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Legal abbreviations: D – H

Legal abbreviations for Australian and international law reports, law journals, legal organisations, courts, etc.
Abbreviation Title
D Dallas United States Supreme Court Reports (USA) 1789-1800 (1-4 US)
Denison's Crown Cases 1844-1852
Dunlop Bell & Murray's Reports, Session Cases, Second Series (Scotland) 1838-1862
Duxbury's Reports of the High Court of the South African Republic 1895
Dyer's King's Bench Reports, ed Valiant 1513-1582
D & R Decisions and Reports of the European Court of Human Rights
D Is Dine Israel
DA Le Droit d'Auteur
Dak Dakota Territory Reports (USA) 1867-1889
Dal Dalison's Common Pleas Reports 1486-1580
Dalhousie J Legal Stud Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies
Dalhousie LJ Dalhousie Law Journal
Dall Dallas' Reports (Pennsylvania USA) 1754-1806
Dall Enc Encyclopedia Dalloz (France)
Dallam Dallam's Decisions (Texas USA) 1840-1844
Dallas (US) Dallas' United States Supreme Court Reports (USA) 1789-1800 (1-4 US)
Dalr Dalrymple of Hailes' Session Cases (Scotland)
Dalrymple of Stair's Decisions, Court of Session (Scotland)
Dalrymple's Decisions, Court of Session (Scotland) 1698-1718
Dan Daniell's Exchequer in Equity Reports 1817-1823
Dan & Ll Danson and Lloyd's Mercantile Cases 1828-1829
Dana Dana's Reports (Kentucky USA) 1833-1840 (31-39 Ky)
Dann Dann's Reports (California USA) (22 Cal)
Danner Danner's Reports (Alabama USA) (42 Ala)
Dav & Mer Davison and Merivale's Queen's Bench Reports 1843-1844
Dav Ir Davys' or Davies' King's Bench Reports (Ire) 1604-1612
Dav Ir KB Davy's or Davies King's Bench Reports (Ireland) 1604-1612
Dav Pat Cas Davies' Patent Cases 1785-1816
Davidson Davidson's Reports (North Carolina USA) (92-111 NC)
Davies Davies Patent Cases 1785-1816
Davis  Davis' Hawaiian Reports (Hawaii USA) (2 Haw)
Day Day's Reports (Connecticut USA) 1802-1813
Day Elect Cas Day's Election Cases 1892-1893
DBR Digest of Burma Rulings
DC District of Columbia (USA)
Divisional Court
DC Aust Deaths in Custody Australia
DC L Rev District of Columbia Law Review
DCA Dorion's Queen's Bench Reports (Canada) 1880-1884
DCB District Courts Bulletin (NZ)
DCJ Defense Counsel Journal
DCLR District Court Law Reports (Hong Kong) 1953-
Dominion Companies Law Reports (Can) 1949-
DCN District Court Procedure New South Wales (Butt)
DCR District Court Reports (NSW) 1966-
New Zealand District Court Reports
DCR (NSW) District Court Reports (New South Wales) (Butt)
DCT Deputy Commissioner of Taxation
DD Developer's Digest (Newsletter of the Urban Development Institute of Australia)
DDA Disability Discrimination Act
DDCR Dust Diseases and Compensation Reports
DDRZ Deutsche Deutsche Rechts Zeitschrift
De Col De Colyar's County Court Cases 1867-1882
De G De Gex's Bankruptcy Reports 1844-1848
De G & J De Gex and Jones' Chancery Reports 1857-1859
De G & Sm De Gex and Smale's Chancery Reports 1846-1852
De G F & J De Gex, Fisher and Jones' Chancery Reports 1860-1862
De G J & Sm De Gex, Jones and Smith's Chancery Reports 1862-1866
De G M & G De Gex, MacNaghten and Gordon's Chancery Reports 1851-1857
De Jager De Jager's Reports of Cases decided in the Orange River Colony High Court (S Afr) 1903-1906
De P LR De Paul Law Review
Dea & Sw Deane and Swabey's Ecclesiastical Reports 1855-1857
Deac Deacon's Bankruptcy Reports 1835-1840
Deac & Ch Deacon and Chitty's Bankruptcy Reports 1832-1835
Deady Deady's District Court Reports (USA) 1861-1869 (Pacific District)
Deady's US 9th Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1861-1869
Deakin LR Deakin Law Review
Deane Deane's Reports (Vermont USA) (24-26 Vt)
Dears & B Dearsly and Bell's Crown Cases Reserved 1856-1858
Dears CC Dearsly's Crown Cases Reserved 1856-1858
Deas & And Deas and Anderson's Decisions (Scotland) 1829-1833
Dec WCC New Zealand Workers' Compensation Cases 1901-1940?
DEF Australian Defamation Law and Practice (Butt)
Def LJ Defense Law Journal
Del Delaware (USA)
Delaware Reports (Delaware USA)1832-1966
Del Ch Delaware Chancery Reports (Delaware USA) 1814-1868
Del J Corp L Delaware Journal of Corporate Law
Delane Delane's Decisions, Election Revision Cases 1832-1835
Den Denio's New York Supreme Court Reports (New York USA) 1845-1848
Denison and Pearce's Crown Cases Reserved 1844-1852
Den & PCC Denison and Pearce's Crown Cases Reserved 1844-1852
Den JILP Denver Journal of International Law and Policy
Den LJ Denver Law Journal
Den ULR Denver University Law Review
Denis Denis' Louisiana Annual Reports (Louisiana USA) (32-46 La Ann)
Denning Denning Law Journal
Dens Denslow's Notes to second edition Michigan Reports (Michigan USA) 1878 (1, 2, 3 Mich)
Denv J Intl'l & Pol'y Denver Journal of International Law and Policy
DePaul Bus LJ DePaul Business Law Journal
DePaul J Art Tech & Intell Prop L DePaul Journal of Art, Technology & Intellectual Property Law
DePaul J Health Care L DePaul Journal of Health Care Law
DePaul J Soc Just DePaul Journal for Social Justice
DePaul L Rev DePaul Law Review
Des Eq Desaussure's South Carolina Equity Reports (South Carolina USA) 1784-1817 (1-4 SC Eq)
Dev Devereaux's North Carolina Reports (North Carolina USA) 1826-1834 (12-15 NC)
Dev & Bat Devereaux & Battle's North Carolina Reports (North Carolina USA) 1834-1839 (18-20 NC)
Dev & Bat Eq Devereaux & Battle's North Carolina Equity Reports (North Carolina USA) 1834-1839 (21-22 NC)
Dev Eq Devereaux's North Carolina Equity Reports (North Carolina USA) 1826-1834 (16-17 NC)
Dew Dewey's Reports (Kansas USA) (60-70 Kan)
DeWitt DeWitt's Reports (Ohio USA) (24-42 Ohio St)
DFC Australian De Facto Relationships Cases (CCH) 1985-
DG Diritto e Giurisprudenza (Italy)
Dice Dice's Reports (Indiana USA) (71-91 Ind)
Dick Dicken's Chancery Reports 1599-1798
Dick (NJ) Dickinson's New Jersey Equity Reports (New Jersey USA) 1889-1904 (44-66 NJ Eq)
Dick J Envtl L & Pol'y Dickinson Journal of Environmental Law and Policy
Dick J Int'l L Dickinson Journal of International Law
Dick LR Dickinson Law Review
Dil Dillon's US 8th Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1870-1879
Dir LR Directors Law Reporter (Company Directors' Association of Australia, Sydney; succeeded by Company Director 1985-)
Dir Maritt Diritto Marittimo (It) 1899
Dirl Dirleton's Decisions, Court of Sessions (Scotland) 1665-1677
Dis Res J Dispute Resolution Journal (formerly Arbitration Journal)
DJCL Delaware Journal of Corporate Law
DL Butterworths Direct Link
DLJ Denning Law Journal
DLR Directors Law Reporter
Discrimination Law Reports
Dominion Law Reports (Can) 1912-1955
DLR (2d) Dominion Law Reports, Second Series (Can) 1956-1968
DLR (3d) Dominion Law Reports, Third Series (Can) 1969-1984
DLR (4d) Dominion Law Reports, Fourth Series (Can)1984- 
DMHRBV Decisions of the Mental Health Review Board (Victoria)
DOC Department of Conservation (NZ)
Doc R Trib Document Review Tribunal
Dods Dodson's Admiralty Reports 1811-1822
Donnelly Donnelly's Chancery Reports 1836-1837
Doug Douglass' Reports (Michigan USA) 1843-1847
Doug El Cas Douglas' Election Cases 1774-1776
Doug KB Douglas' King's Bench Reports 1778-1785
Dow Dow's House of Lords Cases 1812-1813
Dow & C Dow and Clark's House of Lords Cases 1827-1832
Dow & Cl Dow and Clark's House of Lords Cases 1827-1832
Dow & L Dowling and Lowndes Bail Court Reports 1943-1949
Dow & Ry KB Dowling and Ryland's King's Bench Reports 1821-1827
Dow & Ry MC Dowling and Ryland's Magistrates' Cases 1822-1827
Dow & Ry NP Dowling and Ryland's Nisi Prius Cases 1822-1823
Dow PC Dowling's Practice Cases 1830-1841
Dowl Dowling's Bail Court (Practice) Cases 1830-1841
Dowl & L Dowling and Lownde's Reports
Dowl NS Dowling's Bail Court Reports, New Series 1841-1843
Doyles DR Reps Doyles Dispute Resolution Reports (CCH; loose-leaf pages in Doyles Dispute Resolution Practice) 1990-1992
DPC Droit Polonais Contemporain (Poland)
DPP Director of Public Prosecutions (Cth or State)
DPSA Deputy Public Service Arbitrator
DR Dispute Resolution
Decisions and Reports of the European Commission
Dr & Soc Droit et Societe
Dr & Wal Drury and Walsh's Irish Chancery Reports 1837-1840
Dr & War Drury and Warren's Irish Chancery Reports 1841-1843
Dr & Soc Droit et Societe
Dr Ad Droit Administratif
Dr Soc Droit Social
Dra Draper's Upper Canada King's Bench Reports 1829-1831
Drake J Agric L Drake Journal of Agricultural Law
Drake LR Drake Law Review
DRB Butterworths Dispute Resolution Bulletin
Drew Drewry's Chancery Reports tempore Kindersley 1852-1859
Drew's Reports (Florida USA) (13 Fla)
Drew & Sm Drewry and Smale's Chancery Reports 1860-1865
Drink Drinkwater's Common Pleas Reports 1840-1841
DRS Dominion Report Service (Canada)
Drury & Wal Drury and Walsh's Reports
Drury temp Nap Drury's Irish Chancery Reports tempore Napier 1858-1859
Drury temp Sug Drury's Irish Chancery Reports tempore Sugden 1843-1844
DSLP Diary of Social Legislation and Policy
DT Digest Section of Book of Australian Current Law
DT (Newspr) (Tas) Daily Telegraph Reports (Newspaper)
DTC Dominion Tax Cases (Can) 1920-
Dud Dudley's South Carolina Law Reports (South Carolina USA) 1837-1838 (23 SCL)
Dud (Ga) Dudley's Reports (Georgia USA) 1830-1833
Dud Eq Dudley's South Carolina Equity Reports (South Carolina USA) 1837-1838 (13 SC Eq)
Dugd Orig Dugdale's Origines Juridicales
Duke Duke, Law on Charitable Uses 1676
Duke Envtl L & Pol'y F Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum
Duke F L & Soc Change Duke Forum for Law & Social Change
Duke J Comp & Int'l L Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law
Duke J Const L & Pub Pol'y Duke Journal of Constitutional Law & Public Policy
Duke J Gender L & Pol'y Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy
Duke L & Tech Rev Duke Law & Technology Review
Duke LJ Duke Law Journal
DULR Dublin University Law Review
Dunl (Ct of Sess) Dunlop, Bell & Murray's Reports, Second Series Session Cases (Scot) 1838-1862
Dunn Dunning's King's Bench Reports 1753-1754
Duq Bus LJ Duquesne Business Law Journal
Duq LR Duquesne Law Review
Durf Durfee's Reports (Rhode Island USA) (2 RI)
Durie Durie's Decisions, Court of Session (Scotland) 1785-1800
Durn & E Durnford & East's Term Reports, King's Bench 1785-1818
Dutch Dutcher's Reports (New Jersey USA) 1855-1862 (25-29 NJ)
Duv Duvall's Reports (Kentucky USA) 1863-1866 (62, 63 Ky)
Dux Duxbury's High Court Reports, South African Republic 1895
Dy Dyer's King's Bench Reports 1513-1582
Abbreviation Title
E & A Grant's Error and Appeal Reports (Ontario, Can) 1846-1866
Spink's Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Reports 1853-1855
E & B Ellis and Blackburn's Queen's Bench  Reports 1852-1858
E & L Education and the Law
E & P International Journal of Evidence & Proof
E Af LJ East African Law Journal
E Afr LR East Africa Protectorate Law Reports 1897-1921
E African J Hum Rts & Dem East African Journal of Human Rights and Democracy
E African LJ East African Law Journal
E B & E Ellis, Blackburn and Ellis' Queen's Bench Reports 1858
E LAW E LAW - Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law
EA East African Law Reports
EACA East Africa Court of Appeals Reports 1934-1956
Eag & Y Eagle and Younge's Tithe Cases 1204-1825
EALR East African Law Reports 1897-1921
EARC Electoral and Administrative Review Commission (Qld)
East East's Term Reports, King's Bench 1801-1812
East DL Eastern District, Local Division, South African Law Reports
East PC East's Pleas of the Crown 1803
EAT Employment Appeals Tribunal
EB & E Ellis, Blackburn & Ellis' Queen's Bench reports [ER 120]
EB & S Ellis, Best and Smith's Queen's Bench Reports 1861-1869
Ebersole  Ebersole's Reports (Iowa USA) (59-80 Iowa)
EBL Electronic Business Law
Eur Bus L Rev European Business Law Review
EBOR European Business Organisation Law Review
EBUR European Broadcasting Union Review
EC European Community
EC EM EC Energy Monthly
EC FLM EC Food Law Monthly
EC TJ EC Tax Journal
EC TR EC Tax Review
ECC European Commercial Cases 1978-
Ecc & Ad Spink's Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Reports 1853-1855
Ecc LJ Ecclesiastical Law Journal
ECCJ European Communities Court of Justice
ECDR European Copyright and Design Reports
ECFR European Company and Financial Law Review
ECHR European Convention on Human Rights
European Court of Human Rights
ECJ Court of Justice of the European Communities
Environmental Claims Journal
European Court of Justice
ECJR European Court of Justice Reporter
ECL & P E-Commerce Law and Policy
ECL European Corporate Lawyer
ECL Rep E-Commerce Law Reports
ECLR European Competition Law Review
ECM European Common Market
Ecol LQ Ecology Law Quarterly
Ecology L Currents Ecology Law Currents
ECR European Court Reports
ECS Employment Cases Summary (NZ)
Ect (NZ) Environment Court, New Zealand
ED Eastern District Court Reports, Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1880-1909
Ed Ch Eden's Chancery Reports 1757-1766
Ed Law Education Law Journal
Ed LM Education Law Monitor
EDC Eastern District Court Reports, Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1880-1909
Eden Eden's Chancery Reports [ER 28]
Edg Edgar's Decisions, Court of Session (Scotland) 1724-1725
EDI LR Electronic Data Interchange Law Review
Edin LR Edinburgh Law Review
Edinb LJ Edinburgh Law Journal 1831-1837
EDL South African Law Reports, Eastern District Local Division (S Afr) 1910-1946
EDLR Environment and Development Law Reports (Law Society of SA/National Environmental Law Association - SA Division)
Edw Edwards' Admiralty Reports 1808-1812
Edwards' Reports (Missouri USA) (2-3 Mo)
Edw Ch Edward's Chancery Reports (New York USA) 1831-1850
EDX Electronic Document Exchange (A specially formed arm of AUSDOC)
EE Expert Evidence; The International Digest of Human Behaviour Science and Law 
EEBL East European Business Law
EEC European Economic Community (Common Market)
EEFN Eastern European Forum Newsletter
EELR European Environmental Law Review
EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Eur Foreign Aff Rev European Foreign Affairs Review
Efird Efird's Reports (South Carolina USA) (45-56 SC)
EFSL European Financial Services Law
EFTA European Free Trade Association
EG Estates Gazette
EGCS Estates Gazette Case Summaries
EGD Estates Gazette Digest of Cases
EGLR Estates Gazette Law Reports
EHLR Environmental Health Law Reports
EHRLR European Human Rights Law Review
EHRR European Human Rights Reports 1979-
EIB Environment Information Bulletin
EIM European Insurance Market
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
EIPR European Intellectual Property Review
European Intellectual Property Review (UK)
EIRR European Industrial Relations Review
EJCL Electronic Journal of Comparative Law
EJEL & P European Journal for Education Law and Policy
Eur J Health L European Journal of Health Law
Eur J Int'l L European Journal of International Law
Eur JL Reform European Journal of Law Reform
Eur J Migration & L European Journal of Migration and Law
EJRB Environmental Judicial Review Bulletin
EJSS European Journal of Social Security
EL Environmental Law
Equitable Lawyer
Encyclopedia of Insurance Law
El & B Ellis & Blackburn's Queen's Bench Reports 1851-1858
El & El Ellis & Ellis' Queen's Bench Reports 1858-1861
El & PD European Life and Pensions Digest
eLaw J eLaw Journal
E-Law Rev E-Law Review
ELB Employment Law Bulletin (NZ)
Environment Law Brief
Environmental Law Bulletin (Environmental Law Section of the Law Institute of Victoria)
Elch Elchies' Decisions, Court of Session (Scotland) 1733-1754
ELD European Law Digest 1973-
ELER Erasmus Law and Economics Review
Elder LJ Elder Law Journal
ELF Elder Law and Finance
ELJ Earth Law Journal
Ecclesiastical Law Journal
European Law Journal
ELLR Environmental Liability Law Review
ELM Environmental Law Management (UK)
ELN Environmental Law News (formerly Environmental Law Newsletter)
ELQ Ecology Law Quarterly
ELR Eastern Law Reporter (Can) 1906-1914
Education Law Reports
Entertainment Law Review
Environmental Law Reporter of NSW
El Rev European Law Review
ELRNZ Environmental Law Reports of NZ
ElTrib(NT) Electoral Tribunal (NT)
Em A Trib Employment Appeals Tribunal (UK)
Emden's BC Emden's Building Contracts, Building Leases and Building Statutes
Emory LJ Emory Law Journal
EMLR Entertainment and Media Law Reports
Entertainment and Media Law Review (UK)
Emory Int'l L Rev Emory International Law Review
Emp L Brief Employment Law Briefing
Emp L & L Employment Law and Litigation
Emp Law Employment Lawyer
Emp LB Employment Law Bulletin
Emp Lit Employment Litigation
Emp LJ Employment Law Journal
Emp LN Employment Law Newsletter
Emp LR Employment Law Reports
Emp Rts & Emp Pol'y J Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal
Energy LJ Energy Law Journal
Eng & Ir App Law Reports, English and Irish Appeal Cases 1866-1875
Eng Judg Scotch Court of Session Cases decided by English Judges during the Usurpations (Scotland) 1655-61
Eng Pr Cas Roscoe's English Prize Cases 1745-1858
Eng R & C Cas Railway and Canal Cases 1835-1854
English English's Reports (Arkansas USA) (6-13 Ark)
ENPR European National Patent Reports
Ent LR Entertainment Law Review (UK)
Ent & Sports Law Entertainment and Sports Lawyer
Entrepreneurial Bus LJ Entrepreneurial Business Law Journal
Env Aff Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review (formerly Environmental Affairs)
Env Law Environmental Law
Env Law Mgmt or ELM Environmental Law and Management
Env LB Environmental Law Bulletin
Env Liability Environmental Liability
Env LM Environmental Law Monthly
Env LN Environmental Law Newsletter
Env LR Environmental Law Reports
Env Man Environmental Manager
Env Risk Environmental Risk
Environs Environs - Local Government Planning & Environmental Law NSW Newsletter
Envtl Law Environmental Lawyer
EO Bd (Vic) Equal Opportunity Board (Vic)
EOC Equal Opportunity Cases (CCH - Located in Australian and New Zealand Equal Opportunity Law & Practice) 1984-
EOF Equal Opportunity Forum
EOPR European Patent Office Reports
EOR Equal Opportunities Review
EOR Dig Equal Opportunities Review Discrimination Law Case Digest
EOT  Equal Opportunity Tribunal (NSW; SA; WA; NZ)
EPA Environment Protection Authority (NSW; VIC)
EPA Review EPA Review (Environment Protection Authority, Melbourne; formerly EPA News 1982-1988)
EPI Electronic Payments International
Eur Pub L European Public Law
EPLI Education, Public Law and the Individual
EPLJ Environmental and Planning Law Journal (LBC)
EPO European Patent Office
EPOR European Patent Office Reports
Eq Equity Court or Division
Eq Cas Law Reports, Equity Cases 1866-1875
Eq Cas Abr Abridgment of Cases in Equity 1667-1744
Eq Judg A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments (NSW) 1845
Eq Rep Common Law and Equity Reports 1853-1855
Gilbert's Equity Reports 1705-1727
ER English Reports 1220-1865
ERC (Vic) Employee Relations Commission, Victoria
Erck Erck's Ecclesiastical Register (Ireland) 1608-1825
ERDC Environment, Resources and Development Court (SA)
ERNZ Employment Reports of New Zealand (Brooker's, continues New Zealand Industrial Law Reports)
Eur Rev Private L European Review of Private Law
Err & App Grant's Error and Appeals Reports (Ontario) 1846-1866
Ersk Dec Erskine's US 5th Circuit Court Decisions (Georgia USA) 1866-1868 (35 Ga)
ERV Employment Relations Law Victoria (Butt)
ESLJ Entertainment and Sports Law Journal (UK)
Esp Espinasse's Nisi Prius Reports 1793-1807
Est Gaz Estates Gazette 1858-
Est Gaz Dig Estates Gazette Digest of Land and Property Cases 1902-
Est Plan & Cmty Prop LJ Estate Planning & Community Property Law Journal
Est Tr & Pensions J Estates, Trusts and Pensions Journal
Estoppel Estoppel (University of Otago Law Students Society)
ET Employment Tribunal
Estates Times
European Taxation
ETLR Estates Times Law Reports
ETMR European Trade Mark Reports
ETQ Estates & Trusts Quarterly
ETR Estates and Trusts Reports (Can) 1977-
ETS European Treaty Series
EU European Union
Eu LF European Legal Forum
Eu LR European Law Reports
EU News European Union News
EUR ACCESS European Access
Eur Competition J European Competition Journal
Eur Counsel European Counsel
Eur Ct H R/A European Court of Human Rights Series A Judgements and Decisions 1960-
Eur Ct H R/B European Court of Human Rights Series B Pleadings, Oral Arguments, Documents
Eur J Crime Cr L Cr J European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
Eur LM European Law Monitor
Eur TL European Transport Law
Euro Europarecht
Euro CL European Current Law
Euro CLY European Current Law Yearbook
Euro Env European Environment
Euro Law European Lawyer
Euro LM European Law Monitor
Euro Rev PrivL European Review of Private Law
Euro Tax European Taxation
Euro TL European Transport Law
Evans Evans' King's Bench Reports 1756-1788
Ex Law Reports, Exchequer Reports 1865-1875
EWCA Civ Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
EWCA Crim Court of Appeal (Criminal Division)
Ex Cas Lobingier's Extraterritorial Cases, US Court for China 1844-1924
Ex CR Canada Exchequer Court Reports 1875-1922
Ex D Law Reports, Exchequer Division 1875-1880
Exch Exchequer Reports (Welsby, Hurlstone and Gordon) 1847-1856
Exch CR Canada Law Reports, Exchequer Court 1923-1970
Exchequer Court Reports (Can) 1875-1922
Exch Rep Exchequer Reports, (Welsby, Hurlstone and Gordon) 1847-1856
Abbreviation Title
F Federal Reporter, (USA) 1880-1924
Foord, Supreme Court Reports, Cape Colony (S Afr) 1880
Fraser, Session Cases, 5th Series (Scotland) 1898-1906
F & CL Finance and Credit Law
F & D Finance and Development
F & F Foster and Finlason's Nisi Prius Reports 1858-1867
F (Ct of Sess) Fraser, Court of Session Cases, 5th Series (Scotland) 1898-1906
F L Rev Federal Law Review
F Supp Federal Supplement (USA) 1932-1988
F & P Encyclopedia of Forms and Precedents
F 2d Federal Reporter, Second Series (USA) 1924-
Fac Coll Faculty of Advocates, Collection of Decisions, Court of Session (Scotland) 1738-1841
Fac Dec Faculty of Advocates, Collection of Decisions, Court of Session (Scotland) 1838-41
FAD Federal Anti-Trust Decisions (USA) 1890-1931
Fairf  Fairfield's Reports (Maine USA) 1833-1834 (10-12 Me)
Falc Falconer's Decisions, Court of Session (Scotland) 1744-1751
Falc & Fitz Falconer and Fitzherbert's Election Cases 1835-1838
Fam Law Reports, Family Division 1972- 
Fam Advoc Family Advocate
Fam C Family Co-ordinator
FAM C of A Family Court of Australia
Fam D Law Reports, Family Division 1972-
Fam IS Family Impact Seminar
Fam L Family Law
Fam L Bull Family Law Bulletin (Butt - NZ)
Fam L Rep Family Law Reports 1980-
Fam L Rev Family Law Review (Can)
Fam LN Family Law Notes (Butt - located in Fam LR)
Fam LQ Family Law Quarterly
Fam LR Family Law Reports (Aust) 1976-
Fam RZ Familienrecht
FATR Foreign Affairs & Trade Record
FB Full Bench
FBCA Federal Bureau of Consumer Affairs
FBILEB FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin
FBJ Federal Bar Journal
FBT Fringe Benefits Tax (Butt)
FBT Bulletin Fringe Benefits Tax Bulletin
FC Federal Court
Full Court
FCA Federal Court of Australia
FCAFC Federal Court of Australia - Full Court
FCCR Family and Conciliation Courts Review
FCD Federal Court Digest (formerly Federal Court Reporter) 1995-
FCL Australian Family Court Legislation (Butt)
FCOITrib Flight Crew Officers Industrial Tribunal
FCR Inf Bull Federal Court Reporter Information Bulletin
FCR Family Court Reporter 1987-
Federal Court Register
Federal Court Reporter 1982-1994
Federal Court Reports 1984-
Federal Court Rules
FCT Federal Commissioner of Taxation
FDCLJ Food, Drug, Cosmetic Law Journal
FedPDT Federal Police Disciplinary Tribunal
Fed Anti-Tr Dec Federal Anti-Trust Decisions (USA) 1890-1931
Fed BJ Federal Bar Journal
Fed Comm LJ Federal Communications Law Journal
Fed Ct Federal Court of Australia
Fed LR Federal Law Reports 1956-
Federal Law Review
FELR Far Eastern Law Review (1953-1992)
Fem LS Feminist Legal Studies
Fent Fenton's Important Judgments Delivered in the Compensation Court and Native Land Court (NZ) 1866-79
Fent (New Zealand) Fenton's Important Judgments (NZ) 1866-1879
Fent Imp Judg Fenton's Important Judgments (NZ) 1866-1879
Fent NZ Fenton's Important Judgements (NZ) 1866-1879
Fenton Fenton's Important Judgments (NZ) 1866-1879
FEP Fair Employment Practice Cases (USA)
Ferg Ferguson of Kilerran's Session Cases (Scotland) 1738-1752
Ferguson's Consistorial Decisions (Scotland) 1811-1817
Fergusson's Scotch Railway Cases (Scotland) 1888-1893, 1894, 1897-1912
FIL Federal Industrial Legislation (Butt)
Fin Finch's Chancery Reports 1673-1681
Finlay's Irish Digest (Ireland) 1769-1771
Fin LR Financial Law Reports
FIR Foreign Investment Review
Freedom of Information Review (Legal Service Bulletin Co-operative, Clayton, Vic)
Fish Pat Cas Fisher's Patent Cases (USA) 1848-1873
Fish Pat Rep Fisher's Patent Reports (USA) 1821-1850
Fish Pr Cas Fisher's US Prize Cases (USA) 1812-1813 (Eastern District of Pennsylvania)
Fitz Nat Brev Fitzherbert's Natura Brevium 1534
Fitzg Fitzgibbon's King's Bench Reports 1727-1731
Fitzgibbon's Land Reports (Ireland) 1895-1920
Fitzgibbon's Registration Appeals (Ireland) 1894
Fitzg LG Dec Fitzgibbon's Irish Local Government Decisions 1889-1919
Fitzh Abr Fitzherbert's Abridgement 1516
FIU L Rev FIU Law Review
FJB Federal Judgements Bulletin 1995-
FJHC High Court of Fiji Reports
FJLR Flinders Journal of Law Reform
Fl & K Flanagan and Kelly's Irish Rolls Court Reports 1840-1842
FL Rev Federal Law Review
Fla Florida (USA)
Florida Reports (Florida USA)
Fla A & MUL Rev Florida A & M University Law Review
Fla CA Florida Court of Appeal
Fla Coastal LJ Florida Coastal Law Journal
Fla Ent Art & Sport LJ Florida Entertainment, Art and Sport Law Journal
Fla J Int'l L Florida  Journal of International Law
Fla L Rev Florida Law Review
Fla State UL Rev Florida State University Law Review
Fla Tax Rev Florida Tax Review
FLAG Family Law Action Group
Feminist Law Action Group
Flan & K Flanagan & Kelly's Irish Rolls Court Reports (Ireland) 1840-1842
FLB  Family Law Bulletin 1985-1993 (NZ) (cont'd by Butterworths Family Law Journal)
FLC Australian Family Law Cases (CCH - located in Australian Family Law and Practice, Vol3) 1976-
Family Law Cases 1976-
FLC Working Paper Family Law Council Working Paper (AGPS)
FLD Family Law Digest (Can)
Flip Flippin's US 6th & 7th Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1859-1881
Flippin's US District Court Reports (USA) 1859-1881 (Western Districts)
FLJ (Can) Canada Fortnightly Law Journal
FLN Family Law Notes (NZ) (in New Zealand Family Law Reports, 1981-)
FLPR Franchising Law and Policy Review
FLR  Family Law Reports 1975-
Family Law Review
Federal Law Reports (This also includes a section called Family Law Notes)
Federal Law Review
Fiji Law Reports 1875-1959
FLRR Family Law Reform Reporter (Ontario, Can) 1978-
FLS Feminist Legal Studies
FLT Family Law Today
FLW FaxLaw Weekly (Butt)
FLW (EP) FaxLaw Weekly - Electronic Product (Butt)
FM Financial Management
FMSLR Federal Malay States Law Reports 1899-1941
FND Finnemore's Notes and Digest of Natal Cases (S Afr) 1860-1867
Fogg Fogg's Reports (New Hampshire USA) (32-37 NH)
FOI Freedom of Information
FOI Handbook Victoria: Freedom of Information Handbook
FOI Review Freedom of Information Review
FOIR Freedom of Information Review
Fonbl Fonblanque's Bankruptcy Reports 1849-1852
Fonbl NR Fonblanque's New Reports in Bankruptcy 1849-1852
Fontes Fontes Juris Gentium (Germany) 1972-1975
Food & Drug LJ Food and Drug Law Journal
Food Drug Cosm LJ Food, Drug, Cosmetic Law Journal
Food LM Food Law Monthly
Foord Foord's Supreme Court Reports, Cape Colony (S Afr) 1880
For Forrester's Chancery Reports (cases tempore Talbot) 1733-1738
Forrest's Exchequer Reports 1800-1801
Forb Forbes' Decisions in the Court of Sessions (Scotland) 1705-1713
Ford LR Fordham Law Review
Ford Urb LJ Fordham Urban Law Journal
Fordham Envtl LJ Fordham Environmental Law Journal
Fordham Intell Prop Media & Ent LJ Fordham Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law Journal
Fordham Int'l LJ Fordham International Law Journal
Fordham J Corp & Fin L Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law
Forensic Linguistics Forensic Linguistics: The International Journal of Speech Language and the Law
Forman  Forman's Reports (Illinois USA) (2 Ill)
Foro Ital Il Foro Italiano (Italy)
Fort de Laud Fortesque, De Laudibus Legum Angliae 1616
Fort LJ Fortnightly Law Journal
Fortes Rep Fortescue's King's Bench Reports 1695-1738
Fost  Foster's Crown Cases 1743-1761
Foster's Reports (Hawaii USA) (5, 6 & 8 Haw)
Fost  Foster's Reports (New Hampshire USA) (19, 21-31 NH)
Fost & F Foster & Finlayson's Nisi Prius Reports 1856-1867
Fount Fountainhall's Decisions, Court of Session (Scotland) 1678-1712
Fox Fox's US Circuit and District Court Decisions (USA) 1866-1881 (District of Maine)
Fox & S Ir M C Fox and T B C Smith's Irish King's Bench Reports (Ireland) 1822-1824
Fox & S Reg J S Fox and C L Smith's Registration Cases 1886-1895
Fox Pat C Fox's Patent, Trade Mark, Design and Copyright Cases (Can) 1940-1971
Fr Ch Freeman's Chancery Reports 1660-1706
France  France's Reports (Colorado USA) (3-11 Colo)
Franchise L J Franchise Law Journal
Fras Fraser's Election Cases 1776-1777
FRD Federal Rules Decisions (USA) 1938-
Free Ch Freeman's Chancery Reports (Mississippi USA) 1839-1843
Freem  Freeman's Reports (Illinois USA) (31-96 Ill)
Freem Ch Freeman's Chancery Reports 1660-1706
Freem KB Freeman's King's Bench and Common Pleas Reports 1670-1704
French French's Reports (New Hampshire USA) (6 NH)
FRNZ Family Law Reports of New Zealand (Brooker's) 1983/1985-
FRST Foundation of Research, Science and Technology (NZ)
FS Federal Supplement (USA) 1932-1988
FSLJ Financial Services Law Journal
FSLL Financial Services Law Letter
FSN Financial Services Newsletter
FSPR Fleet Street Patent Law Reports 1963-1977
FSR Fleet Street Reports of Patent Cases 1963-
FTC Federal Trade Commission Decisions (USA) 1915-
FTCR Financial Times Commercial Law Reports
FTLR Financial Times Law Reports 1982-
FTR Australian Federal Tax Reporter (CCH)
Federal Trial Reports (Canada)
FULJ Fordham Urban Law Journal
Fuller  Fuller's Reports (Michigan USA) (59-105 Mich)
FWA Fair Work Australia
Abbreviation Title
G Gale's Exchequer Reports 1835-1836
Gregorowski's Reports of the High Court of the Orange Free State (S Afr) 1883-7
Reports of the High Court of Griqualand (S Afr) 1882-1910
G & AdBd Guardian & Administration Board (WA)
G & R Geldart & Russell's Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1895-1901
G Cost Giurisprudenza Costituzionale (Italy)
GA General Assembly (House of Representatives) (NZ)
Georgia (USA)
Georgia Reports (USA) 1846-
Ga Dec Georgia Decisions (Georgia USA) 1841-1843
Ga JICL Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law
Ga LR Georgia Law Review
Ga St U L Rev Georgia State University Law Review
Gal & Dav Gale and Davison's Queen's Bench Reports 1841-1843
Galb Galbraith's Reports (Florida USA) (9-12 Fla)
Galb & M Galbraith & Meek's Reports (Florida USA) (12 Fla)
GALE Gale's Exchequer Reports 1835-1836
Gall Gallison's US 1st Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1812-1815
Galway Student L Rev Galway Student Law Review
Gane Gane's Eastern District Court Reports, Cape Colony (S Afr) 1902-1910
GAOR General Assembly Official Record (UN)
Garden Gardenhire's Reports (Missouri USA) (14, 15 Mo)
GATT General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (succeeded by WTO)
Gay Gayarre's Louisiana Annual Reports (Louisiana USA) (25-28 La Ann)
Gaz New Zealand Gazette 1853-
Gaz L & J Gazette of Law and Journalism
Gaz LR Gazette Law Reports (NZ) 1898-1953
Gaz LR (NZ) Gazette Law Reports (NZ) 1898-1953
Gazette L & J Gazette of Law and Journalism
GB Green Bag
GC Giustizia Civile
GCDC Gold Coast Divisional Court Reports, Selected Judgements (Ghana) 1921-1925, 1926-9, 1929-31
GCFC Gold Coast Full Court Selected Judgements (Ghana) 1920-1921, 1922, 1923-5, 1926-9
Geld & M Geldart and Maddock's Chancery Reports 1815-1822
Geo J. Int'l L Georgetown Journal of International Law
Geo Immigr LJ Georgetown Immigration Law Journal
Geo Int'l Envtl L Rev Georgetown International Environmental Law Review
Geo J Gender & L Georgetown Journal of Gender and the law
Geo J Legal Ethics Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics
Geo J on Poverty L & Pol'y Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy
Geo LJ Georgetown Law Journal
Georgia Law Journal
Geo Mason L Rev George Mason Law Review
Geo Mason U Civ Rts LJ George Mason University Civil Rights Law Journal
Geo Mason U L Rev George Mason University Law Review
Geo Wash Int'l L Rev George Washington International Law Review
Geo Wash JICL George Washington Journal of International and Comparative Law
Geo Wash LR The George Washington Law Review
George George's Reports (Mississippi USA) (30-39 Miss)
GFD Guam Federal Digest 1950-1987
GI Giurisprudenza Italiana (Italy)
GI Dig General Index Digest
Gib Cod Gibson's Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani
Gibbs Gibbs Reports (Michigan USA) (2-4 Mich)
Giff Giffard's Chancery Reports 1857-1865
Giff & H Giffard and Hemming's Chancery Reports 1857-1865
Gil Gillfillan's Reports (Minnesota USA) (1-20 Minn)
Gilb Gilbert's Cases in Law & Equity 1713-1714
Gilb Ch Gilbert's Chancery Reports 1705-1726
Gilb Com Pl Gilbert's Common Pleas (Cases in Law and Equity) 1713-1714
Gilb Eq Gilbert's Equity or Chancery Reports 1705-1726
Gilb Exch Gilbert's Exchequer Reports 1705-1726
Gill Gill's Reports (Maryland USA) 1843-1851
Gill & J Gill & Johnson's Reports (Maryland USA) 1829-1842
Gilm Gilman's Reports (Illinois USA) 1844-1849 (6-10 Ill)
Gilmer's Reports (Virginia USA) 1820-1821 (21 Va)
Gilm & F Gilmour and Falconer's Decisions, Court of Session (Scotland) 1661-1666
Gilp Gilpin's US District Court Reports (USA) 1828-1836 (Eastern District of Pennsylvania)
GILSI Gazette Incorporated Law Society of Ireland
GJ Judgements Delivered at Gold Coast Castle 1909-1910
GL & B Global Law and Business
GL & J Gazette of Law and Journalism
Glyn and Jameson's Bankruptcy Reports 1819-1828
Glanv Glanville, De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Regni Angliae 1554
Glanv El Cas Glanville's Election Cases 1623-1624
Glasc Glascock's Reports in all the Courts of Ireland (Ireland) 1831-1832
Glenn Glenn's Louisiana Annual Reports (Louisiana USA) (16-18 La Ann)
GLJ Guernsey Law Journal
GLR Gazette Law Reports (NZ) 1898-1953
Georgia Law Review
Ghana Law Reports 1959-
Griffith Law Review
GLR (NZ) Gazette Law Reports (NZ) 1898-1953
GLSI Gazette of the Law Society
Godb Godbolt's King's Bench Reports 1574-1638
Golden Gate U Envtl LJ Golden Gate University Environmental Law Journal
Golden Gate U L Rev Golden Gate University Law Review
Gon LR Gonzaga Law Review
Good Pat Goodeve's Abstract of Patent Cases 1785-1883
Gordon Gordon's Reports (Colorado USA) (24-26 Colo)
Gouldsb Gouldsborough's King's Bench Reports 1586-1601
GR Guam Reports 1955-
Gra Graham's Reports (Georgia USA) (98-107 Ga)
Granger Granger's Reports (Ohio USA) (22-23 Ohio St)
Grant Grant's Cases (Pennsylvania USA) 1814-1863
Gratt Grattan's Reports (Virginia USA) 1844-1880 (42-74 Va)
Gray Gray's Reports (Massachusetts USA) 1854-1860 (67-82 Mass)
Gray's Reports (North Carolina USA) (112-122 NC)
GREAT Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal (NSW)
Green C E Green's New Jersey Equity Reports (New Jersey USA) 1862-1876 (16-27 NJ Eq)
Green's Reports (Rhode Island USA) (11-17 RI)
H W Green's New Jersey Equity Reports (New Jersey USA) 1834-1845 (2-4 NJ Eq)
J S Green's New Jersey Law Reports (New Jersey USA) 1831-1836 (13-15 NJ)
Greene  G Greene's Reports (Iowa USA) 1847-1854
Greenl Greenleaf's Reports (Maine USA) 1820-1832 (1-9 Me)
Greer Greer's Irish Land Act Cases (Ireland) 1872-1903
Greg Gregorowski's Reports of the High Court of the Orange Free State (S Afr) 1883-87
Gregorowski Gregorowski's Reports of the High Court of the Orange Free State (S Afr) 1883-87
Griff Pat Cas Griffin's Patent Cases 1866-1887
Griffith Griffith's Reports (Indiana USA) (1-5 Ind App) (117-132 Ind)
Griffith LR Griffith Law Review
Grisw Griswold's Reports (Ohio USA) (14-19 Ohio)
GST Goods and Services Tax
Guild Prac Guild Practitioner
Guth Sh Cas Guthrie's Sheriff Court Cases (Scotland) 1861-1892
GWD Green's Weekly Digest
South African Law Reports, Griqualand West Local Division (S Afr) 1910-1946
Gwill Gwillim's Tithe Cases 1224-1824
GWL Cases in the Griqualand West Local Division of the Supreme Court (S Afr) 1910-46
GWLD Cases in the Griqualand West Local Division of the Supreme Court (S Afr) 1910-46
GWLR George Washington Law Review
GWR Griqualand High Court Reports (S Afr) 1882-1910
Abbreviation Title
H Hare's Chancery Reports 1841-1853
Hertzog's High Court Reports (S Afr) 1893
Howard's United States Supreme Court Reports (USA) 1843-1860 (42-65 US)
H & C Hurlstone and Coltman's Exchequer Reports 1862-1866
H & N Hurlstone and Norman's Exchequer Reports 1856-1862
H & Tw Hall and Twell's Chancery Reports 1849-1850
H & W Harrison and Wollaston's King's Bench Reports 1835-1836
Haszard and Warburton's Prince Edward Island Reports (Can) 1850-1882
Hurlstone and Walmsley's Exchequer Reports 1840-1841
H Black H Blackstone's Common Pleas Reports 1788-1796
H & SB Health  and Safety Bulletin
H & SM Health and Safety Monitor
Hackworth, Dig G H Hackworth, A Digest of International Law 1940-1944
Had Hadley's Reports (New Hampshire USA) (45-48 NH)
Hag Hagans' Reports (West Virginia USA) (1-5 W Va)
Hag Adm Haggard's Admiralty Reports 1822-1838
Hag Con Haggard's Consistory Reports 1789-1821
Hag Ecc Haggard's Ecclesiastical Reports 1827-1833
Hagn & M Hagner & Miller's Chancery Reports (Maryland USA) (2 Md Ch)
Hailes Hailes' Decisions of the Court of Session (Scotland) 1766-1791
HALC Australian Commentary on Halsbury's Laws of England
Hale Hale's Reports (California USA) (33-37 Cal)
Hale CL Hale's History of the Common Law 6ed1820
Hale Cr Prec Hale's Precedents in Ecclesiastical Criminal Cases 1475-1640
Hale Ecc Hale's Ecclesiastical Reports 1583-1736
Hale PC Hale's Pleas of the Crown
Halk Comp Halkeston's Compendium of Scotch Faculty Decisions 1752-1817
Hall Hall's Reports (New Hampshire USA) (56-57 NH)
Health and Law Letter
Hallet Hallet's Reports (Colorado USA) (1-2 Col)
Hals Halsted's New Jersey Law Reports (New Jersey USA) 1796-1804; 1821-1831 (6-12 NJL)
Hals Eq Halsted's New Jersey Equity Reports (New Jersey USA) 1845-1853 (5-8 NJ Eq)
Hals Laws Halsbury's Laws
Ham Hammond's Reports (Ohio USA) (1-9 Ohio)
Hamlin Hamlin's Reports (Maine USA) (81-99 Me)
Hamline J Pub L & Pol'y Hamline Journal of Public Law and Policy
Hamline L Rev Hamline Law Review
Hammond Hammond's Reports (Georgia USA) (36-44 Ga)
Hammond's Reports (Ohio USA) (1-9 Ohio)
Hammond & Jackson Hammond & Jackson's Reports (Georgia USA) (45 Ga)
Han Hannay's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1867-1871
Hanbs Hansborough's Reports (Virginia USA) (76-90 Va)
Hand Hand's Reports (New York USA) (40-45 NY Ct App)
Hansard Parliamentary Debates
Har & W Harrison and Wollaston's King's Bench Reports 1835-1836
Harc Harcase's Decisions, Court of Session (Scotland) 1681-1691
Hard Hardin's Reports (Kentucky USA) 1805-1808 (3 Ky)
Hardres' Exchequer Reports 1655-1669
Hare Hare's Chancery Reports 1841-1853
Harg Hargrove's Reports (North Carolina USA) ( 68-76 NC)
Harm Harmon's Reports (California USA) (13-15 Cal)
Harp  Harper's South Carolina Law Reports (South Carolina USA) 1823-1828, 30-31 SCL)
Harp Eq Harper's South Carolina Equity Reports (South Carolina USA) 1824 (5 SC Eq)
Harr Harrington's Chancery Reports (Michigan USA) 1836-1842
Harrington's Reports (Delaware USA) 1832-1855 (1-5 Del)
Harrison's New Jersey Law Reports (New Jersey USA) 1837-42 (16-19 NJL)
T C Harrington's Diary of Coercion: cases under the Criminal Law and Procedure Act (Ireland) 1887-89
T C Harrington's Parliamentary Registration Cases (Ireland) 1889
Harr & G Harris & Gill's Reports (Maryland USA) 1826-1829
Harr & J Harris & Johnson's Reports (Maryland USA) 1800-1826
Harr & McH Harris & McHenry's Reports (Maryland USA) 1658-1799
Harr & R Harrison & Rutherford's Common Pleas Reports 1865-1866
Harr & Sim Harris & Simrall's Reports (Mississippi USA) (49-52 Miss)
Harr & W Harrison & Wollaston's King's Bench Reports 1835-1836
Harris Harris' Reports (Pennsylvania USA) (13-24 Pa)
Harrison Harrison's Reports (Indiana USA) (15-17, 23-29 Ind)
Hart Hartley's Reports (Texas USA) (4-10 Tex)
Hartley & H Hartley & Hartley's (Texas USA) (11-21 Tex)
Harv  Envtl L Rev Harvard Environmental Law Review
Harv  Env L Rev Harvard Environmental Law Review
Harv CR-CLL Rev Harvard–Civil–Rights–Civil Liberties Law Review
Harv Hum Rts J Harvard Human Rights Journal
Harv Int LJ  Harvard International Law Journal
HARV Int'l LJ Harvard International Law Journal
Harv J Leg Harvard Journal on Legislation
Harv JL & Gender Harvard Journal of Law and Gender
Harv JL & Pub Pol'y Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy
Harv JL & Tech Harvard Journal of Law and Technology
Harv Latino L Rev Harvard Latino Law Review
Harv L & Pol'y Rev Harvard Law & Policy Review
Harv LR Harvard Law Review
Harv Negotiation L Rev Harvard Negotiation Law Review
Harv Women's LJ Harvard Women's Law Journal
Hask Haskell's Reports for US Courts in Maine (Fox's Decisions) (USA) 1866-1881
Hast Hasting's Reports (Maine USA) (69, 70 Me)
Hast  LJ Hastings Law Journal
Hastings Bus LJ Hastings Business Law Journal
Hastings Comm & Ent LJ Hastings Communications and Entertainment Law Journal
Hastings Const LQ Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly
Hastings Int'l & Comp L Rev Hastings International and Comparative Law Review
Hastings Race & Poverty LJ Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal
Hastings Sci & Tech LJ Hastings Science and Technology Law Journal
Hastings W-Nw J Envtl L & Pol'y Hastings West-Northwest Journal of Environmental Law and Policy
Hastings Women's LJ Hastings Women's Law Journal
Haw Hawaii (USA)
Hawaii Reports (USA) 1847-
Haw JL & Pol Hawaiian Journal of Law and Politics
Hawaii Hawaii (Sandwich Islands) Reports (Hawaii USA) 1847-1965
Hawk PC Hawkins' Pleas of the Crown 8ed 1824
Hawkins Hawkins' Louisiana Annual Reports (Louisiana USA) (19-24 La Ann)
Hawks Hawks' North Carolina Reports (North Carolina USA) 1820-1826 (8-11 NC)
Hay  Hayes Irish Exchequer Reports (Ireland) 1831-1832
Hay's High Court Appeals Reports (Bengal, India) 1862-1863
Hay's Poor Law Decisions (Scotland) 1711-1859
Hay & Haz Hayward and Hazleton's District of Columbia Reports (USA) 1840-1863
Hay & Marr Hay and Marriott's Admiralty Decisions Reports 1776-1779
Hayes & Jo Hayes and Jones' Irish Exchequer Reports (Ireland) 1832-1834
Hayw Haywood's North Carolina Reports (North Carolina USA) 1789-1806 (2-3 NC)
Haywood's Reports (Tennessee USA) 1816-1818 (4-6 Tenn)
HBR Hansell's Bankruptcy Reports 1915-1917
HC Reports of the High Court of Griqualand  (S Afr) 1882-1910 
HC of A High Court of Australia
HCA  High Court of Australia
HCAB High Court of Australia Bulletin
HCD Tanzanian High Court Digest
HCFCP Practice and Procedure High Court and Federal Court of Australia (Butt)
HCG Reports of the High Court of Griqualand (S Afr) 1882-1910
HCJB High Court Judgements Bulletin
HCR High Court Reports (India) 1910-1913
HCRCL Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review
HCRNWP High Court Reports, North West Provinces (Pak) 1869-1875
HCt Can High Court of Canada
HCt Fiji High Court of Fiji
Head  Head's Reports (Tennessee USA) 1858-1859 (38-40 Tenn)
Headnote Headnote (Otago University Law Students Association)
Hearsay Hearsay (Legal Aid Practice Notes and Information Bulletin of the Legal Aid Commission of Western Australia)
Heath Heath's Reports (Maine USA) (36-40 Me)
Health LJ Health Law Journal
HEC Hodgin's Reports of Election Petitions (Ontario, Can) 1871-1879
Hedges Hedges Reports (Montana USA) (2-6 Mont)
Heisk Heiskell's Reports (Tennessee USA) 1870-1874 (48-59 Tenn)
Helm Helm's Reports (Nevada USA) (2-9 Nev)
Hem & M Hemming and Miller's Chancery Reports 1862-1865
Heming Hemingway's Reports (Mississippi USA) (53-65 Miss)
Hemp Hempstead's US 8th Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1839-1855
Hen & M Hening & Munford's Reports (Virginia USA) 1806-1810 (11-14 Va)
Hepb Hepburn's Reports (California USA) (3-4 Cal)
Hepburn's Reports (Pennsylvania USA) (13 Pa St)
Het Hetley's Common Pleas Reports 1627-1631
HHRJ Harvard Human Rights Journal
Hibb Hibbard's Reports (New Hampshire USA) (67 NH)
HICLR Hastings International and Comparative Law Review
HIFLP Himeji International Forum of Law & Politics
High Ct Q Rev High Court Quarterly Review
High Tech LJ High Technology Law Journal
Hight Hight's Reports (Iowa USA) (57-58 Iowa)
HILJ Harvard International Law Journal
Hill  Hill's Reports (New York USA) 1841-1844
Hill's South Carolina Law Reports (South Carolina USA) 1833-1837 ( 19-21 SCL)
Hill & Den Hill and Denio's Supplement by Lalor (New York USA) 1842-1844
Hill Eq Hill's South Carolina Equity Reports (South Carolina USA) 1833-1837 (10-11 SC Eq)
Hillyer Hillyer's Reports (California USA) (20-22 Cal)
Hines Hines Reports (Kentucky USA) (83-98 Ky)
Hit JLP Hitotsubashi Journal of Law & Politics
HJ Hanreijiho
HJLPP Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy
HK Hukum dan Keadilan
HKC Hong Kong Cases - Reports
HKCA Hong Kong Court of Appeal
HKCCA Hong Kong Court of Criminal Appeal
HKCFAR Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Reports (1997-)
HKCLR Hong Kong Criminal Law Reports 1992-
HKDCLR Hong Kong District Court Law Reports 1958-
HKEC Hong Kong Electronic Cases
HKLJ Hong Kong Law Journal
HKLR Hong Kong Law Reports 1906-1996
HKLRD Hong Kong Law Reports and Digest
HKTC Hong Kong Tax Cases 1949-
HL House of Lords
HL Cas Clark's House of Lords Cases 1847-1866
HLA Halsbury's Laws of Australia (Butt)
HLB Australian Health Law Bulletin
HLC Clark's House of Lords Cases 1847-1866
HLJ Hibernian Law Journal
HLM Housing Law Monitor
HLR Housing Law Reports
Harvard Law Review
HM House Magazine (for Senators and Members of the House of Representatives) (Aus)
HMSO Her Majesty's Stationary Office
Hob Hobart's Common Pleas Reports 1613-1625
Hobart's King's Bench Reports 1603-1625
Hodg Hodges' Common Pleas Reports 1835-1837
Hof LR Hofstra Law Review
Hoff Ch Hoffman's Chancery Reports (New York USA) 1838-1840
Hoff Land Cas Hoffman's Land Cases, US District Court (USA) 1853-1858 (Pacific State Districts)
Hofstra Envtl L Dig Hofstra Environmental Law Digest
Hofstra L & Pol'y Symp Hofstra Law and Policy Symposium
Hofstra L Rev Hofstra Law Review
Hofstra Lab & Emp L J Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal
Hofstra Lab LJ Hofstra Labor Law  Journal
Hofstra Prop LJ Hofstra Property Law Journal
Hog Hogan's Irish Rolls Court Reports, tempore M'Mahon 1816-1834
Hogue Hogue's Reports (Florida USA) (1-4 Fla)
Hold LR Holdsworth Law Review
Holl Hollinshead's Reports (Minnesota USA) (1 Minn)
Holm Holme's Reports (Oregon USA) (15-17 Ore)
Holmes' US 1st Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1870-1875
Holt Holt's Judgement in Ashby V White and Re Patey et al 1704-1705
Holt Adm W Holt's Admiralty Cases, Rule of the Road 1863-1867
Holt Eq W Holt's Equity Reports 1845
Holt KB Sir John Holt's King's Bench Reports 1688-1711
Holt NP F Holt's Nisi Prius Reports 1815-1817
Holy Cross JL & Pub Pol'y Holy Cross Journal of Law and Public Policy
Home Ct of Sess Home's Decisions, Court of Session (Scotland) 1735-1744
Hooker Hooker's Reports (Connecticut USA) (25-62 Conn)
Hop & Colt Hopwood and Coltman's Registration Cases 1868-1878
Hop & Ph Hopwood and Philbrick's Registration Cases 1863-1867
Hopk Ch Hopkin's New York Chancery Reports (New York USA) 1823-1826
Horn & H Horn and Hurlestone's Exchequer Reports 1838-1839
Horner Horner's Reports (South Dakota USA) (11-28 SD)
Hoskins Hoskins' Reports (North Dakota USA) (2 ND)
Hous Bus & Tax LJ Houston Business and Tax Law Journal
Hous J Health L & Pol'y Houston Journal of Health Law & Policy
Hous J Int'l L Houston Journal of International Law
Hous LR Houston Law Review
House Mag House Magazine (for Senators and Members of the Representatives)
Houston Houston's Reports (Delaware USA) 1855-1893 (6-14 Del)
Hov Supp Hovenden's Supplement to Vesey Junior's Chancery Reports 1789-1817
How  Howell's Reports (Nevada USA) (22-26 Nev)
How & Beat Howell & Beatty's Reports (Nevada USA) (22 Nev)
How & Nor Howell & Norcross' Reports (Nevada USA) (22-24 Nev)
How (US) Howard's United States Supreme Court Reports (USA) 1843-1860 (42-65 US)
How App Howard's Appeal Cases (New York USA) 1847-1848
How C Howard's Chancery Practice Cases (Ireland) 1775
How Cas Howard's Popery Cases 1720-1773
How CS Howard's Supplement to Rules etc of the High Court of Chancery in Ireland
How EE Howard's Equity Exchequer Reports (Ireland) 1760-1792
How J Pen Howard Journal of Penology and Crime Prevention
How LJ Howard Law Journal
How Po Cas Howard's Popery Cases (Ireland) 1720-1773
How St Tr Howell's State Trials 1163-1820
Howard Howard's Reports (Mississippi USA) 1834-1843 (2-8 Miss)
HPDT Handicapped Persons Discrimination Tribunal (SA)
HR Defender Human Rights Defender (University of New South Wales)
HRC Health Research Council of New Zealand
Human Rights Commission
HRCD Human Rights Case Digest
HREOC Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
HRI Reporter Human Rights Reporter (University of Ottawa, Canada)
HRJ Human Rights Journal
HRLB Human Resources Law Bulletin 
HRLJ Human Rights Law Journal
HRLP Human Rights Law and Practice
HRLR Human Rights Law Reports
HRNZ Human Rights Reports of New Zealand
HRQ Human Rights Quarterly
HSIB Health and Safety Information Bulletin
Hubb Hubbard's Reports (Maine USA) (45-51 Me)
Hud & B Hudson and Brooke's Irish King's Bench Reports 1827-1831
Hudson's BC Hudson on Building Contracts
Hugh CC Hughes US 4th Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1792-1883
Hughes Hughes Reports (Kentucky USA) 1785-1801 (1 Ky)
Hum Humphrey's Reports (Tennessee USA) 1839-1851 (20-30 Tenn)
Hum Rts & Globalization L Rev Human Rights & Globalization Law Review
Hum Rts L Rev Human Rights Law Review
Hum Rts Q Human Rights Quarterly
Human Rights Human Rights (Newsletter of the Human Rights Commission - succeeded by Human Rights Australia)
Hume Hume's Decisions, Court of Session (Scotland) 1781-1822
Hung LR  Hungarian Law Review
Hunt Hunter's Annuity Cases 1776-1796
Hunter's Torrens Cases (Can, Aust, NZ) 1865-1893
Hunt Torrens Hunter's Torrens Cases (Can, Aust, NZ) 1865-1893)
Hurl & C Hurlstone & Coltman's Exchequer Reports 1862-1866
Hurl & N Hurlstone & Norman's Exchequer Reports 1856-1862
Hut Hutton's Common Pleas Reports [ER 123]
Hutch Hutcheson's Reports (Alabama USA) (81-84 Ala)
HWLJ Harvard Women's Law Journal
Hy Bl Henry Blackstone's Common Pleas Reports 1791-1796
Hyde Hyde's High Court Reports (Bengal India) 1862-1864