Abbreviation | Title |
Q Bar News | Queensland Bar News |
Q Bd Trade & Arbitrn | Queensland Board of Trade & Arbitration |
Q CAR | Queensland Criminal Reports 1860-1907 |
Q Case Note | Queensland Law Reporter Case Note |
Q Conv R | Queensland Conveyancing Reports |
Queensland Conveyancing Reports 1982- | |
Q Ct of Cr APP | Queensland Court of Criminal Appeal |
Q Gov Indus Gaz | Queensland Government Industrial Gazette |
Q Law Soc J | Queensland Law Society Journal |
QAAT | Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Principal Registry Library, Brisbane |
QAG | Dept of the Attorney-General (Qld) Library, Brisbane |
QALR | Queensland Annual Law Review (Queensland Law Society/Queensland University of Technology) |
QAR | Queensland Administrative Reports 1994- |
QATOB | Australian Taxation Office Library & Information Services, Brisbane |
QB | Law Reports, Queen's Bench 1891-1901 1952- (Also in ICLR.3) |
Queen's Bench Reports (Adolphus and Ellis, New Series) 1841-1852 | |
Queen's Bench Reports (Quebec, Can) 1892-1900 | |
Queen's Bench Reports, Upper Canada 1844-1882 | |
QBA | Queensland Bar Association |
QBD | Law Reports, Queen's Bench Division 1875-1890 |
QBLC | Queens Bench Reports, Lower Canada (Quebec) 1892-1900 |
QBON L | Bond University Law Library, Gold Coast, Queensland |
QBR | Queen's Bench Reports, (Adolphus & Ellis, New Series) 1841-1852 |
QBT | Queensland Building Tribunal |
QBUC | Queen's Bench Reports, Upper Canada 1844-1882 |
QC | Queens Counsel |
QCA | Queensland Court of Appeal |
QCATA | Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Appeals |
QCLE | Queensland Continuing Legal Education |
QCLJ | Queensland Criminal Law Journal |
QCLLR | Crown Lands Law Reports (Queensland Land Court) 1859-1973 |
QCLR | Queensland Criminal Reports 1860-1907 |
QCR | Queensland Criminal Reports 1860-1907 |
Qd L | Queensland Lawyer |
Qd R | Queensland Reports 1958-2020 |
QGAAT | Queensland Guardianship and Administration Tribunal |
QGG | Queensland Government Gazette |
QGIG | Queensland Government Industrial Gazette |
QHPT | Queensland Health Practitioners Tribunal |
QI Ct | Queensland Industrial Court |
QIC | Queensland Industrial Commission |
QIT Law Journal | Queensland Institute of Technology Law Journal |
QITLJ | Queensland Institute of Technology Law Journal |
QJP | Queensland Justice of Peace Reports 1907-1972 |
QJP (Mag Cas) | Queensland Justice of the Peace, Magisterial Cases 1907-1972 |
QJPR | Queensland Justice of the Peace Reports 1907-1972 |
QL | Queensland Lawyer |
QL Beor | Beor's Queensland Law Reports 1876-1878 |
QLC | Queensland land Appeal Court |
QLCR | Queensland Land Court Reports 1974- |
QLD Bar News | Queensland Bar News |
QLJ | Queensland Law Journal |
QLJ (NC) | Queensland Law Journal (Notes of Cases) 1878-1901 |
QLJR | Queensland Law Journal Reports 1879-1901 |
QLR | Quebec Law Reports (Can) 1874-1891 |
Queensland Law Reporter 1902-1957; 1972-1976; 1976- | |
Queensland Law Reports 1876-1878 | |
QLR (Beor) | Beor's Queensland Law Reports 1876-1878 |
QLRC | Queensland Law Reform Commission |
QLSJ | Queensland Law Society Journal |
QMT | Queensland Medical Tribunal |
QNTJB | Queensland and Northern Territory Judgments Bulletin |
QOR | Quebec Official Reports 1892- |
QPCAI Report | Queensland Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative Investigations Report |
QPE | Queensland Planning and Environment Court |
QPELR | Queensland Planning and Environmental Law Reports |
QPLR | Queensland Planning Law Reports 1981- |
QPR | Quebec Practice Reports 1897- |
QR | Quantum Reports |
Quebec Official Reports 1892- | |
Queensland Reports 2020- | |
QRKB | Rapports Judiciaries de Quebec (Quebec King's Bench Reports (Can) 1901-1941; 1942- |
QRQB | Rapports Judiciaries de Quebec (Quebec Queen's Bench Reports) (Can) 1892-1900 |
QRSC | Quebec Official Reports, Superior Court (Can) 1892- |
QSC | Rapports Judiciaries de Quebec Cour Superieure (Quebec Official Reports, Superior Court) (Can) 1892- |
QSCR | Queensland Supreme Court Reports 1860-1881 |
QSR | Queensland State Reports 1902-1957 |
Quadrant | Quadrant |
Que | Quebec (Can) |
Queens LJ | Queens Law Journal (Can) |
Queensland Law Journal Reports 1879-1901 | |
Queens LR | Queensland Law Reports by Beor 1876-1878 |
Quincy | Quincy's Massachusetts Reports (Massachusetts USA) 1761-1772 |
Quinnipiac Health LJ | Quinnipiac Health Law Journal |
Quinnipiac Prob LJ | Quinnipiac Probate Law Journal |
QULJ | Queensland University Law Journal |
QUT Law Journal | Queensland University of Technology Law Journal |
QUTLJ | Queensland University of Technology Law Journal |
QUTLJJ | Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal |
QWN | Queensland Weekly Notes 1908-1972 |
Abbreviation | Title |
R | The Reports, 1893-1895 |
Rettie's Session Cases, 4th Series (Scotland) 1873-1898 | |
Roscoe's Reports of the Supreme Court (Cape, S Afr) 1861-1878 | |
R & C | Russell and Chesley's Nova Scotia Reports 1875-1879 |
R & CC | Railway and Canal Cases 1835-1854 |
R & G | Rulings and Guidelines (Taxation) |
Russell and Geldert's Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1879-1795 | |
R & IT | Rating and Income Tax Reports 1924-1960 |
R & McG | Income Tax Decisions of Australasia, Ratcliffe and M'Grath, 1891-1930; 1928-1930 |
R & McG Ct | Court of Review Decisions by Ratcliffe and McGrath (NSW) 1913-1927 |
R & N | Rhodesia and Nyasaland Law Reports 1956-1964 |
R (Ct of Sess) | Rettie, Crawford & Melville, Session Cases, 4th Session (Scotland) 1873-1898 |
R Arb | Revue de L'Arbitrage |
R Bel Dr Int | Revue Belge de Droit International |
R D Com | Rivista del Diritto Commerciale |
R D INT | Revue de Droit International |
R de J | Revue de Jurisprudence |
R Int Arb Awards | Reports of International Arbitral Awards |
R Int DP | Revue Internationale de Droit Penal (Fr) |
R Trim D Civ | Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Civil |
RA | Rating Appeals |
RA Trib | Racing Appeals Tribunal of Western Australia |
Rab Z | Rabels Zeitschrift fur Auslandische und Internationales Privatrecht |
RAC | Ramsay, Appeal Cases (Quebec, Can) 1873-1886) |
Rader | Rader's Reports (Missouri USA) (138-163 Mo) |
RALQ | Receivers, Administrators and Liquidators Quartlerly |
Rand | Randell's Reports (Ohio USA) (62-71 Ohio) |
Randolph's Louisiana Annual Reports (Louisiana USA) (7-11 La Ann) | |
Rand | Randolph's Reports (Kansas USA) 1895-1896 (21-56 Kan) |
Randolph's Reports (Virginia USA) 1821-1828 (22-27 Va) | |
Raney | Raney's Reports (Florida USA) (16-20 Fla) |
Rast | Rastell's Entries 1566 |
Rastell's Statutes 1066-1557 | |
Rat Jur | Ratio Juris |
Ratio Juris | Ratio Juris |
RATS | Reform of the Australian Taxation System |
Rawle | Rawle's Reports (Pennsylvania USA) 1828-1835 |
Rawle Pen &W | Rawle Penrose & Watts' Reports (Pennsylvania USA) 1828-1840 |
Raym | Lord Raymond's King's Bench Reports 1694-1732 |
Sir Thomas Raymonds King's Bench Reports 1660-1684 | |
Raymond | Raymond's Reports (Iowa USA) (81-99 Iowa) |
Rayn | Rayner's Tithe Cases 1575-1782 |
RBI | Retail Banker International |
RC | La Revue Critique de Legislation et de Jurisprudence de Canada |
RCADI | Recueil des Cours de l'Academie de Droit Internationale |
RCJ | Royal Courts of Justice |
RDPC | Revue de Droit Penal et de Criminologie |
RDS | Revue de Droit Social |
Revue de Droit Suisse (Switz) | |
Re LR | Reinsurance Law Reports |
Real Prop Cas | Real Property Cases 1843-1847 |
Real Prop Prob & Tr J | Real Property, Probate & Trust Journal |
Real Prop Tr & Est LJ | Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal |
Rec Dal | Recueil Dalloz et Sirey de doctrine de jurisprudence et de legislation (France) |
Rec L | See NZRL |
RECIEL | Review of European Community and International Environmental Law |
RED | A'Beckett's New South Wales, Reserved and Equity Decisions 1845 |
Redington's Reports (Maine USA) (31-35 Me) | |
Russell's Equity Decisions, Nova Scotia (Can) 1873-1883 | |
Reese's Reports see Vols 5,11 Heiskell's Tennessee Reports (Tennessee USA) 1870-74 (48-59 Tenn) | |
Reform | Reform (Australia Law Reform Commission) |
Regent U L Rev | Regent University Law Review |
REIB | Electronic Payments International |
Reins | Reinsurance |
Remy | Remy's Indiana Appellate Court Reports (Indiana USA) (15-33 Ind App) |
Remy's Reports (Indiana USA) (145-162 Ind) | |
REP | Regional Environmental Plan |
REP | Retirement and Estate Planning |
Rep B | Reparation Bulletin |
Rep Cas C | Reported Cases on Costs (Ireland) 1867-1891 |
Rep Ch | Reports in Chancery 1615-1712 |
Rep in CA | See NZLR |
Rep LR | Reparation Law Reports |
Rep on Bkptcy | Reports on Bankruptcy by the Minister for Business and Consumer Affairs |
Rep Pat Cas | Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases 1884- |
Reporter | Reporter - Australian Institute of Criminology Quarterly |
Reporter (The) | The Reporter (Australasian Law Students Association) |
Rept on Bkptcy | Reports on Bankruptcy by the Minister for Business and Consumer Affairs |
Res & EJ | A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments (NSW) 1845 |
Res & Eq Judg | A'Beckett's Reserved and Equity Judgements, New South Wales 1845 |
Res CP | Responsabilita Civile Previdenza |
Res Jud | Res Judicatae |
Res pub | Res Publica |
Research in L & Econ | Research in Law and Economics: A Research Annual |
Reserv Cas | Reserved Cases (Ireland) 1860-1864 |
Restric Prac | Reports of Restrictive Practices cases 1957-1972 |
Rev Banking & Fin L | Review of Banking and Financial Law |
Rev Cent & E Eur L | Review of Central and East European Law |
Rev CL Francais | Revue de la Common Law en Francais |
Rev Const Stud | Review of Constitutional Studies |
Rev Crit DIP | Revue Critique de Droit International Prive (Fr) |
Rev Intern Dr Comp | Revue Internationale de Droit Compare |
Rev Int'l L & Pol | Review of International Law & Politics |
Rev JUPR | Revista Juridica de la Universidad de Puerto Rico |
Rev Jur UPR | Revista Juridica de la Universidad de Puerto Rico |
Rev Litig | Review of Litigation |
Rev quebecoise de droit int'l | Revue quebecoise de droit international |
Rev Rep | Revised Reports 1785-1866 |
Rev Sc Crim | Revue de Science Criminelle et de Droit Penal Compare (Fr) |
Rev TDC | Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Civil (Fr) |
Rev Trim Civ | Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Civil |
Rev Trim Dr Euro | Revue Trimestrielle de Droit European |
Revenue LJ | Revenue Law Journal, Bond University |
Reyn | Reynolds Reports (Mississippi USA) (40-42 Miss) |
RFDA | Revenue Francaise de Droit Administratif |
RFL | Reports of Family Law (Can) 1971-1978 |
RFL (2d) | Reports of Family Law, Second Series (Can) 1978-1986 |
RFL (3d) | Reports of Family Law Third Series (Can) 1986- |
RGDIP | Revue Generale de Droit International Public (Fr) |
RGSt | Entscheidungen des Reichgerichts in Strafsachen (Germany) Reports of the Reich Supreme Court in Criminal Matters 1880-1944 |
RGZ | Entscheidungen des Reichgerichts in Zivilsachen (Germany) Reports of the Decisions of the Reich Supreme Court in Civil Cases 1880-1945 |
RHA | Regional Health Authority (NZ) |
RI | Rhode Island (USA) |
Rhode Island Reports (Rhode Island USA) 1828-1980 | |
RIAA | Reports of International Arbitral Awards (UN) |
Rice | Rice's South Carolina Law Reports (South Carolina USA) 1838-1839 (24 SCL) |
Rice Eq | Rice's South Carolina Equity Reports (South Carolina USA) 1838-1839 (14 SC Eq) |
Rich | Richardson's Reports (New Hampshire USA) (3-5 NH) |
Richardson's Reports (New Hampshire USA) (3-5 NH) | |
Richardson's South Carolina Law Reports (South Carolina USA) 1832 (18 SCL); 1844-46; (30-31 SCL); 1850-68 (37-49 SCL) | |
Rich & W | Richardson & Woodbury's Reports (New Hampshire USA) (2 NH) |
Rich Eq | Richardson's South Carolina Equity Reports (South Carolina USA) 1844-1846 (18-19 SCEq); 1850-68 (24-35 SC Eq) |
Rich Eq Cas | Richardson's South Carolina Equity Cases (South Carolina USA) 1831-1832 (9 SC Eq) |
Rich J Global L & Bus | Richmond Journal of Global Law and Business |
RICJ | Review of the International Commission of Jurists |
Rick & M | Rickards and Michael's Locus Standi Reports 1885-1889 |
Rick & S | Rickards and Saunders' Locus Standi Reports 1890-1894 |
RICPT | Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique (Fr) |
RIDA | Revue Internationale du Droit d'Auteur |
Revue Internationale du Droit d'Auteur (Fr) | |
RIDC | Revue Internationale de Droit Compare (Fr) |
Ridg L & S | Ridgeway, Lapp, and Schoales' Irish Term Reports 1793-1795 |
Ridg Parl Rep | Ridgeway's Parliamentary Reports (Ire) 1784-1796 |
Ridg temp H | Ridgeway's Reports tempore Hardwicke Chancery 1744-1746 |
RIDPP | Rivista Italiana di Diritto e Procedura Penale (It) |
Ried | Riedell's Reports (New Hampshire USA) (68, 69 NH) |
Ril | Riley's Reports (West Virginia USA) (37-42 WVa) |
Riley | Riley's South Carolina Law Reports (South Carolina USA) 1836-1837 (22 SCL) |
Riley Eq | Riley's South Carolina Equity Reports (South Carolina USA) 1836-1837 (12 SC Eq) |
Risk Man | Risk Management |
Risk MR | Risk Management Reports |
Ritch | Reports of cases decided by Francis Baconin the High Court of Chancery 1617-1621; prepared by J Ritchie |
Ritch Eq Rep | Ritchie's Equity Reports (Nova Scotia) 1872-1882 |
Riv DC | Rivista Di Diritto Civile (It) |
Riv DE | Rivista di Diritto Europea (It) |
Riv Dir Euro | Rivista DI Diritto Europeo |
Riv DP | Rivista Di Diritto Processuale Civile (It) |
Riv Pen | Rivista Penale (It) |
Riv TDPC | Rivista Diritto e Procedura Civile (It) |
Roger Williams U L | Rev Roger Williams University Law Review |
Roman Legal Trad | Roman Legal Tradition |
RJ | Judgments of the Supreme Court of New South Wales for the District of Port Phillip - A'Beckett 1846-1851 |
RJCL | Rutgers Journal of Computers, Technology and the Law |
RJQ | Recueils de Jurisprudence du Quebec (Can) 1896- |
RJRQ | Mathieu's Quebec Revised Reports (Can) 1726-1891 |
RJT | Revue Juridique Themis (Can) |
RL | Recent Law (New Zealand) |
RL (NS) | Revue Legale, New Series (Can) 1895-1942 |
RL (OS) | Revue Legale, Old Series (Can) 1869-1892 |
RLE | Research in Law and Economics |
RLJ | Revenue Law Journal |
RLR | Reports of the High Court of Rhodesia 1964-1979 |
Restitution Law Review | |
RMC | Revue du Marche Commun |
RMPAT | Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal (Tas) |
Rob | Robert's Louisiana Annual Reports (Louisiana USA) (29-31 La Ann) |
Rob & J | Robards & Jackson's Reports (Texas USA) (26, 27 Tex) |
Rob App | Robertson's Scotch Appeal Cases (Scotland) 1707-1727 |
Robinson's Scotch Appeal Cases (Scotland) 1840-1841 | |
Rob Cal | Robinson's Reports (California USA) (Cal) |
Rob Colo | Robinson's Reports Colorado USA) (2-9, 17-23 Colo App) |
Rob Eccl | Robertson's Ecclesiastical Reports 1844-1853 |
Rob L & W | Roberts, Leeming and Wallis' New County Court Cases 1849-1851 |
Rob La | Robinson's Reports (Louisiana USA) 1841-1846 (1-12 La) |
Rob Mo | Robard's Reports (Missouri USA) (12-13 Mo) |
Rob Nev | Robinson's Reports (Nevada USA) (1 Nev) |
Rob NY | Robertson's New York Superior Court Reports (New York USA) 1863-1868 (24-30 NYS Ct) |
Rob SI | Robertson's Sandwich Islands Reports (Hawaii USA) (1 Haw) |
Rob Va | Robinson's Reports (Virginia USA) 1842-1844 (40, 41 Va) |
Robb (NJ) | Robbin's New Jersey Equity Reports (New Jersey USA) 1904-1905 (67-70 NJ Eq) |
Robb Pat Cas | Robb's United States Patent Cases (USA) 1789-1950 |
Robert App | Robertson's Scotch Appeal Cases 1707-1727 |
Roberts | Roberts' Divorce Cases (Ireland) 1816-1905 |
Robin App | Robinson's Scotch Appeals Cases 1840-1841 |
Robinson | Robinson's Louisiana Annual Reports (Louisiana USA) (1-4 La Ann) |
Roche D & K | Roche Dillon & Kehoe's Irish Land Reports (Ireland) 1881-1882 |
Rodm | Rodman's Reports (Kentucky USA) 1879-1883 (78-82 Ky) |
Rogers | Rogers' Louisiana Annual Reports (Louisiana USA) (47-51 La Ann) |
Roll Abr | Rolle's Abridgment of the Common Law 1668 |
Roll Rep | Rolle's King's Bench Reports 1614-1625 |
Rolle | Rolle 's Kings Bench Reports |
Rom | Romilly's Notes of Chancery Cases 1767-1787 |
Romanian J Compulsory Execution | Romanian Journal of Compulsory Execution |
Romanian Rev Priv L | Romanian Review of Private Law |
Root | Root's Reports (Connecticut USA) 1764-1798 |
Rosc PC | Roscoe's Prize Cases 1745-1858 |
Roscoe | Roscoe's Reports of the Supreme Court, Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1861-1878 |
Rose BC | Rose's Bankruptcy Reports 1810-1816 |
Ross LC | Ross's Leading Cases in Commercial Law 1853-1857 |
Ross's Leading Cases in the Law of Scotland (Land Rights) 1638-1849 | |
ROW Bulletin | Rights of Women Bulletin |
Rowe | Rowe's Interesting Cases (England and Ireland) 1798-1823 |
Rowell | Rowell's Reports (Vermont USA) (45-52 Vt) |
RP | Res Publica |
RPC | Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases (popularly known as Reports of Patent Cases) 1884- |
RPD | Repatriation Pension Decisions (Australia Veterans Review board) 1985-1987 |
RPDP | Revue Penitentiare et de Droit Penal |
RPDTMC | Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases 1884- |
RPPTJ | Real Property, Probate & Trust Journal |
RPR | Real Property Reports (Canada) |
RR | Revised Reports 1785-1866 |
RRC | Ryde's Rating Cases 1956- |
RRCP | Reports of Restrictive Trade Practices |
RRLR | Rent Review and Lease Renewal |
RRT | Repatriation Review Tribunal (Superseded by Veterans Review Board) |
RRTD | Refugee Review Tribunal Decisions |
RS | Reprinted Statutes of New Zealand |
RSAA | Refugee Status Appeals Authority (NZ) |
RSC | Revised Statutes of Canada |
Rules of the Supreme Court | |
RSO | Revised Statutes of Ontario (Can) |
RT | Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs (Butt) |
RTDE | Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Europeen (Fr) |
RTDP | Rivista Trimestrale De Diritto Pubblico |
RTI | Road Traffic Indicator |
RTM | Tribunaux Arbitreaux Mixtes Recueil des Decision |
RTR | Road Traffic Reports 1970- |
Rucker | Rucker's Reports (West Virginia USA) (43-46 W Va) |
Ruff | Ruffhead's Edition of Statutes by Serjeant Runnington 1235-1785 |
Statutes at Large, Ruffhead's Edition 1235-1785 | |
Ruff & H | Ruffin & Hawk's Reports (North Carolina USA) 1820-1821 (8 NC) |
Rul Cas | Campbell's Ruling Cases 1894-1908 |
Runn | Runnell's Reports (Iowa USA) (38-56 Iowa) |
Rus EC | Russell's Election Cases (Nova Scotia) 1874 |
Russ | Russell's Chancery Reports 1823-1829 |
Russ & M | Russell and Mylne's Chancery Reports 1829-1831 |
Russ & Ry | Russell and Ryan's Crown Cases Reserved 1799-1824 |
Rut CLJ | Rutgers-Camden Law Journal |
RUT Computer & Tech LJ | Rutgers Computer and Technology Law Journal |
Rut LJ | Rutgers law Journal |
Rut LR | Rutgers Law Review |
Rutgers Bus LJ | Rutgers Business Law Journal |
Rutgers J L & Pub Pol'y | Rutgers Journal of Law and Public Policy |
Rutgers Race & L Rev | Rutgers Race & The Law Review |
RVR | Rating and Valuation Reports 1965- |
Ry & M | Ryan and Moody's Nisi Prius Reports 1823-1826 |
Ry & Can Cas | Railway and Canal Cases 1835-1854 |
Ry & Can Tr Cas | Railway and Canal Traffic Cases 1855-1949 |
Ryde & K Rat App | Ryde and Konstam's Reports of Rating Appeals 1894-1904 |
Ryde Rat App | Ryde's Rating Appeals 1871-1893 |
Ryl Plac Parl | Ryley's Placita Parliamentaria Pleadings in Parliament with Judgements in the Reigns of Edward 1st and Edward 2nd; 1290-1307; edited by W Ryley1661 |
Abbreviation | Title |
S | Searle's Reports in the Supreme Court, Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1850-1867 |
Shaw's House of Lord's Appeal Cases (Scotland) 1821-1824 | |
Shaw's Session Cases (Scotland) 1st series 1821-1838 | |
Southern Reporter (USA) 1887-1941 | |
S & CL | Sports and Character Licensing |
S & LJ | Sport and the Law Journal |
S & LS | Social and Legal Studies |
S & M Record | Shire and Municipal Record (LBC) |
S & M SLR | Sweet & Maxwell's Students Law Reporter |
S & TLI | Shipping and Transport Lawyer International |
S Afr CA | South Africa Court of Appeal |
S Afr Hum Rts Y B | South African Human Rights Yearbook |
S Afr J Crim Just | South African Journal of Criminal Justice |
S Afr J Crim L | South African Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 1977- |
S Afr J on Hum Rts | South African Journal on Human Rights |
S Afr LJ | South African Law Journal |
S Afr LR App | South African Law Reports, Appellate Division 1910-1946 |
S Afr Mercantile LJ | South African Mercantile Law Journal |
S Afr YIL | South African Yearbook of International Law 1975- |
S Cal Interdisc LJ | Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal |
S Cal L Rev | Southern California Law Review |
S Cal Rev L & Soc Just | Southern California Review of Law and Social Justice |
S Cal Rev L & Women's Stud | Southern California Review of Law and Women's Studies |
S Car LR | South Carolina Law Review |
S Ct | Supreme Court Reporter, USA 1882- |
S Ct Rev | Supreme Court Review (USA) |
S Dak LR | South Dakota Law Review |
S III U LJ | Southern Illinois University Law Journal |
S Law | Southern Lawyer |
S L Rev n s | Southern Law Review New Series |
S New Eng Roundtable Symp LJ | Southern New England Roundtable Symposium Law Journal |
S Pac LR | South Pacific Law Reports 1948-1950 |
S Tex L Rev | South Texas Law Review |
S2d | Southern Reporter, Second Series (USA) 1941- |
SA | South African Law Reports 1947- |
SA Dept of A-G LRC Reports | South Australia Department of the Attorney-General Law Reform Committee Reports |
SA Law Reports CP | South African Law Reports, Cape Provincial Division 1910-1946 |
SA Law Reports CPD | South African Law Reports, Cape Provincial Division 1910-1946 |
SA Law Reports NPD | South African Law Reports, Natal Province Division 1910-1946 |
SA Law Reports OPD | South African Law Reports, Orange Free State Provincial Division 1910-1946 |
SA Law Reports SWA | South African Law Reports, South West Africa High Court 1920-1946 |
SA Law Soc Bull | South Australia Law Society Bulletin |
SA Merc LJ | SA Mercantile Law Journal |
SA Regr (Newspr) | South Australian Register Reports (Newspaper) |
SAA | Standards Association of Australia |
SAB | Solicitors Admission Board |
SACC | South African Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology |
SACCA | South Australian Court of Criminal Appeal |
SAcLJ | Singapore Academy of Law Journal |
SACLRC | South Australian Criminal Law Reform Committee |
SADC | South Australian District Court |
SAEOT | South Australian Equal Opportunity Tribunal |
SAERDC | Environment Resources and Development Court of SA |
SAI Ct | South Australian Industrial Court |
SAIC | South Australian Industrial Commission |
SAIG | South Australian Industrial Gazette |
Saint | Saint's Digest of Registration Cases 5th ed 1910 |
SAIR | South Australian Industrial Reports 1916- |
SAIRC | South Australian Industrial Relations Court |
Sal | Salinger's Reports (Iowa USA) (88-117 Iowa) |
SALCR | South Australian Licensing Court Reports 1967-1978 |
Sales Tax Cases | Sales Tax Cases (CCH) |
SALJ | South African Law Journal |
Salk | Salkeld's King's Bench Reports 1689-1712 |
SAL Ann Rev | Singapore Academy of Law Annual Review of Singapore Cases |
SALLB | South Australian Law Librarians Bulletin |
SALLG | South Australian Law Librarians Group |
SALR | South African Law Reports 1947- |
South Australian Law Reports 1865-1892, 1899-1921 | |
SALR CP | South African Law Reports, Cape Provincial Division 1910-1946 |
SALR NPD | South African Law Reports, Natal State Province Division 1910-1946 |
SALR OPD | South African Law Reports, Orange Free State Provincial Division 1910-1946 |
SALR SWA | South African Law Reports, South West Africa High Court 1920-1946 |
SALRC | South Australian Law Reform Committee |
SALT | South African Law Times 1932-1936 |
San D LR | San Diego Law Review |
San Diego J Climate & Energy | San Diego Journal of Climate & Energy Law |
San Joaquin Agric L Rev | San Joaquin Agricultural Law Review |
Sand Ch | Sandford Chancery Reports (New York USA) 1834-1847 |
Sanf | Sanford's Reports (Alabama USA) (59 Ala) |
Santa Clara Comp & High Tech LJ | Santa Clara Computer and High Technology Law Journal |
Santa Clara J Int'l L | Santa Clara Journal of International Law |
Santa Clara L Rev | Santa Clara Law Review |
SAPD | South Australian Planning Decisions (Superseded by SAPED) 1989-1993 |
SAPED | South Australian Planning and Environmental Decisions (Formerly SAPD) |
SAPR | South Australian Planning Reports 1967-1981 |
SAR | South African Republic Supreme Court Reports 1881-1892 |
South Australian Industrial Reports 1916- | |
SARDA | Sage Annual Review of Drug and Alcohol Abuse |
SART | Student Assistance Review Tribunal |
Sask | Saskatchewan (Can) |
Sask L Rev | Saskatchewan Law Review |
Sask LR | Saskatchewan Law Reports (Can) 1908-1931 |
SASR | South Australian State Reports 1921-1971; 1971- |
SATC | South African Tax Cases 1921- |
SATPO | Australian Taxation Office Library, Adelaide |
Sau & Sc | Sausse and Scully's Irish Rolls Court Reports 1837-1840 |
Sauls | Reports in the time of Saulsbury (Delaware USA) (5-6 Del) |
Saund | Saunder's King's Bench Reports 1666-1673 |
Saund & A | Saunders and Austin's Locus Standi Reports 1805-1904 |
Saund & B | Saunders and Bidder's Locus Standi Reports 1905-1919 |
Saund & C | Saunders and Cole's Bail Court Reports 1846-1848 |
Saund & M | Saunders and Macrae's County Courts and Insolvency Cases 1852-1858 |
Sav | Savile's Common Pleas Reports 1580-1594 |
Sav St R | Zeitschrift der Savigny-stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte (Ger) |
Saw | Sawyer's 9th Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1870-1884 |
SAWAJB | South Australian and Western Australian Judgements Bulletin |
SAWCT | South Australia Workers Compensation Tribunal |
Saxt | Saxton's New Jersey Equity Reports (New Jersey USA) 1830-1832 (1 NJ Eq) |
Say | Sayer's King's Bench Reports 1751-1756 |
SAYIL | South African Yearbook of International Law 1975- |
SB | Scottish Banker |
SC | Court of Session Cases (Scotland) |
Juta's Supreme Court Reports (Cape, S Afr) 1880-1910 | |
South Carolina (USA) | |
South Carolina Reports (USA) 1868- | |
Sc & Div | Law Reports, Scotch and Divorce Appeals 1866-1875 |
SC (HL) | Court of Session Cases, House of Lords (Scotland) 1850- |
SC (J) | Session Cases, Court of Justiciary (Scotland) 1907-1916 |
SC J Int'l L & Bus | South Carolina Journal of International Law and Business |
Sc App | Law Reports, Scotch Appeals (Scotland) 1851-1873 |
Sc Envtl LJ | South Carolina Environmental Law Journal |
SC Eq | South Carolina Equity Reports (South Carolina USA) 1784-1868 |
SC Is | Selected Judgements of the Supreme Court of Israel 1948- |
Sc Jur | Scottish Jurist 1829-1873 |
Sc LR | Scottish Law Reporter 1865-1925 |
Sc RR | Scots Revised Reports Superior Courts 1707-1873, 1898-1908 |
Sc Stud Law | Scandinavian Studies in Law |
SCAG | Standing Committee of Attorney-Generals |
SCAL & P | Scottish Constitutional and Administrative Law and Practice |
Scam | Scammon's Reports (Illinois USA) 1832-1844 (2-5 Ill) |
Scand Stud | Scandinavian Studies in Law |
SCC | Supreme Court of Canada |
SCCHTLJ | Santa Clara Computer and High Technology Law Journal |
SCCJ | Session Cases Court of Judiciary |
SCCR | Scottish Criminal Case Reports |
SCG | Supreme Court Gazette |
Sch & Lef | Schoales and Lefroy's Irish Chancery Reports 1802-1806 |
SCHL | Session Cases House of Lords (Scotland) |
SCL | New South Wales Society for Computers and Law |
South Carolina Law Reports (USA) 1783-1868 | |
SCL Rev | Scottish Construction Law Review |
South Carolina Law Review | |
SCLR | Scottish Civil Law Reports 1987- |
SCNI | Supreme Court of Norfolk Island - SCNI |
SCOT BM | Scottish Banker |
Scot Jur | Scottish Jurist 1829-1873 |
Scot L Rev | Scottish Law Review and Sheriff Court Reports 1885-1963 |
Scot LJ | Scottish Law Journal & Sheriff Court Record 1858-1861 |
Scot LR | Scottish Law Reporter 1865-1925 |
Scots LTR | Scots Law Times Reports 1893- |
Scots RR | Scots Revised Reports (Scotland) 1707-1873, 1898-1908 |
Scott | Scott's Common Pleas Reports 1834-1840 |
Scott NR | Scott's New Common Pleas Reports1840-1845 |
SCP News | Supreme Court Practice News |
SCR | Juta's Supreme Court Cases (Cape, S Afr)1880-1910 |
Supreme Court Reports (Can) 1876- | |
Supreme Court Reports (Sarawak) 1928-1941, 1946-1951 | |
Supreme Court Reports (Sri L) 1892-1893 | |
Supreme Court Reports India) 1950- | |
SCR (L) | Supreme Court Reports Law (NSW) 1862-1879 |
SCR (NS) (NSW) | Supreme Court Reports (New Series) (NSW) 1878-1879 |
SCR (NSW) | Supreme Court Reports (New South Wales)1862-1876 |
SCR (NSW) Eq | Supreme Court Reports (NSW) Equity 1862-1879 |
SCR (Q) | Supreme Court of Queensland Reports 1860-1881 |
SCRA | Philippine Supreme Court Reports (Annotated) 1961- |
Scribes J Leg Writing | Scribes Journal of Legal Writing |
SCULR | Southern Cross University Law Review |
SD | South Dakota (USA) |
South Dakota Reports (South Dakota USA) 1890-1976 | |
SD Rulings | Stamp Duties Rulings (CCH) |
SDB | Sex Discrimination Board (SA) |
SDIA | Select Documents on International Law |
SDL | Stamp Duties Law |
SDL Rev | South Dakota Law Review |
SE | South Eastern Reporter, (USA) 1887-1939 |
Se Envtl L.J | Southeastern Environmental Law Journal |
SE 2d | South Eastern Reporter, Second Series (USA) 1939- |
Sea & Sm | Searle and Smith's Probate and Divorce Reports 1859-1860 |
Searle | Searle's Supreme Court Reports, Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1850-1867 |
SEATO | South - East Asian Treaty Organisation |
Seattle J Soc Just | Seattle Journal for Social Justice |
Seattle U L Rev | Seattle University Law Review |
SEC | Securities and Exchange Commission Decisions and Reports (USA) 1934- |
Sec Int'l & Comp L Bull | Section of International and Comparative Law Bulletin |
SEC Jud Dec | Securities and Exchange Commission Judicial Decisions (USA) 1934 |
SEGJ | Law Society Solicitors' European Group Journal |
Sel Cas Ch | Select Cases in Chancery 1685-1698 |
Sel Cas Ev | Select Cases in Evidence (Strange) 1698-1732 |
Seld | Selden's Notes on Appeal Cases (New York USA) 1851-1854 (5-10 NY Ch App) |
Seld Soc Rep | Selden Society Reports |
Selw NP | Selwyn, Law of Nisi Prius 13ed 1869 |
Sem Jurid | Semaine Juridique |
SEOC | Equal Opportunity Commission (South Australia) Library, Adelaide |
SEPP | State Environmental Planning Policy |
Serg & R | Sergeant & Rawle's Reports (Pennsylvania USA) 1814-1828 |
Sess Cas KB | Sessions Settlement Cases, King's Bench 1710-1748 |
Sess Cas Sc | Court of Session Cases (Scotland) 1821- |
Seton Hall Cir Rev | Seton Hall Circuit Review |
Seton Hall Const LJ | Seton Hall Constitutional Law Journal |
Seton Hall J Sport L | Seton Hall Journal of Sport Law |
Seton Hall J Sports & Ent L | Seton Hall Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law |
Seton Hall LJ | Seton Hall Law Journal |
Seton Hall L Rev | Seton Hall Law Review |
Seton Hall Legis J | Seton Hall Legislative Journal |
Sett & Rem | Cases adjudged in KB, concerning Settlements & Removals 1710-1742 |
SF L Rev | San Francisco Law Review |
SFCA | Family Court of Australia, Adelaide Registry, Library |
SGCA | Singapore Court of Appeal |
SGHC | Singapore High Court |
SGIO | State Government Insurance Office |
Sh | Shadforth's Reserved Judgments, Victoria 1846-1851 |
Sh & Macl | Shaw and Maclean's Scotch Appeal Cases 1835-1838 |
Sh Ct of Sess | Shaw, Court of Session Cases (Scotland) 1821-1838 |
Sh Ct Rep | Sheriff Court Reports (Scotland) 1885-1963 |
Sh Dig | P Shaw's Digest of Decisions (Scotland) 1726-1868 |
Sh Jus | J Shaw's Justiciary Cases (Scotland) 1848-1852 |
Sh Just | P Shaw's Justiciary Decisions (Scotland) 1919-1931 |
Sh LRN | Sharia Law Reports (Nigeria) |
Sh Sc App | P Shaw's Scotch Appeals 1821-1824 |
Sh Teind Ct | P Shaw's Teind Court Decisions (Scotland) 1821-1831 |
Shad | Shadforth's Reports, Victoria 1846-1851 |
Shand | Shand's Reports (South Carolina (USA) (11-14 SC) |
Shaw & Macl | Shaw & MacLean's Scotch Appeals (Scotland) 1835-1838 |
Shaw (GB) | G B Shaw's Reports (Vermont USA) (10-11 Vt) |
Shaw (WG) | W G Shaw's Reports (Vermont USA) (30-35 Vt) |
Shaw App | Shaw's Appeal Cases (Scotland) 1821-1824 |
Shaw Dig | Shaw's Digest of Decisions (Scotland) 1726-1868 |
Shaw HL | Shaw's Appeal Cases, House of Lords (Scotland) 1821-1824 |
Shaw J | John Shaw's Justiciary Cases (Scotland) 1848-1852 |
Shaw P | Patrick Shaw's Teind Court Decisions (Scotland) 1821-1831 |
Shaw Teind | Shaw's Teind Court Decisions (Scotland) 1821-1831 |
SHE & PG | Stephenson Harwood Employment and Pensions Group |
Shep | Shepard's Reports (Alabama USA) (19-21, 24-41, 49-51, 60, 63-66 Ala) |
Shepley's Reports (Maine USA) (13-18, 21-30 Me) | |
Shep Touch | Sheppard's Touchstone of Common Assurance 8ed 1826 |
Shipp | Shipp's Reports (North Carolina USA) (66-67 NC) |
Shirl | Shirley's Reports (New Hampshire USA) (49-55 NH) |
Show | Shower's King's Bench Reports, ed Butt 1678-1695 |
Show Parl Cas | Shower's Parliamentary Cases 1694-1699 |
SHRJ | Scottish Human Rights Journal |
SI | Statutory Instrument |
SIA | Securities Institute of Australia |
Sick | Sickel's Reports (New York USA) (46-85 NY Ct App) |
Sid | Siderfin's King's Bench Reports 1657-1670 |
SILR | Solomon Islands Law Reports 1980- |
Sim | Simmon's Reports (Wisconsin USA) (95-97, 99 Wis) |
Simons' Vice-Chancellor's Reports 1826-1850 | |
Sim & C | Simmon's & Conover's Reports (Wisconsin USA) (99-100 Wis) |
Sim & St | Simons and Stuart's Vice-Chancellor's Reports 1822-1826 |
Sim (NS) | Simons' Vice-Chancellor's Reports New Series 1850-1852 |
Sing JICL | Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law |
Sing LR | Singapore Law Review |
SIR | Space Insurance Report |
Sister in Law | Sister in Law |
SJ | Solicitors' Journal |
SJIS | Stanford Journal of International Law Studies |
SJLB | Solicitors Journal Law Brief |
SKCA | Saskatechewan Court of Appeal |
Skin | Skinner's King's Bench Reports 1681-1698 |
Skinker | Skinker's Reports (Missouri USA) (65-79 Mo) |
SKQB | Saskatechewan Queen's Bench |
SL & F | Sports Law and Finance |
SLA & P | Sports Law Administration and Practice |
SLAC | Suburban Law Association Convention (Victoria) |
Slade | Slade's Reports (Vermont USA) (15 Vt) |
SLB | Australian Superannuation Law Bulletin |
Sports Law Bulletin | |
Superannuation Law Bulletin (IBC) | |
SLC | Scottish Law Commission |
SLCR | Scottish Land Courts Reports |
SLG | Scottish Law Gazette |
SLJ | Seoul Law Journal |
SLJR | Sudan Law Journal and Reports 1956- |
SLLP | Scottish Licensing Law and Practice |
SLLR | Sierra Leone Law Reports 1961- |
Slovenian L Rev | Slovenian Law Review |
SLPQ | Scottish Law and Practice Quarterly |
SLR | Saskatchewan Law Reports (Can) 1907-1931 |
Scottish Land Court Reports 1913- | |
Seychelles Law Reports 1921-1923 | |
Singapore Law Reports 1946-1949, 1953-1956, 1993- | |
Stanford Law Review | |
Student Law Review | |
Sudan Law Reports | |
Sydney Law Review | |
SLSR | Sydney Law School Reports |
SLT | Scots Law Times |
SLTL | Scots Law Times Land Courts Reports |
SLTS | Scots Law Times Sheriff Court Reports |
SLTY | Scots Law Times Lyon Court Reports |
SM | Stipendiary Magistrate |
Sm & Bat | Smith and Batty's King's Bench Reports (Ireland) 1824-1825 |
Sm C Trib | Smalls Claims Tribunal |
Sm & G | Smale and Giffard's Chancery Reports 1852-1857 |
SMART | Sydney Maritime Arbitration Rules and Terms |
SMB | Stipendiary Magistrates Bulletin |
Smedes & M | Smedes & Marshall's Reports (Mississippi USA) 1843-1850 (9-22 Miss) |
Smedes & M Ch | Smedes and Marshall's Chancery Reports (Mississippi USA) 1840-1843 |
SMH | Sydney Morning Herald |
Smith | PF Smith's Reports (Pennsylvania USA) (51-81 PaSt) |
Smith's Reports (California USA) (54-62 Cal) | |
Smith's Reports (New Hampshire USA) 1796-1815 | |
Smith's Reports (South Dakota USA) (2-4 SD) | |
Smith | Smith's Reports (Tennessee USA) 1925-1932 (154-164 Tenn) |
Smith & H | Smith & Heiskell's Tennessee Reports (Tennessee USA) 1870-1874 (48-59 Tenn) (7, 12 Heiskell's Tennessee Reports) |
Smith (Ind) | Smith's Reports (Indiana USA) 1946-49 (1-4 Ind) |
Smith (Me) | Smith's Reports (Maine USA) (61-64 Me) |
Smith (Wis) | AD Smith's Reports (Wisconsin USA) (1-11 Wis) |
Smith KB | J P Smith's King's Bench Reports 1803-1806 |
Smith LC | Smith's Leading Cases 13ed1929 |
Smith NY | EP Smith's Reports (New York USA) (15-27 NY Ct App) |
Smith Reg Cas | C L Smith's Registration Cases 1895-1914 |
SMLL | Law Society of South Australia, Murray Law Library, Adelaide |
SMN | New South Wales Solicitor's Manual |
SMU L Rev | SMU Law Review |
Smythe | Smythe's Irish Common Pleas Reports (Ireland) 1839-1840 |
Sneed | Sneed's Reports (Tennessee USA) 1853-1858 (33-37 Tenn) |
Sneed Dec | Sneed's Kentucky Decisions (Kentucky USA) 1801-1805 (2 Ky) |
So | Southern Reporter, (USA) 1887-1941 |
So 2d | Southern Reporter, Second Series (USA) 1941- |
So Afr LR | South African Law Reports 1947- |
So Afr LT | South African Law Times 1932-1936 |
So Afr Pr Cas | South African Prize Cases by Juta 1914-1918 |
So Aus LR | South Australian Law Reports 1865-1892; 1899-1921 |
Soc & LegalS | Social & Legal Studies |
Soc Sec Rep | Social Security Reporter |
Social Justice | Social Justice (Formerly Crime and Social Justice) |
Socio-Legal Bulletin | Socio Legal Bulletin (Formerly Socio-Legal Newsletter) |
SOE | State Owned Enterprise (NZ) |
Sol J | Solicitor's Journal |
Solar L Rep | Solar Law Reporter |
Southard | Southard's New Jersey Law Reports (New Jersey USA) 1816-1820 (4,5 NJL) |
Sov L & G | Soviet Law & Government |
SPAR | Parliamentary Library of South Australia, Adelaide |
Spaulding | Spaulding's Reports (Maine USA) (71-80 Me) |
Spc L | Socialist Lawyer |
Speers | Speers' (or Spears') South Carolina Law Reports (South Carolina USA) 1842-44 (28-29 SCL) |
Sp Ecc & Ad | Spinks Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Reports |
Speers Eq | Speers' (or Spears') South Carolina Equity Reports (South Carolina USA) 1842-44 (17 SC Eq) |
SPEL | Scottish Planning and Environmental Law |
Spenc | Spencer's New Jersey Law Reports (New Jersey USA) 1842-1846 (20 NJL) |
Spencer's Reports (Minnesota USA) (10-20 Minn) | |
SPJ | Senior Puisne Judge (Queensland) |
SPLB | South Pacific Law Bulletin |
SPLP | Scottish Planning Law & Practice |
SPLR | Scottish Parliament Law Review |
South Pacific Law Reports 1948-1950 | |
SPN | Ritchie's Supreme Court Procedure New South Wales |
Spoon | Spooner's Reports (Wisconsin USA) (12-15 Wis) |
Sports Law J | Sports Lawyers Journal |
SPQ | Queensland Supreme Court Practice |
Sprague | Sprague's US District Court (Admiralty) Decisions (USA) 1841-1864 (District of Massachusetts) |
SPTL Reporter | Society of Public Teachers of Law Reporter |
SQR | State Reports Queensland 1905- |
SR | Southern Rhodesia Law Reports 1911- |
Statutes of the Realm 1810-1824 | |
Statutory Regulations (NZ) 1936- | |
Statutory Rules (Commonwealth of Australia) 1901- | |
SR (NSW) | State Reports (New South Wales) 1901-1970 |
SR (NSW) B & P | State Reports (New South Wales) Bankruptcy and Probate 1901-1970 |
SR (NSW) Eq | State Reports (New South Wales) Equity 1901-1970 |
SR (WA) | The State Reports (Western Australia) 1980- |
SRB | Superannuation and Retirement Benefits in Australia |
SRC | Stuart's Appeal Cases (Quebec) 1810-1853 |
SREP | Sydney Regional Environmental Plan |
SRHCR | Southern Rhodesia High Court Reports 1911- |
Sri Lanka J Int'l L | Sri Lanka Journal of International Law |
SRI LR | Sri Lanka Law Reports 1978- |
SRLJ | Securities Regulation Law Journal |
SRQ | State Reports Queensland 1905- |
SSAT | Social Security Appeals / Administrative Tribunal |
SSC | State Services Commission (NZ) |
Supreme Court of South Australia Library, Adelaide | |
SSD | Soviet Statutes & Decisions |
SSI | Scottish Statutory Instrument |
SSLR | Straits Settlements Law Reports (Malaysia) 1867-1942 |
SSR | Social Security Reporter |
Abbreviation | Title |
St & Loc L News | State and Local Law News |
St J LR | St John's Law Review |
St. John's J Legal Comment | St. John's Journal of Legal Commentary |
St John's L Rev | St. John's Law Review |
St L ULJ | Saint Louis University Law Journal |
St Louis U Pub L Rev | Saint Louis University Public Law Review |
St Louis U J Health L & Pol'y (2008) | Saint Louis University Journal of Health Law & Policy |
St Louis-Warsaw Transatlantic LJ | Saint Louis-Warsaw Transatlantic Law Journal |
St Mary's LJ | St Mary's Law Journal |
St R Qd | Queensland State Reports 1902-1957 |
St RQ | State Reports Queensland 1902-1957 |
ST Rulings | Sales Tax Rulings |
St Thomas L Rev | St Thomas Law Review |
Stafford | Stafford's Reports (Vermont USA) (69-71 Vt) |
STAIR | Stair Society |
Stair Rep | Stair's Decisions, Court of Session (Scotland) 1661-1681 |
Stan Envtl LJ | Stanford Environmental Law Journal |
Stan J CR & CL | Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties |
Stan J Int'l L | Stanford Journal of International Law |
Stan JL Bus & Fin | Stanford Journal of Law, Business and Finance |
Stan L & Pol'y Rev | Stanford Law and Policy Review |
Stan LR | Stanford Law Review |
Stan Tech. L Rev | Stanford technology Law Review |
Stanton | Stanton's Reports (Ohio USA) (11-13 Ohio) |
Stark | Starkie's Nisi Prius Reports 1814-1822 |
Stat Dec | Statutory Declaration |
Stat LR | Statute Law Review |
State Tr | Howell's State Trials 1163-1820 |
State Tr (NS) | State Trials, New Series (Macdonnell) 1820-1858 |
STC | Sales Tax Cases (CCH) |
Simon's Tax Cases 1973- | |
Stellenbosch L Rev | Stellenbosch Law Review |
Steph | Stephens, Supreme Court Decisions (Jamaica) 1774-1923 |
Stevens & G | Stevens & Graham's Reports (Georgia USA) (98-139 Ga) |
Stew | Stewart's Reports (Alabama USA) 1827-1831 |
Stew & P | Stewart & Porter's Reports (Alabama USA) 1831-1834 |
Stew Eq | Stewart's New Jersey Equity Reports (New Jersey USA) 1877-1889 (28-45 NJ Eq) |
Stewart | Stewart's Reports (South Dakota USA) (1-10 SD) |
Stewart's Vice-Admiralty Reports (Nova Scotia) (Can) 1803-1813 | |
Stewart N Sc | Stewart's Nova Scotia Vice Admiralty Reports (Can) 1803-1813 |
STI | Simon's Tax Intelligence |
Stiles | Stiles' Reports (Iowa USA) (22-37 Iowa) |
Still Eccl Cas | Stillingfleet's Ecclesiastical Cases 1698-1704 |
Stiness | Stiness' Reports (Rhode Island USA) (20-34 RI) |
STL | Shipping and Trade Law |
Sto CC | Story's US1st Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1839-1845 |
Stockett | Stockett's Reports (Maryland USA) (27-79 Md) |
Stockt | Stockton's New Jersey Equity Reports (New Jersey USA) 1852-1858 (9-11 NJ Eq) |
Stop Press | New South Wales Bar Association Monthly Newsletter |
Story | Story's Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence |
Str Ev Cas | Strange's Cases of Evidence 1698-1752 |
Stra | Strange's King's Bench Reports 1716-1749 |
Strahan | Strahan's Reports (Oregon USA) (19 Ore) |
Stratton | Stratton's Reports (Oregon USA) (12-14, 19 Ore) |
Stringfellow | Stringfellow's Reports (Missouri USA) (9-11 Mo) |
Strob | Strobhart's South Carolina Law Reports (South Carolina USA) 1846-1850 (32-36 SCL) |
Strobhart's South Carolina Law Reports (South Carolina USA) 1846-1850 (32-36 SCL) | |
Strob Eq | Strobhart's South Carolina Equity Reports (South Carolina USA) 1846-1850 (20-23 SC Eq) |
Stu M & P | Stuart, Milne and Peddie's Court of Session Cases (Scotland) 1851-1853 |
Stuart | Stuart, Milne and Peddie's Court of Session Cases (Scotland) 1851-1853 |
Stuart Adm NS | Stuart's Lower Canada Vice-Admiralty Reports, New Series 1859-1874 |
Stuart KB | Stuart's Lower Canada King's Bench Reports (Quebec) 1810-1853 |
Stuart LCVA | Stuart's Lower Canada Vice-Admiralty Reports (Quebec) 1836-1874 |
Stud CLG | Studies in Comparative Local Government |
Stud Int'l Fin Econ & Tech L | Studies in International Financial, Economic, and Technology Law |
Stud Transnat'l Legal Pol'y | Studies in Transnational Legal Policy |
Student Law | Student Lawyer |
Sty | Style's King's Bench Reports 1646-1855 |
Su L Rev | Southern University Law Review |
SUBB Jurisprudentia | Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Jurisprudentia |
Suffolk U L Rev | Suffolk University Law Review |
SULR | Southern University Law Review |
SULSAA | Sydney University Law School Alumni Association |
Summerfield | Summerfield's Reports (Nevada USA) (21 Nev) |
Sumn | Sumner's US 1st Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1829-1839 |
Sustainable Dev L & Pol'y | Sustainable Development Law & Policy |
Sup Ct | Supreme Court |
Supreme Court Reporter (USA) 1882- | |
Sup Ct Econ Rev | Supreme Court Economic Review |
Sup Ct R | The Supreme Court Review |
Sup Ct Rep | Supreme Court Reporter (USA) 1882- |
Sup Ct Rev | Supreme Court Review |
Sup Rev | Super Review |
SUR - Int'l J. on Hum Rts | Sur - International Journal on Human Rights |
SUU | University of the South Pacific Library, Suva |
SYBI | Singapore Year Book of International Law |
SVAR | Stuart's Vice-Admiralty Reports (Quebec) 1836-1874 |
SW | South Western Reporter (USA) 1887-1928 |
Swabey's Admiralty Reports 1855-1859 | |
Sw & Tr | Swabey & Tristram's Ecclesiastical Reports 1858-1865 |
SW 2d | South Western Reporter, Second Series (USA) 1928- |
Sw J Int'l L | Southwestern Journal of International Law |
Sw JL & Trade Americas | Southwestern Journal of Law and Trade in the Americas |
Sw LJ | Southwestern Law Journal |
Sw UL Rev | Southwestern University Law Review |
SWA | Reports of the High Court of South West Africa 1920-1946 |
Swab Admr | Swabey's Admiralty Reports 1855-1859 |
SWAJB | South & Western Australia Judgments Bulletin |
Swan | Swan's Reports (Tennessee USA) 1851-1853 (31-32 Tenn) |
Swanston's Chancery Reports 1818-1819 | |
Swin | Swinton's Justiciary Reports (Scotland) 1835-1841 |
Syd Inst Crim Proc | University of Sydney Faculty of Law Proceedings of the Institute of Criminology (Succeeded by Current Issues in Criminal Justice) |
Syd L Rev | Sydney Law Review |
Syd LR | Sydney Law Review |
Syme | Syme's Justiciary Reports (Scotland) 1826-1830 |
Syr LR | Syracuse Law Review |
Syracuse J Int'L & Com | Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce |
Syracuse J Legis & Po | Syracuse Journal of Legislation and Policy |
Abbreviation | Title |
T | Circular Letters, of the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal, reprinted in: Durie, R & Catterns, D Broadcasting law and practice, LBC, 1987 |
Traffic Cases 1874- | |
Transvaal Provincial Division Reports (S Afr) 1910-1946 | |
T & M | Temple and Mew's Criminal Appeal Cases 1848-1851 |
T & T | Trial and Tort Trends |
Trusts and Trustees | |
T & T Sup | Trinidad and Tobago, Supreme Court Judgements 1893-1933 |
T Ct | Tax Court of the United States Reports (USA) 1942- |
T Jefferson L Rev | Thomas Jefferson Law Review |
T Jo | Sir T Jones' King's Bench Reports 1667-1685 |
T M Cooley L Rev | Thomas M. Cooley Law Review |
T Marshall L Rev | Thurgood Marshall Law Review |
T Raym | Sir T Raymond's King's Bench Reports 1660-1684 |
Table | Table (Journal of the Society of Clerks-at-the-Table in Commonwealth Parliament) |
TACSLR | Taylor's Australian Corporations & Securities Law Review Only one issue published |
TACT Review | The Association of Corporate Trustees Review |
TAD | Tax Action Digest |
TAI | Trends and Issues in Crime & Criminal Justice |
Tait | Tait's Index to the Court of Session Decisions (Scotland) 1540-1820 |
Taml | Tamlyn's Rolls Court Reports 1829-1830 |
Taney | Taney's US 4th Circuit Court Decisions (USA) 1836-1861 |
Tann | Tanner's Reports (Indiana USA) (8-14 Ind) |
Tanner's Reports (Utah USA) (13-17 Utah) | |
TAQ | The Aviation Quarterly |
TAR | Chartac Tax Action Report (New South Wales) |
Tarl | Tarleton Term Reports (New South Wales) 1881-1883 |
Tarl Term R | Tarleton Term Reports (NSW) 1881-1883 |
Tas Bldg App R | Tasmanian Building Appeal Reports 1967- |
Tas CCA | Tasmanian Court of Criminal Appeal |
Tas Irreg Notes | Tasmanian Irregular Notes |
Tas L Rev | University of Tasmania Law Review |
Tas LN | Tasmanian Law Newsletter |
Tas LR | Tasmanian Law Reports 1905-1940 |
Tas LRC | Tasmanian Law Reform Commission |
Tas Mining Bd | Tasmanian Mining Board |
Tas Planning App Bd | Tasmanian Planning Appeals Board |
Tas R | Tasmanian Reports 1979- |
Tas R (NC) | Tasmanian Reports (Notes of Cases) (To be found at back of each Volume of Tasmanian Reports) 1979- |
Tas SR | Tasmanian State Reports 1941-1978 |
Tas SR (NC) | Tasmanian State Reports (Notes of cases) (To be found at back of each Volume of Tasmanian State Reports) 1941-1978 |
Tas Uni L Rev | See Univ Tas LR |
Tas Univ LR | University of Tasmania Law Review |
TATO | Australian Taxation Office, Library, Hobart |
Taunt | Taunton's Common Pleas Reports 1808-1819 |
Tax | Taxation |
Tax & Inv | Tax and Investment |
Tax A | Tax Adviser |
Tax ABC | Tax Appeal Board Cases (Can) 1949-1971 |
Tax B | Tax Briefing |
Tax C | Tax Commentary |
Tax Cas | Reports of Tax Cases 1875- |
Tax Essays | Tax Essays |
Tax in Aust | Taxation in Australia |
Tax Int | Tax International |
Tax L | Tax Lawyer |
Tax LR | Tax Law Review |
Tax Mag | The Tax Magazine |
Tax N | Tax Notes |
Tax P | Taxation Practitioner |
Taxation | Taxation Journal |
Taxn in Aust | Taxation in Australia |
Tay | Taylor's North Carolina Reports (North Carolina USA) 1798-1802 (1 NC) |
Taylor's Upper Canada King's Bench Reports (Ontario, Can) 1823-1827 | |
Taylor | Taylor's North Carolina Term Reports (North Carolina USA) 1816-1818 (4 NC) |
TBR | Three Banks Review |
Taxation Board of Review | |
TBRD | Taxation Board of Review Decisions, 1950-1968 |
TBRD (NS) | Taxation Board of Review Decisions, New Series (LBC) 1950-1969 |
TC | Tax Cases 1875- |
Tax Court of the United States Reports, 1942- | |
TCL | The Capital Letter |
TCLR | Technology and Construction Law Reports |
Trade and Competition Law Reports (NZ) | |
TCLRS | The Complete Legal Research System (Consists of The Laws of Australia, Australian Digest 3rd ed, Australian Legal Monthly Digest |
TCO | Tariff Concession Orders |
TEL & P | Tolley's Employment Law and Practice |
TELJ | Technology and Entertainment Law Journal |
Tel Aviv U Stud L | Tel Aviv University Studies in Law |
TELL | Tolley's Employment Law-Line |
temp | Tempore (Latin) [in the time of] |
Temp & M | Temple & Mew's Crown Cases 1848-1851 |
Temp J Sci Tech & Envtl L | Temple Journal of Science, Technology & Environmental Law |
Temp LQ | Temple Law Quarterly |
Temp Wood | Manitoba Reports tempore Wood (Can) 1875-1883 |
Temple Envtl L & Tech J | Temple Environmental Law and Technology Journal |
Temple Int'l & Comp LJ | Temple International and Comparative Law Journal |
Temple L Rev | Temple Law Review |
Temple Pol & Civ Rts L Rev | Temple Political and Civil Rights Law Review |
Tenn | Tennessee (USA) |
Tennessee Reports (Tennessee USA) 1791-1971 | |
Tenn J L & Pol'y | Tennessee Journal of Law & Policy |
Tenn J Prac & Proc | Tennessee Journal of Practice & Procedure |
Tenn LR | Tennessee Law Review |
TEO Newsletter | Tax Education Office Newsletter (NZ) |
Term Rep | Durnford & East's Term Reports 1785-1800 |
Terr | Terrell's Reports (Texas USA) (52-71 Tex) |
Terr & Walk | Terrell & Walker's Reports (Texas USA) (38-51 Tex) |
Terr LJ | Territory Law Journal (NT Law Society) |
Terr LR | Territories Law Reports (NWT, Can) 1885-1907 |
Terry LJ | Territory Law Journal (NT Law Society) |
Terr Sea | Territorial Sea |
Tex | Texas (USA) |
Texas Reports (Texas USA) 1846-1962 | |
Tex Cr App | Texas Criminal Appeals Reports (Texas USA) 1876-1963 |
Tex Envtl LJ | Texas Environmental Law Journal |
Tex Hispanic JL & Pol'y | Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy |
Tex ILJ | Texas International Law Journal |
Tex J Bus L | Texas Journal of Business Law |
Tex J Oil Gas & Energy L | Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, and Energy Law |
Tex J Women & L | Texas Journal of Women and the Law |
Tex Intell Prop LJ | Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal |
Tex LR | Texas Law Review |
Tex Rev Ent & Sports L | Texas Review of Entertainment & Sports Law |
Tex Rev L & Pol | Texas Review of Law and Politics |
Tex Tech Admin LJ | Texas Tech Administrative Law Journal |
Tex Tech L Rev | Texas Tech Law Review |
Tex Wesleyan L Rev | Texas Wesleyan Law Review |
TFIAPF | Tax planning International Asia-Pacific Focus |
TFM | Testators Family Maintenance (Largely replaced in Australia by Family Provision Legislation) |
TGA News | TGA News (Therapeutic Goods Administration, Canberra) |
TGACC | Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code Council |
TH | Reports of the Witwatersrand High Court (Transvaal S Afr) 1902-1910 |
Thacher Cr Cas | Thacher's Criminal Cases (Massachusetts USA) 1823-1842 |
Thayer | Thayer's Reports (Oregon USA) (18 Ore) |
Themis | Revue Juridique Themis de l'Universite de Montreal (Can) 1966 |
Theoretical Inq L | Theoretical Inquiries in Law |
Thom | Thomson's Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1834-1851; 1856-1859 |
Thom & Fr | Thomas and Franklin's Chancery Reports (Maryland USA) (1 Md Ch) |
Thomps Cas | Thompson's Cases (Tennessee USA) 1913-1926 (128-153 Tenn) |
Thompson | Thompson's Reports (California USA) (39-40 Cal) |
Thor | Thorington's Reports (Alabama USA) (107 Ala) |
Thorpe | Thorpe's Louisiana Annual Reports (Louisiana USA) 1900 (52 La Ann) |
THRHR | Tydskrif vir Heedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg (S Afr) 1948- |
TI | Tax Notes International |
TIA | Taxation In Australia (blue edition) |
Taxation in Australia (red edition) | |
Taxation Institute of Australia | |
TIAC | Taxation Institute of Australia National Conventions, Papers & Commentaries |
TIAIS | Taxation Institute of Australia Intensive Seminar Papers |
TIARE | Taxation in Australia (red edition) |
TIC | Tasmanian Industrial Commission |
Ticket of Leave | Ticket of Leave (Macquarie University Law Society) |
Tiff | Tiffany's Reports (New York USA) 1867-1868 (28-39 NY Ct App) |
Tij R | Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgescheidenis (Neth) |
Tilburg L Rev | Tilburg Law Review |
TIND | Tasmanian Industrial Commission Library, Hobart |
TJR | The Judicial Review (Judicial Commission of NSW) |
TL | Reports of the Witwatersrand Local Division of the Supreme Court (S Afr) 1910-46 |
TL & P | Trust Law and Practice (Tolley, UK - now Trust Law International 1990) |
TL & PR | Telecommunications Law & Policy Review |
TLA | Dept of Justice (Tasmania) DM Chambers Library, Hobart |
The Laws of Australia | |
TLFB | Law Foundation of Tasmania, North West Library, Burnie |
TLFH | Law Foundation of Tasmania, Southern Law Library, Hobart |
TLFL | Law Foundation of Tasmania, Launceston Law Library |
TLJ | Torts Law Journal |
Travel Law Journal | |
TLN | Tasmanian Law Newsletter |
TLP | Transport Law and Policy |
TLPR | Australian Telecommunications Law & Policy Review |
TLR | Tanganyika Law Reports 1921-52 |
Tasmanian Law Reports 1905-40 | |
The Times Law Reports 1884-1952 | |
Tongan Law Review | |
Tort Law Review | |
Tulane Law Review | |
TLS | Times Literary Supplement |
TM Cooley J Prac & Clinical L | Thomas M. Cooley Journal of Practical and Clinical Law |
TMIF | Tax Management International Forum |
TMIJ | Tax Management International Journal |
TMN | Tax Matters Newsletter (Australian Tax Research Foundation) |
TMR | Trade Mark Reporter |
TNI | Tax Notes International |
TNS | Tax News Service (International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation, Amsterdam) |
Tobey | Tobey's Reports (Rhode Island USA) (9-10 RI) |
TOL | Ticket of Leave (Macquarie University Law Society) |
Tol J Great Lakes' L Sci & Pol'y | Toledo Journal of Great Lakes' Law, Science & Policy |
TOM | Ombudsman (Tasmania) Law Library, Hobart |
Toml Cas | Tomlin's Election Cases 1689-1795 |
Tong LR | Tonga Law Reports |
Tonga LR | Tonga Law Reports 1990- |
Tort & Ins LJ | Tort and Insurance Law Journal |
Tort & Med YB | Tort and Medical Yearbook |
Tort L Rev | Tort Law Review |
Tort LR | Tort Law Review |
Tort Trial & Ins Prac LJ | Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Law Journal |
Toth | Tothill's Transactions in Chancery 1550-1646 |
TOTR | Tolley's Overseas Tax Reporter |
Touro Int'l L Rev | Touro International Law Review |
Touro L Rev | Touro Law Review |
Town St Tr | Townsend, Modern State Trials 1850 |
Toxic | Toxic (Ecol Data P/L, Everton Park, Qld) |
TP | Trade Practices |
TP & LG | Town Planning and Local Government Guide |
TPA | Trade Practices Act 1974 (Clth) |
TPAA (NZ) | Trade Practices Appeal Authority (NZ) |
TPAT | Town Planning Appeals Tribunal (WA) |
TPC | Trade Practices Cases 1977-1982 |
TPC Bulletin | Trade Practices Commission Bulletin |
TPCB | Trade Practices Commission Bulletin |
TPCD | Trade Practices Commission Decisions and Determinations 1977-1982 |
TPCDD | Trade Practices Commissions Decisions and Determinations 1977-1982 |
TPD | Police Dept (Tasmania) Library |
South African Law Reports, Transvaal Provincial Division (S Afr) 1910-1946 | |
TPG | Town Planning and Local Government Guide |
TPIEUF | Tax Planning International European Union Focus |
TPIR | Tax Planning International Review |
TPITP | Tax Planning International Transfer Pricing |
TPLB | Trade Practices Law Bulletin - continued Australian and New Zealand Trade Practices Advertising and Marketing Law Bulletin; known as AMLB |
TPLGG | Town Planning and Local Government Guide |
TPLJ | Trade Practices Law Journal (continued by Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law) |
TPP | Australian Tenancy Practice and Precedents |
TPR | Trade Practices Reports 1982-1983 |
TPRS | Trade Practices Reporting Service 1976-1982 |
TPT | Trade Practices Tribunal |
TPTS | Tolley's Practical Tax |
TR | Durnford & East's Term Reports 1785-1800 |
Tax Rulings | |
Taxation Reports 1939- | |
Tr & Est | Trusts and Estates |
Tr Law | Trading Law and Trading Law Reports |
Tr LR | Trading Law Reports 1893- |
Trinidad Law Reports 1893- | |
TRA | Takeovers and Reconstructions in Australia |
Taxation Review Authority (NZ) | |
Trad L | Trading Law |
Trade Cas | Trade Cases (USA) 1944- |
Trademark World | Trademark World |
Traff Cas | Traffic Cases Decided by the Transport Tribunal 1874- |
Trans L & P | Transport Law and Policy |
Trans LJ | Transportation Law Journal |
Transnat'l L & Contemp Probs | Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems |
Transnat'l Law | Transnational Lawyer |
Transp LJ | Transportation Law Journal |
Trav Com Ref | Travaux de la Commission de Reforme du Code Civil |
Tread | Treadway's South Carolina Constitutional Reports (South Carolina USA) 1812-16 (6-7 SCL) |
Trem PC | Tremaine's Pleas of the Crown 1723 |
Trends L Libr Mgmt & Tech | Trends in Law Library Management and Technology |
Trent LJ | Trent Law Journal |
Trib | Tribunal |
Tribal LJ | Tribal law Journal |
Trinity CL Rev | Trinity College Law Review |
TRIPS | The GATT Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights |
Trist | Tristram's Consistory Judgments 1872-1890 |
TRNZ | Tax Reports (NZ; Continues NZTBR) |
Tru | Trueman's Equity Cases (New Brunswick) (Can) 1876-1893 |
Tru & ELJ | Trusts and Estates Law Journal |
Trusts and Estates Tax Law Journal | |
Tru LI | Trust Law International (Tolley, UK - formerly Trust Law and Practice) |
TS | Reports of the Supreme Court of the Transvaal (S Afr) 1902-1910 |
Treaty Series | |
TSCJ | Supreme Court of Tasmania, Judges Library, Hobart |
TTB | Terbitan Tak Berkala 1990- |
TTI | Tolley's Tax Investigation |
Tulane Tax Institute | |
TTLR | Tanganyika Territory Law Reports 1921-1947 |
TTR | Tarleton's Term Reports (NSW) 1881-1883 |
Trust Territory Reports 1951-1979 (Trust Territory of Pacific Islands now Micronesia and Marshall Islands) | |
TU L | University of Tasmania Law Library, Hobart |
Tuck | Tucker's Reports (Massachusetts USA) (156-175 Mass) |
Tucker's Select Cases (Newfoundland) 1817-1828 | |
Tuck Sel Cas | Tucker's Select Cases (Newfoundland) 1817-1828 |
Tudor LC Merc Law | Tudor's Leading Cases on Mercantile and Maritime Law |
Tul CLF | Tulane Civil Law Forum |
Tul Envtl LJ | Tulane Environmental Law Journal |
Tul Eur & Civ LF | Tulane European and Civil Law Forum |
Tul J Comp & Int'l L | Tulsa Journal of Comparative & International Law |
Tul J Tech & Intell Prop | Tulane Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property |
Tul LR | Tulane Law Review |
Tul Mar LJ | Tulane Maritime Law Journal |
Tulsa J Int'l & Comp L | Tulsa Journal of International and Comparative Law |
Tulsa L Rev | Tulsa Law Review |
Tulsa LJ | Tulsa Law Journal |
Tur | Turner's Reports (Arkansas USA) (35-48 Ark) |
Turner's Reports (Kentucky USA) (99-101 Ky) | |
Turn & R | Turner and Russell's Chancery Reports 1822-1824 |
Tuttle & C | Tuttle & Carpenter's Reports (California USA) (52 Cal) |
TW | Trademark World |
TWU | Transport Workers' Union of Australia |
Tyler | Tyler's Reports (Vermont USA) 1800-1803 |
Tyng | Tyng's Reports (Massachusetts USA) 1806-1820 (2-17 Mass) |
Tyr | Tyrwhitt's Exchequer Reports 1830-1835 |
Tyr & Gr | Tyrwhitt and Granger's Exchequer Reports 1835-1836 |