Abbreviation | Title |
L & A | Law and Anthropology |
L & C | Law and Critique |
L & Comp Tech | Law & Computer Technology |
L & CP | Law & Contemporary Problems |
L & G t Plunk | Lloyd and Goold's Irish Chancery Cases tempore Plunkett 1834-1839 |
L & J | Law and Justice |
L & Phil | Law and Philosophy |
L & Soc Rev | Law and Society Review |
L & T Review | Landlord and Tenant Review |
L & TR | Landlord and Tenant Reports |
L & Welsb | Lloyd and Welsby's Commercial and Mercantile Cases 1829-1830 |
L (EPT) | Excess Profits Tax Leaflets |
L (TC) | Income Tax Leaflets |
L COMP T | Law and Computer Technology |
L Exr (Newspr Tas) | Launceston Examiner Reports (Tasmania) |
L Guard | Law Guardian |
L Inst J | Law Institute Journal |
L Jo | Law Journal Newspaper 1866-1965 |
L Off Econ & Man | Law Office Economics & Management |
L Pop | Law & Population Monograph Series |
L Soc B | Law Society Bulletin (South Australia) |
L Soc Gaz | Law Society Gazette |
L Soc J | Law Society Journal |
L Soc N | Law & Society Newsletter |
L Soc Q | Law & Society Quarterly |
Law & Soc'y Rev | Law & Society Review |
L Th | La Themis (Quebec, Can) 1879-1883 |
LA | Lawyers Reports Annotated (USA) 1888-1906 |
Louisiana (USA) | |
Louisiana Reports (USA) 1830-1841; 1900-1972 | |
LA (NS) | Lawyers Reports Annotated, New Series (USA) 1906-1914 |
LA 3d | Lawyers Reports Annotated, Third Series (USA) 1915-1918 |
La Ann | Louisiana Annual Reports (Louisiana USA) 1846-1900 |
La L J | Louisiana Law Journal |
La LR | Louisiana Law Review |
La Raza LJ | La Raza Law Journal |
Lab Ind | Labour and Industry |
Lab Law | Labor Lawyer |
Lab LJ | Labor Law Journal |
Lab R | Labour Report |
LABL | Australian Company Secretary's Business Law Manual (CCH) |
Labor LJ | Labor Law Journal |
LAC | Labour Arbitration Cases (Can) 1948-1972 |
LAC (Can) | Labour Arbitration Cases (Can) 1948-1972 |
LACB | Legal Aid Clearinghouse Bulletin |
LACC | Land Appeal Court Cases (NSW) 1890-1912 |
Ladd | Ladd Reports (New Hampshire USA) (59-64 NH) |
LAG | Legal Action Group |
LAG B | LAG Bulletin |
LAI | Law and Inequality |
LAL | Local Authority Law |
Lalor | Lalor's Supplement to Hill and Denio's Reports (New York USA) 1842-1844 |
Lamar | Lamar's Reports (Florida USA) (25-42 Fla) |
Lamb | Lamb's Reports (Wisconsin USA) (103-105 Wis) |
Land & Water L Rev | Land & Water Law Review |
Land App Ct Cas | Land Appeal Court Cases (NSW) 1890-1912 |
Land L Serv | Land Laws Service (NSW) (LBC) |
Lans | Lansing's Chancery Reports (New York USA) 1824-1826 |
Lap Dec | Laperriere's Speaker's Decisions (Can) 1841-1872 |
LAR | Labour Arbitration Reports (USA) 1946- |
Legal Aid Review | |
Lat | Latch's King's Bench Reports 1625-1628 |
LATE | Local Authority Trading Enterprise (NZ) |
Lath | Lathrop's Reports (Massachusetts USA) (115-145 Mass) |
Laur | Laurence's Reports of the High Court of Griqualand (S Afr) 1882-1910 |
Laur HC Ca | Laurence's Reports of the High Court of Griqualand (S Afr) 1882-1910 |
Laura | Laura (La Trobe University Legal Studies Students Association) |
Laurence | Laurence's Reports of the High Court of Griqualand (S Afr) 1882-1910 |
LAW | Law of Electronic Commerce |
Law & Banker & Cent L J | Lawyer and Banker and Central Law Journal |
Law & Bus Rev Am | Law and Business Review of the Americas |
Law & Crit | Law and Critique |
Law & Equity Rep | Law and Equity Reporter |
Law & Hist Rev | Law and History Review |
Law & Ineq | Law and Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice |
law & Just | Law and Justice |
Law & Lab | Law and Labor |
Law & Literature | Law and Literature |
Law & Prac Int'l Cts & Tribunals | Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals |
Law & Soc Inquiry | Law and Social Inquiry |
Law & Soc’y Rev | Law & Society Review |
Law & Soc'y J UCSB | Law and Society Journal at the University of California, Santa Barbara |
Law & Tax R | Law and Tax Review |
Law Alert | Law Alert (CCH) |
Law & Pol'y | Law & Policy |
Law and Policy Papers | Law and Policy Papers |
Law and Pol'y Int'l Bus | Law and Policy in International Business |
Law & Psychol Rev | Law & Psychology Review |
Law & Sexuality: Rev Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Legal Issues |
Law & Sexuality: A Review of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Legal Issues |
Law Chr | Law Chronicle or Journal of Jurisprudence (Scotland) 1829-1832 |
Law Cont Probl | Law and Contemporary Problems |
Law Council Newsl | Law Council Newsletter |
Law in Cont | Law in Context (La Trobe University) |
Law in Eur | Lawyers in Europe |
Law Inst J | Law Institute Journal |
Law Letter | Law Letter - Newsletter of the Law Society of Tasmania |
Law Lib | Law Librarian |
Law Lib J | Law Library Journal |
Law Libr Lights | Law Library Lights |
Law Mag | Law Magazine |
Law Mag & Rev Quart Rev Juris | Law Magazine and Review: A Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence |
Law, Prob & Ris | Law, Probability and Risk |
Law Reg Cas | Lawson's Registration Cases (Ireland) 1885-1914 |
Law Rev Mich St U-Det CL | Law Review of Michigan State University Detroit College of Law |
L Rev & QJ Brit & Foreign Jurisprudence (1855-1856) |
Law Review, and Quarterly Journal of British and Foreign Jurisprudence |
Law Soc ACT Gaz | Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory Gazette |
Law Soc ACT NL | Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory Newsletter |
Law Soc Bull | Law Society Bulletin (SA) |
Law Soc Gaz | Law Society Gazette |
Law Soc J | Law Society Journal (NSW) |
Law Soc Tas NL | Law Society of Tasmania Newsletter |
Law Teach | Law Teacher |
Law/Tech | Law/Technology (World Peace through Law Center) |
Lawasia | Lawasia (Butt) |
Lawasia (NS) | Lawasia (New Series) (University of Technology, Sydney) |
Lawasia CLB | Lawasia Commercial Law Bulletin |
Lawasia HRB | Lawasia Human Rights Bulletin |
Lawasia Newsletter NS | Lawasia Newsletter New Series |
Lawlink | Lawlink (Lawlink Group, New Zealand) |
Lawrence | Lawrence's Reports (Ohio USA) (20 Ohio) |
Laws Reg Cas | Lawson's Irish Registration Cases 1885-1914 |
Lawtalk | Lawtalk (New Zealand Law Society) |
Lawyer | Victorian Young Lawyers |
LB Co's Indus Arb Ser (Curr Rev) | Law Book Co's Industrial Arbitration Service (Current Review) |
LBC Newsletter | Law Book Company Ltd Newsletter |
LBEB | Lloyds Bank Economic Bulletin |
LBR | Lloyds Bank Review |
LC | Lord Chancellor |
LC & AI | Law, Computers and Artificial Intelligence |
LC & M Gaz | Local Courts and Municipal Gazette (Can) 1865-1872 |
LC News | Law Centres News |
LCA | Law Council of Australia |
LCA Newsletter | Law Council of Australia Newsletter |
LCABLS Bull | Law Council of Australia Business Law Section Bulletin |
LCB | Lord Chief Baron (Exchequer) |
LCC (NSW) | Land Appeal Court Cases (NSW) 1890-1921 |
LCCLR | Lawasia : Comparative Constitutional Law Newsletter |
LCCN | Local Court Procedure New South Wales (Butt) |
LCF | Lawyers Christian Fellowship (NSW) |
LCJ | Lower Canada Jurist |
LCLJ | Lower Canada Law Journal |
LCN | Law Council Newsletter |
LCP | Law and Contemporary Problems |
LCR | Land Compensation Reports (Can) 1970- |
Lower Canada Reports (1850-1867) | |
LD | Legal Director |
Ld Raym | Lord Raymond's King's Bench Reports 1694-1732 |
LDAB | Leading Decisions Affecting Bankers (published by Institute of Bankers, London) 1879- |
LDB | Leading Decisions Affecting Bankers (published by Institute of Bankers, London) 1879- |
Legal Decisions Affecting Bankers 1879- | |
LE | Lawyers' Edition, US Supreme Court Reports |
Lawyers' Europe | |
Le & Ca | Leigh and Cave's Crown Cases Reserved 1861-1865 |
LE 2d | Lawyers' Edition, US Supreme Court Reports, Second Series |
Lea | Lea's Reports (Tennessee USA) 1878-1886 (69-84 Tenn) |
LEAC | Law Enforcement Advisory Committee |
Leach | Leach's Cases in Crown Law 1730-1815 |
LEAD | Law Environment and Development Journal |
LEADR | LEADR Brief (Lawyers Engaged in Alternative Dispute Resolution, Aust & NZ) |
LEAN | Law Enforcement Access Network |
LEANZ | Law and Economics Association of New Zealand |
Learning & L | Learning and the Law |
LEC | Land and Environment Court (NSW) |
Lee | Lee's Reports (California USA) (9-12 Cal) |
Lee t Hard | Lee's King's Bench Cases tempore Hardwicke 1733-1738 |
Leese | Leese's Reports (Nebraska USA) (26 Neb) |
Leg Iss Euro Integ | Legal Issues of European Integration |
Leg Rep | Legal Reporter (Aust) 1980- |
Legal Reporter (Ireland) 1840-1843 | |
Leg Rep SL | Legal Reporter Special Leave Supplement |
Leg S | Legal Studies |
Leg SB | Legal Service Bulletin |
Leg Serv Bull | Legal Service Bulletin |
Leg Th | Legal Theory |
Legal Educ Rev | Legal Education Review |
Legal Issues of Econ Integration | Legal Issues of Economic Integration |
Legal O | Legal Opinion (Pakistan) |
Legal Rep | Legal Reporter |
Legal Stud F | Legal Studies Forum |
Leg Eth | Legal Ethics |
Legge | Legge's Supreme Court Cases (NSW) 1825-1862 |
Legn | Legislation |
Leigh | Leigh's Reports (Virginia USA) 1829-1842 (28-39 Va) |
LEN | Land and Environment Notes (NSW) |
Leon | Leonard's Reports 1540-1615 |
LEP | Local Environment Plan |
LEPR | Law Enforcement Policy and Resources Committee |
LER | Legal Education Review |
LES | Licensing Executives Society Australia & New Zealand |
Les LJ | Lesotho Law Journal |
Les Nouvelles | Les Nouvelles Journal of the Licensing Executives Society |
Lester | Lester's Reports (Georgia USA) (31-33 Ga) |
Lev | Levine's King's Bench and Common Pleas Reports 1660-1697 |
Lew CC | Lewin's Crown Cases Reserved 1822-1838 |
Lewis | Lewis Reports (Nevada USA) (1 Nev) |
Lewis & Clark L Rev | Lewis & Clark Law Review |
Lex Sci | Lex et Scientia |
LEXIS Brief | LEXIS Brief (Butt) |
LG | Law Guardian |
LG & L | Local Government and Law |
LG Rev | Local Government Review |
LGATR (NSW) | Local Government Appeals Tribunal Reports of NSW |
LGB | Local Government Bulletin |
LGCt (Qld) | Local Government Court (Qld) |
LGCt (Vic) | Local Government Court (Vic) |
LGERA | Local Government and Environmental Reports of Australia (Formerly LGRA) 1993- |
LGLJ | Local Government Law Journal |
LGLR | Local Government Law Reports |
LGM | Local Government management |
LGN | Local Government Planning and Environment New South Wales |
LGPLG | Local Government & Planning Law Guide |
LGR | Knight's Local Government Reports (Continues the above from 1974-) |
Local Government Reports 1903-1972 | |
LGR (NSW) | Local Government Reports (NSW) (LBC) 1911-1956 |
LGRA | Local Government Reports of Australia 1956-1993 |
LGRT | Local Government Remuneration Tribunal (NSW) |
LI | Lawyer International |
LIAC | Legal Information Access Centre (State Library of NSW) |
Lib Ass | Liber Assisarum, (Book of Assizes) Year Books 1327-1377 |
Liberia SCR | Liberian Law Reports |
Liberty U L Rev | Liberty University Law Review |
LIC | Law in Context |
LII | Life Insurance International |
LIJ | Law in Japan |
Law Institute Journal | |
LIL | Low Income Law |
LIM | Legal information Management |
LIN | Law Institute News (Law Institute of Victoria) |
Lincoln L Rev | Lincoln Law Review |
LINX | Legal Index (Auckland District Law Society Library; available on Kiwinet) |
LIS | Legal Information Service (NZ) |
Lit | Litigation |
Litt | Littell's Reports (Kentucky USA) 1822-1824 (11-15 Ky) |
Litt Rep | Littleton's Common Pleas Reports 1626-1632 |
Litt Sel Cas | Littell's Selected Cases (Kentucky USA)1795-1821 (16 Ky) |
LIV | Law Institute of Victoria |
Liverpool LR | Liverpool Law Review |
LJ | Law Journal |
Lord Justice (Court of Appeal; Court of Appeal in Chancery) | |
LJ Adm | Law Journal Reports, Admiralty, New Series 1865-1875 |
LJ Bcy | Law Journal Reports, Bankruptcy, New Series 1832-1880 |
LJ Ch | Law Journal Reports, Chancery, New Series 1831-1846 |
LJ Ch (OS) | Law Journal Reports, Old Series 1822-1831 |
LJ Eccl | Law Journal Reports, Ecclesiastical Cases, New Series 1866-1875 |
LJ Ex | Law Journal Reports, Exchequer, New Series 1831-1875 |
LJ Ex Eq | Law Journal Reports, Exchequer in Equity 1835-1841 |
LJ Rep NS | Law Journal Reports, New Series 1831-1946 |
LJ Rep OS | Law Journal Reports, Old Series 1822-1831 |
LJCCA | Law Journal County Court Appeals |
LJCCR | Law Journal County Courts Reporter 1912-1933 |
LJCP | Law Journal Reports, Common Pleas, New Series 1831-1875 |
LJI | Legal Journals Index |
LJKB | Law Journal Reports, King's Bench, New Series 1831-1946 |
LJMC | Law Journal Reports, Magistrates' Cases, New Series 1831-1896 |
LJNC | Law Journal, Notes of Cases 1866-1892 |
LJNCCR | Law Journal County Court Reports |
LJOS | Law Journal Reports Old Series 1822-1831 |
LJP | Law Journal Reports New Series Probate, Divorce and Admiralty 1875-1946 |
LJP & M | Law Journal Reports, New Series Probate, Matrimonial Cases 1866-1875 |
LJPC | Law Journal Reports, New Series, Privy Council 1865-1946 |
LJPD & A | Law Journal Reports, New Series, Probate Divorce and Admiralty 1875-1946 |
LJPM & A | Law Journal Reports, New Series Probate, Matrimonial and Admiralty 1860-1865 |
LJQB | Law Journal Reports, New Series, Queen's Bench 1831-1946 |
LJR | Law Journal Reports 1947-9 |
LL | Law Librarian |
Looseleaf or Loose-leaf (pages/Service) | |
Ll & G t P | Lloyd & Goold's Irish Chancery Reports tempore Plunkett (Ireland) 1834-1839 |
Ll & G t S | Lloyd & Goold's Irish Chancery Reports tempore Sugden (Ireland) 1835 |
Ll & W | Lloyd & Welsby's Commercial and Mercantile Cases 1829-1830 |
Ll LL Rep | Lloyd's List Law Reports 1919-1950 |
Ll MCLQ | Lloyd's Maritime & Commercial Law Quarterly |
Ll Rep | Lloyd's Law Reports 1968- |
LLA | Liquor Licensing Authority (NZ) |
LLB | Lee & Li Bulletin |
LLBR | Licensing Law and Business Report |
LLJ | Labour Law Journal (India) 1949- |
LLJ | Law Library Journal |
Lloyd Pr Cas | Lloyd's Prize Cases Reports 1914-1924 |
Lloyd Pr Cas NS | Lloyd's List Prize Cases Reports, Second Series 1939-1953 |
Lloyd's Rep | Lloyd's Law Reports 1968- |
Lloyd's List Law Reports 1919-1967 | |
Lloyd's Rep Med | Lloyd's Reports: Medical |
LLR | Leader Law Reports (SAfr) 1909-1910 |
Liberian Law Reports | |
LLS | Land Laws Service (LBC) |
LM & P | Lowndes, Maxwell & Pollocks Bail Court and Practice Reports 1850-1851 |
LMCLQ | Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly |
LMCS Reports | Legal Management Consultancy Services' Law Practice Management Newsletter |
LMD | Legal Monthly Digest |
LMELR | Land Management and Environmental Law Reporter |
LML Newsletter | Lloyd's Maritime Law Newsletter |
LMN | London Market Newsletter |
LN | Law Notes |
Legal News (Can) 1878-1897 | |
Licensing Laws of NSW | |
LNTS | League of Nations Treaty Series 1920-1946 |
Abbreviation | Title |
Lock Rev Cas | Lockwood's Reversed Cases (New York USA) 1799-1847 |
LOEM | Law Office Economics & Management |
Lofft | Lofft's King's Bench Reports 1772-1774 |
LOIS | Legal Office Information Service |
Long & T | Longfield and Townsend's Exchequer Reports (Ire) 1841-1842 |
Lou L Rev | Louisiana Law Review |
Low | Lowell's US District Court Reports (USA) 1865-1876 (District of Massachusetts) |
Lown & M | Lowndes & Maxwell's Bail Court Reports 1852-1854 |
Lownd M & P | Lowndes, Maxwell & Pollock's Bail Court Reports 1850-1851 |
Loy Consumer L Rev | Loyola Consumer Law Review |
Loy J Pub Int L | Loyola Journal of Public Interest Law |
Loy L A Ent L Rev | Loyola of Los Angeles Entertainment Law Review |
Loy L J | Loyola Law Journal (New Orleans) |
Loy LA Ent LJ | Loyola of Los Angeles Entertainment Law Journal |
Loy LA L Rev | Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review |
Loy LA Int'l & Comp L Rev | Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review |
Loy L Rev | Loyola Law Review |
Loy L & Tech Ann | Loyola Law and Technology Annual |
Loy Mar L J | Loyola Maritime Law Journal |
Loy Poverty LJ | Loyola Poverty Law Journal |
Loy U Chi Int'l L Rev | Loyola University Chicago International Law Review |
Loy U Chi LJ | Loyola University Chicago Law Journal |
LP | Lord President |
LPDAT | Legal Practitioners' Disciplinary Appeal Tribunal (WA) |
LPDR | Legal Profession Disciplinary Reports (supplements to the Law Society Journal) 1991- |
LPDT | Legal Profession Disciplinary Tribunal (NSW) |
New Zealand Law Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal | |
LPIB | Law and Policy in International Business |
LPLI | Lloyd's Product Liability International |
LPM | Law Practice Management Newsletter |
LPT | Legal Practice Tribunal |
LPU | Legal Practices Update |
LQR | Law Quarterly Review |
LQUT | Queensland Unit & Group Titles Law & Practice (CCH) |
LR | Law Recorder (Ireland) 1827-1838 |
Law Reports 1865- | |
Licensing Review | |
The Law Review | |
LR (NSW) | New South Wales Law Reports 1880-1900 |
LR (NSW) B&P | New South Wales Law Reports, Bankruptcy and Probate (NSW) 1880-1900 |
LR (NSW) D | New South Wales Law Reports, Divorce 1880-1900 |
LR (NSW) Eq | New South Wales Law Reports, Equity 1880-1900 |
LR (NSW) Vic-Adm | New South Wales Law Reports, Vice-Admiralty 1880-1900 |
LR Dig | Law Reports, Digest of Cases |
LR Eq | Law Reports, Equity Cases 1865-1875 |
LR Exch | Law Reports, Exchequer 1865-1875 |
LR Ind App | Law Reports, Indian Appeals 1872-1875 |
LR Ind App Supp | Law Reports, Indian Appeals Supplement 1872-1875 |
LR Ir | Law Reports (Ireland) 1878-1893 |
LR NSW | New South Wales Law Reports 1880-1900 |
LR Prob Div | Law Reports, Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division 1865-1875 |
LR Sc & Div | Law Reports, Scotch and Divorce Appeals 1866-1875 |
LR Stat | Law Reports Statutes |
LRA | Lawyers' Reports Annotated |
LRA & E | Law Reports, Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Cases 1865-1875 |
LRANZ | Legal Research in Australia and New Zealand (Australian National University - Previously Legal Research Newsletter 1992-1993) |
LRB | Law Reports of the Bahamas |
LRC | Law Reform Commission (various Jurisdictions) |
Law Reports of the Commonwealth 1993- | |
LRC (Comm) | Law Reports of the Commonwealth, Commercial Law Reports 1985-1992 |
LRC (Const) | Law Reports of the Commonwealth, Constitutional and Administrative Law Reports 1985-1992 |
LRC (Crim) | Law Reports of the Commonwealth, Criminal Law Reports 1985-1992 |
LRCCR | Law Reports, Crown Cases Reserved 1865-1875 |
LRCP | Law Reports, Common Pleas 1865-1875 |
LRF | Legal Research Foundation (NZ) |
LRHL | Law Reports, English and Irish Appeals and Peerage Claims, House of Lords 1866-1875 |
LRIA | Law Reports, Indian Appeals 1872-1875 |
LRMCNS | Law Reports, Magistrates Cases, New Series |
LRLR | Lloyd's Reinsurance Law Reports |
LRP | Law Reports of Palestine |
LRP & D | Law Reports, Probate and Divorce Cases 1865-1875 |
LRPC | Law Reports, Privy Council 1865-1875 |
LRPD | Law Reports, Probate Division 1875-1890 |
LRQB | Law Reports, Queen's Bench 1865-1875, 1891- |
Quebec Official Reports, Queen's Bench (Can) 1942- | |
LRQBD | Law Reports Queen's Bench Division 1875-1890 |
LRRP | Law Reports, Restrictive Practices Cases 1958-1972 |
LRSA | South Australia Law Reports 1865-1892, 1899-1920 |
LRT | Tanzanian Law Reports |
LS | Law & State |
Legal Studies | |
LS Gaz | Law Society Gazette |
LS Judg Sch | Law Society Judgment Scheme (SA) |
LSB | Legal Service Bulletin |
LSB (SA) | Law Society Bulletin (SA) |
LSEC | Australian Company Secretary's Practice Manual (CCH: changed title to Australian Corporate Practice Manual from 1995) |
LSG | Legal Services Group |
Law Society Gazette | |
LSJ | Law Society Journal (NSW) |
LSJS | Law Society of South Australia Judgment Scheme |
LSPP | Step-by-Step Precedents & Procedures - Companies, Trusts, Superannuation Funds (CCH) |
LSQ | Legislative Studies Quarterly |
LSR | Locus Standi Reports |
LT | Law Times Reports 1859-1947 |
The Law Teacher | |
LT Jo | Law Times 1843-1965 |
LT Rulings | Land Tax Rulings (CCH) |
LTC | Law/Text/Culture |
LTJ | Law Technology Journal |
LTNS | Law Times Reports, New Series 1859-1947 |
LTO | Land Titles Office |
Land Titles Office (NZ) | |
LTOS | Law Times Reports, Old Series 1843-1859 |
LTPE | Taxation Precedents, Procedures and Elections (CCH) |
LTR | Law Times Reports |
Lud EC | Luder's Election Cases 1784-7 |
Ludd | Ludden's Reports (Maine USA) (43, 44 Me) |
Lumley PLC | Lumley's Poor Law Cases 1834-1842 |
Lumpkin | Lumpkin's Reports (Georgia USA) (59-77 Ga) |
Lush | Lushington's Admiralty Reports 1859-1862 |
Lut | Lutwyche's Entries and Reports, Common Pleas 1682-1704 |
Lut Reg Cas | A J Lutwyche's Registration Cases 1843-1453 |
Lutw | E Lutwyche's Entries and Reports, Common Pleas 1682-1704 |
LV | Liquor Laws Victoria |
LV Bd | Land Valuation Board |
LV Ct | Land Valuation Court (NZ) |
LVCB | Land and Valuation Case Book (NZ) |
LVC | Lands Tribunal Decisions 1950- |
LVR | Land and Valuation Court Reports (NSW) 1922-1970 |
LVR (NSW) | Land and Valuation Court Reports (NSW) 1922-1970 |
LVRT | Land Valuation Review Tribunal (NT) |
LVT | Land Valuation Tribunal |
LWLR | Land & Water Law Review |
Lynd | Lyndwood, Provinciale seu Constitutiones Angliae Various eds from 1483 |
Abbreviation | Title |
M | Macpherson's Session Cases,3rd Series (Scotland) 1862-1873 |
Menzies' Reports of the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1828-50 | |
Morison's Dictionary of Decisions (Scotland) 1540-1808 | |
M & S | Manning & Scott's Common Bench Reports 1845-1856 |
Maule and Selwyn's King's Bench Reports 1813-1817 | |
Moore & Scott's Common Pleas Reports 1831-1834 | |
M & W | Meeson and Welsby's Exchequer Reports 1836-1847 |
Mac | Macassey's Reports (NZ) 1861-1872 |
Maori Appellate Court (NZ) | |
Maritime Arbitration Commission | |
Motor Accidents Cases (CCH) 1981- | |
Mac LR | Macarthur Law Review |
MaCA | Malaysian Court of Appeal |
MacAr | MacArthur's District of Columbia Reports (DC USA) 1873-1879 (8-10 DC) |
MacArthur's Reports (District of Columbia USA) 1873-79 ((8-10 DC) | |
MacAr & M | MarArthur and Mackey's Reports (District of Columbia USA) 1879-80 (11 DC) |
MacAr Pat Cas | MacArthur's Patent Cases (USA) 1841-1859 |
Macas | Macassey's Reports (New Zealand) 1861-1872 |
MACAT | Motor Accidents (Compensation) Appeal Tribunal |
MacCarthy | MacCarthy's Irish Land Cases (Ireland) 1887-1892 |
MacDev | MacDevitt's Irish Land Cases (Ireland) 1882-1884 |
MacG CC | MacGillivray Copyright Cases 1905-1949 |
Mackenzie | Mackenzie's Pleadings in some Remarkable Cases Court of Session (Scotland) 1661-1672 |
Mackey | Mackey's Reports (District of Columbia USA) 1863-72, (6-7 DC);1880-92 (12-21 DC) |
Macl & Rob | Maclean and Robinson's Scotch Appeal Cases 1839 |
Macn & G | Macnaghten and Gordon's Chancery Reports 1848-1851 |
Macph | Macpherson, Court of Session Cases, 3rd Series (Scotland) 1862-1873 |
Macq | Macqueen's Scotch Appeal Cases 1851-1865 |
Macquarie J Bus L | Macquarie Journal of Business Law |
Macquarie J Int'l & Comp Envtl L | Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law |
Macquarie LJ | Macquarie Law Journal |
Macquarie L Symp | Macquarie Law Symposium |
Macr | Macrory's Patent Cases 1847-1860 |
Macr & H | Macrae and Hertslet's Insolvency Cases 1847-1852 |
Mad | Maddock's Chancery Reports 1815-1822 |
Maddock's Reports (Montana USA) (9-18 Mont) | |
Madras High Court Reports (India) 1862-1875 | |
Mad & Gel | Maddock & Geldert's Chancery Reports 1821-1822 |
Mad LJ | Madras Law Journal |
Madd | Maddock's Chancery Reports 1815-1822 |
Madd & G | Maddock and Geldart's Chancery Reports 1821-1822 |
Madox | Madox's Formulare Anglicanum |
Madox Exch | Madox's History and Antiquities of the Exchequer |
MAF | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (NZ) |
Mag | Magistrate and Municipal and Parochial Lawyer 1848-1853 |
The Magistrate | |
Magruder | Magruder's Reports (Maryland USA) (1, 2 Md) |
MAID Profound | Market Analysis & Information Database Profound |
Maine LR | Maine Law Review |
Mal LJ | Malayan Law Journal |
Mal LR | Malawi Law Reports |
Malaya Law Review | |
Malawi LJ | Malawi Law Journal |
MALQR | Model Arbitration Law Quarterly Reports |
MALR | Media and Arts Law Review |
Man | Manitoba (Canada) |
Manning's Reports (Michigan USA) (1 Mich) | |
Man & G | Manning and Granger's Common Pleas Reports 1840-1844 |
Man & Ry KB | Manning and Ryland's Reports, King's Bench 1827-1830 |
Man & Ry MC | Manning and Ryland's Magistrates' Cases 1827-1830 |
Man G & S | Manning Granger & Scott's Common Bench Reports 1845-1856 |
Man L | Managerial Law |
Man LJ | Manitoba Law Journal |
Man LR | Manitoba Law Reports (Can) 1883-1962 (to vol29) |
Man R | Manitoba Reports (Can) 1963- 1979 (from vol30-) |
Man R (2d) | Manitoba Reports (Second Series), 1979- |
Man R t Wood | Manitoba Reports tempore Wood 1875-1885 |
Manchester J Int'l Econ L | Manchester Journal of International Economic Law |
Mans | Mansfield's Reports (Arkansas USA) (49-52 Ark) |
Manson's Bankrutpcy and Companies' Winding-Up Cases 1894-1914 | |
Maori LR | Maori Law Review |
MAR | Municipal Association Reports (or Record), New South Wales 1886-1911 |
Mar LC | Crockford's Maritime Law Cases 1860-1871 |
Mar LCNS | Aspinall's Maritime Law Cases, New Series 1870-1940 |
Marine IR | Marine Insurance Reports |
Marks & Sayre | Marks & Sayre's Reports (Alabama (USA) (108 Ala) |
MARPOL | Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of Ships |
Marine Pollution Conventions | |
Marq Intell Prop L Rev | Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review |
Marq LR | Marquette Law Review |
Marq Sports L | Marquette Sports Law Review |
Marq Sports LJ | Marquette Sports Law Journal: Journal of the National Sports Law Institute |
Marr | Marriott's Admiralty Reports 1776-1779 |
Marsh | Marshall & Sevestre's Appeals (Bengal, India) 1862-1864 |
Marshall's Ceylon Reports (Sri L) 1833-1836 | |
Marsh | Marshall's Common Pleas Reports 1813-1816 |
Marsh AK | A K Marshall's Reports (Kentucky USA) 1817-1821 (8-10 Ky) |
Marsh JJ | J J Marshall's Reports (Kentucky USA) 1829-1832 (24-30 Ky) |
Mart & Yer | Martin & Yerger's Tennessee Reports (Tennessee USA) 1825-1828 (8 Tenn) |
Mart Ga | Martin's Reports (Georgia USA) (21-30 Ga) |
Mart Ind | Martin's Reports (Indiana USA) (51-70 Ind) |
Mart NC | Martin's North Carolina Reports (North Carolina USA) 1778-1797 (1 NC) |
Mart NS | Martin's Louisiana Term Reports, New Series (Louisiana USA) 1823-1830 |
Mart OS | Martin's Louisiana Term Reports Old Series (Louisiana (USA) 1809-1823 |
Marv | Marvel's Reports (Delaware USA) 1893-1897 (15-16 Del) |
Mary LR | Maryland Law Review |
Mas | Mason's US 1st Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1816-1830 |
Masaryk UHR & L | Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology |
Mass | Massachusetts (USA) |
Massachusetts Reports (USA) 1804-1822 (1-17 Mass); 1867- (1897- Mass) | |
Mass GI | Massimario della Giurisprudenza Italiana |
Mats | Matsons Reports (Connecticut (USA) (22-24 Conn) |
Matthews | Matthews' Reports (Virginia USA) (75 Va) |
Matthews' Reports (West Virginia USA) (6-9 W Va) | |
Mau & Sel | Maule & Selwyn's King's Bench Reports 1813-1817 |
Maur Dec | Mauritius Decisions 1861- |
Maur Law | Mauritius Laws |
Mayn | Maynard's Reports 1273-1326 |
MB | Minute Book (Maori Land Court NZ) |
MBCA | Manitoba Court of Appeal |
MBQB | Manitoba Queen's Bench |
MC | Magistrates' Court |
Malaya Cases 1908-1958 | |
Municipal Council | |
MCA | Media Council of Australia |
Minerals Council of Australia (formerly AMIC) | |
McAll | McAllister's US 9th Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1855-1859 |
McArth & M | MacArthur & Mackey's District of Columbia Reports (DC USA) 1879-1880 (11 DC) |
McBride | McBride's Reports (Missouri USA) (1 Mo) |
MCC | Mining Commissioner's Cases (Can) 1906-1910 |
Macgillivray's Copyright Cases | |
McCahan | McCahan's Reports (Kansas USA) 1858-1868 |
McCar | McCarter's New Jersey Equity Reports (New Jersey USA) 1861-1863 (14,15 NJ Eq) |
McCle | McClelland's Exchequer Reports 1824 |
McCle & Yo | McClelland and Younge's Exchequer Reports 1824-1825 |
McCook | McCook's Reports (Ohio USA) (1 Ohio St) |
McCord | McCord's South Carolina Law Reports (South Carolina USA) 1821-8 (12-15 SCL) |
McCord Eq | McCord's South Carolina Equity Reports (South Carolina USA) 1825-27 (6-7 SC Eq) |
McCorkle | McCorkle's Reports (North Carolina USA) (65 NC) |
McCr | McCrary's US 8th Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1877-1883 |
MCD | Magistrates' Court Decisions (NZ) 1939-1979 |
McG LJ | McGill Law Journal |
McGeorge L Rev | McGeorge Law Review |
McGill Int'l J Sust Dev L & Pol'y | McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy |
McGill JL & Health | McGill Journal of Law and Health |
McGloin | McGloin's Louisiana Court of Appeal Reports (Louisiana USA) 1881-1884 |
McK Env LB | McKenna Environmental Law Bulletin |
McK Euro R | McKenna European Review |
McK Law Let | McKenna Law Letter |
McL | McLean's 7th Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1829-1855 |
MCLR | Morison's Company Law Reports (NZ) 1991-1994 |
McMul | McMullen's South Carolina Law Reports (South Carolina USA) 1840-2 (26-27 SCL) |
McMul Eq | McMullen's South Carolina Equity Reports (South Carolina USA) 1840-2 (16 SC Eq) |
MCR | Magistrates' Court Reports (NZ) 1906-1953 |
Montreal Condensed Reports (Quebec, Can) 1853-1854 | |
Md | Maryland (USA) |
Maryland Reports (Maryland USA) 1851- | |
Md Ch | Maryland Chancery Reports (Maryland USA) 1847-1854 |
Md J Contemp Legal Issues | Maryland Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues |
Md J Int'l L & Trade | Maryland Journal of International Law and Trade |
Md JILT | Maryland Journal of International Law and Trade |
Md L F | Maryland Law Forum |
Md L Rev | Maryland Law Review |
MDU | Medical Defence Union Ltd (UK and Australia) |
Me | Maine (USA) |
Maine Reports (USA) 1820-1965 | |
MECLR | Middle East Commercial Law Review |
Med J of Aust | Medical Journal of Australia |
Med L Mon | Medical Law Monitor |
Med L Rev | Medical Law Review |
Med Law | Medicine & Law |
Med Leg J | Medico-Legal Journal |
Med LI | Medical Law International |
Med LJ | Medico Legal Journal |
Med LR | Medical Law Reports 1989- |
Med Q | Mediation Quarterly |
Med Sci & L | Medicine Science and the Law |
Medd | Meddaugh's Reports (Michigan USA) (13 Mich) |
Mediation Q | Mediation Quarterly: Journal of the Academy of Family Mediators |
Medico-Legal Soc NSW Proc | Medico-Legal Society of New South Wales, Proceedings of |
Medico-Legal Soc Vic Proc | Medico-Legal Society of Victoria, Proceedings of |
Mees & W | Meeson & Welsby's Exchequer Reports 1836-1847 |
Meg | Megone's Companies Acts Cases 1888-1891 |
Meigs | Meigs' Reports (Tennessee USA) 1838-9 (19 Tenn) |
Mel LJ | Melanesian Law Journal |
Melb J Int'l L | Melbourne Journal of International Law |
Melb Univ L Rev | Melbourne University Law Review |
Men | Menzies' Reports of the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1828-1850 |
Mental & Physical Disability L Rep | Mental & Physical Disability Law Reporter |
Menzies | Menzies' Reports of the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1828-1850 |
Mer | Merivale's Chancery Reports 1815-1817 |
Mer LR | Mercer Law Review |
Merc (Newsp Tas) | Mercury Reports (Newspaper) (Tasmania) |
Mercer Beasley L Rev | Mercer Beasley Law Review |
Merchand Rep | Merchandising Reporter |
Merkourios-Utrecht J Int'l & Eur L | Merkourios - Utrecht Journal of International and European Law |
Met | Metcalf's Reports (Kentucky USA) 1858-1863 (58-61 Ky) |
Metcalf's Reports (Massachusetts USA) 1840-1847 (42-54 Mass) | |
Metcalf's Reports (Rhode Island USA) (3 RI) | |
Metropolitan Police C J | Metropolitan Police College Journal |
MFAT | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (NZ) |
MHA | Member of the House of Assembly South Australia, Tasmania and ACT) |
MHCR | Madras High Court Reports (India) 1862-1875 |
MHL | Mental Health and the Law (NZ) |
MHLR | Mental Health Law Reports (published by Southside Legal Publishing UK) |
MHR | Member of the House of Representatives |
MIA | Media Information Australia (Australian Film, Television and Radio School) |
Moore's Indian Appeal Cases 1836-1872 | |
MIC | Metropolitan Industrial Court (Vic) |
Mich | Michigan (USA) |
Michigan Reports (USA) 1847- | |
Mich J Gender & L | Michigan Journal of Gender and Law |
Mich J Int'l L | Michigan Journal International Law |
Mich J Race & L | Michigan Journal of Race and Law |
Mich L & Pol'y Rev | Michigan Law and Policy Review |
Mich L J | Michigan Law Journal |
Mich Law | Michigan Lawyer |
Mich LR | Michigan Law Review |
Mich NP | Michigan Nisi Prius Reports (Michigan USA) 1868-1884 |
Mich St J Int'l L | Michigan State Journal of International Law |
Mich St L Rev | Michigan State Law Review |
Mich St U-DCL J Int'l L | Michigan State University-DCL Journal of International Law |
Mich Telecomm & Tech L Rev | Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review |
Mid BR | Midland Bank Review |
Midwest BLSA LJ | Midwest BLSA Law Journal |
Mil L & L War Rev | Military Law and Law of War Review |
Mil LR | Military Law Review |
Milit LR | Military Law Review |
Mill | Miller's Reports (Louisiana USA) 1830-1833 (1-5 La) |
Miller's Reports (Maryland USA) 1850-1851 (3-18 Md) | |
Mill Ch | Miller's Chancery Reports (Maryland USA) (3, 4 Md Ch) |
Mill Const SC | Mill's South Carolina Constitutional Court Reports (South Carolina USA) 1817-18 (8-9 SCL) |
Millin | Millin's Petty Session Cases (Ireland) 1875-1898 |
MILR | Marshall Islands Law Reports 1982- |
Milw | Milward's Irish Ecclesiastical Reports 1819-1843 |
Min Bd (Tas) | Mining Board (Tas) |
Minn | Minnesota (USA) |
Minnesota Reports (Minnesota USA) 1851-1977 | |
Minn J Bus Law & Entrep | Minnesota Journal of Business Law and Entrepreneurship |
Minn J Global Trade | Minnesota Journal of Global Trade |
Minn J Int'l L | Minnesota Journal of International Law |
Minn JL Sci & Tech | Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology |
Minn JGT | Minnesota Journal of Global Trade |
Minn LJ | Minnesota Law Journal |
Minn LR | Minnesota Law Review |
Minor | Minor's Reports (Alabama USA) 1820-1826 |
MIP | Managing Intellectual Property (Euromoney, NZ) |
Misc 2d | Miscellaneous Reports, Second Series (New York) |
Misc | Miscellaneous Reports (New York)1892- |
Miss | Mississippi (USA) |
Mississippi Reports (Mississippi USA) 1851-1966 | |
Miss CL Rev | Mississippi College Law Review |
Miss L Rev | Mississippi Law Review |
Miss LJ | Mississippi Law Journal |
MJ | Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law |
MJIL | Moscow Journal of International Law |
MJLS | Mountbatten Journal of Legal Studies |
Mktng & L | Marketing and the Law: National Information Bulletin (Commercial, Economic, Advisory Service of Australia - St Leonards, NSW) |
MLAANZ | Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand |
MLAANZ Journal | MLAANZ Journal (Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand) |
MLAANZ Newsl | Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand Newsletter |
MLAANZ Papers | Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand Papers |
MLB | Manx Law Bulletin |
MLC | Member of the Legislative Council (New South Wales, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia) |
MLI | Medical Law International |
MLJ | Madras Law Journal |
Malayan Law Journal | |
Manitoba Law Journal | |
Mississippi Law Journal | |
Malaysian Law Journal | |
MLLR | Malaysian Labour Law Reports |
MLN | Media Lawyer Newsletter |
Malaysian Law News | |
MLR | Australian Media Law Reporter |
Malayan Law Reports 1950-1954 | |
Manx Law Reports (Isle of Man) 1972- | |
Maori Law Review | |
Mauritius Law Reports 1861- | |
Modern Law Review | |
Montreal Law Reports 1885-1891 | |
MLR SC | Montreal Law Reports, Superior Court (Quebec, Can) 1885-1891 |
MLR QB | Montreal Law Reports Queen's Bench (Quebec, Can) 1884-1891 |
MLRC | Manitoba Law Reform Commission |
MLS | Modern Law & Society |
MLSJ | Macquarie Law Students' Journal |
MM Cas | Martin's Reports of Mining Cases (British Columbia, Can) 1853-1902 |
Mo | Missouri (USA) |
Missouri Reports (Missouri USA) 1821-1956 | |
Mo App | Missouri Appeal Reports (Missouri USA) 1876-1952 |
Mo Envtl L & Pol'y Rev | Missouri Environmental Law and Policy Review |
Mo L Rev | Missouri Law Review |
Mo LR | Missouri Law Review |
Mod LR | Modern Law Review |
Mod Rep | Modern Reports 1669-1755 |
Mol | Molloy's Chancery Reports (Ireland) 1827-1831 |
Mon B | B Monroe's Reports (Kentucky USA) 1840-1857 (40-57 Ky) |
Mon LR | Monash University Law Review |
Mon T | TB Monroe's Reports (Kentucky USA) 1824-1828 (17-23 Ky) |
Mon TB | T B Monroe's Reports (Kentucky USA) 1824-8 (17-23 Ky) |
Mon ULR | Monash University Law Review |
Monaghan | Monaghan's Reports (Pennsylvania USA) 1888-1890 (147-165 Pa St) |
Monash LR | Monash University Law Review |
Monro A C | Monro's Acta Cancellariae (Chancery Court) 1545-1625 |
Montagu's Bankruptcy Reports 1829-1832 | |
Montana Reports (Montana USA) 1868- | |
Montana (USA) | |
Montriou's Cases of Hindu Law (Bengal, India) 1779-1840 | |
Montriou's Reports, Supreme Court (Bengal, India) 1846 | |
Mont & A | Montague and Ayrton's Bankruptcy Reports 1833-1838 |
Mont & B | Montague and Bligh's Bankruptcy Reports 1832-1833 |
Mont & Ch | Montague and Chitty's Bankruptcy Reports 1838-1840 |
Mont & M | Montague and Macarthur's Bankruptcy Reports 1828-9 |
Mont D & DeG | Montague, Deacon and De Gex's Bankruptcy Reports 1840-1844 |
Mont LR | Montana Law Review |
Monthly L Rep | Monthly Law Reporter |
Monthly Lab Rev | Monthly Labor Review |
Moo & P | Moore and Payne's Common Pleas Reports 1827-1831 |
Moo & S | Moore and Scott's Common Pleas Reports 1831-1834 |
Moo Ind App | Moore's Indian Appeal Cases, Privy Council 1836-1872 |
Moo PCC | Moore's Privy Council Cases 1836-1862 |
Moo PCC NS | Moore's Privy Council Cases, New Series 1862-1873 |
Mood & M | Moody and Malkin's Nisi Prius Reports 1826 -1830 |
Mood & R | Moody and Robinson's Nisi Prius Reports 1831-1844 |
Mood CC | Moody's Crown Cases Reserved 1824-1844 |
Moon | Moon's Indiana Appeals (Indiana USA) (6-14 Ind App) |
Moon's Reports (Indiana USA) (133-144 Ind) | |
Moore | Moore's Reports (Alabama USA) (67 Ala) |
Moore's Reports (Arkansas USA) (28-34 Ark) | |
Moore's Reports (Texas USA) (22-24 Tex) | |
Moore & W | Moore & Walker's Reports (Texas USA) (22-24 Tex) |
Moore CP | J B Moore's Common Pleas Reports 1817-1827 |
Moore KB | Sir F Moore's King's Bench Reports 1512-1621 |
Mor Dict | Morison's Dictionary of Decisions (Scotland) 1540-1808 |
Mor Supp | Morison's Dictionary of Court of Session Decisions, Supplement (Scotland) 1620-1768 |
Mor Syn | Morison's Synopsis, Session Cases (Scotland) 1808-1816 |
Morr | Morrell's Bankruptcy Reports 1884-1893 |
Morris Reports (California USA) (5 Cal) | |
Morris Reports (Iowa USA) 1839-1846 | |
Morris Reports (Oregon USA) (23-26 Ore) | |
Morris Reports (Mississippi USA) (43-48 Miss) | |
Morr BC | Morrell's Bankruptcy Reports 1884-1893 |
Morr St Cas | Morris State Cases (Mississippi USA) 1818-1872 |
Morris | Morrissett's Reports (Alabama USA) (80,98 Ala) |
Mos | Moseley's Chancery Reports 1726-1731 |
MOT | Ministry of Transport (NZ) |
MOW | Ministry of Works (NZ) |
MP | Member of Parliament |
MPC | Matrimonial Property Cases (NZ) 1978-1982 |
MPLR | Municipal & Planning Law Reports |
MPR | Maritime Provinces Reports (Nova Scotia, Can) 1931-68 |
MPYUNL | Max Planck Yearbook of UN Law |
MqJICEL | Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law |
Mq LR | Marquette Law Review |
MR | Master of the Rolls |
Mauritius Reports 1861- | |
Media Review | |
MSCLC | Malaysian and Singapore Company Law Cases |
MSCR | Federated States of Micronesia Supreme Court Interim Reporter |
MSIs | Migration Services Instructions (Dept of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs-formerly PAM/s) |
MSTC | Malaya and Singapore Tax Cases |
MT Rulings | Miscellaneous Tax Rulings |
MTC | Malaysian Tax Cases |
MTGU | Australian Master Tax Guide Update (CCH) |
MTTLR | Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review |
MTV | Motor and Traffic Law Victoria |
MULR | Melbourne University Law Review |
Mun Rep | Municipal Reports (Can) 1845-1851 |
Munf | Munford's Reports (Virginia USA) 1810-1820 (15-20 Va) |
Mur | Murphy's North Carolina Reports (North Carolina USA) 1804-1819 (5-7 NC) |
Murd Epit | Murdock's Epitome (Can) |
Murp & H | Murphy and Hurlstone's Exchequer Reports 1836-1837 |
Murr | Murray's Jury Court Cases (Scotland) 1815-1830 |
MVR | Motor Vehicle Reports 1984- |
MW | Money Week |
MWD | Ministry of Works and Development (NZ) |
My & Cr | Mylne and Craig's Chancery Reports 1835-1841 |
My & K | Mylne and Keen's Chancery Reports 1832-5 |
Abbreviation | Title |
N | South African Law Reports, Natal Province Division 1910-1946 |
N & PEI | Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island Reports (Can) 1971- |
N & S | Nicholls and Stops' Reports (Tasmania) 1897-1904 |
N Car LR | North Carolina Law Review |
N Dak LR | North Dakota Law Review |
N Eng L Rev | New England Law Review |
N III UL Rev | Northern Illinois University Law Review |
N Ir Legal Q | Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly |
N Ky L Rev | Northern Kentucky Law Review |
N L Rev | Northeastern Law Review |
N Mex LR | New Mexico Law Review |
N Tax J | National Tax Journal |
N W L Rev. | Northwestern Law Review |
NAALAS | Northern Australian Aboriginal Legal Aid Service |
NAC | Native Appeal Cases (S Afr) 1894-1929 |
NAC & O | Reports of the Decisions of the Native Appeal Courts, Cape Province and Orange Free State (S Afr) 1929- |
NAC (C&O) | Reports of the Decisions of the Native Appeal Courts, Cape Province and the Orange Free State (S Afr) 1929- |
NAC (C) | Selected Decisions of the Native Appeal Court (Central Division) (S Afr) 1948-1951 |
NAC (NE) | Decisions of the Native Appeal Court (North-Eastern Division) (S Afr) 1929-1948 |
NAC (S) | Selected Decisions of the Native Appeal Court (Southern Division) (S Afr) 1948-51 |
NAC (T&N) | Reports of the Decisions of the Native Appeal Courts (Transvaal and Natal) (S Afr) 1929-48 |
NADB | Anti-Discrimination Board, Library, Sydney, NSW |
NAFTA | North American Free Trade Agreement |
NAGD | Attorney-General's Dept (NSW) Library |
NAILS | National Aboriginal and Islander Legal Service |
Nanotech L & Bus | Nanotechnology Law & Business |
Napt | Napton's Reports (Missouri USA) (4 Mo) |
NAT FIN | National Finances |
Nat Resources & Env't | Natural Resources and Environment |
Nat Resources J | Natural Resources Journal |
Nat RL | Natural Resources Lawyer |
Natal LR | Natal Law Reports (S Afr) 1869-1910 |
Nat'l Black LJ | National Black Law Journal |
Nat'l Law Guild Q | National Lawyers Guild Quarterly |
NATOS | Australian Taxation Office Library, Sydney |
Natwest ITB | National Westminster Bank International Trade Bulletin |
Naval L Rev | Naval Law Review |
NB Dig | New Brunswick Digest (Stevens) |
NB Eq Rep | New Brunswick Equity Reports (Can) 1894-1911 |
NBCA | New Brunswick Court of Appeal |
NBQB | New Brunswick Queen's Bench (English) |
NBR | National bankruptcy Register Reports (USA) 1868-1882 |
National Business Review (Fourth Estate; NZ) | |
New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1825-1929 | |
NBR (All) | Allen's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1848-1866 |
NBR (Ber) | Berton's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1835-1839 |
NBR (Carl) | Carleton's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1895-1902 |
NBR (Chip) | Chipman's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1825-1838 |
NBR (Han) | Hannay's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1867-1871 |
NBR (Kerr) | Kerr's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1840-1848 |
NBR (P&T) | Pugsley and Trueman's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1878-1882 |
NBR (Pug) | Pugsley's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1876-1893 |
NBR (Tru) | Trueman's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1876-1893 |
NBR 2d | New Brunswick Reports, 2nd Series (Can) 1968- |
NBR P & B | Pugsley and Burbridge's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1878-1882 |
NC | North Carolina (USA) |
North Carolina Reports (North Carolina USA) 1868- | |
NC App | North Carolina Ct of Appeals Reports |
NC Banking Inst | North Carolina Banking Institute |
NC Cent LJ | North Carolina Central Law Journal |
NC Cent L Rev | North Carolina Central Law Review |
NC J L | North Carolina Journal of Law |
NC JL & Tech | North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology |
NC T Rep | North Carolina Term Reports (North Carolina USA) 1816-1818 (4 NC) |
NCA | National Crime Authority |
NCC | National Competition Council |
NCCL | National Council for Civil Liberties |
NCCLJ | North Carolina Central Law Journal |
NCJ Int’l L & Com Reg | North Carolina Journal of International Law & Commercial Regulation |
NCL Rev | North Carolina Law Review |
NCLR | Nigerian Commercial Law Reports |
NCSA | Newsletter of the Copyright Society of Australia |
NCSC Manual | National Companies and Securities Commission Manual (VGPO) |
ND | New Directions in the Law of the Sea |
North Dakota (USA) | |
North Dakota Reports (North Dakota USA) 1890-1953 | |
ND L Rev | North Dakota Law Review |
ND Leg | New Dimensions in Legislation |
NDB | New Directions in Bankruptcy |
NDIC | District Court Library, Sydney |
NDLR | Notre Dame Law Review |
NE | North Eastern Reporter (USA) 1885-1936 |
NE 2d | North Eastern Reporter, Second Series (USA) 1936-1988 |
Neb | Nebraska (USA) |
Nebraska Reports (Nebraska USA) 1860- | |
Neb LR | Nebraska Law Review |
NED YIL | Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 1970- |
NEGRIE | Newsletter of the European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists |
NELA | National Environmental Law Association |
NELA Bulletin | NELA Bulletin (National Environmental Law Association, Canberra) |
NELR | New England Law Review |
Nels | Nelson's Chancery Reports 1625-1693 |
NEPA | Environment Protection Authority (NSW), Library, Sydney |
Neue ZW | Neue Zeitschrift fur Wehrrecht |
Nev | Nevada (USA) |
Nevada Reports (Nevada USA) 1865- | |
Nev LJ | Nevada Law Journal |
Nev & M KB | Nevile and Manning's King's Bench Reports 1832-1836 |
Nev & M MC | Nevile and Manning's Magistrates' Cases 1832-1836 |
Nev & P KB | Nevile and Perry's King's Bench Reports 1836-1838 |
Nev & P MC | Nevile and Perry's Magistrates' Cases 1836-1837 |
New | Newell's Reports (Illinois USA) (48-90 Ill) |
New Crim L Rev | New Criminal Law Review |
New Eng J on Crim & Civ Confinement | New England Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement |
New Eng L Rev | New England Law Review |
New LJ | New Law Journal |
New Mag Cas | New Magistrates' Cases (Bittleston, Wise and Parnell) 1844-1850 |
New Pract Cas | New Practice Cases 1844-1848 |
New Rep | Bosanquet and Puller's New Reports 1804-1807 |
New Reports 1862-1865 | |
New Sess Cas | New Session Magistrates' Cases by Carrow, Hamerton & Allen (Scotland) 1844-1851 |
Newb | Newberry's US District Court, Admiralty Reports (USA) 1842-1857 (Western District) |
Newc LR | Newcastle Law Review (University of Newcastle) |
Newf LR | Newfoundland Law Reports (Can) 1817-1949 |
Newf Sel Cas | Newfoundland Select Cases (Can) 1817-1828 |
NFCA | Family Court of Australia, Elizabeth Evatt Library |
Nfld | Newfoundland (Can) |
Nfld & PEIR | Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island Reports (Can) 1970- |
Nfld Sel Cas | Newfoundland Select Cases (Tucker) (Can) 1817-1828 |
NFSC | Norfolk Island Supreme Court |
NH | New Hampshire (USA) |
New Hampshire Reports (New Hampshire USA) 1816- | |
NH & MRC | National Health and Medical Research Council (Canberra) |
NHMRC | National Health and Medical Research Council (Canberra) |
NHRE | Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Library, Sydney |
NI | Northern Ireland Law Reports 1925- |
NICA | Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service |
NIER | National Institute of Economic Review |
NIFS | National Institute of Forensic Science Library, Sydney |
Nig LJ | Nigerian Law Journal |
Nig LQ | Nigeria Lawyers Quarterly |
NIJ | New Irish Jurist Reports 1900-1905 |
NIJB | Northern Ireland Judgments Bulletin |
NILR | Netherlands International Law Review |
NIND | Industrial Court of NSW Library, Sydney |
NINX | Newspaper Index (Parliamentary Library, NZ) |
NJ | Negotiation Journal |
New Jersey (USA) | |
New Jersey Reports (USA) 1948- | |
NJ Eq | New Jersey Equity Reports (New Jersey USA) 1830-1948 |
NJ L Rev Univ of Newark | New Jersey Law Review |
NJILB | Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business |
NJL | New Jersey Law Reports (New Jersey USA) 1790-1948 |
New Law Journal (UK) | |
NJSOL | National Journal of Sexual Orientation Law |
NL | No Liability |
NLAAC | National Legal Aid Advisory Committee |
NLADA | NLADA Briefcase |
NLADA B | NLADA Briefcase |
NLARC | National Legal Aid Representative Council |
NLAWS | Law Society of NSW Library, Sydney |
NLB | Nuclear Law Bulletin |
NLCA | Newfoundland & Labrador Court of Appeal |
NLEC | Land and Environment Court (NSW) Library, Sydney |
NLI | National Law Institute, Notre Dame Proceedings |
NLJ | New Law Journal |
NLJR | New Law Journal Reports |
NLR | Natal Law Reports (S Afr) 1869-1910 |
National Law Review | |
Nauru Law Reports 1969- | |
New Law Reports (Sri Lanka) 1874- | |
Newfoundland Law Reports (Can) 1817-1949 | |
Nigeria Law Reports 1881-1955 | |
Nyasaland Law Reports 1922- | |
South African Law Reports, Natal Province Division 1910-1946 | |
NLRC | Law Reform Commission of NSW Library, Sydney |
NLT | Northern Law Today |
NM | New Mexico (USA) |
New Mexico Reports (New Mexico USA) 1890- | |
NM L Rev | New Mexico Law Review |
NMIR | Northern Mariana Islands Law Reporter 1992- |
NNEJICL | New England Journal of International and Comparative Law |
NNTT | National Native Title Tribunal |
NOHSC | National Occupational Health and Safety Commission |
Nolan | Nolan's Magistrates' Cases 1791-1792 |
Non-St Actors & Int'l L | Non-State Actors and International Law |
Norc | Norcross' Reports (Nevada USA) (23-24 Nev) |
Nordic J Int'l L | Nordic Journal of International Law |
Norr | Norris' Reports (Pennsylvania USA) (82-96 Pa St) |
Northern News | Northern News (Auckland District Law Society) |
Northern News Rev | Northern News Review (Auckland District Law Society) |
Not Cas | Notes of Cases in the Ecclesiastical and Maritime Courts 1841-1850 |
Notre Dame Int'l & Comp LJ | Notre Dame International and Comparative Law Journal |
Notre Dame JL Ethics & Pub Pol'y | Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy |
Notre Dame L. Rep. | Notre Dame Law Reporter |
Notre DLR | Notre Dame Law Review |
Nott & McC | Nott & McCord South Carolina Law Reports (South Carolina USA) 1817-20 (10-11 SCL) |
Nott LJ | Nottingham Law Journal |
Nova L Rev | Nova Law Review |
Noy R | Noy's Reports, King's Bench |
NP | Notary Public |
NPAR | NSW Parliamentary Library, Sydney |
NPC | New Property Cases |
NPD | South African Law Reports, Natal Provincial Division 1910-1946 |
NPRO | Dept of Courts Administration (NSW) Library, Sydney |
NR | Natal Law Reports (S Afr) 1873-1910 |
National Reporter (Can) 1973- | |
The New Reports 1862-1865 | |
NRES | Residential Tenancies Tribunal Library, Sydney |
NRGQ | Netherlands Reinsurance Group Quarterly |
NS | Nova Scotia (Can) |
NSC | Supreme Court of NSW, Law Courts Library, Sydney |
NSCA | Nova Scotia Court of Appeal |
NSD | Geldert & Oxley's Nova Scotia Decisions (Can) 1866-1875 |
NSEC | Australian Securities Commission, Chairman's Office, Sydney Library |
NSL L | Legal Information Access Centre, State Library of NSW, Sydney |
NSPCC | National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children |
NSR | Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1834-1929 |
Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1965-1969 | |
NSR 2d | Nova Scotia Reports, Second Series (Can) 1970- |
NSR G & O | Geldert and Oxley's Nova Scotia Decisions (Can) 1866-1875 |
NSR G & R | Geldert and Russell's Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1907-1929 |
NSR James | James' Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1853-1855 |
NSR Old | Oldright's Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1860-1866 |
NSR R & C | Russell and Chesley's Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1875-1879 |
NSR R & G | Russell and Geldert's Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1879-1895 |
NSR Thom | Thompson's Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1834-1851, 1856-1859 |
NSR Wall | Wallace's Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1888-1907 |
NSW Ad | Law Reports Vice-Admiralty (NSW) 1880-1900 |
NSW Adm | New South Wales Reports, Vice-Admiralty 1880-1990 |
NSW AR | Industrial Arbitration Reports (New South Wales) 1902- |
NSW Bkptcy Cas | New South Wales Bankruptcy Cases 1890-1899 |
NSW BLR | New South Wales Building Licensing Reports 1992- |
NSW CA | New South Wales Court of Appeal |
NSW CAC Report | New South Wales Corporate Affairs Commission Report 1972-1985 |
NSW CCR | New South Wales Compensation Court Reports 1985- |
NSW Conv R | New South Wales Conveyancing Reports 1980- |
NSW CR | NSW Courts Review (Formerly Petty Sessions Review) |
NSW CRD | NSW Court of Review Decisions 1994- |
NSW Ct of App | New South Wales Court of Appeal |
NSWDC | New South Wales District Court |
NSW DCR | District Court Reports (NSW) 1969-1976 |
NSW Eq | Law Reports Equity (NSW) 1880-1900 |
NSW GG | New South Wales Government Gazette |
NSW Ind Arbtn Cas | New South Wales Industrial Arbitration Reports 1902- |
NSW Land App Cas | Land Appeal Court Cases (NSW) 1890-1921 |
NSW LVR | Land and Valuation Court Reports (NSW) 1922-1970 |
NSW Priv Com Papers | New South Wales Privacy Committee Papers |
NSW SCR | New South Wales Supreme Court Reports 1862-1976 |
NSW SCR (Eq) | Supreme Court Reports, Equity (NSW) 1862-1876 |
NSW SCR (L) | Supreme Court Reports, Law (NSW) 1862-1876 |
NSW SCR NS | Supreme Court Reports (New Series) NSW 1878-1879 |
NSW SR | State Reports (NSW) 1901-1970 |
NSW St R | New South Wales State Reports 1901-1970 |
NSW Strata Title Law & Practice | New South Wales Strata Title Law & Practice (CCH) |
NSW WCR | Workers' Compensation Reports (NSW) 1926-1980 |
NSW WN | Weekly Notes (NSW) 1884-1970 |
NSWB | New South Wales Bankruptcy Cases 1890-1899 |
NSWCATAP | New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal Appeal Panel |
NSWIC | New South Wales Industrial Commission |
NSWIC Ct S | New South Wales Industrial Commission in Court Session |
NSWIG | New South Wales Industrial Gazette |
NSWIR Comm | Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales Decisions |
NSWJB | New South Wales Judgments Bulletin 1984- |
NSWLEC | New South Wales Land and Environment Court |
NSWR | New South Wales Reports 1960-1970 |
NSWSC | New South Wales Supreme Court |
NSWSCL Proceedings | New South Wales Society for Computers and the Law, Proceedings of |
NTAP | National Tax Association Proceedings |
NTJ | National Tax Journal |
Northern Territory Supreme Court Judgements 1951-1976 | |
NTLR | Northern Territory Law Reports 1991- |
NTN | Native Title News |
NTR | Northern Territory Reports (Butt) 1979- (Located with Australian Law Reports) |
NTU L Rev | National Taiwan University Law Review |
NU Forum | NU Forum: A Cooperative Law Journal of Northeastern University School of Law |
NUJS L Rev | NUJS Law Review |
NU:L | University of Sydney Law School Library, Sydney |
NULR | Northwestern University Law Review |
NUN:L | University of NSW Law Library, Kensington, NSW |
NW | North Western Reporter (USA) 1879-1942 |
North-Western Provinces High Court Reports (Pak) 1869-1875 | |
NW 2d | North Western Reporter, Second Series (USA) 1942-1988 |
Nw Interdisc L Rev | Northwestern Interdisciplinary Law Review |
Nw J Int'l L & Bus | Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business |
Nw J L & Soc Pol'y | Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy |
Nw J Tech & Intell Prop | Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property |
NW Terr | North-West Territories Supreme Court Reports (Can) 1887-1898 |
Nw U J Int'l Hum Rts | Northwestern University Journal of International Human Rights |
Nw UL Rev | Northwestern University Law Review |
NWBQR | National Westminister Bank Quarterly Review |
NWP | North-West Provinces High Court Reports (Pak) 1869-1875 |
NWPHC | North West Provinces High Court Reports (Pak) 1869-1875 |
NWTR | North-Western Territories Reports (Can) 1887-1898 |
NWULR | Northwestern University Law Review |
NY | New York (USA) |
New York Reports (USA) 1847- | |
NY 2d | New York Reports, Second Series |
NY City L Rev | New York City Law Review |
N Y L Rev | New York Law Review |
NY Sea Grant L & Pol'y J | New York Sea Grant Law and Policy Journal |
NY Supp | New York Supplement (New York USA) 1888-1937 |
NY Supp 2d | New York Supplement, Second Series (New York USA) 1938-1987 |
NYCA | New York Court of Appeal |
Nye | Nye's Reports (Utah USA) (18-21 Utah USA) |
NYL Sch J Hum Rts | New York Law School Journal of Human Rights |
NYL Sch J Int'l & Comp | New York School Journal of International and Comparative law |
NYL Sch L Rev | New York Law School Law Review |
NYLF | New York Law Forum continued by New York Law School Review |
NYS | New York Supplement 1888-1937 |
NYS 2d | New York Supplement, Second Series 1938-1987 |
NYSBJ | New York State Bar Journal |
NYU Ann Surv Am L | New York University Annual Survey of American Law |
NYU Envtl LJ | New York University Environmental Law Journal |
NYU IFT | New York University. Institute on Federal Taxation |
NYU J L & Bus | New York University Journal of Law & Business |
NYU JL & Liberty | New York University Journal of Law & Liberty |
NYU J Legis & Pub Pol'y | New York University Journal of Legislation and Public Policy |
NYU Rev L & Soc Change | New York University Review of Law & Social Change |
NYULR | New York University Law Review |
NZ App Rep | New Zealand Appeal Reports |
NZ Armed F L Rev | New Zealand Armed Forces Law Review |
NZ Bus Bull | New Zealand Business Bulletin |
NZ Conv C | New Zealand Conveyancing Cases 1989/1991- |
NZ Current Tax | New Zealand Current Taxation |
NZ Fam C | New Zealand Family Court |
NZ Gaz | New Zealand Gazette |
NZ Gaz LR | New Zealand Gazette Law Reports 1898-1953 |
NZ J Envtl L | New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law |
NZ Jur | New Zealand Jurist Reports 1873-1875 |
New Zealand Jurist Reports | |
NZ Jur (NS) | New Zealand Jurist Reports (New Series) 1875-1879 |
New Zealand Jurist, New Series | |
NZ Jur Min Law | New Zealand Jurist Cases in Mining Law 1875-1879 |
NZ Law Review | New Zealand Law Review (continues NZRL Rev) |
NZ Med J | New Zealand Medical Journal |
NZ Val | New Zealand Valuer (Continued by New Zealand Valuers' Journal) |
New Zealand Valuers' Journal (Continues New Zealand Valuer) | |
NZACR | New Zealand Accident Compensation Reports 1981-1983 |
NZAR | New Zealand Administrative Reports 1976- |
NZBLC | New Zealand Business Law Cases 1984- |
NZBLQ | New Zealand Business Law Quarterly |
NZBN | New Zealand Bibliographic Network |
NZBORR | New Zealand Bill of Rights Reports (Incorporated in HRNZ) 1990-1992 |
NZCA | New Zealand Court of Appeal Reports 1867-1877 |
NZCCA | New Zealand Court of Criminal Appeal |
NZCLC | New Zealand Company Law Cases 1981- |
NZCLD | New Zealand Case Law Digest |
NZConvC | New Zealand Conveyancing Cases |
NZCPR | New Zealand Conveyancing and Property Reports 1959-1982, 1982/1986 |
NZCT | New Zealand Current Taxation |
NZDSC | New Zealand Duties and Sales Tax Cases 1983-1984 |
NZELC | New Zealand Employment Law Cases 1986- |
NZELR | New Zealand Environment Law Reporter |
NZFLR | New Zealand Family Law Reports 1981- |
NZGSTG | New Zealand Goods & Services Tax Guide |
NZHC | New Zealand High Court |
NZILR | New Zealand Industrial Law Reports (Continued by Employment Reports of New Zealand) 1987-1990 |
NZIPJ | New Zealand Intellectual Property Journal |
NZIPR | New Zealand Intellectual Property Reports 1967- |
NZJIR | New Zealand Journal of Industrial Relations |
NZJPA | New Zealand Journal of Public Administration (Continued by Public Sector)1938-1977 |
NZJPIL | New Zealand Journal of Public and International Law |
NZJTLP | New Zealand Journal of Taxation Law and Policy |
NZLC | Law Commission (NZ) |
NZLC PP | Law Commission (NZ) Preliminary Paper |
NZLC R | Law Commission (NZ) Report |
NZLGR | New Zealand Local Government Reports (Reprinted Decisions from NZLR) 1935-1971 |
NZLJ | New Zealand Law Journal |
NZLL | New Zealand Law Librarian (NZ Law Librarians' Group - continues NZLLG Newsletter) |
NZLLG Newsletter | New Zealand Law Librarians' Group Newsletter (Continued by NZLL) |
NZLR | New Zealand Law Reports 1883- |
NZLR CA | New Zealand Law Reports, Court of Appeal 1883-1887 |
NZLRF | New Zealand Legal Research Foundation |
NZLS | New Zealand Law Society |
NZMEA | New Zealand Mining and Exploration Association |
NZNB | New Zealand National Bibliography (National Library of NZ) |
NZPALRC | New Zealand Public and Administrative Law Reform Committee |
NZPCC | New Zealand Privy Council Cases 1840-1932 |
NZPD | New Zealand Parliamentary Debates |
NZPLERC | New Zealand Property Law and Equity Reform Committee |
NZPTD | New Zealand Planning Tribunal Digest |
NZRE | New Zealand Real Estate |
NZRL | New Zealand Recent Law (Continued by NZRL Rev) |
NZRL Rev | New Zealand Recent Law Review (Continued by NZ Law Review) |
NZRMA | New Zealand Resource Management Appeals (Continues New Zealand Town Planning Appeals) 1992- |
NZS | New Zealand Standard Specification |
NZSC | New Zealand Superannuation Cases 1982- |
NZSS | New Zealand Standard Specification |
NZTBR | New Zealand Taxation Board of Review Decisions (Continued by TRNZ) 1961-1974 |
NZTC | New Zealand Tax Cases 1973- |
NZTCPA | Town and Country Planning Appeals (Continued by NZTPA) 1955-1971 |
NZTGLRC | New Zealand Torts and General Law Reform Committee |
NZTPA | New Zealand Town Planning Appeals (Continues NZTCPA, Continued by NZRMA) 1971- |
NZTPR | New Zealand Tax Planning Report |
NZTS | New Zealand Treaty Series 1943 |
NZULR | New Zealand Universities Law Review |
NZWCC | New Zealand Workers' Compensation Cases 1901-1940 |
Abbreviation | Title |
O | Ontario Reports (Can) 1882-1900; 1931-1973; 1974-1991; 1991- |
South African Law Reports, Orange Free State Provincial Division 1910-1946 | |
O Bridg | Carter's Reports tempore Bridgman, Common Pleas 1664-1676 |
Orlando Bridgman's Common Pleas Reports 1660-1667 | |
OAG | Opinions of the Attorneys General of the United States (USA) 1791-1960 |
OAR | Ontario Appeal Reports 1876-1900 |
OB & F | Ollivier, Bell and Fitzgerald's Court of Appeal Reports (NZ) 1878-1880 |
Ollivier, Bell and Fitzgerald's Supreme Court Reports (NZ) 1878-1880 | |
Obiter | Obiter (Journal of the University of Queensland Law Society |
Obiter (University of Canterbury Law Students Society) | |
OBSP | Old Bailey Session Papers 1715-1834 |
Occ Pen | Occupational Pensions |
Ocean & Coastal LJ | Ocean and Coastal Law Journal |
Ocean Dev & Int'l L | Ocean Development and International Law |
OCN | Compendium of Case Notes of the Ombudsman (NZ) |
Odeneal | Odeneal's Reports (Oregon USA) |
ODIL | Ocean Development and International Law |
OFC | High Court Reports of Orange Free State (S Afr) 1879-1883 |
Officer | Officer's Reports (Minnesota USA) (1-9 Minn) |
OFLR | Offshore Financial Law Reports |
OFS | Orange Free State Reports, High Court, (S Afr) 1879-1883 |
OFSSA | Orange Free State, South Africa |
Ogden | Ogden's Louisiana Annual Reports (Louisiana USA) (12-15 La Ann) |
OGLTR | Oil & Gas Law and Taxation Review |
Oh St | Ohio State Reports (Ohio USA) 1852- |
Ohio | Ohio (USA) |
Ohio Reports (USA) 1821-1851 | |
Ohio NU Intramural L Rev | Ohio Northern University Intramural Law Review |
Ohio NU L Rev | Ohio Northern University Law Review |
Ohio SLJ | Ohio State Law Journal |
Ohio St J Crim L | Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law |
Ohio St J on Disp Resol | Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution |
Ohio St LJ | Ohio State Law Journal |
Ohio St | Ohio State Reports (Ohio USA) 1852- |
OHLJ | Osgoode Hall Law Journal |
OHR | Occupational Health Review |
OHS | Occupational Health and Safety |
HOSE | Occupational Health and Safety Authority (Victoria) |
OHSN | Occupational Health and Safety NSW |
OJ | Official Journal of the European Communities |
OJC | Official Journal of the European Union: C series (Communications) |
OJ Eur Comm | Official Journal of the Eureopan Communities |
OJL | Official Journal of the European Union: L series (Legislation) |
OJLS | Oxford Journal of Legal Studies |
Okla | Oklahoma (USA) |
Oklahoma Reports (USA) 1890-1953 | |
Okla City U L Rev | Oklahoma City University Law Review |
Okla Crim | Oklahoma Criminal Reports (Oklahoma USA) 1908-1953 |
Okla L J | Oklahoma Law Journal |
Okla LR | Oklahoma Law Review |
OLAA | Office of Legal Aid Administration |
OLAFS | Office of Legal Aid and Family Services |
Olc Adm | Olcott's US District Court, Admiralty Reports (USA) 1843-1847 (District of New York) |
Old | Oldright's Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1860-1867 |
OLR | Ontario Law Reports (Can) 1901-1930 |
Oregon Law Review | |
Otago Law Review | |
O'M & H | O'Malley and Hardcastle's Election Cases 1869-1929 |
Ont | Ontario (Can) |
Ont App | Ontario Appeal Reports (Can) 1876-1900 |
Ont Dig | Digest of Ontario Case Law (Can) 1823-1900 |
Ont LR | Ontario Law Reports (Can) 1901-1931 |
Ont LRC | Ontario Law Reform Commission |
Ont Pr Rep | Ontario Practice Reports 1850-1900 |
OPC | Office of the Parliamentary Counsel |
OPD | South African Law Reports, Orange Free State Provincial Division, 1910-1946 |
OPLR | Occupational Pensions Law Reports |
OR | Official Reports of the South African Republic 1894-1899 |
Ontario Reports (Can) 1882-1900, 1931-1973 | |
OR 2d | Ontario Reports, Second Series (Can) 1974-1991 |
OR 3d | Ontario Reports, Third Series (Can) 1991- |
Or LR | Oregon Law Review |
Or Rev Int'l L | Oregon Review of International Law |
Oracle | Oracle (Monash University Law Society) |
ORC | Reports of the High Court of the Orange River Colony (S Afr) 1903-1910 |
Ord | Ordinance |
Ore | Oregon (USA) |
Ore | Oregon Reports (Oregon USA) 1853- |
Orl TR | Orleans Term Reports (1, 2 Martin, Old and New Series) (Louisiana USA) 1809-1823; 1823-1830 |
OSC | Occupational Superannuation Commissioner |
Osgoode Hall LJ | Osgoode Hall Law Journal |
OSR | Office of State Revenue in New South Wales |
Oss Bull | Office for the Supervision of Solicitors Bulletin |
Ot LR | Otago Law Review |
OTPR | Offshore Tax Planning Review |
OTS | Office of Treaty Settlements (NZ) |
Ott LR | Ottawa Law Review |
Ottawa LR | Ottawa Law Review | OUCLJ | Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal |
Out | Outerbridge's Reports (Pennsylvania USA) (97, 98 Pa St) |
Overt | Overton's Reports (Tennessee USA) 1791-1816 (1-2 Tenn) |
Owen | Owen's King's Bench and Common Pleas Reports 1556-1615 |
OWN | Ontario Weekly Notes 1909-1962 |
OWR | Ontario Weekly Reporter 1902-1914 |
Oxford J Legal Stud | Oxford Journal of Legal Studies |
Oxford U Commw LJ | Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal |
Abbreviation | Title |
P | Law Reports, Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division 1891- |
Pacific Reporter, (USA) 1883-1931 | |
Peters' United States Supreme Court Reports (USA) 1828-1842 (26-41 US) | |
President | |
P & B | Pugsley and Burbidge's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1878-1882 |
P & CR | Planning and Compensation Reports 1949- |
Property and Compensation Reports (continuation of above) | |
P & DP | Privacy and Data Protection |
P & EB | Pensions and Employee Benefits |
P & NGLR | Papua and New Guinea Law Reports |
P & P | Practice and Procedure |
P & T | Pugsley and Trueman's New Brunswick Law Reports (Can) 1882-1883 |
P 2d | Pacific Reporter, Second Series, (USA) 1931- |
P Ad | Public Administration (Aust) |
P Cas | Prize Cases Heard and Decided in the Prize Court During the Great War (Trehern & Grant) 1914-1922 |
P Injury | Personal Injury |
P Life | Police Life |
P Wms | Peere Williams' Chancery and King's Bench Cases 1695-1735 |
Pa | Pennsylvania (USA) |
Pennsylvania State Reports (Pennsylvania USA) 1845- | |
Pa St | Pennsylvania State Reports (USA) 1845- |
Pa Super | Pennsylvania Superior Court Reports (USA) 1895- |
PABB | Pay And Benefits Bulletin |
PABR | Planning Appeals Board Reports (Vic) 1983-1987 |
PABR | Practice Notes, of the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal, reprinted in: Durie, R & Catterns, D Broadcasting Law and Practice, 1987 |
Pac McGeorge Global Bus & Dev LJ | Pacific McGeorge Global Business & Development Law Journal |
Pac Rim L & Pol'y J | Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal |
Pace Envtl L Rev | Pace Environmental Law Review |
Pace Int'l L Rev | Pace International Law Review |
Pace L Rev | Pace Law Review |
PAD | Planning Appeal Decisions |
Pai Ch | Paige's New York Chancery Reports (USA) 1828-1845 |
Paine CC | Paine's 2nd Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1810-1840 |
Paisner CU | Paisner Company Update |
Paisner EB | Paisner European Bulletin |
Paisner EU | Paisner Environment Update |
Paisner IPB | Paisner Intellectual Property Briefing |
Palm | Palmer's Assizes at Cambridge 1260 |
Palmer's King's Bench Reports 1619-1629 | |
Palmer's Reports (Vermont USA) (53-60 Vt) | |
Papy | Papy's Reports (Florida USA) (5-8 Fla) |
Par | Parson's Reports (New Hampshire USA) (65-66 NH) |
Par Dec | Parson's Decisions (Massachusetts USA) (2-7 Mass) |
Park | Parker, The Laws of Shipping and Insurance with Digest of Cases 1693-1774 |
Parker's Exchequer Reports 1743-1767 | |
Parl | Parliamentarian (Journal of the Parliaments of the Commonwealth) |
Parl Aff | Parliamentary Affairs |
Paschal | Paschal's Reports (Texas USA) (28-31 Tex and Supplement to 25 Tex) |
Pat | Paterson's Scotch Appeals, House of Lords 1851-1873 |
Paton's Scotch Appeals, House of Lords 1726-1821 | |
Purchasing Appeals Tribunal | |
Pat App | Craigie, Stewart & Paton's Scotch Appeals 1726-1821 |
Pat Cas | Reports of Patent Design and Trade Mark Cases 1884- |
Pat L Rev | Patent Law Review |
PATA | Pacific Association of Tax Administrators |
Pater App | Paterson's Appeal Cases (Scotland) 1851-1873 |
Pay Mag | Pay Magazine |
PBA | Pharmacy Board of Appeal (NZ) |
PBR | Pro Bono Report |
PC | Privy Council / Privy Councillor |
Prize Court | |
Pleas of the Crown | |
PC '74-'28 | Gold Coast Privy Council Judgements (Ghana) 1874-1928 |
PC App | Law Reports, Privy Council Appeals |
PCA | Papua New Guinea Companies Legislation |
Permanent Court of Arbitration, (Netherlands) | |
PCC | Palmer's Company Cases |
Privy Council Cases | |
PCIJ | Permanent Court of International Justice |
PCIJ Rep | Reports of the Permanent Court of International Justice |
PCLB | Practitioners' Child Law Bulletin |
PCLJ | Public Contract Law Journal |
PCT | Patent Co-operation Treaty |
PCT Gazette | |
PD | Law Reports, Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division 1875-1890 |
PDSC | Practice Direction Supreme Court (Qld) |
Peabody L Rev | Peabody Law Review |
Peake | Peake's Nisi Prius Reports 1790-1794 |
Peake Add Cas | Peake's Additional Cases 1795-1812 |
PEAL | Publishing Entertainment Advertising Law Quarterly |
PEANZ | Petroleum Exploration Association of New Zealand |
PEBL | Perspectives on European Business Law |
PEC | Planning and Environment Court (Qld) |
Peck | Peck's Reports (Illinois USA) (11-22 Ill); (24-30 Ill) |
Peck's Reports (Tennessee USA) 1821-1824 (7 Tenn) | |
Peckwell's Election Cases 1802-1806 | |
Peeples | Peeples' Reports (Georgia USA) (78, 79 Ga) |
Peeples & Stevens | Peeples & Stevens' Reports (Georgia USA) (80-97 Ga) |
Peere Wms | Peere Williams' Chancery and King's Bench Cases 1695-1735 |
PEI | Haszard & Walburton's Reports (Prince Edward Island, Can) 1850-1882 |
Prince Edward Island (Can) | |
PEI Rep | Haviland's Prince Edward Island Reports (Can) 1850-1872 |
PEILRC | Prince Edward Island Law Reform Commission |
PELB | Planning and Environmental Law Bulletin |
Pelham | Pelhams Reports (South Australia) 1865-1866 |
Pen & W | Penrose & Watt's Reports (Pennsylvania USA) 1829-1832 |
Pen law | Pension Lawyer |
Pen Week | Pensions Week |
Pen World | Pensions World |
PENDC | Australian Corporation Law Pending Legislation (Contained within Australian Corporation Law Legislation,Vol2) |
PENDT | Australian Tax Practice Pending Legislation (Renamed Australian Tax Practice Bills Explanatory Memoranda 1994) |
Penn | Pennewill's Reports (Delaware USA) 1897-1909 (17-23 Del) |
Penn St | Pennsylvania State Reports (Pennsylvania USA) 1845- |
Penn St Int'l L Rev | Penn State International Law Review |
Penn St L Rev | Penn State Law Review |
Penning | Pennington's New Jersey Law Reports (New Jersey USA) 1806-1813 (2-3 NJL) |
Pens LR | Pensions Law Reports |
PEPAT | Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (1991) |
Pepp Disp Resol LJ | Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal |
Pepp L Rev | Pepperdine Law Review |
Per & Dav | Perry and Davison's King's Bench Reports 1838-1841 |
Per & Kn | Perry and Knapp's Election Cases 1833 |
Per CS | Perrault's Conseil Superieur de Quebec (Can) 1727-1759 |
Per P | Perrault's Prevoste de Quebec 1726-1759 |
PERIN | Penalty Enforcement Registration of Infringement Notice (Victoria) |
Pet | Haviland's Prince Edward Island Reports by Peters (Can) 1850-1872 |
Pet Adm | Peter's US District Court, Admiralty Decisions (USA) 1780-1807 (Eastern District of Pennsylvania) |
Pet CC | Peter's US 3rd Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1803-1818 |
Peters | Havilland's Prince Edward Island Reports by Peters (Can) 1850-1872 |
Peters US | Peter's United States Supreme Court Reports (USA) 1828-1842 (26-41 US) |
Petty SR | Petty Sessions Review (Superseded by NSW CR) |
PF | Property Finance |
PF & D | Property Finance and Development |
PF & P | Practical Forms & Precedents - NSW |
Ph | Phillimore's Ecclesiastical Reports 1809-1821 |
Phillips' Chancery Reports 1841-1849 | |
Phillips' Election Cases 1780-1781 | |
Phil | Phillips' North Carolina Reports (North Carolina USA) 1866-1868 (62 NC) |
Phil El Cas | Phillips' Election Cases 1780-1781 |
Phil Eq | Phillips' North Carolina Equity Reports (North Carolina USA) 1866-1868 962 NC) |
Phil LJ | Philippine Law Journal |
Phill | Phillips' Reports (Illinois USA) (152-245 Ill) |
Phillim | Phillimore's Ecclesiastical Reports 1809-1821 |
Phillim Eccl | Phillimore's Ecclesiastical Judgments 1867-1875 |
Phillips | Phillips Reports (North Carolina USA) (63, 68, NC) |
Phip | Phipson's Digest, Natal Reports (S Afr) 1858-1859 |
Phipson's Reports, Natal Supreme Court (S Afr) | |
Phipson | Phipson's Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Natal (S Afr) 1858 |
PI | Personal Injury |
PIB | Public Information Bulletin (Inland Revenue Department, NZ) |
PIB'S | Public Information Bulletins (Australian Taxation Office) |
PIC | Palmer's In Company |
Pick | Pickering's Reports (Massachusetts USA) 1822-1839 (18-41 Mass) |
Pickle | Pickle's Reports (Tennessee USA) 1886-1902 (85-108 Tenn) |
Pierce L Rev | Pierce Law Review |
Pig & R | Pigott and Rodwell's Registration Appeal Cases 1843-1845 |
PIJ | Planning Inspectorate Journal |
Pike | Pike's Reports (Arkansas USA) (1-5 Ark) |
PILCH | Public Interest Law Clearing House (Sydney; Joint Venture between PIAC, NSW law firms and the Law Society of NSW) |
PILJ | Personal Injury Law Journal |
PILMR | Personal Injury Law and Medical Review |
PILOM | Pacific Island Law Officers Meetings |
Pin | Pinney's Reports (Wisconsin USA) 1839-1852 |
Pitc | Pitcairn's Criminal Trials (Scotland) 1488-1624 |
PIQR | Personal Ingury & Quantam Reports |
PJT | Prices Justification Tribunal Decisions |
PL | Public Law |
PLA | Product Liability Australia |
Pla Par | Placita Parliamentaria: Pleadings in Parliament with the Judgements thereon during the reigns of Edward 1st and Edward 2nd edited by W Riley 1661 |
Plac Angl Nor | Placita Anglo Normannica: law cases from William 1 to Richard 1 (1066-1195) preserved in historical records; edited by H M Bigelow 1879 |
PLAN | Planning Tribunal Decisions (NZ - available on Kiwinet) 1984- |
Plaxton | Plaxton's Constitutional Decisions of the Privy Council (Can) 1930-1939 |
PLB | Property Law Bulletin |
PLC | Practical Law Companies |
PLCR | Planning Law Case Reports |
PLD | All Pakistan Legal Decisions 1947- |
PLERC | Property Law and Equity Law Reform Committee (NZ) |
PLI | Product Liability International |
PLJ | Property Law Journal |
PLL | Papua New Guinea Labour Law |
Plowd | Plowden's Commentaries or Reports 1550-1580 |
PLPR | Privacy Law & Policy Reporter |
PLR | Patent Law Review |
Pensions Law Reports 1989- | |
Planning Law Reports | |
Public Law Review | |
PMF | Provincial & Municipal Finances |
PMIM | Post Magazine and Insurance Monitor |
PN | Professional Negligence |
PN & L | Professional Negligence and Liability |
Pn LR | Pohnpei Supreme Court Reports 1984- (Pohnpei formerly part of the Federated States of Micronesia) |
PNG CA | Papua New Guinea Court of Appeal |
PNGLR | Papua New Guinea Law Reports 1969- |
PNGLRC | Papua New Guinea Law Reform Commission |
PNLR | Professional Negligence and Liability Reports |
Pol J | Police Journal |
Polamerican LJ | Polamerican Law Journal |
PoLAR | PoLAR: The Political and Legal Anthropology Review |
Police LQ | Police Law Quarterly |
Policing: Int'l J Police Strat & Mgmt | Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management |
Policing T | Policing Today |
Poll | Pollexfen's King's Bench Reports1669-1685 |
Pomeroy | Pomeroy's Reports (California USA) (73-128 Cal) |
Poph | Popham's King's Bench Reports 1592-1626 |
Port | Porter's Reports (Alabama USA) 1834-1839 |
Porter | Porter's Reports (Indiana USA) (3-7 Ind) |
Portland U L Rev | Portland University Law Review |
POS | Policy Statements, of the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal, reprinted in: Durie, R & Catterns, D Broadcasting law and practice, LBC, 1987 |
Post | Post's Reports (Michigan USA) (23-36 Mich) |
Post's Reports (Missouri USA) (42-64 Mo) | |
Potchefstroom Elec LJ | Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal |
Potter | Potter's Reports (Wyoming USA) (4-7 Wyo) |
Pow R & D | Power, Rodwell and Dew's Election Cases 1847-1856 |
PP | Parliamentary Paper |
Professional Pensions | |
PP & D | Practical Planning and Development |
PPL | Practical Planning Law |
PPLR | Public Procurement Law Review |
PPM | Professional Practice Management |
PR | Philippine Reports 1901-1946 |
Property Review | |
Pr C | Prize Cases Heard and Decided in the Prize Court During the great War (Trehern & Grant) 1914-22 |
PR J | Prison Journal |
PRAC | Pacific Rim Advisory Council |
Pratt | Pratt's Contraband of War 1861 |
Pratt's Supplement to Bott's Poor Laws 1833 | |
Prec Ch | Precedents in Chancery 1689-1722 |
Precedent | Law Bulletin of the James Cook University Law School Inc |
Price | Price's Exchequer Reports 1814-1824 |
Price's Mining Commissioner's Cases (Ontario, Can) 1906-1910 | |
Price Pr Cas | Price's Notes of Practice Cases in Exchequer 1830-1831 |
Prison L Rep | Prison Law Reporter |
Prison Serv J | Prison Service Journal |
Priv C App | Privy Council Appeals |
Priv LB | Privacy Law Bulletin |
Privacy Bulletin | Privacy Bulletin (Privacy Committee, Sydney) |
PRN | Practice Notes, of the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal, reprinted in: Durie, R & Catterns, D Broadcasting Law and Practice, 1987 |
PRNZ | Procedure Reports of New Zealand 1983/1989- |
Pro JQ | Provincial Judges Quarterly |
Prob | Law Reports, Probate Division 1891- |
Prob & Div | Law Reports, Probate and Divorce 1865-1875 |
Prob & Prop | Probate and Property (ABA) |
Prob J | Probation Journal |
Proc | Proctor |
Proc ASIL | Proceedings of the American Society of International Law |
Proc Medico-Legal Soc NSW | Proceedings of the Medico-Legal Society of New South Wales |
Proc Medico-Legal Soc Vic | Proceedings of the Medico-Legal Society of Victoria |
Procurement Law | Procurement Lawyer |
Proctor | The Proctor - Newsletter of the Queensland Law Society |
Prof Admin | Professional Administration |
Prof L | Professional Lawyer |
Prop & Comp R | Property & Compensation Reports (UK) 1950- |
Prouty | Prouty's Reports (Vermont USA) (61-65 Vt) |
PRS | Political Reference Service |
PS | Pensions Systems |
Police Studies | |
Property Law Bulletin | |
PSA | Prices Surveillance Authority (Superseded by ACCC) |
PSB | Public Service Board |
PSJ | Prison Service Journal |
PSR | Petty Sessions Review (Continued by NSWCR 1994-) |
Psychiatry Psychol & L | Psychiatry, Psychology and Law |
Psychol Pub Pol'y & L | Psychology, Public Policy, and Law |
PT | Pensions Today |
PT Rulings | Payroll Tax Rulings (CCH) |
PTCJ Res & Ed | Patent, Trademark and Copyright Journal of Research and Education |
PTMDO | Patents, Trade Marks & Designs Office |
PTX | Papua New Guinea Income Tax Legislation (CCH) |
Pub Ad | Public Administration |
Pub Ad Is | Public Administration in Israel & Abroad |
Pub Contract LJ | Public Contract Law Journal |
Pub L | Public Law |
Pub Land & Resources L Rev | Public Land and Resources Law Review |
Pub Law Bull | Public Law Bulletin |
Pub LR | Public Law Review |
Pub Space: J L & Soc Just | Public Space: The Journal of Law and Social Justice |
Public F | Public Finance |
Pug | Pugsley's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1872-1877 |
Pulsifer | Pulsifer's Reports (Maine USA) (65-68 Me) |
PVR | Plant Variety Rights |
Py R | Pyke Lower Canada King's Bench Reports (Quebec, Can) 1809-1810 |
PYIL | The Philippine Yearbook of International Law 1966- |