Abbreviation | Title |
I & RLI | Insurance & Reinsurance Law International |
I Am LR | Inter-American Law Review |
I Ch R | Irish Chancery Reports, Second Series 1850-1866 |
I Comm (SA) | Industrial Commission, SA |
I Eq R | Irish Equity Reports, 1st Series 1838-1850 |
I Prop J | Intellectual Property Journal |
I&CTL | Information and Communications Technology Law |
IA Ct (Vic) | Industrial Appeals Court of Victoria |
IA Ct (WA) | Western Australia Industrial Appeal Court |
IAC | Immigration Appeal Cases (Can) 1969-1977 |
Industries Assistance Commission | |
Industrial Arbitration Commission | |
IACHR | Inter-American Court of Human Rights |
IACT (Vic) | Industrial Appeals Court of Victoria |
IACT (WA) | Western Australia Industrial Appeal Court |
IALL | International Association of Law Libraries |
IALL Bull | Bulletin of International Association of Law Libraries |
IALS Bull | Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Bulletin |
IANL | Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law |
IAPJ | Journal of Asian Pacific Taxation |
IAR | International Arbitration Report |
IAS Current Review | Industrial Arbitration Service Current Review 1950-1981 (see IR for 1982-) |
IASCR | Industrial Arbitration Service Current Review 1950-1981 (see IR for 1982-) |
IAT | Immigration Appeals Tribunal |
IATA | International Air Transport Association |
IATA NR | IATA Review |
IBA | International Bar Association |
IBAC | Information Bulletin of Australian Criminology (Australian Institute of Criminology) |
IBFD | International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation |
IBFD Bull | International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation Bulletin |
IBFL | International Banking and Financial Law (UK - formerly International Banking Law) |
IBFLB | International Banking and Financial Law Bulletin |
Int'l BJ | International Bar Journal |
Int'l Bus Law | International Business Lawyer |
Int'l Bus LJ | International Business Law Journal |
Int'l Comm L Rev | International Community Law Review |
Int'l Crim Just Rev | International Criminal Justice Review |
Int'l Crim L Rev | International Criminal Law Review |
IBL | International Banking Law |
IBR | Insurance Banking Record |
IBRD | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (commonly known as The World Bank) |
Ibull | Interights Bulletin |
IC | Industrial Arbitration Cases (WA) |
Industry Commission | |
Industrial Commission of Australia | |
IC (NSW) | Industrial Court, NSW |
IC (Qld) | Industrial Court, Qld |
IC (SA) | Industrial Court, SA |
IC (Tas) | Industrial Commission (Tas) |
IC (WA) | Industrial Appeal Court (WA) |
ICAAQ | Indian Council of Arbitration Quarterly |
ICAC | Independent Commission against Corruption (NSW) |
Interstate Corporate Affairs Commission | |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organisation (UN) |
ICAO B | ICAO Bulletin |
ICAP | Issues in Child Abuse Prevention |
ICC | Indian Claims Commission (USA) |
International Chamber of Commerce | |
ICC Valuation Rep | Interstate Commerce Commission Reports Valuation Reports (USA) 1929- |
ICCLJ | International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal |
UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 1966 | |
ICCLR | International Company and Commercial Law Review |
ICCPR | International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights |
ICDR | International Commercial Dispute Resolution |
ICJ | Industrial Court Judgements (New Zealand) 1976-1978 |
International Commission of Jurists (Geneva) | |
International Court of Justice | |
ICJ Rev | Review of the International Commission of Jurists |
ICJA | International Court of Justice Reports of Judgements Advisory Opinions and Orders 1947- |
ICJR | International Court of Justice Reports 1947- |
ICJYB | International Court of Justice Yearbook |
ICL | International Commercial Litigation |
International Computer Lawyer | |
International Corporate Law | |
ICLA | International Computer Law Adviser |
ICLB | International Corporate Law Bulletin |
ICLJ | Irish Criminal Law Journal |
ICLQ | International and Comparative Law Quarterly |
ICLR | International Construction Law Review |
Irish Common Law Reports, Second Series 1850-1866 | |
ICLYB | International Law Commission Year Book |
ICR | Industrial Cases Reports 1975- |
Industrial Court Reports 1972-1974 | |
Irish Chancery Reports, Second Series 1850-1866 | |
Irish Circuit Reports 1841-1843 | |
ICRC | International Committee of the Red Cross |
ICSID | International Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes |
ICTL | Information & Communications Technology Law |
ICTR | International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda |
ICTY | International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia |
Idaho | Idaho (USA) |
Idaho Reports (Idaho USA) 1866- | |
Idaho LJ | Idaho Law Journal |
Idaho LR | Idaho Law Review |
Idea | Idea The Patent Trademark & Copyright Journal of Research and Education |
IEHC | High Court of Ireland Decisions |
IELTR | International Energy Law and Taxation Review |
IESC | Supreme Court of Ireland Decisions |
IFA | International Fiscal Association |
IFASP | International Fiscal Association Seminar Proceedings |
IFD | In Flagrante Delicto (University of Melbourne Law Students Society) |
IFL | International Family Law |
IFLP | Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals |
IFLR | International Financial Law Review |
IFS Discussion Paper | Institute of Family Studies Discussion Paper |
IFS Newsletter | Institute of Family Studies Newsletter |
IFS Occasional Paper | Institute of Family Studies Occasional Paper |
IFSA | Institute of Family Studies Annual Report |
IFSWP | Institute of Family Studies Working Paper |
IFWL | International Federation of Women Lawyers |
IHC | Inhouse Counsel |
IHRR | International Human Rights Reports 1994- |
IIB | Industrial Information Bulletin |
IIC | International Review of Industrial & Copyright Law |
IIEL | Immigration and International Employment Law |
IIHLR | Interights International Human Rights Law |
IIL Rev | International Internet Law Review |
IILR | Irish Insurance Law Review |
IIP | Industrial and Intellectual Property in Australia |
IIPR | Irish Intellectual Property Review |
IIR | International Insolvency Review |
IISL | International Institute of Space Law |
IJA | Institute of Judicial Administration |
IJBL | International Journal of Biosciences and the Law |
IJC | Irvine's Justiciary Cases (Scotland) 1852-1867 |
IJCP | International Journal of The Sociology of Law |
IJDL | International Journal of Discrimination & the Law |
IJE & P | International Journal of Evidence and Proof |
IJECL | International Journal of Estuarine and Coastal Law |
IJECL & P | International Journal of Electronic Commerce Law and Practice |
IJEL | Irish Journal of European Law |
IJFDL | International Journal of Franchising and Distribution Law |
IJFL | Irish Journal of Family Law |
Ind J Global Legal Stud | Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies |
IJIL | International Journal of Insurance Law |
IJLF | International Journal of Law and Family |
IJLI | International Journal of Legal Information |
IJLL | International Journal of Law Libraries |
IJLP | International Journal of Law and Psychiatry |
IJLR | International Journal of Legal Research |
IJML | International Journal of Medicine and Law |
IJOSL | International Journal of Shipping Law |
IJRL | International Journal of Refugee Law |
IJRL & P | International Journal of Regulatory Law and Practice |
IJSL | International Journal for the Semiotics of Law |
International Journal of the Sociology of Law | |
IJTLP | International Journal of the Legal Profession |
Ill LQ | Illinois Law Quarterly |
IL & P | Insolvency Law & Practice |
Il Pr | International Litigation Procedure |
ILB | Australian Insurance Law Bulletin |
Indigenous Law Bulletin | |
Internet Law Bulletin | |
Industrial Law Bulletin | |
ILEN | International Legal Education Newsletter |
ILFM | International Law Firm Management (UK) |
ILJ | Indiana Law Journal |
Industrial Law Journal | |
Insurance Law Journal | |
Ill | Illinois (USA) |
Illinois Reports (Illinois USA) 1849- | |
ILLB | Insurance and Liability Law Bulletin |
ILLR | International Labour Law Reports 1974- |
ILM | International Legal Materials (USA) 1962- |
ILN | International Law News |
International Lawyer's Newsletter (Neth) | |
ILOB | International Labour Office Official Bulletin |
ILP | International Legal Practitioner |
Index to Legal Periodicals | |
ILP & B | Index to Legal Periodicals and Books |
ILR | Independent Law Report |
Insurance Law Reporter | |
International Law Reports 1950- | |
Irish Law Reports, 1st Series 1838-1850 | |
ILR (Vol) All | Indian Law Reports, Allahabad 1876- |
ILR (Vol) Bom | Indian Law Reports, Bombay 1876- |
ILR (Vol) Calc | Indian Law Reports, Calcutta 1876- |
ILR (Vol) Lah | Indian Law Reports, Lahore 1920-1947 |
ILR (Vol) Mad | Indian Law Reports, Madras 1876- |
ILR (Vol) Pat | Indian Law Reports, Patna 1922- |
ILR (Vol) Ran | Indian Law Reports, Rangoon |
ILRM | Irish Law Reports Monthly 1981- |
ILSA J Int'l L | ILSA Journal of International Law (International Law Students Association -formerly ASILS International Law Journal) |
ILSA J Int’l & Comp L | ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law |
ILSAC | International Legal Services Advisory Committee |
ILT | Irish Law Times (Dublin) 1867- |
ILT Jo | Irish Law Times Journal |
ILTR | Irish Law Times Reports (Ireland) 1867- |
IMCt (NSW) | Industrial Magistrates' Court (NSW) |
IMCt (WA) | Industrial Magistrates' Court (WA) |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IML | International Media Law (UK) |
IMM | Australian Immigration Law (Butt) |
Imm LR (2d) | Immigration Law Reports (Second Series) ( Canada) |
Immig AR | Immigration Appeals Reports 1972- |
Immigr & Nat’lity L Rev | Immigration and Nationality Law Review |
IMT | International Military Tribunal |
IN | Industrial Law New South Wales (Butt) |
In Dissent | In Dissent (University of Tasmania Law Students Magazine) |
Ind | Indiana (USA) |
Indiana Reports (Indiana USA) 1848-1981 | |
Ind & I Prop | Industrial & Intellectual Property in Australia |
Ind & Int Prop Aus | Industrial and Intellectual Property in Australia |
Ind App | Indiana Appellate Court Reports (Indiana USA) 1890-1971 |
Ind Awards | Industrial Awards Recommendations |
Ind CC | Indian Claims Commission Decisions (USA) |
Ind Cl Comm | Indian Claims Commission Decisions (USA) |
Ind Ct | Judgements, etc. of the Industrial Court of New Zealand 1976-1978 |
Ind Health L Rev | Indiana Health Law Review |
Ind Dec/All | Indian Decisions, New Series Allahabad (1875-1900) |
Ind Dec/Bom | Indian Decisions, New Series Bombay (1875-1900) |
Ind Dec/Cal | Indian Decisions, New Series Calcutta (1875-1900) |
Ind Dec/Mad | Indian Decisions, New Series Madras (1876-1900) |
Ind IB | Industrial Information Bulletin |
Ind Int’l & Comp L Rev | Indiana International and Comparative Law Review |
Ind J Global Legal Stud | Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies |
Ind Jur NS | Indian Jurist, New Series (Calcutta) 1866-1867 (Madras) 1884-1893 |
Ind Jur OS | Indian Jurist, Old Series (Calcutta) 1862-1867 (Madras) 1877-1883 |
Ind L Rev | Indiana Law Review |
Ind Law Bull | Industrial Law Bulletin (NZ) |
Ind LJ | Indiana Law Journal |
Ind LR | Industrial Law Review |
Ind LR Calc | Indian Law Reports, Calcutta Series |
Ind Terr | Indian Territory Reports (Oklahoma USA) 1896-1907 |
Indian J Int L | Indian Journal of International Law |
Indigenous LJ | Indigenous Law Journal |
Indus & Lab Rel Rev | Industrial and Labor Relations Review |
Indus LJ | Industrial Law Journal |
Indust LJ | Industrial Law Journal |
Info TLR | Information Technology Law Reports |
INLR | Immigration and Nationality Law Reports |
INNZ | Index New Zealand (National Library of NZ) |
Ins CJ | Insurance Counsel Journal |
Ins LJ | Insurance Law Journal |
Insights on L & Soc'y | Insights on Law and Society |
INSLB | Insolvency Law Bulletin |
Insolv LJ | Insolvency Law Journal (LBC) |
Inst of Fam Studies | Institute of Family Studies |
Inst PA Aust | The Institute of Patent Attorneys of Australia |
Insurance LJ | Insurance Law Journal |
INT | International Encyclopaedia of Laws-Intellectual Property |
Int Affairs | International Affairs |
Int ALR | International Arbitration Law Review |
Int Encycl Comp L | International Encyclopaedia of Comparative Law |
Int ILR | International Insurance Law Review |
Int J Comp LLIR | International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations |
Int J Law & Fam | International Journal of Law and the Family |
Int LA | International Law Association |
Int Law | International Lawyer |
Int Lawyer | International Lawyer |
Int LB | Internet Law Bulletin |
Int LM | International Legal Materials |
Int ML | International Maritime Law |
Int News | Intergovernmental News |
Int Rel | International Relations |
Int Rev Indus Prop & Copy | International Review of Industrial Property and Copyright Law |
Int Rev Law & Econ | International Review of Law and Economics |
Int J Soc L | International Journal of the Sociology of Law |
Int L J | Inter Collegiate Law Journal |
INT TLR | International Trade Law and Regulation (UK) |
Int VM | International VAT Monitor |
Intell Prop L Bull | Intellectual Property Law Bulletin |
INTELSAT | International Telecommunications Satellite Organization |
Inter Bank Law | International Banking Law |
Inter-Am L Rev | Inter-American Law Review |
Inter-Am Legal Materials | Inter-American Legal Materials |
Interavia | Interavia |
Interdisc J Hum Rts L | Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Rights Law |
Interjection | Interjection: Newsletter of the NSW Society for Labor Lawyers |
Intertax | Intertax |
Int'l & Comp L Rev | International and Comparative Law Review |
Int'l & Comp LQ | International and Comparative Law Quarterly |
Int'l Fin L Rev | International Financial Law Review |
Int'l J | International Journal |
Int'l J Baltic L | International Journal of Baltic Law |
Int'l J Child Rts | International Journal of Children's Rights |
Int'l J Civ Soc'y L | International Journal of Civil Society Law |
Int'l J Clinical Legal Educ | International Journal of Clinical Legal Education |
Int'l J Comm L & Pol'y | International Journal of Communications Law and Policy |
Int'l J Comp Lab L & Indus | International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations |
Int'l J Const L | International Journal of Constitutional Law |
Int’l J Cult Prop | International Journal of Cultural Property |
Int'l J Evidence & Proof | International Journal of Evidence & Proof |
Int'l J Franchising L | International Journal of Franchising Law |
Int'l J L & Educ | International Journal of Law and Education |
Int'l J Legal Prof | International Journal of the Legal Profession |
Int'l J Marine & Coastal L | International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law |
Int'l J Soc L | International Journal of the Sociology of Law |
Int'l JL & Info Tech | International Journal of Law and Information Technology |
Int'l Rev L & Econ | International Review of Law and Economics |
Int'l Trib L Sea YB | International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Yearbook |
INTLB | Internet Law Bulletin |
Io LR | Iowa Law Review |
IOLS | International Organizations and the Law of the Sea Documentary Yearbook |
Iowa | Iowa (USA) |
Iowa Reports (Iowa USA) 1855-1968 | |
Iowa L Rev | Iowa Law Review |
IP | Industrial Property (World Intellectual Property Organisation) |
Intellectual Property | |
IP & IT Law | Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law |
IP Law | Intellectual Property Lawyer |
IPA Rev | Institute of Public Affairs Review |
IPAA | Insolvency Practitioners Association of Australia |
IPAC | Industrial Property Advisory Committee |
IPAP | Intellectual Property in Asia and the Pacific (WIPO, Geneva) |
IPB Rev | Intellectual Property in Business Review |
IPB Rev Brief | Intellectual Property in Business Briefing |
IPBA | Inter-Pacific Basin Association Journal |
IPD | Intellectual Property Decisions 1978- |
IPEBLA | International Pension and Employee Benefit Lawyers Association |
IPELJ | Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal |
IPF | Intellectual Property Forum |
IPJ | Intellectual Property Journal (Australia) |
Intellectual Property Journal (Canada) | |
IPLB | Australian Intellectual Property Law Bulletin |
IPN | Intellectual Property Newsletter |
IPP | Intellectual Property: Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Law |
IPQ | Intellectual Property Quarterly |
IPR | Intellectual Property Reports 1982- |
Abbreviation | Title |
IR | Industrial Reports 1982- |
Insurance Record of Australia and New Zealand | |
Irish Reports 1894- | |
South Australian Industrial Reports 1916- | |
Ir CCA | Irish Court of Criminal Appeal |
Ir Ch | Irish Chancery Reports, 2nd Series 1850-1866 |
Ir Cir Cas | Crawford & Dix's Abridged Circuit Cases (Ireland) 1837-1838 |
Ir Cir Rep | Reports of Irish Circuit Cases (Ireland) 1841-1843 |
IR CL | Irish Reports Common Law Series, 2nd Series 1850-1866 |
Irish Reports Common Law Series, 3rd Series 1866-1878 | |
Ir Eccl | Milward's Ecclesiastical Reports (Ireland) 1819-1843 |
IR Eq | Irish Equity Chancery Reports, 1st Series (Ireland) 1838-1850 |
Ir Jur | The Irish Jurist 1935-1966 |
Ir Jur (NS) | Irish Jurist (New Series) 1966- |
Ir L Rec | Irish Law Recorder, 1st Series 1827-1831 |
Ir L Rec NS | Irish Law Recorder, New Series 1833-1838 |
Ir LR | Irish Law Reports, 1st Series (Ireland) 1838-1850 |
Irish Law Reports, Fourth Series (Ireland) 1878-1893 | |
Ir LTR | Irish Law Times Reports 1867- |
Ir Pet SJ | Irish Petty Sessions Journal 1893-1899, 1899-1901 (New Series) |
Ir R | Irish Reports 1894- |
IR R & L | Irish Reports, Registry Appeals in the Court of the Exchequer Chambers and Appeals in the Court for Lands Cases Reserved 1868-76 |
Ir R Reg App | Irish Reports, Registration Appeals 1868-1878 |
Ir RCL | Irish Common Law Reports, Second Series (Ireland) 1850-1866 |
Irish Common Law Reports, Third Series (Ireland) 1866-1878 | |
Ir RD | Irish Reports Digest 1867-1958 |
Ir St Tr | Irish State Trials (Ridgeway's) (Ireland) 1867 |
Ir TR | Irish Term Reports (Ridgeway, Lapp, & Schoales') 1793-1795 |
Ir WCC | Irish Workmen's Compensation Cases 1934-1938 |
Ir WLR | Irish Weekly Law Reports 1895-1902 |
IRC (NSW) | Industrial Relations Commission (NSW) |
IRC (Qld) | Industrial Relations Commission (Qld) |
IRC (Vic) | Industrial Relations Commission (Vic) |
IRC of A | Industrial Relations Court of Australia |
IRCR | Industrial Relations Court Reports 1994- |
IRCTL | International Review of Computers Technology and the Law |
IRD | Inland Revenue Department (NZ) |
Ired | Iredell's North Carolina Reports (North Carolina USA) 1840-1852 (36-43 NC) |
Ired Eq | Iredell's North Carolina Equity Reports (North Carolina USA) 1840-1852 (36-43 NC) |
IRLB | Industrial Relations Law Bulletin |
IRLCT | International Review of Law Computers and Technology |
IRLE | International Review of Law and Economics |
IRLIB | Industrial Relations Legal Information Bulletin |
IRLM | Irish Law Reports Monthly |
IRLR | Industrial Relations Law Reports 1972- |
Irr N | Tasmanian Irregular Notes |
IRRC | Industrial Relations Research Centre |
International Review of the Red Cross | |
IRT | Immigration Review Tribunal |
IRTD | Immigration Review Tribunal Digest (Butt) 1995- |
IRV | International Review of Victimology |
Irvine's High Court and Circuit Courts of Justiciary Reports (Scotland) 1851-1868 | |
Is LR | Israel Law Review |
ISC | Insurance and Superannuation Commission |
ISCB | Insurance and Superannuation Commission Bulletin |
ISCL | International Symposium on Comparative Law Proceedings |
ISLR | Irish Student Law Review |
Israel L Rev | Israel Law Review |
IT | Industrial Tribunal |
Taxation Rulings : Income Tax | |
IT & CLJ | Information Technology and Communications Law Journal |
IT & CLR | IT and Communications Law Reports |
IT Rulings | Income Tax Rulings |
It YIL | Italian Yearbook of International Law 1975- |
ITAA | Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Cth) |
ITBL | International Trade and Business Law Journal |
ITC | International Tax Planning Manual - Corporations (CCH) |
ITDA | Income Tax Decisions of Australasia 1928-1930 (LBC) |
ITELR | International Trust and Estate Law Reports |
ITG | Australian Income Tax Guide (CCH) |
ITL Rep | International Tax Law Reports |
ITLJ | International Travel Law Journal |
ITLOS | International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea |
ITLP | International Trade Law and Practice |
ITLQ | International Trade Law Journal |
International Trade Law Quarterly | |
ITLR | International Technology Law Review |
International Trade Law Reports | |
ITLT | IT Law Today |
ITMA | International Trade Marks Association |
ITPJ | International Transfer Pricing Journal |
ITR | Industrial Tribunal Reports 1966- |
International Tax Report 1972- | |
International Tax Review (Euromoney) | |
ITR Trib | Income Tax Review Tribunal |
ITSA News | Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia News |
ITX | International Tax Planning - Expatriates and Migrants (CCH) |
IUCTR | Iran-US Claims Tribunal Reports 1981- |
IUW | Industrial Union of Workers |
IWPS | Workplace Health and Safety Manual (CCH) |
IYHR | Israel Yearbook on Human Rights 1971- |
IYLCT | International Yearbook of Law, Computers and Technology |
Abbreviation | Title |
JB & F | Journal of Banking and Finance |
JBFL & P | Journal of Banking and Finance Law and Practice |
JBFLP | Journal of Banking and Finance Law and Practice |
JBL | Journal of Business Law |
JBLG | Japan Business Law Guide (CCH) |
JBLJ | Japan Business Law Journal |
JC | Judicial Committee (of the Privy Council) |
Justiciary Cases (Scotland) | |
JC & UL | Journal of College and University Law |
JCAAWP | Journal of Credibility Assessment and Witness Psychology |
JCCA | Judgements of the Court of Criminal Appeal (Ireland) 1924-1978 |
JCCAS | Judicial Cases Concerning American Slavery |
JCHLP | Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy |
JCJ | Journal of Criminal Justice (Aust) |
JCL | Journal of Contract Law (Aust) |
Journal of Child Law | |
Journal of Criminal Law | |
Journals of the Legislative Council (NZ) | |
JCL & C | Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology |
JCLP | Journal of Competition Law and Policy |
JCMS | Journal of Common Market Studies |
JCP | Journal of Consumer Policy |
JCUL | Journal of College and University Law |
JCVOJ | Judicial College of Victoria Online Journal |
JDR | Juta's Daily Reporter (Cape, S Afr) 1915-1926 |
JE Eur L | Journal of East European Law |
Jebb | Jebb's Crown Cases Reserved (Ireland) 1822-1840 |
Jebb & B | Jebb and Bourke's Queen's Bench Reports (Ireland) 1841-1842 |
Jebb & S | Jebb and Symes' Queen's Bench Reports (Ireland) 1838-1841 |
Jebb CC | Jebb's Crown Cases Reserved (Ireland) 1822-1840 |
Jebb Cr & Pr Cas | Jebb's Irish Crown and Presentment Cases |
JECL & P | Journal of Electronic Commerce Law and Practice |
Jeff | Jefferson's Reports (Virginia USA) 1730-1772 |
JELP | Journal of Employment Law and Practice |
Jenk | Jenkin's Exchequer Reports 1220-1623 |
Jenks | Jenks Reports (New Hampshire USA) (58 NH) |
Jenn | Jennison's Reports (Michigan USA) (14-18 Mich) |
JENRL | Journal of Energy and Natural Recources Law |
JEP | Journal of Electronic Publishing |
JEPP | Journal of European Public Policy |
Jersey LR | Jersey Law Review |
Jew LA | Jewish Law Annual |
JFC | Journal of Financial Crime |
JFK U L Rev | John F. Kennedy University Law Review |
JFSM | Journal of Financial Services Marketing |
JHJ | Journal of Human Justice |
JHL | Journal of Housing Law |
JIA | Journal of International Arbitration |
JIBFL | Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Finance Law |
JIBL | Journal of International Banking Law |
JIBLR | Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation |
JICJ | Journal of the International Commission of Jurists |
JICL | Journal of Islamic & Comparative Law |
Journal of International Commercial Law | |
JICLT | Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology |
JIFDL | Journal of International Franchising & Distribution Law |
Journal of International Franchising and Distribution Law | |
JIJIS | Journal of the Institute of Justice and International Studies |
JILI | Journal of the Indian Law Institute |
JILT | Journal of Information, Law and Technology |
JIP | Journal of International Trust and Corporate Planning |
JIPL | Journal of Personal Injury Litigation |
JIPLP | Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice |
JIR | Journal of Industrial Relations (Journal of the Industrial Relations Society of Australia) |
JJ | Jersey Judgements Judgements of the Royal Court and of the Court of Appeal 1950-84 |
Judges | |
Justices | |
Juvenile and Family Court Journal | |
JJ SC | Justices of the Supreme Court |
JL & Inf Sc | Journal of Law & Information Science |
JL & M | Journal of Law and Medicine |
JL & Soc | Journal of Law & Society |
JL Soc'y | Journal of the Law Society of Scotland |
JlA Law TA | Journal of the Australasian Law Teachers Association |
JLEAO | Journal of Law Economics and Organisation |
JLFM | Journal of Law and Financial Management |
JLGL | Journal of the Local Government Law |
JLH | Journal of Legal History |
JLIS | Journal of Law and Information Science |
JLJ | Jaipur Law Journal |
JLM | Journal of Law and Medicine |
JLME | Journal of Law Medicine and Ethics |
JLR | Jamaica Law Reports 1933- |
Jersey Law Reports 1985- | |
Jersey Law Review | |
JLS | Journal of Law and Society |
Journal of Legislative Studies | |
JLSE | Journal of Legal Studies Education |
JLSS | Journal of the Law Society of Scotland |
JLU | Japan Law Update (University of Melbourne Asian Law Centre) |
JMCB | Journal of Money, Credit and Banking |
JMCL | Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law |
JMJP | John Marshall Journal of Practice & Procedure |
JMLC | Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce |
JMLP | Journal of Media Law and Practice |
Jnl of Bus L | Journal of Business Law |
Jo & Car | Jones and Carey's Exchequer Reports (Ireland) 1838-1839 |
Jo & La T | Jones & La Touche's Chancery Reports (Ireland) 1844-1846 |
Jo & Lat | Jones and La Touche's Chancery Reports 1844-1846 |
Jo Ex Ir | T Jones' Exchequer Reports (Ireland) 1834-1838 |
JOB | Judicial Officers Bulletin (Judicial Commission of NSW) |
John | Johnson's Chancery Reports 1859 |
John & H | Johnson and Hemming's Chancery Reports 1859-1862 |
Johns | Johnson's Reports (New York USA) 1806-1823 |
Johns Cas | Johnson's Cases (New York USA) 1799-1803 |
Johns Ch | Johnson's Chancery Reports (New York USA) 1814-1823 |
Johnst (NZ) | Court of Appeal Reports, by Johnston (New Zealand) 1867-1877 |
JOHS | Journal of Occupational Health and Safety |
Jon | Jones' Exchequer Reports (Ireland) 1834-1838 |
T Jones' King's Bench and Common Pleas Reports 1666-1685 | |
W Jones' King's Bench and Common Pleas Reports 1620-1641 | |
Jon & Car | Jones'& Carey's Exchequer Reports (Ireland) 1838-1839 |
Jon & L | Jones & La Touche's Chancery Reports (Ireland)1844-1846 |
Jon & La T | Jones & La Touche's Chancery Reports (Ireland) 1844-1846 |
Jon Ex | Jones'Exchequer Reports (Ireland) 1834-1838 |
Jon Exch | Jones's Exchequer Reports (Ireland) 1834-1838 |
Jon Ir Exch | Jones Éxchequer Reports (Ireland) 1834-1838 |
Jones | Jones' North Carolina Reports (North Carolina USA) 1853-1862 (46-53 NC) |
Jones' Reports (Alabama USA) (42-48; 52-57; 61-62 Ala) | |
Jones Reports (Missouri USA) (22-30 Mo) | |
Jones' Reports (Pennsylvania USA) (11-12 Pa) | |
Jones & McM | Jones and McMurtrie's Reports (Pennsylvania USA) (12 Pa St) |
Jones B & W | Jones, Barclay & Whittelsey's Reports (Missouri USA) (31 Mo) |
Jones Eq | Jones North Carolina Equity Reports (North Carolina USA) 1853-1863 (54-59 NC) |
Jones L Rev | Jones Law Review |
Jones UC | Jones' Upper Canada Common Pleas Reports 1850-1882 |
Jones(1) | Sir William Jones' King's Bench Reports 1620-1641 |
Jones(2) | Sir Thomas Jones' King's Bench Reports 1676-1685 |
Jos | Joseph's Reports (Nevada USA) (21 Nev) |
Jour Jus Sc | Journal of Jurisprudence and Scottish Law Magazine (Scotland) 1857-1891 |
Journal of Energy & Nat Res Law | Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law |
Journal of Prof Legal Education | Journal of Professional Legal Education |
JP | Justice of the Peace |
JP (NSW) | Justice of Peace (NSW) |
JP (WA) | Justice of Peace (Western Australia) |
JP Jo | Justice of the Peace and Local Government Review |
JPEF | Journal of Pension Economics and Finance |
JPEL | Journal of Planning and Environment Law |
JPIL | Journal of Personal Injury Litigation |
JPL | Journal of Planning and Environment Law |
Journal of Planning Law | |
Journal of Politics and Law | |
Journal of Psychiatry and Law | |
JPLE | Journal of Professional Legal Education |
JPN | Justice of the Peace Journal |
JPOS | Journal of the Patent Office Society |
JPR | Justice of the Peace and Local Government Review Reports 1837- |
JPSA | Journal of Police Science and Administration |
JPSL | Journal of Philosophy, Science and Law |
JR | Jurist Reports (NZ) 1873-1875 |
Judicial Review | |
JR (NS) | Jurist Reports, New Series (NZ) 1875-1879 |
JRCD | Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency |
JRNSCA | Jurist Reports, New Series, Court of Appeal (NZ) 1875-1879 |
JRNSML | Jurist Reports, New Series, Mining Law Cases (NZ) 1875-1879 |
JRNSSC | Jurist Reports, New Series, Supreme Court (NZ) 1875-1879 |
JSBJ | Judicial Studies Board Journal |
JSC | Judgements of the Supreme Court of Cyprus 1883- |
JSIJ | Judicial Studies Institute Journal |
JSJ | Journal of Studies in Justice (succeeded by JSJS 1990-) |
JSJS | Journal for Social Justice Studies (Charles Sturt University, Bathurst) |
JSL | Journal of Space Law |
JSPTL | Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law |
JSSL | Journal of Social Security Law |
JSWL | Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law |
JTCP | Journal of International Trust and Corporate Planning |
JU & CL | Journal of University and College Law |
Ju S | Juristische Schulung |
Jud | Judicature |
Jud Rev | Judicial Review |
Judd | Judd's Reports (Hawaii USA) (4 Haw) |
Judl Officers Bull | Judicial Officers Bulletin (Judicial Commission of New South Wales) |
Jur | Jurist Reports 1837-1854 |
Jur (NS) | Jurist Reports (New Series) 1855-1867 |
Jur Rev | Juridical Review |
Jur J | Jurimetrics Journal |
Jurid R | Juridical Review |
Jurimetrics | Jurimetrics Journal |
Juris | Juristen Zeitung |
Jurisito | Jurisito (The Jurist) (Japan) |
JURIST | The Jurist |
Jus | Jus: Rivista di Scienze Giuridiche (It) |
Jus Int | Institutes of Justinian |
Just | Justice |
Justinian | |
Just AMC | Justice (Society) Annual Members Conference Papers presented |
Just Cas | Justiciary Cases (Scotland) 1916 |
Just Inst | Institutes of Justinian |
Just P | Justice of the Peace and Local Government Review 1837- |
Just Q | Justice Quarterly |
Just Sys J | Justice System Journal |
Justice | Justice (Society) Reports |
Justn | Justinian |
Juta | Juta's Law Reports of Zimbawe |
Juta's Supreme Court Reports, Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1880-1910 | |
Juta's Bus L | Juta's Business Law |
JUUM | Jurnal Undang-Undang dan Masyarakat/Malaysian |
Juv & Fam Court J | Juvenile and Family Court Justice |
Juv Just | Juvenile Justice |
JW | Juristische Wochenschrift (Ger) 1872-1939 |
JWTL | Journal of World Trade Law |
Abbreviation | Title |
K | Kenyon's Notes of Cases, King's Bench 1753-1759 |
Kotze's High Court Reports, Transvaal (S Afr) 1877-1881 | |
K & F NSW | Knox and Fitzharding's Reports, NSW 1878-1879 |
K & G | Keane and Grant's Registration Appeal Cases1854-1862 |
K & J | Kay and Johnson's Vice Chancellor's Reports 1854-1858 |
Kames Dict Dec | Kames' & Woodhouselee's Dictionary of Decisions, Court of Session (Scotland) 1540-1796 |
Kames Rem Dec | Kames' Remarkable Decisions, Court of Session (Scotland) 1716-1752 |
Kames Sel Dec | Kames' Select Decisions, Court of Sessions (Scotland) 1752-1768 |
Kan | Kansas (USA) |
Kansas Reports (USA) 1862- | |
Kan JL & Pub Pol'y | Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy |
Kan LJ | Kansas Law Journal |
Kan LR | University of Kansas Law Review |
Kansas City L Rev | Kansas City Law Review |
Kay | Kay's Vice Chancellor's Reports [ER 69] |
KB | Law Reports, King's Bench Division 1901-1952 |
KBD | King's Bench Division Law Reports 1901-1952 |
KC | King's Counsel |
KCLJ | King's College Law Journal |
KCR | Kansas City Law Review |
Keane & GRC | Keane & Grant's Registration Cases 1854-1862 |
Keb | Keble's King's Bench Reports 1661-1679 |
Keen | Keen's Rolls Court Reports 1836-1838 |
Keil | Keilwey's King's Bench Reports 1496-1578 |
Kel | Sir John Kelyng's Crown Cases 1662-1669 |
Kel W | Wm Kelyng's Chancery Reports tempore Hardwicke 1730-1734 |
Kellen | Kellen's Reports (Massachusetts USA) (146-155 Mass) |
Kelly | Kelly's Reports (Georgia USA) (1-3 Ga) |
Kelly & Cobb | Kelly and Cobb's Reports (Georgia USA) (4, 5 Ga) |
Ken LJ | Kentucky Law Journal |
Kenan | Kenan's Reports (North Carolina USA) (76-91 NC) |
Kentucky LJ | Kentucky Law Journal |
Keny | Kenyon's Notes of King's Bench Cases 1753-1759 |
Keny Ch | Chancery Cases In Vol II of Kenyon's Notes of Cases 1753-1754 |
Kern | Kernan's Reports (New York USA) 1854-1856 (11-14 NY Ct App) |
Kern's Reports (Indiana USA) (100-116 Ind) | |
Kerr | Kerr's New Brunswick Reports (Canada) 1840-1848 |
Kerr's Reports (Indiana USA) (18-22 Ind) | |
Key | Keye's Reports (New York USA) 1863-1868 (40-43 NY) |
Keypoints | |
Kilkerran | Kilkerran's Court of Session Decisions (Scotland) 1738-1752 |
King | King's Louisiana Annual Reports (Louisiana USA) (5-6 La Ann) |
King's Student L Rev | King's Student Law Review |
Kingston LR | Kingston Law Review |
KIR | Knight's Industrial Reports 1966-1975 |
Kirb | Kirby's Reports (Connecticut USA) 1785-1789 |
Kitchen | Kitchen's Griqualand West Local Division Reports Cape Colony (S Afr) 1911-1919 |
KJCL | Korean Journal of Comparative Law |
KLGR | Knight's Local Government Reports 1903- |
KLJ | Kentucky Law Journal |
KLR | Kenya Law Reports 1919- |
Kn | Knox's Supreme Court Reports (NSW) 1877 |
Kn & Omb | Knapp and Ombler's Election Cases 1834-1835 |
Kn NSW | Knox's Supreme Court Reports (NSW) 1877 |
Know | Knowles' Reports (Rhode Island USA) (3 RI) |
Knox | Knox's Supreme Court Reports NSW 1877 |
Knox & Fitz | Knox and Fitzharding's Supreme Court Reports, NSW 1878-1879 |
Knox (NSW) | Knox's Supreme Court Reports, NSW 1877 |
Kobe ULR | Kobe University Law Review |
Konst & W Rat App | Konstam and Ward's Rating Appeals 1909-1912 |
Konst Rat App | Konstam's Rating Appeals 1904-1908 |
Korean J Comp L | Korean Journal Comparative Law |
Korean J Int'l & Comp L | Korean Journal of International and Comparative Law |
Kreider | Kreider's Reports (Washington USA) (1-23 Wash) |
Kress | Kress' Reports (Pennsylvania USA) 166-194 Pa St) |
Ks LR | University of Kansas Law Review |
KULR | Kobe University Law Review |
Ky | Kentucky (USA) |
Kentucky Reports (USA) 1785-1951 | |
Ky Dec | Sneed's Kentucky Decisions (Kentucky USA) 1801-1805 (2 Ky) |
Ky LJ | Kentucky Law Journal |