law Reports 1903- |
Commw Sec | Commonwealth Secretariat |
Comp & L | Computers and Law |
Comp & Law | Computers and Law |
Comp Ct | Compensation Court (NZ) |
Comp L | The Company Lawyer |
Comp L & P | Computer Law & Practice |
Comp Lab L & Pol'y J | Comparative Labor Law Journal and Policy Journal |
Comp LI | Competition Law Insight |
Comp LJ | Company Law Journal |
Comp LP | Computer Law and Practice |
Comp LY | Comparative Law Yearbook |
Comp Law EC | Competition Law in the European Communities |
Company Director | Company Director |
Compu Law Digest | Compulaw Digest |
Comst | Comstock's Reports (New York USA) (1-4 NY Ct App) |
Comyn | Comyn's King's Bench Reports |
Con & Law | Connor and Lawson's Irish Chancery Reports (Ireland) 1841-1843 |
Con C | Crime Law and Social Change |
Con LD | Construction Law Digest |
Con LJ | Construction Law Journal |
Con LR | Construction Law Reports |
CONBPR | Butterworths Property Reports 1982- |
Conf Rept | Conference Reports by Cameron & Norwood North Carolina (North Carolina USA) 1800-4 (1 NC) |
Cong Dig | Congdon's Digest, (Can) 1803-1888 |
Conn | Connecticut (USA) |
Connecticut Reports (Connecticut USA) 1814- | |
Conveyancing Service New South Wales (Butt) | |
Conn CA | Connicticut Court of Appeal |
Conn Ins LJ | Connecticut Insurance Law Journal |
Conn LJ | Construction Law Journal |
Conn LR | Connecticut Law Review |
Conover | Conover's Reports (Wisconsin USA) (16-153 Wis) |
Conr | Conroy's Custodian Reports (Ireland) 1652-1788 |
Cons & Mar Law | Consumer and Marketing Law |
Const | Bott's Poor Laws by Const 1560-1833 |
Const Com | Constitutional Commentary |
Const Comm | Constitutional Commentary |
Const LR | Construction Law Reports |
Const R | The Constitutional Review |
Const Ref | Constitutional Reform |
Const Ct | Consistory Court, (UK) |
Const LJ | Construction Law Journal |
Consum C | Consumer Credit |
Consum LJ | Consumer Law Journal (UK) |
Conv | Conveyancer and Property Lawyer |
Convey (NS) | Conveyancer and Property Lawyer |
Conveyancer Precedents (Loose Leaf) | |
Cooke & Al | Cooke and Alcock's King's Bench Reports (Ire) 1833-1834 |
Cooke (Tenn) | Cooke's Reports (Tennessee USA) 1811-1814 (3 Tenn) |
Cooke Pr Cas | Cooke's Practice Cases, Common Pleas 1706-1741 |
Cooke Pr Reg | Cooke's Practice Register of the Common Pleas |
Cooley | Cooley's Reports (Michigan USA) (5-12 Mich) |
Coop | Cooper's Reports (Florida USA) (21-24 Fla) |
Coop G | G Cooper's Chancery Reports tempore Eldon 1815 |
Coop Pr Cas | C P Cooper's Practice Cases 1837-1838 |
Coop t Brough | C P Cooper's Chancery Cases tempore Brougham 1833-1834 |
Coop t Cott | C P Cooper's Chancery Reports tempore Cottenham 1846-1848 |
Cooper t Cott | Cooper's Chancery Reports tempore Cottenham 1846-1848 |
Cope | Cope's Reports (California USA) (63-72 Cal) |
Copy | Copyright |
Copy Bull | Copyright Bulletin |
Copy Dec | Copyright Decisions (USA) 1787-1894 |
Copy Rep | Copyright Reporter |
Copy Soc Aust News | Copyright Society of Australia Newsletter |
Copyright | Copyright : Monthly Review of the World Intellectual Property Organisation |
Copyright World | Copyright World (Intellectual Property Publishing Ltd) |
CopyU | Copyright Update |
Cor | Coryton's High Court Reports, Bengal (India) 1864-1915 |
Corb & D | Corbett and Daniell's Election Cases 1819 |
Corn ILJ | Cornell International Law Journal |
Corn LR | Cornell Law Review |
Cornell JL & Pub Pol'y | Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy |
Correspondences Jud | Correspondences Judiciaries (Can) 1906 |
Costs LR | Costs Law Reports |
Coun | Counsel |
Council Brief | Council Brief (Wellington District Law Society) |
Couper | Couper's Justiciary Reports (Scotland) 1868-1885 |
Cout Dig | Coutlee's Digest, Supreme Court (Can) 1875-1908 |
Cow | Cowen's Reports (New York USA) 1823-1829 |
Cowper's King's Bench Reports 1774-1778 | |
Cowp | Cowper's King's Bench Reports 1774-1778 |
Cox | Cox's Chancery Reports 1783-1796 |
Cox's Reports (Arkansas USA) (25-27 Ark) | |
Cox & Atk | Cox and Atkinson's Registration Appeal Cases 1843-1846 |
Cox CC | Cox's Criminal Cases 1843-1945 |
Cox Eq Cas | Cox's Equity Cases 1745-1797 |
Cox M & H | Cox, Macrae and Hertslet's County Court Reports 1847-1857 |
Coxe | Coxe's New Jersey Law Reports (New Jersey USA) 1790-95 (1 NJ Law) |
CP | Common Pleas (Law Reports) |
Law Reports, Common Pleas 1865-1875 | |
Upper Canada Common Pleas Reports 1850-1882 | |
CP Rep | Civil Procedure Reports |
CP Rev | Consumer Policy Review |
CPC | Carswell's Practice Cases (Can) 1976-1985 |
CPC (2d) | Carswell's Practice Cases, Second Series (Can) 1985-92 |
CPC (3d) | Carswell's Practice Cases, Third Series (Can) 1991- |
CPCU Jour | Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters Journal |
CPD | Decisions of the Supreme Court of South Africa, Cape Provincial Division 1910-1946 |
Law Reports, Common Pleas Division 1875-1880 | |
CPL | Current Property Law |
CPLJ | Conveyancing and Property Law Journal |
CPLL | Centre for Plain Legal Language (University of Sydney, Faculty of Law) |
CPLR | Civil Practice Law Reports |
CPN | Civil Procedure News |
CPNN | Civil Procedure News New South Wales |
CPPN | Criminal Practice & Procedure New South Wales (Butt) |
CPR | Canadian Patent Reporter |
Civil Procedure Rules | |
Cprght Trib | Copyright Tribunal (UK) |
CPSA | Civil Procedure South Australia (Butt) |
CPSAR | Commonwealth Public Service Arbitration Reports 1920- |
CPUC | Common Pleas Reports, Upper Canada 1850-1882 |
CPV | Civil Procedure Victoria (Butt) |
CPWA | Civil Procedure Western Australia (Butt) |
CQ | Corrections Quarterly (NZ Department of Justice; succeeded by Criminal Justice Quarterly) |
CR | Canadian Reports, Appeal Cases 1828-1913 |
Commonwealth Record | |
Constitutional Reform | |
Criminal Reports (Can) 1946-1967 | |
Cr & J | Crompton and Jervis' Exchequer Reports 1830-1832 |
Cr & M | Crompton and Meeson's Exchequer Reports 1832-1834 |
Cr & Ph | Craig and Phillips' Chancery Reports 1840-1841 |
CR (3d) | Criminal Reports Third Series (Can) 1978- |
CR (4th) | Criminal Reports Fourth Series (Can) 1991- |
CR (NS) | Criminal Reports New Series (Can) 1967-1978 |
Cr App R | Criminal Appeal Reports 1908- |
Cr App Rep | Criminal Appeal Reports 1908- |
Cr App Rep (S) | Criminal Appeal Reports (Sentencing) 1979- |
Cr Cas Res | Law Reports, Crown Cases Reserved 1865-1875 |
Cr J | Crime and Justice (Chicago) |
Cr M & R | Crompton, Meeson and Roscoe's Exchequer Reports 1834-1835 |
CR NS | Criminal Reports New Series (Can) 1967-1978 |
Cr Trib | Credit Tribunal |
Crab | Crabbe's US District Court Reports (USA) 1836-1846 (District of Pennsylvania) |
CRAC | Canadian Reports, Appeal Cases 1828-1913 |
Craig & Ph | Craig & Philips' Chancery Reports 1840-1841 |
Craig St & P | Craigie, Stewart & Paton's Appeal Cases (Scotland) 1726-1821 |
CRAMRA | Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resources Activities |
Cranch | Cranch's Reports (District of Columbia USA) 1801-1841 (1-5 DC) |
Cranch (US) | Cranch's United States Supreme Court Reports (USA) 1801-1815 (5-13 US) |
Cranch CC | Cranch's US Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1801-1840 |
Cranch Pat Dec | Cranch's Patent Decisions (USA) 1841-1847 |
Crane | Crane's Reports (Montana USA) (22-29 Mont) |
Craw | Crawford's Reports (Arkansas USA) (53-69 Ark; 71-101 Ark) |
Craw & D | Crawfords and Dix's Circuit Court Cases (Ire) 1839-1846 |
Craw & D Ab Cas | Crawfords and Dix's Abridged Cases (Ire) 1837-1838 |
CRD | Court of Review Decisions, Ratcliffe and McGrath, 1927 |
Cre LR | Creighton Law Review |
Cress Insolv Cas | Cresswell's Insolvency Cases 1827-1829 |
CRI | Crown Research Institute (NZ) |
Crim | Criminology |
Crim & Del | Crime and Delinquency |
Crim App R | Court of Criminal Appeals, Criminal Appeal Reports 1908- |
Crim Aust | Criminology Australia |
Crim Del L | Criminal Justice Abstracts |
Crim J | Crime and Justice (Ottawa) |
Crim JR | Criminal Justice Review |
Crim L Rev | Criminal Law Review |
Crim Law | Criminal Lawyer |
Crim LB | Criminal Law Bulletin |
Crim LF | Criminal Law Forum (Rutgers University School of Law at Camden/Society for the Reform of Criminal Law |
Crim LJ | Criminal Law Journal |
Crim LN | Criminal Law News (Butt; Criminal Law Newsletter for NSW and the ACT - Companion to Criminal Practice and Procedure NSW) |
Crim LQ | Criminal Law Quarterly |
Crim LR | Criminal Law Review |
Crim RC | Criminology Research Council Annual Report |
Crim RY | Criminology Review Yearbook |
Cripps Church Cas | Cripps' Church and Clergy Cases 1847-1850 |
Critch | Critchfield's Reports (Ohio USA) (5-21 Ohio St) |
CrLAuth | Credit Licensing Authority |
CRLS | Copyright Law Symposium |
CRNZ | Criminal Reports of New Zealand (Brooker's) |
Cro Car | Croke's King's Bench Reports tempore Charles 1 1625-1641 |
Cro Eliz | Croke's King's Bench Reports tempore Elizabeth 1582-1603 |
Cro Jac | Croke's King's Bench Reports tempore James 1 1603-1625 |
Croke | Croke's Reports 1603-1641 |
Cromp & J | Crompton & Jervis' Exchequer Reports 1830-1832 |
Cromp & Mees | Crompton & Meeson's Exchequer Reports 1832-1834 |
Cromp M & R | Crompton Meeson & Roscoe's Exchequer Reports 1834-1835 |
Crounse | Crounse's Reports (Nebraska USA) (3 Neb) |
Crown LC | Crown Land Cases (NSW) 1885-1889 |
CRR | Canadian Rights Reporter |
CRTC | Canadian Railway and Transport Cases 1939-1966 |
Cru Dig | Cruise's Digest of the Law of Real Property 4th ed 1835 |
Crumrine | Crumrine's Reports (Pennsylvania USA) (116-146 Pa) |
CS | Child Support Rulings |
CSB | Companies and Securities Bulletin |
CSFS | Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal |
CSG | Community Schools Gazette |
CSIH | Court of Sessions, Inner House (a UK medium neutral citation) |
CSIH | Inner House, Court of Sessions (Scotland) |
CSJ | Crime and Social Justice |
CSLB | Butterworths Companies and Securities Law Bulletin (NZ) |
CSLJ | Company and Securities Law Journal |
CSLRC Discussion Papers | Companies and Securities Law Review Committee Discussion Papers |
CSOH | Outer House, Court of Sessions (Scotland) | CSR | Chuuk State Supreme Court Reports (Micronesia) 1989- |
Chuuk State Supreme Court Reports 1989-1994 | |
Company Secretary's Review | |
CT & EPQ | Capital Taxes and Estates Planning Quarterly Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review |
Ct App NZ | Court of Appeal Reports by Johnstone (New Zealand) 1867-1877 |
Ct CL | United States Court of Claims Reports |
Ct CP | Court of Common Pleas (UK) |
Ct Ind Arb | Court of Industrial Arbitration |
Ct Mar Inq | Court of Marine Inquiry |
CT News & Reps | Capital Taxes News and Reports |
Ct Pett Sess | Court of Petty Sessions |
Ct Rev (NSW) | Court of Review (NSW) |
Ct Rev (Qld) | Court of Review (Qld) |
Ct of Sess | Court of Sessions |
CTBR | Commonwealth Taxation Board of Review Decisions Old Series 1925-1951 |
CTBR (NS) VTBR Case | Victorian Taxation Board of Review Case (Occasionally published in CTBR (NS) - Butt) |
CTBR Reprint | Commonwealth Taxation Board of Review Decisions (Reprints) (Butt; 1968-1969) (Reprint of selected cases from the Decisions of the Boards of Review) |
CTBR (NS) | Taxation Board of Review Decisions, New Series 1950-1986 |
CTC | Canada Tax Cases 1917- |
CTF | Canadian Tax Foundation Conference Report |
Cth Lawyer | Commonwealth Lawyer (Commonwealth Lawyers' Association, London) |
Cth Val Bd | Commonwealth Valuation Board |
CTLR | Computer and Telecommunications Law Review |
CTP | Capital Gains Planning |
CTR | Cape Times Reports of the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1891-1910 |
Corporate Tax Review | |
CTS | Children's Television Standards, reprinted in: Durie, R & Catterns, D Broadcasting Law and Practice, LBC, 1987- |
Concise Tax Service (Butt) | |
Consolidated Treaty Series | |
Cty Ct | County Court |
CU | Communications Update (Communications Law Centre, University of NSW) |
CUB | Companies Update Bulletin |
CUL | Law Library, University of Canterbury (NZ) |
CUM SLR | Cumberland Law Review |
Cunn | Cunningham's King's Bench Reports 1734-1736 |
Curr CL | Current Commercial Law |
Curr LP | Current Legal Problems |
Current Review | See LBC's Industrial Arbitration Service (Current Review) |
Curry | Curry's Reports (Louisiana USA) 1833-1841 (6-19 La) |
Curt | Curteis' Ecclesiastical Reports 1834-1844 |
Curt CC | Curtis US 1st Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1851-1856 |
Cush | Cushing's Reports (Massachusetts USA) 1848-1853 (55-66 Mass) |
Cushm | Cushman's Reports (Mississippi USA) (23-29 Miss) |
Cust Ct | United States Customs Courts Reports |
CVLAJLA | Columbia VLA Journal of Law and the Arts |
CWCL | Conspectus of Workers' Compensation Legislation |
Cwlth. Record | Commonwealth Record |
CWN | Calcutta Weekly Notes (India) 1896- |
CWRLR | Case Western Reserve Law Review |
Cwth L R | Commonwealth Law Review |
CYELS | Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies |
Cyprus LR | Cyprus Law Reports 1883- |