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Legal abbreviations: L – P

Legal abbreviations for Australian and international law reports, law journals, legal organisations, courts, etc.
Abbreviation Title
L & A Law and Anthropology
L & C Law and Critique
L & Comp Tech Law & Computer Technology
L & CP Law & Contemporary Problems
L & G t Plunk Lloyd and Goold's Irish Chancery Cases tempore Plunkett 1834-1839
L & J Law and Justice
L & Phil Law and Philosophy
L & Soc Rev Law and Society Review
L & T Review Landlord and Tenant Review
L & TR Landlord and Tenant Reports
L & Welsb Lloyd and Welsby's Commercial and Mercantile Cases 1829-1830
L (EPT) Excess Profits Tax Leaflets
L (TC) Income Tax Leaflets
L COMP T Law and Computer Technology
L Exr (Newspr Tas) Launceston Examiner Reports (Tasmania)
L Guard Law Guardian
L Inst J Law Institute Journal
L Jo Law Journal Newspaper 1866-1965
L Off Econ & Man Law Office Economics & Management
L Pop Law & Population Monograph Series
L Soc B Law Society Bulletin (South Australia)
L Soc Gaz Law Society Gazette
L Soc J Law Society Journal
L Soc N Law & Society Newsletter
L Soc Q Law & Society Quarterly
Law & Soc'y Rev Law & Society Review
L Th La Themis (Quebec, Can) 1879-1883
LA Lawyers Reports Annotated (USA) 1888-1906
Louisiana (USA)
Louisiana Reports (USA) 1830-1841; 1900-1972
LA (NS) Lawyers Reports Annotated, New Series (USA) 1906-1914
LA 3d Lawyers Reports Annotated, Third Series (USA) 1915-1918
La Ann Louisiana Annual Reports (Louisiana USA) 1846-1900
La L J Louisiana Law Journal
La LR Louisiana Law Review
La Raza LJ La Raza Law Journal
Lab Ind Labour and Industry
Lab Law Labor Lawyer
Lab LJ Labor Law Journal
Lab R Labour Report
LABL Australian Company Secretary's Business Law Manual (CCH)
Labor LJ Labor Law Journal
LAC Labour Arbitration Cases (Can) 1948-1972
LAC (Can) Labour Arbitration Cases (Can) 1948-1972
LACB Legal Aid Clearinghouse Bulletin
LACC Land Appeal Court Cases (NSW) 1890-1912
Ladd Ladd Reports (New Hampshire USA) (59-64 NH)
LAG Legal Action Group
LAG B LAG Bulletin
LAI Law and Inequality
LAL Local Authority Law
Lalor Lalor's Supplement to Hill and Denio's Reports (New York USA) 1842-1844
Lamar  Lamar's Reports (Florida USA) (25-42 Fla)
Lamb Lamb's Reports (Wisconsin USA) (103-105 Wis)
Land & Water L Rev Land & Water Law Review
Land App Ct Cas Land Appeal Court Cases (NSW) 1890-1912
Land L Serv Land Laws Service (NSW) (LBC)
Lans Lansing's Chancery Reports (New York USA) 1824-1826
Lap Dec Laperriere's Speaker's Decisions (Can) 1841-1872
LAR Labour Arbitration Reports (USA) 1946-
Legal Aid Review
Lat Latch's King's Bench Reports 1625-1628
LATE Local Authority Trading Enterprise (NZ)
Lath Lathrop's Reports (Massachusetts USA) (115-145 Mass)
Laur Laurence's Reports of the High Court of Griqualand (S Afr) 1882-1910
Laur HC Ca Laurence's Reports of the High Court of Griqualand (S Afr) 1882-1910
Laura Laura (La Trobe University Legal Studies Students Association)
Laurence Laurence's Reports of the High Court of Griqualand (S Afr) 1882-1910
LAW Law of Electronic Commerce
Law & Banker & Cent L J Lawyer and Banker and Central Law Journal
Law & Bus Rev Am Law and Business Review of the Americas
Law & Crit Law and Critique
Law & Equity Rep Law and Equity Reporter
Law & Hist Rev Law and History Review
Law & Ineq Law and Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice
law & Just Law and Justice
Law & Lab Law and Labor
Law & Literature Law and Literature
Law & Prac Int'l Cts & Tribunals Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals
Law & Soc Inquiry Law and Social Inquiry
Law & Soc’y Rev Law & Society Review
Law & Soc'y J UCSB Law and Society Journal at the University of California, Santa Barbara
Law & Tax R Law and Tax Review
Law Alert Law Alert (CCH)
Law & Pol'y Law & Policy
Law and Policy Papers Law and Policy Papers
Law and Pol'y Int'l Bus Law and Policy in International Business
Law & Psychol Rev Law & Psychology Review
Law & Sexuality: Rev Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual & Transgender Legal Issues
Law & Sexuality: A Review of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Legal Issues
Law Chr Law Chronicle or Journal of Jurisprudence (Scotland) 1829-1832
Law Cont Probl Law and Contemporary Problems
Law Council Newsl Law Council Newsletter
Law in Cont Law in Context (La Trobe University)
Law in Eur Lawyers in Europe
Law Inst J Law Institute Journal
Law Letter Law Letter - Newsletter of the Law Society of Tasmania
Law Lib Law Librarian
Law Lib J Law Library Journal
Law Libr Lights Law Library Lights
Law Mag Law Magazine
Law Mag & Rev Quart Rev Juris Law Magazine and Review: A Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence
Law, Prob & Ris Law, Probability and Risk
Law Reg Cas Lawson's Registration Cases (Ireland) 1885-1914
Law Rev Mich St U-Det CL Law Review of Michigan State University Detroit College of Law
L Rev & QJ Brit & Foreign Jurisprudence
Law Review, and Quarterly Journal of British and Foreign Jurisprudence
Law Soc ACT Gaz Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory Gazette
Law Soc ACT NL Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory Newsletter
Law Soc Bull Law Society Bulletin (SA)
Law Soc Gaz Law Society Gazette
Law Soc J Law Society Journal (NSW)
Law Soc Tas NL Law Society of Tasmania Newsletter
Law Teach Law Teacher
Law/Tech Law/Technology (World Peace through Law Center)
Lawasia Lawasia (Butt)
Lawasia (NS) Lawasia (New Series) (University of Technology, Sydney)
Lawasia CLB Lawasia Commercial Law Bulletin
Lawasia HRB Lawasia Human Rights Bulletin
Lawasia Newsletter NS Lawasia Newsletter New Series
Lawlink Lawlink (Lawlink Group, New Zealand)
Lawrence Lawrence's Reports (Ohio USA) (20 Ohio)
Laws Reg Cas Lawson's Irish Registration Cases 1885-1914
Lawtalk Lawtalk (New Zealand Law Society)
Lawyer Victorian Young Lawyers
LB Co's Indus Arb Ser (Curr Rev) Law Book Co's Industrial Arbitration Service (Current Review)
LBC Newsletter Law Book Company Ltd Newsletter
LBEB Lloyds Bank Economic Bulletin
LBR Lloyds Bank Review
LC Lord Chancellor
LC & AI Law, Computers and Artificial Intelligence
LC & M Gaz Local Courts and Municipal Gazette (Can) 1865-1872
LC News Law Centres News
LCA Law Council of Australia
LCA Newsletter Law Council of Australia Newsletter
LCABLS Bull Law Council of Australia Business Law Section Bulletin
LCB Lord Chief Baron (Exchequer)
LCC (NSW) Land Appeal Court Cases (NSW) 1890-1921
LCCLR Lawasia : Comparative Constitutional Law Newsletter
LCCN Local Court Procedure New South Wales (Butt)
LCF Lawyers Christian Fellowship (NSW)
LCJ Lower Canada Jurist
LCLJ Lower Canada Law Journal
LCN Law Council Newsletter
LCP Law and Contemporary Problems
LCR Land Compensation Reports (Can) 1970-
Lower Canada Reports (1850-1867)
LD Legal Director
Ld Raym Lord Raymond's King's Bench Reports 1694-1732
LDAB Leading Decisions Affecting Bankers (published by Institute of Bankers, London) 1879-
LDB Leading Decisions Affecting Bankers (published by Institute of Bankers, London) 1879-
Legal Decisions Affecting Bankers 1879-
LE Lawyers' Edition, US Supreme Court Reports
Lawyers' Europe
Le & Ca Leigh and Cave's Crown Cases Reserved 1861-1865
LE 2d Lawyers' Edition, US Supreme Court Reports, Second Series
Lea Lea's Reports (Tennessee USA) 1878-1886 (69-84 Tenn)
LEAC Law Enforcement Advisory Committee
Leach Leach's Cases in Crown Law 1730-1815
LEAD Law Environment and Development Journal
LEADR LEADR Brief (Lawyers Engaged in Alternative Dispute Resolution, Aust & NZ)
LEAN Law Enforcement Access Network
LEANZ Law and Economics Association of New Zealand
Learning & L Learning and the Law
LEC Land and Environment Court (NSW)
Lee Lee's Reports (California USA) (9-12 Cal)
Lee t Hard Lee's King's Bench Cases tempore Hardwicke 1733-1738
Leese Leese's Reports (Nebraska USA) (26 Neb)
Leg Iss Euro Integ Legal Issues of European Integration
Leg Rep Legal Reporter (Aust) 1980-
Legal Reporter (Ireland) 1840-1843
Leg Rep SL Legal Reporter Special Leave Supplement
Leg S Legal Studies
Leg SB Legal Service Bulletin
Leg Serv Bull Legal Service Bulletin
Leg Th Legal Theory
Legal Educ Rev Legal Education Review
Legal Issues of Econ Integration Legal Issues of Economic Integration
Legal O Legal Opinion (Pakistan)
Legal Rep Legal Reporter
Legal Stud F Legal Studies Forum
Leg Eth Legal Ethics
Legge Legge's Supreme Court Cases (NSW) 1825-1862
Legn Legislation
Leigh Leigh's Reports (Virginia USA) 1829-1842 (28-39 Va)
LEN Land and Environment Notes (NSW)
Leon Leonard's Reports 1540-1615
LEP Local Environment Plan
LEPR Law Enforcement Policy and Resources Committee
LER Legal Education Review
LES Licensing Executives Society Australia & New Zealand
Les LJ Lesotho Law Journal
Les Nouvelles Les Nouvelles Journal of the Licensing Executives Society
Lester Lester's Reports (Georgia USA) (31-33 Ga)
Lev Levine's King's Bench and Common Pleas Reports 1660-1697
Lew CC Lewin's Crown Cases Reserved 1822-1838
Lewis Lewis Reports (Nevada USA) (1 Nev)
Lewis & Clark L Rev Lewis & Clark Law Review
Lex Sci Lex et Scientia
LEXIS Brief LEXIS Brief (Butt)
LG Law Guardian
LG & L Local Government and Law
LG Rev Local Government Review
LGATR (NSW) Local Government Appeals Tribunal Reports of NSW
LGB Local Government Bulletin
LGCt (Qld) Local Government Court (Qld)
LGCt (Vic) Local Government Court (Vic)
LGERA Local Government and Environmental Reports of Australia (Formerly LGRA) 1993-
LGLJ Local Government Law Journal
LGLR Local Government Law Reports
LGM Local Government management
LGN Local Government Planning and Environment New South Wales 
LGPLG Local Government & Planning Law Guide
LGR Knight's Local Government Reports (Continues the above from 1974-)
Local Government Reports 1903-1972
LGR (NSW) Local Government Reports (NSW) (LBC) 1911-1956
LGRA Local Government Reports of Australia 1956-1993
LGRT Local Government Remuneration Tribunal (NSW)
LI Lawyer International
LIAC Legal Information Access Centre (State Library of NSW)
Lib Ass Liber Assisarum, (Book of Assizes) Year Books 1327-1377
Liberia SCR Liberian Law Reports
Liberty U L Rev Liberty University Law Review
LIC Law in Context
LII Life Insurance International
LIJ Law in Japan
Law Institute Journal
LIL Low Income Law
LIM Legal information Management
LIN Law Institute News (Law Institute of Victoria)
Lincoln L Rev Lincoln Law Review
LINX Legal Index (Auckland District Law Society Library; available on Kiwinet)
LIS Legal Information Service (NZ)
Lit Litigation
Litt Littell's Reports (Kentucky USA) 1822-1824 (11-15 Ky)
Litt Rep Littleton's Common Pleas Reports 1626-1632
Litt Sel Cas Littell's Selected Cases (Kentucky USA)1795-1821 (16 Ky)
LIV Law Institute of Victoria
Liverpool LR Liverpool Law Review
LJ Law Journal
Lord Justice (Court of Appeal; Court of Appeal in Chancery)
LJ Adm Law Journal Reports, Admiralty, New Series 1865-1875
LJ Bcy Law Journal Reports, Bankruptcy, New Series 1832-1880
LJ Ch Law Journal Reports, Chancery, New Series 1831-1846
LJ Ch (OS) Law Journal Reports, Old Series 1822-1831
LJ Eccl Law Journal Reports, Ecclesiastical Cases, New Series 1866-1875
LJ Ex Law Journal Reports, Exchequer, New Series 1831-1875
LJ Ex Eq Law Journal Reports, Exchequer in Equity 1835-1841
LJ Rep NS Law Journal Reports, New Series 1831-1946
LJ Rep OS Law Journal Reports, Old Series 1822-1831
LJCCA Law Journal County Court Appeals
LJCCR Law Journal County Courts Reporter 1912-1933
LJCP Law Journal Reports, Common Pleas, New Series 1831-1875
LJI Legal Journals Index
LJKB Law Journal Reports, King's Bench, New Series 1831-1946
LJMC Law Journal Reports, Magistrates' Cases, New Series 1831-1896
LJNC Law Journal, Notes of Cases 1866-1892
LJNCCR Law Journal County Court Reports
LJOS Law Journal Reports Old Series 1822-1831
LJP Law Journal Reports New Series Probate, Divorce and Admiralty 1875-1946
LJP & M Law Journal Reports, New Series Probate, Matrimonial Cases 1866-1875
LJPC Law Journal Reports, New Series, Privy Council 1865-1946
LJPD & A Law Journal Reports, New Series, Probate Divorce and Admiralty 1875-1946
LJPM & A Law Journal Reports, New Series Probate, Matrimonial and Admiralty 1860-1865
LJQB Law Journal Reports, New Series, Queen's Bench 1831-1946
LJR Law Journal Reports 1947-9
LL Law Librarian
Looseleaf or Loose-leaf (pages/Service)
Ll & G t P Lloyd & Goold's Irish Chancery Reports tempore Plunkett (Ireland) 1834-1839
Ll & G t S Lloyd & Goold's Irish Chancery Reports tempore Sugden (Ireland) 1835
Ll & W Lloyd & Welsby's Commercial and Mercantile Cases 1829-1830
Ll LL Rep Lloyd's List Law Reports 1919-1950
Ll MCLQ Lloyd's Maritime & Commercial Law Quarterly
Ll Rep Lloyd's Law Reports 1968-
LLA Liquor Licensing Authority (NZ)
LLB Lee & Li Bulletin
LLBR Licensing Law and Business Report
LLJ Labour Law Journal (India) 1949-
LLJ Law Library Journal
Lloyd Pr Cas Lloyd's Prize Cases Reports 1914-1924
Lloyd Pr Cas NS Lloyd's List Prize Cases Reports, Second Series 1939-1953
Lloyd's Rep Lloyd's Law Reports 1968-
Lloyd's List Law Reports 1919-1967
Lloyd's Rep Med Lloyd's Reports: Medical
LLR Leader Law Reports (SAfr) 1909-1910
Liberian Law Reports
LLS Land Laws Service (LBC)
LM & P Lowndes, Maxwell & Pollocks Bail Court and Practice Reports 1850-1851
LMCLQ Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly
LMCS Reports Legal Management Consultancy Services' Law Practice Management Newsletter
LMD Legal Monthly Digest
LMELR Land Management and Environmental Law Reporter
LML Newsletter Lloyd's Maritime Law Newsletter
LMN London Market Newsletter
LN Law Notes
Legal News (Can) 1878-1897
Licensing Laws of NSW
LNTS League of Nations Treaty Series 1920-1946
Abbreviation Title
Lock Rev Cas Lockwood's Reversed Cases (New York USA) 1799-1847
LOEM Law Office Economics & Management
Lofft Lofft's King's Bench Reports 1772-1774
LOIS Legal Office Information Service
Long & T Longfield and Townsend's Exchequer Reports (Ire) 1841-1842
Lou L Rev Louisiana Law Review
Low Lowell's US District Court Reports (USA) 1865-1876 (District of Massachusetts)
Lown & M Lowndes & Maxwell's Bail Court Reports 1852-1854
Lownd M & P Lowndes, Maxwell & Pollock's Bail Court Reports 1850-1851
Loy Consumer L Rev Loyola Consumer Law Review
Loy J Pub Int L Loyola Journal of Public Interest Law
Loy L A Ent L Rev Loyola of Los Angeles Entertainment Law Review
Loy L J Loyola Law Journal (New Orleans)
Loy LA Ent LJ Loyola of Los Angeles Entertainment Law Journal
Loy LA L Rev Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review
Loy LA Int'l & Comp L Rev Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review
Loy L Rev Loyola Law Review
Loy L & Tech Ann Loyola Law and Technology Annual
Loy Mar L J Loyola Maritime Law Journal
Loy Poverty LJ Loyola Poverty Law Journal
Loy U Chi Int'l L Rev Loyola University Chicago International Law Review
Loy U Chi LJ Loyola University Chicago Law Journal
LP Lord President
LPDAT Legal Practitioners' Disciplinary Appeal Tribunal (WA)
LPDR Legal Profession Disciplinary Reports (supplements to the Law Society Journal) 1991-
LPDT Legal Profession Disciplinary Tribunal (NSW)
New Zealand Law Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal
LPIB Law and Policy in International Business
LPLI Lloyd's Product Liability International
LPM Law Practice Management Newsletter
LPT Legal Practice Tribunal
LPU Legal Practices Update
LQR Law Quarterly Review
LQUT Queensland Unit & Group Titles Law & Practice (CCH)
LR Law Recorder (Ireland) 1827-1838
Law Reports 1865-
Licensing Review
The Law Review
LR (NSW) New South Wales Law Reports 1880-1900
LR (NSW) B&P New South Wales Law Reports, Bankruptcy and Probate (NSW) 1880-1900
LR (NSW) D New South Wales Law Reports, Divorce 1880-1900
LR (NSW) Eq New South Wales Law Reports, Equity  1880-1900
LR (NSW) Vic-Adm New South Wales Law Reports, Vice-Admiralty 1880-1900
LR Dig Law Reports, Digest of Cases
LR Eq Law Reports, Equity Cases 1865-1875
LR Exch Law Reports, Exchequer 1865-1875
LR Ind App Law Reports, Indian Appeals 1872-1875
LR Ind App Supp Law Reports, Indian Appeals Supplement 1872-1875
LR Ir Law Reports (Ireland) 1878-1893
LR NSW New South Wales Law Reports 1880-1900
LR Prob Div Law Reports, Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division 1865-1875
LR Sc & Div Law Reports, Scotch and Divorce Appeals 1866-1875
LR Stat Law Reports Statutes
LRA Lawyers' Reports Annotated
LRA & E Law Reports, Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Cases 1865-1875
LRANZ Legal Research in Australia and New Zealand (Australian National University - Previously Legal Research Newsletter 1992-1993)
LRB Law Reports of the Bahamas
LRC Law Reform Commission (various Jurisdictions)
Law Reports of the Commonwealth 1993-
LRC (Comm) Law Reports of the Commonwealth, Commercial Law Reports 1985-1992
LRC (Const) Law Reports of the Commonwealth, Constitutional and Administrative Law Reports 1985-1992
LRC (Crim) Law Reports of the Commonwealth, Criminal Law Reports 1985-1992
LRCCR Law Reports, Crown Cases Reserved 1865-1875
LRCP Law Reports, Common Pleas 1865-1875
LRF Legal Research Foundation (NZ)
LRHL Law Reports, English and Irish Appeals and Peerage Claims, House of Lords 1866-1875
LRIA Law Reports, Indian Appeals 1872-1875
LRMCNS Law Reports, Magistrates Cases, New Series
LRLR Lloyd's Reinsurance Law Reports
LRP Law Reports of Palestine
LRP & D Law Reports, Probate and Divorce Cases 1865-1875
LRPC Law Reports, Privy Council 1865-1875
LRPD Law Reports, Probate Division 1875-1890
LRQB Law Reports, Queen's Bench 1865-1875, 1891-
Quebec Official Reports, Queen's Bench (Can) 1942-
LRQBD Law Reports Queen's Bench Division 1875-1890
LRRP Law Reports, Restrictive Practices Cases 1958-1972
LRSA South Australia Law Reports 1865-1892, 1899-1920
LRT Tanzanian Law Reports
LS Law & State
Legal Studies
LS Gaz Law Society Gazette 
LS Judg Sch Law Society Judgment Scheme (SA)
LSB Legal Service Bulletin
LSB (SA) Law Society Bulletin (SA)
LSEC Australian Company Secretary's Practice Manual (CCH: changed title to Australian Corporate Practice Manual from 1995)
LSG Legal Services Group
Law Society Gazette
LSJ Law Society Journal (NSW)
LSJS Law Society of South Australia Judgment Scheme
LSPP Step-by-Step Precedents & Procedures - Companies, Trusts, Superannuation Funds (CCH)
LSQ Legislative Studies Quarterly
LSR Locus Standi Reports
LT Law Times Reports 1859-1947
The Law Teacher
LT Jo Law Times 1843-1965
LT Rulings Land Tax Rulings (CCH)
LTC Law/Text/Culture
LTJ Law Technology Journal
LTNS Law Times Reports, New Series 1859-1947
LTO  Land Titles Office
Land Titles Office (NZ)
LTOS Law Times Reports, Old Series 1843-1859
LTPE Taxation Precedents, Procedures and Elections (CCH)
LTR Law Times Reports
Lud EC Luder's Election Cases 1784-7
Ludd Ludden's Reports (Maine USA) (43, 44 Me)
Lumley PLC Lumley's Poor Law Cases 1834-1842
Lumpkin Lumpkin's Reports (Georgia USA) (59-77 Ga)
Lush Lushington's Admiralty Reports 1859-1862
Lut Lutwyche's Entries and Reports, Common Pleas 1682-1704
Lut Reg Cas A J Lutwyche's Registration Cases 1843-1453
Lutw E Lutwyche's Entries and Reports, Common Pleas 1682-1704
LV Liquor Laws  Victoria
LV Bd Land Valuation Board
LV Ct Land Valuation Court (NZ)
LVCB Land and Valuation Case Book (NZ)
LVC Lands Tribunal Decisions 1950-
LVR Land and Valuation Court Reports (NSW) 1922-1970
LVR (NSW) Land and Valuation Court Reports (NSW) 1922-1970
LVRT Land Valuation Review Tribunal (NT)
LVT Land Valuation Tribunal
LWLR Land & Water Law Review
Lynd Lyndwood, Provinciale seu Constitutiones Angliae Various eds from 1483
Abbreviation Title
M Macpherson's Session Cases,3rd Series (Scotland) 1862-1873
Menzies' Reports of the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1828-50
Morison's Dictionary of Decisions (Scotland) 1540-1808
M & S Manning & Scott's Common Bench Reports 1845-1856
Maule and Selwyn's King's Bench Reports 1813-1817
Moore & Scott's Common Pleas Reports 1831-1834
M & W Meeson and Welsby's Exchequer Reports 1836-1847
Mac Macassey's Reports (NZ) 1861-1872
Maori Appellate Court (NZ)
Maritime Arbitration Commission
Motor Accidents Cases (CCH) 1981-
Mac LR Macarthur Law Review
MaCA Malaysian Court of Appeal
MacAr MacArthur's District of Columbia Reports (DC USA) 1873-1879 (8-10 DC)
MacArthur's Reports (District of Columbia USA) 1873-79 ((8-10 DC)
MacAr & M MarArthur and Mackey's Reports (District of Columbia USA) 1879-80 (11 DC)
MacAr Pat Cas MacArthur's Patent Cases (USA) 1841-1859
Macas Macassey's Reports (New Zealand) 1861-1872
MACAT Motor Accidents (Compensation) Appeal Tribunal
MacCarthy MacCarthy's Irish Land Cases (Ireland) 1887-1892
MacDev MacDevitt's Irish Land Cases (Ireland) 1882-1884
MacG CC  MacGillivray Copyright Cases 1905-1949
Mackenzie Mackenzie's Pleadings in some Remarkable Cases Court of Session (Scotland) 1661-1672
Mackey Mackey's Reports (District of Columbia USA) 1863-72, (6-7 DC);1880-92 (12-21 DC)
Macl & Rob Maclean and Robinson's Scotch Appeal Cases 1839
Macn & G Macnaghten and Gordon's Chancery Reports 1848-1851
Macph  Macpherson, Court of Session Cases, 3rd Series (Scotland) 1862-1873
Macq Macqueen's Scotch Appeal Cases 1851-1865
Macquarie J Bus L Macquarie Journal of Business Law
Macquarie J Int'l & Comp Envtl L Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law
Macquarie LJ Macquarie Law Journal
Macquarie L Symp Macquarie Law Symposium
Macr Macrory's Patent Cases 1847-1860
Macr & H Macrae and Hertslet's Insolvency Cases 1847-1852
Mad Maddock's Chancery Reports 1815-1822
Maddock's Reports (Montana USA) (9-18 Mont)
Madras High Court Reports (India) 1862-1875
Mad & Gel Maddock & Geldert's Chancery Reports 1821-1822
Mad LJ Madras Law Journal
Madd Maddock's Chancery Reports 1815-1822
Madd & G Maddock and Geldart's Chancery Reports 1821-1822
Madox Madox's Formulare Anglicanum
Madox Exch Madox's History and Antiquities of the Exchequer
MAF Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (NZ)
Mag Magistrate and Municipal and Parochial Lawyer 1848-1853
The Magistrate
Magruder Magruder's Reports (Maryland USA) (1, 2 Md)
MAID Profound Market Analysis & Information Database Profound
Maine LR Maine Law Review
Mal LJ Malayan Law Journal
Mal LR Malawi Law Reports
Malaya Law Review
Malawi LJ Malawi Law Journal
MALQR Model Arbitration Law Quarterly Reports
MALR Media and Arts Law Review
Man Manitoba (Canada)
Manning's Reports (Michigan USA) (1 Mich)
Man & G Manning and Granger's Common Pleas Reports 1840-1844
Man & Ry KB Manning and Ryland's Reports, King's Bench 1827-1830
Man & Ry MC Manning and Ryland's Magistrates' Cases 1827-1830
Man G & S Manning Granger & Scott's Common Bench Reports 1845-1856
Man L Managerial Law
Man LJ Manitoba Law Journal
Man LR Manitoba Law Reports (Can) 1883-1962 (to vol29)
Man R Manitoba  Reports (Can) 1963- 1979 (from vol30-)
Man R (2d) Manitoba Reports (Second Series), 1979-
Man R t Wood Manitoba Reports tempore Wood 1875-1885
Manchester J Int'l Econ L Manchester Journal of International Economic Law
Mans Mansfield's Reports (Arkansas USA) (49-52 Ark)
Manson's Bankrutpcy and Companies' Winding-Up Cases 1894-1914
Maori LR Maori Law Review
MAR Municipal Association Reports (or Record), New South Wales 1886-1911
Mar LC Crockford's Maritime Law Cases 1860-1871
Mar LCNS Aspinall's Maritime Law Cases, New Series 1870-1940
Marine IR Marine Insurance Reports
Marks & Sayre Marks & Sayre's Reports (Alabama (USA) (108 Ala)
MARPOL Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of Ships
Marine Pollution Conventions
Marq Intell Prop L Rev Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review
Marq LR Marquette Law Review
Marq Sports L Marquette Sports Law Review
Marq Sports LJ Marquette Sports Law Journal: Journal of the National Sports Law Institute
Marr Marriott's Admiralty Reports 1776-1779
Marsh Marshall & Sevestre's Appeals (Bengal, India) 1862-1864
Marshall's Ceylon Reports (Sri L) 1833-1836
Marsh Marshall's Common Pleas Reports 1813-1816
Marsh AK A K Marshall's Reports (Kentucky USA) 1817-1821 (8-10 Ky)
Marsh JJ J J Marshall's Reports (Kentucky USA) 1829-1832 (24-30 Ky)
Mart & Yer Martin & Yerger's Tennessee Reports (Tennessee USA) 1825-1828 (8 Tenn)
Mart Ga Martin's Reports (Georgia USA) (21-30 Ga)
Mart Ind Martin's Reports (Indiana USA) (51-70 Ind)
Mart NC Martin's North Carolina Reports (North Carolina USA) 1778-1797 (1 NC)
Mart NS Martin's Louisiana Term Reports, New Series (Louisiana USA) 1823-1830
Mart OS Martin's Louisiana Term Reports Old Series (Louisiana (USA) 1809-1823
Marv Marvel's Reports (Delaware USA) 1893-1897 (15-16 Del)
Mary LR Maryland Law Review
Mas Mason's US 1st Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1816-1830
Masaryk UHR & L Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology
Mass Massachusetts (USA)
Massachusetts Reports (USA) 1804-1822 (1-17 Mass); 1867- (1897- Mass)
Mass GI Massimario della Giurisprudenza Italiana 
Mats  Matsons Reports (Connecticut (USA) (22-24 Conn)
Matthews Matthews' Reports (Virginia USA) (75 Va)
Matthews' Reports (West Virginia USA) (6-9 W Va)
Mau & Sel Maule & Selwyn's King's Bench Reports 1813-1817
Maur Dec Mauritius Decisions 1861-
Maur Law Mauritius Laws
Mayn Maynard's Reports 1273-1326
MB Minute  Book (Maori Land Court NZ)
MBCA Manitoba Court of Appeal
MBQB Manitoba Queen's Bench
MC Magistrates' Court
Malaya Cases 1908-1958
Municipal Council
MCA Media Council of Australia
Minerals Council of Australia (formerly AMIC)
McAll McAllister's US 9th Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1855-1859
McArth & M MacArthur & Mackey's District of Columbia Reports (DC USA) 1879-1880 (11 DC)
McBride McBride's Reports (Missouri USA) (1 Mo)
MCC Mining Commissioner's Cases (Can) 1906-1910
Macgillivray's Copyright Cases
McCahan McCahan's Reports (Kansas USA) 1858-1868
McCar McCarter's New Jersey Equity Reports (New Jersey USA) 1861-1863 (14,15 NJ Eq)
McCle McClelland's Exchequer Reports 1824
McCle & Yo McClelland and Younge's Exchequer Reports 1824-1825
McCook McCook's Reports (Ohio USA) (1 Ohio St)
McCord McCord's South Carolina Law Reports (South Carolina USA) 1821-8 (12-15 SCL)
McCord Eq McCord's South Carolina Equity Reports (South Carolina USA) 1825-27 (6-7 SC Eq)
McCorkle McCorkle's Reports (North Carolina USA) (65 NC)
McCr McCrary's US 8th Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1877-1883
MCD Magistrates' Court Decisions (NZ) 1939-1979
McG LJ McGill Law Journal
McGeorge L Rev McGeorge Law Review
McGill Int'l J Sust Dev L & Pol'y McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy
McGill JL & Health McGill Journal of Law and Health
McGloin McGloin's Louisiana Court of Appeal Reports (Louisiana USA) 1881-1884
McK Env LB McKenna Environmental Law Bulletin
McK Euro R McKenna European Review
McK Law Let McKenna Law Letter
McL McLean's 7th Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1829-1855
MCLR Morison's Company Law Reports (NZ) 1991-1994
McMul McMullen's South Carolina Law Reports (South Carolina USA) 1840-2 (26-27 SCL)
McMul Eq McMullen's South Carolina Equity Reports (South Carolina USA) 1840-2 (16 SC Eq)
MCR Magistrates' Court Reports (NZ) 1906-1953
Montreal Condensed Reports (Quebec, Can) 1853-1854
Md Maryland (USA)
Maryland Reports (Maryland USA) 1851-
Md Ch Maryland Chancery Reports (Maryland USA) 1847-1854
Md J Contemp Legal Issues Maryland Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues
Md J Int'l L & Trade Maryland Journal of International Law and Trade
Md JILT Maryland Journal of International Law and Trade
Md L F Maryland Law Forum
Md L Rev Maryland Law Review
MDU Medical Defence Union Ltd (UK and Australia)
Me Maine (USA)
Maine Reports (USA) 1820-1965
MECLR Middle East Commercial Law Review
Med J of Aust Medical Journal of Australia
Med L Mon Medical Law Monitor
Med L Rev Medical Law Review
Med Law Medicine & Law
Med Leg J Medico-Legal Journal
Med LI Medical Law International
Med LJ Medico Legal Journal
Med LR Medical Law Reports 1989-
Med Q Mediation Quarterly
Med Sci & L Medicine Science and the Law
Medd Meddaugh's Reports (Michigan USA) (13 Mich)
Mediation Q Mediation Quarterly: Journal of the Academy of Family Mediators
Medico-Legal Soc NSW Proc Medico-Legal Society of New South Wales, Proceedings of
Medico-Legal Soc Vic Proc Medico-Legal Society of Victoria, Proceedings of
Mees & W Meeson & Welsby's Exchequer Reports 1836-1847
Meg Megone's Companies Acts Cases 1888-1891
Meigs Meigs' Reports (Tennessee USA) 1838-9 (19 Tenn)
Mel LJ Melanesian Law Journal
Melb J Int'l L Melbourne Journal of International Law
Melb Univ L Rev Melbourne University Law Review
Men Menzies' Reports of the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1828-1850
Mental & Physical Disability L Rep Mental & Physical Disability Law Reporter
Menzies Menzies' Reports of the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope (S Afr) 1828-1850
Mer Merivale's Chancery Reports 1815-1817
Mer LR Mercer Law Review
Merc (Newsp Tas) Mercury Reports (Newspaper) (Tasmania)
Mercer Beasley L Rev Mercer Beasley Law Review
Merchand Rep Merchandising Reporter 
Merkourios-Utrecht J Int'l & Eur L Merkourios - Utrecht Journal of International and European Law
Met Metcalf's Reports (Kentucky USA) 1858-1863 (58-61 Ky)
Metcalf's Reports (Massachusetts USA) 1840-1847 (42-54 Mass)
Metcalf's Reports (Rhode Island USA) (3 RI)
Metropolitan Police C J Metropolitan Police College Journal
MFAT Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (NZ)
MHA Member of the House of Assembly South Australia, Tasmania and ACT)
MHCR Madras High Court Reports (India) 1862-1875
MHL Mental Health and the Law (NZ)
MHLR Mental Health Law Reports (published by Southside Legal Publishing UK)
MHR Member of the House of Representatives
MIA Media Information Australia (Australian Film, Television and Radio School)
Moore's Indian Appeal Cases 1836-1872
MIC Metropolitan Industrial Court (Vic)
Mich Michigan (USA) 
Michigan Reports (USA) 1847-
Mich J Gender & L Michigan Journal of Gender and Law
Mich J Int'l L Michigan Journal International Law
Mich J Race & L Michigan Journal of Race and Law
Mich L & Pol'y Rev Michigan Law and Policy Review
Mich L J Michigan Law Journal
Mich Law Michigan Lawyer
Mich LR Michigan Law Review
Mich NP Michigan Nisi Prius Reports (Michigan USA) 1868-1884
Mich St J Int'l L Michigan State Journal of International Law
Mich St L Rev Michigan State Law Review
Mich St U-DCL J Int'l L Michigan State University-DCL Journal of International Law
Mich Telecomm  & Tech L Rev Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review
Mid BR Midland Bank Review
Midwest BLSA LJ Midwest BLSA Law Journal
Mil L & L War Rev Military Law and Law of War Review
Mil LR Military Law Review
Milit LR Military Law Review
Mill  Miller's Reports (Louisiana USA) 1830-1833 (1-5 La)
Miller's Reports (Maryland USA) 1850-1851 (3-18 Md)
Mill Ch Miller's Chancery Reports (Maryland USA) (3, 4 Md Ch)
Mill Const SC Mill's South Carolina Constitutional Court Reports (South Carolina USA) 1817-18 (8-9 SCL)
Millin Millin's Petty Session Cases (Ireland) 1875-1898
MILR Marshall Islands Law Reports 1982-
Milw Milward's Irish Ecclesiastical Reports 1819-1843
Min Bd (Tas) Mining Board (Tas)
Minn Minnesota (USA)
Minnesota Reports (Minnesota USA) 1851-1977
Minn J Bus Law & Entrep Minnesota Journal of Business Law and Entrepreneurship
Minn J Global Trade Minnesota Journal of Global Trade
Minn J Int'l L Minnesota Journal of International Law
Minn JL Sci & Tech Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology
Minn JGT Minnesota Journal of Global Trade
Minn LJ Minnesota Law Journal
Minn LR Minnesota Law Review
Minor Minor's Reports (Alabama USA) 1820-1826
MIP Managing Intellectual Property (Euromoney, NZ)
Misc 2d Miscellaneous Reports, Second Series (New York)
Misc Miscellaneous Reports (New York)1892-
Miss Mississippi (USA)
Mississippi Reports (Mississippi USA) 1851-1966
Miss CL Rev Mississippi College Law Review
Miss L Rev Mississippi Law Review
Miss LJ Mississippi Law Journal
MJ Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law
MJIL Moscow Journal of International Law
MJLS Mountbatten Journal of Legal Studies
Mktng & L Marketing and the Law: National Information Bulletin (Commercial, Economic, Advisory Service of Australia - St Leonards, NSW)
MLAANZ Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand
MLAANZ Journal MLAANZ Journal (Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand)
MLAANZ Newsl Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand Newsletter
MLAANZ Papers Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand Papers
MLB Manx Law Bulletin
MLC Member of the Legislative Council (New South Wales, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia)
MLI Medical Law International
MLJ Madras Law Journal
Malayan Law Journal
Manitoba Law Journal
Mississippi Law Journal
Malaysian Law Journal
MLLR Malaysian Labour Law Reports
MLN Media Lawyer Newsletter
Malaysian Law News
MLR Australian Media Law Reporter
Malayan Law Reports 1950-1954
Manx Law Reports (Isle of Man) 1972-
Maori Law Review
Mauritius Law Reports 1861-
Modern Law Review
Montreal Law Reports 1885-1891
MLR  SC Montreal Law Reports, Superior Court (Quebec, Can) 1885-1891
MLR QB Montreal Law Reports Queen's Bench (Quebec, Can) 1884-1891
MLRC Manitoba Law Reform Commission
MLS Modern Law & Society
MLSJ Macquarie Law Students' Journal
MM Cas Martin's Reports of Mining Cases (British Columbia, Can) 1853-1902
Mo Missouri (USA)
Missouri Reports (Missouri USA) 1821-1956
Mo App Missouri Appeal Reports (Missouri USA) 1876-1952
Mo Envtl L & Pol'y Rev Missouri Environmental Law and Policy Review
Mo L Rev Missouri Law Review
Mo LR Missouri Law Review
Mod LR Modern Law Review
Mod Rep Modern Reports 1669-1755
Mol Molloy's Chancery Reports (Ireland) 1827-1831
Mon B B Monroe's Reports (Kentucky USA) 1840-1857 (40-57 Ky)
Mon LR Monash University Law Review
Mon T TB Monroe's Reports (Kentucky USA) 1824-1828 (17-23 Ky)
Mon TB T B Monroe's Reports (Kentucky USA) 1824-8 (17-23 Ky)
Mon ULR Monash University Law Review
Monaghan Monaghan's Reports (Pennsylvania USA) 1888-1890 (147-165 Pa St)
Monash LR Monash University Law Review
Monro A C Monro's Acta Cancellariae (Chancery Court) 1545-1625
  Montagu's Bankruptcy Reports 1829-1832
Montana  Reports (Montana USA) 1868-
Montana (USA)
Montriou's Cases of Hindu Law (Bengal, India) 1779-1840
Montriou's Reports, Supreme Court (Bengal, India) 1846
Mont & A Montague and Ayrton's Bankruptcy Reports 1833-1838
Mont & B Montague and Bligh's Bankruptcy Reports 1832-1833
Mont & Ch Montague and Chitty's Bankruptcy Reports 1838-1840
Mont & M Montague and Macarthur's Bankruptcy Reports 1828-9
Mont D & DeG Montague, Deacon and De Gex's Bankruptcy Reports 1840-1844
Mont LR Montana Law Review
Monthly L Rep Monthly Law Reporter
Monthly Lab Rev Monthly Labor Review
Moo & P Moore and Payne's Common Pleas Reports 1827-1831
Moo & S Moore and Scott's Common Pleas Reports 1831-1834
Moo Ind App Moore's Indian Appeal Cases, Privy Council 1836-1872
Moo PCC Moore's Privy Council Cases 1836-1862
Moo PCC NS Moore's Privy Council Cases, New Series 1862-1873
Mood & M Moody and Malkin's Nisi Prius Reports 1826 -1830
Mood & R Moody and Robinson's Nisi Prius Reports 1831-1844
Mood CC  Moody's Crown Cases Reserved 1824-1844
Moon Moon's Indiana Appeals (Indiana USA) (6-14 Ind App)
Moon's Reports (Indiana USA) (133-144 Ind)
Moore Moore's Reports (Alabama USA) (67 Ala)
Moore's Reports (Arkansas USA) (28-34 Ark)
Moore's Reports (Texas USA) (22-24 Tex)
Moore & W Moore & Walker's Reports (Texas USA) (22-24 Tex)
Moore CP J B Moore's Common Pleas Reports 1817-1827
Moore KB Sir F Moore's King's Bench Reports 1512-1621
Mor Dict Morison's Dictionary of Decisions (Scotland) 1540-1808
Mor Supp Morison's Dictionary of Court of Session Decisions, Supplement (Scotland) 1620-1768
Mor Syn Morison's Synopsis, Session Cases (Scotland) 1808-1816
Morr Morrell's Bankruptcy Reports 1884-1893
Morris Reports (California USA) (5 Cal)
Morris Reports (Iowa USA) 1839-1846
Morris Reports (Oregon USA) (23-26 Ore)
Morris Reports (Mississippi USA) (43-48 Miss)
Morr BC Morrell's Bankruptcy Reports 1884-1893
Morr St Cas Morris State Cases (Mississippi USA) 1818-1872
Morris Morrissett's Reports (Alabama USA) (80,98 Ala)
Mos Moseley's Chancery Reports 1726-1731
MOT Ministry of Transport (NZ)
MOW Ministry of Works (NZ)
MP Member of Parliament
MPC Matrimonial Property Cases (NZ) 1978-1982
MPLR Municipal & Planning Law Reports
MPR Maritime Provinces Reports (Nova Scotia, Can) 1931-68
MPYUNL Max Planck Yearbook of UN Law
MqJICEL Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law
Mq LR Marquette Law Review
MR Master of the Rolls
Mauritius Reports 1861-
Media Review
MSCLC Malaysian and Singapore Company Law Cases
MSCR Federated States of Micronesia Supreme Court Interim Reporter
MSIs Migration Services Instructions (Dept of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs-formerly PAM/s)
MSTC Malaya and Singapore Tax Cases
MT Rulings Miscellaneous Tax Rulings
MTC Malaysian Tax Cases
MTGU Australian Master Tax Guide Update (CCH)
MTTLR Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review
MTV Motor and Traffic Law Victoria
MULR Melbourne University Law Review
Mun Rep Municipal Reports (Can) 1845-1851
Munf Munford's Reports (Virginia USA) 1810-1820 (15-20 Va)
Mur Murphy's North Carolina Reports (North Carolina USA) 1804-1819 (5-7 NC)
Murd Epit Murdock's Epitome (Can)
Murp & H Murphy and Hurlstone's Exchequer Reports 1836-1837
Murr Murray's Jury Court Cases (Scotland) 1815-1830
MVR Motor Vehicle Reports 1984-
MW Money Week
MWD Ministry of Works and Development (NZ)
My & Cr Mylne and Craig's Chancery Reports 1835-1841
My & K Mylne and Keen's Chancery Reports 1832-5
Abbreviation Title
N South African Law Reports, Natal Province Division 1910-1946
N & PEI Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island Reports (Can) 1971-
N & S Nicholls and Stops' Reports (Tasmania) 1897-1904
N Car LR North Carolina Law Review
N Dak LR North Dakota Law Review
N Eng L Rev New England Law Review
N III UL Rev Northern Illinois University Law Review
N Ir Legal Q Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
N Ky L Rev Northern Kentucky Law Review
N L Rev Northeastern Law Review
N Mex LR New Mexico Law Review
N Tax J National Tax Journal
N W L Rev. Northwestern Law Review
NAALAS Northern Australian Aboriginal Legal Aid Service
NAC Native Appeal Cases (S Afr) 1894-1929
NAC & O Reports of the Decisions of the Native Appeal Courts, Cape Province and Orange Free State (S Afr) 1929-
NAC (C&O) Reports of the Decisions of the Native Appeal Courts, Cape Province and the Orange Free State (S Afr) 1929-
NAC (C) Selected Decisions of the Native Appeal Court (Central Division) (S Afr) 1948-1951
NAC (NE) Decisions of the Native Appeal Court (North-Eastern Division) (S Afr) 1929-1948
NAC (S) Selected Decisions of the Native Appeal Court (Southern Division) (S Afr) 1948-51
NAC (T&N) Reports of the Decisions of the Native Appeal Courts (Transvaal and Natal) (S Afr) 1929-48
NADB Anti-Discrimination Board, Library, Sydney, NSW
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
NAGD Attorney-General's Dept (NSW) Library
NAILS National Aboriginal and Islander Legal Service
Nanotech L & Bus Nanotechnology Law & Business
Napt Napton's Reports (Missouri USA) (4 Mo)
NAT FIN National Finances
Nat Resources & Env't Natural Resources and Environment
Nat Resources J Natural Resources Journal
Nat RL Natural Resources Lawyer
Natal LR Natal Law Reports (S Afr) 1869-1910
Nat'l Black LJ National Black Law Journal
Nat'l Law Guild Q National Lawyers Guild Quarterly
NATOS Australian Taxation Office Library, Sydney
Natwest ITB National Westminster Bank International Trade Bulletin
Naval L Rev Naval Law Review
NB Dig New Brunswick Digest (Stevens)
NB Eq Rep New Brunswick Equity Reports (Can) 1894-1911
NBCA New Brunswick Court of Appeal
NBQB New Brunswick Queen's Bench (English)
NBR National bankruptcy Register Reports (USA) 1868-1882
National Business Review (Fourth Estate; NZ)
New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1825-1929
NBR (All) Allen's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1848-1866
NBR (Ber) Berton's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1835-1839
NBR (Carl) Carleton's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1895-1902
NBR (Chip) Chipman's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1825-1838
NBR (Han) Hannay's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1867-1871
NBR (Kerr) Kerr's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1840-1848
NBR (P&T) Pugsley and Trueman's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1878-1882
NBR (Pug) Pugsley's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1876-1893
NBR (Tru) Trueman's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1876-1893
NBR 2d New Brunswick Reports, 2nd Series (Can) 1968-
NBR P & B Pugsley and Burbridge's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1878-1882
NC North Carolina (USA)
North Carolina Reports (North Carolina USA) 1868-
NC App North Carolina Ct of Appeals Reports
NC Banking Inst North Carolina Banking Institute
NC Cent LJ North Carolina Central Law Journal
NC Cent L Rev North Carolina Central Law Review
NC J L North Carolina Journal of Law
NC JL & Tech North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology
NC T Rep North Carolina Term Reports (North Carolina USA) 1816-1818 (4 NC)
NCA National Crime Authority
NCC National Competition Council
NCCL National Council for Civil Liberties
NCCLJ North Carolina Central Law Journal
NCJ Int’l L & Com Reg North Carolina Journal of International Law & Commercial Regulation
NCL Rev North Carolina Law Review
NCLR Nigerian Commercial Law Reports
NCSA Newsletter of the Copyright Society of Australia
NCSC Manual National Companies and Securities Commission Manual (VGPO)
ND New Directions in the Law of the Sea
North Dakota (USA)
North Dakota Reports (North Dakota USA) 1890-1953
ND L Rev North Dakota Law Review
ND Leg New Dimensions in Legislation
NDB New Directions in Bankruptcy
NDIC District Court Library, Sydney
NDLR Notre Dame Law Review
NE North Eastern Reporter (USA) 1885-1936
NE 2d North Eastern Reporter, Second Series (USA) 1936-1988
Neb Nebraska (USA)
Nebraska Reports (Nebraska USA) 1860-
Neb LR Nebraska Law Review
NED YIL Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 1970-
NEGRIE Newsletter of the European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists
NELA National Environmental Law Association
NELA Bulletin NELA Bulletin (National Environmental Law Association, Canberra)
NELR New England Law Review
Nels Nelson's Chancery Reports 1625-1693
NEPA Environment Protection Authority (NSW), Library, Sydney
Neue ZW Neue Zeitschrift fur Wehrrecht
Nev Nevada (USA)
Nevada Reports (Nevada USA) 1865-
Nev LJ Nevada Law Journal
Nev & M KB Nevile and Manning's King's Bench Reports 1832-1836
Nev & M MC Nevile and Manning's Magistrates' Cases 1832-1836
Nev & P KB Nevile and Perry's King's Bench Reports 1836-1838
Nev & P MC Nevile and Perry's Magistrates' Cases 1836-1837
New Newell's Reports (Illinois USA) (48-90 Ill)
New Crim L Rev New Criminal Law Review
New Eng J on Crim & Civ Confinement New England Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement
New Eng L Rev New England Law Review
New LJ New Law Journal
New Mag Cas New Magistrates' Cases (Bittleston, Wise and Parnell) 1844-1850
New Pract Cas New Practice Cases 1844-1848
New Rep Bosanquet and Puller's New Reports 1804-1807
New Reports 1862-1865
New Sess Cas New Session Magistrates' Cases by Carrow, Hamerton & Allen (Scotland) 1844-1851
Newb Newberry's US District Court, Admiralty Reports (USA) 1842-1857 (Western District)
Newc LR Newcastle Law Review (University of Newcastle)
Newf LR Newfoundland Law Reports (Can) 1817-1949
Newf Sel Cas Newfoundland Select Cases (Can) 1817-1828
NFCA Family Court of Australia, Elizabeth Evatt Library
Nfld Newfoundland (Can)
Nfld & PEIR Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island Reports (Can) 1970-
Nfld Sel Cas Newfoundland Select Cases (Tucker) (Can) 1817-1828
NFSC Norfolk Island Supreme Court
NH New Hampshire (USA)
New Hampshire Reports (New Hampshire USA) 1816-
NH & MRC National Health and Medical Research Council (Canberra)
NHMRC National Health and Medical Research Council (Canberra)
NHRE Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Library, Sydney
NI Northern Ireland Law Reports 1925-
NICA Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service
NIER National Institute of Economic Review
NIFS National Institute of Forensic Science Library, Sydney
Nig LJ Nigerian Law Journal
Nig LQ Nigeria Lawyers Quarterly
NIJ New Irish Jurist Reports 1900-1905
NIJB Northern Ireland Judgments Bulletin
NILR Netherlands International Law Review
NIND Industrial Court of  NSW Library, Sydney
NINX Newspaper Index (Parliamentary Library, NZ)
NJ Negotiation Journal
New Jersey (USA)
New Jersey Reports (USA) 1948-
NJ Eq New Jersey Equity Reports (New Jersey USA) 1830-1948
NJ L Rev Univ of Newark New Jersey Law Review
NJILB Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business
NJL New Jersey Law Reports (New Jersey USA) 1790-1948
New Law Journal (UK)
NJSOL National Journal of Sexual Orientation Law
NL No Liability
NLAAC National Legal Aid Advisory Committee
NLARC National Legal Aid Representative Council
NLAWS Law Society of NSW Library, Sydney
NLB Nuclear Law Bulletin 
NLCA Newfoundland & Labrador Court of Appeal
NLEC Land and Environment Court (NSW) Library, Sydney
NLI National Law Institute, Notre Dame Proceedings
NLJ New Law Journal
NLJR New Law Journal Reports
NLR Natal Law Reports (S Afr) 1869-1910 
National Law Review
Nauru Law Reports 1969-
New Law Reports (Sri Lanka) 1874-
Newfoundland Law Reports (Can) 1817-1949
Nigeria Law Reports 1881-1955
Nyasaland Law Reports 1922-
South African Law Reports, Natal Province Division 1910-1946
NLRC Law Reform Commission of NSW Library, Sydney
NLT Northern Law Today
NM New Mexico (USA)
New Mexico Reports (New Mexico USA) 1890-
NM L Rev New Mexico Law Review
NMIR Northern Mariana Islands Law Reporter 1992-
NNEJICL New England Journal of International and Comparative Law
NNTT National Native Title Tribunal
NOHSC National Occupational Health and Safety Commission
Nolan Nolan's Magistrates' Cases 1791-1792
Non-St Actors & Int'l L Non-State Actors and International Law
Norc Norcross' Reports (Nevada USA) (23-24 Nev)
Nordic J Int'l L Nordic Journal of International Law
Norr Norris' Reports (Pennsylvania USA) (82-96 Pa St)
Northern News Northern News (Auckland District Law Society)
Northern News Rev Northern News Review (Auckland District Law Society)
Not Cas Notes of Cases in the Ecclesiastical and Maritime Courts 1841-1850
Notre Dame Int'l & Comp LJ Notre Dame International and Comparative Law Journal
Notre Dame JL Ethics & Pub Pol'y Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy
Notre Dame L. Rep. Notre Dame Law Reporter
Notre DLR Notre Dame Law Review
Nott & McC Nott & McCord South Carolina Law Reports (South Carolina USA) 1817-20 (10-11 SCL)
Nott LJ Nottingham Law Journal
Nova L Rev Nova Law Review
Noy R Noy's Reports, King's Bench
NP Notary Public
NPAR NSW Parliamentary Library, Sydney
NPC New Property Cases
NPD South African Law Reports, Natal Provincial Division 1910-1946
NPRO Dept of Courts Administration (NSW) Library, Sydney
NR Natal Law Reports (S Afr) 1873-1910
National Reporter (Can) 1973-
The New Reports 1862-1865
NRES Residential Tenancies Tribunal Library, Sydney
NRGQ Netherlands Reinsurance Group Quarterly
NS Nova Scotia (Can)
NSC Supreme Court of NSW, Law Courts Library, Sydney
NSCA Nova Scotia Court of Appeal
NSD Geldert & Oxley's Nova Scotia Decisions (Can) 1866-1875
NSEC Australian Securities Commission, Chairman's Office, Sydney Library
NSL L Legal Information Access Centre, State Library of NSW, Sydney
NSPCC National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
NSR Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1834-1929
Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1965-1969
NSR 2d Nova Scotia Reports, Second Series (Can) 1970-
NSR G & O Geldert and Oxley's Nova Scotia Decisions (Can) 1866-1875
NSR G & R Geldert and Russell's Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1907-1929
NSR James James' Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1853-1855
NSR Old Oldright's Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1860-1866
NSR R & C Russell and Chesley's Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1875-1879
NSR R & G Russell and Geldert's Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1879-1895
NSR Thom Thompson's Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1834-1851, 1856-1859
NSR Wall Wallace's Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1888-1907
NSW Ad Law Reports Vice-Admiralty (NSW) 1880-1900
NSW Adm New South Wales Reports, Vice-Admiralty 1880-1990
NSW AR Industrial Arbitration Reports (New South Wales) 1902-
NSW Bkptcy Cas New South Wales Bankruptcy Cases 1890-1899
NSW BLR New South Wales Building Licensing Reports 1992-
NSW CA New South Wales Court of Appeal
NSW CAC Report New South Wales Corporate Affairs Commission Report 1972-1985
NSW CCR New South Wales Compensation Court Reports 1985-
NSW Conv R New South Wales Conveyancing Reports 1980-
NSW CR NSW Courts Review (Formerly Petty Sessions Review)
NSW CRD NSW Court of Review Decisions 1994-
NSW Ct of App New South Wales Court of Appeal
NSWDC New South Wales District Court
NSW DCR District Court Reports (NSW) 1969-1976
NSW Eq Law Reports Equity (NSW) 1880-1900
NSW GG New South Wales Government Gazette
NSW Ind Arbtn Cas New South Wales Industrial Arbitration Reports 1902-
NSW Land App Cas Land Appeal Court Cases (NSW) 1890-1921
NSW LVR Land and Valuation Court Reports (NSW) 1922-1970
NSW Priv Com Papers New South Wales Privacy Committee Papers
NSW SCR New South Wales Supreme Court Reports 1862-1976
NSW SCR (Eq) Supreme Court Reports, Equity (NSW) 1862-1876
NSW SCR (L) Supreme Court Reports, Law (NSW) 1862-1876
NSW SCR NS Supreme Court Reports (New Series) NSW 1878-1879
NSW SR State Reports (NSW) 1901-1970
NSW St R New South Wales State Reports 1901-1970
NSW Strata Title Law & Practice New South Wales Strata Title Law & Practice (CCH)
NSW WCR Workers' Compensation Reports (NSW) 1926-1980
NSW WN Weekly Notes (NSW) 1884-1970
NSWB New South Wales Bankruptcy Cases 1890-1899
NSWCATAP New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal Appeal Panel
NSWIC New South Wales Industrial Commission
NSWIC Ct S New South Wales Industrial Commission in Court Session
NSWIG New South Wales Industrial Gazette
NSWIR Comm Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales Decisions
NSWJB New South Wales Judgments Bulletin 1984-
NSWLEC New South Wales Land and Environment Court

Law Reports, New South Wales 1880-1900

New South Wales Law Reports (LBC) 1971-

NSWR New South Wales Reports 1960-1970
NSWSC New South Wales Supreme Court
NSWSCL Proceedings New South Wales Society for Computers and the Law, Proceedings of
NTAP National Tax Association Proceedings
NTJ National Tax Journal
Northern Territory Supreme Court Judgements 1951-1976
NTLR Northern Territory Law Reports 1991-
NTN Native Title News
NTR Northern Territory Reports (Butt) 1979- (Located with Australian Law Reports)
NTU L Rev National Taiwan University Law Review
NU Forum NU Forum: A Cooperative Law Journal of Northeastern University School of Law
NUJS L Rev NUJS Law Review
NU:L University of Sydney Law School Library, Sydney
NULR Northwestern University Law Review
NUN:L University of NSW Law Library, Kensington, NSW 
NW North Western Reporter (USA) 1879-1942
North-Western Provinces High Court Reports (Pak) 1869-1875
NW 2d North Western Reporter, Second Series (USA) 1942-1988
Nw Interdisc L Rev Northwestern Interdisciplinary Law Review
Nw J Int'l L & Bus Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business
Nw J L & Soc Pol'y Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy
Nw J Tech & Intell Prop Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property
NW Terr North-West Territories Supreme Court Reports (Can) 1887-1898
Nw U J Int'l Hum Rts Northwestern University Journal of International Human Rights
Nw UL Rev Northwestern University Law Review
NWBQR National Westminister Bank Quarterly Review
NWP North-West Provinces High Court Reports (Pak) 1869-1875
NWPHC North West Provinces High Court Reports (Pak) 1869-1875
NWTR North-Western Territories Reports (Can) 1887-1898
NWULR Northwestern University Law Review
NY New York (USA)
New York Reports (USA) 1847-
NY 2d New York Reports, Second Series
NY City L Rev New York City Law Review
N Y L Rev New York Law Review
NY Sea Grant L & Pol'y J New York Sea Grant Law and Policy Journal
NY Supp New York Supplement (New York USA) 1888-1937
NY Supp 2d New York Supplement, Second Series (New York USA) 1938-1987
NYCA New York Court of Appeal
Nye Nye's Reports (Utah USA) (18-21 Utah USA)
NYL Sch J Hum Rts New York Law School Journal of Human Rights
NYL Sch J Int'l & Comp New York School Journal of International and Comparative law
NYL Sch L Rev New York Law School Law Review
NYLF New York Law Forum continued by New York Law School Review
NYS New York Supplement 1888-1937
NYS 2d New York Supplement, Second Series 1938-1987
NYSBJ New York State Bar Journal
NYU Ann Surv Am L New York University Annual Survey of American Law
NYU Envtl LJ New York University Environmental Law Journal
NYU IFT New York University. Institute on Federal Taxation
NYU J L & Bus New York University Journal of Law & Business
NYU JL & Liberty New York University Journal of Law & Liberty
NYU J Legis & Pub Pol'y New York University Journal of Legislation and Public Policy
NYU Rev L & Soc Change New York University Review of Law & Social Change
NYULR New York University Law Review
NZ App Rep New Zealand Appeal Reports
NZ Armed F L Rev New Zealand Armed Forces Law Review
NZ Bus Bull New Zealand Business Bulletin
NZ Conv C New Zealand Conveyancing Cases 1989/1991-
NZ Current Tax New Zealand Current Taxation
NZ Fam C New Zealand Family Court
NZ Gaz New Zealand Gazette
NZ Gaz LR New Zealand Gazette Law Reports 1898-1953
NZ J Envtl L New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law
NZ Jur New Zealand Jurist Reports 1873-1875
New Zealand Jurist Reports
NZ Jur (NS) New Zealand Jurist Reports (New Series) 1875-1879
New Zealand Jurist, New Series
NZ Jur Min Law New Zealand Jurist Cases in  Mining Law 1875-1879
NZ Law Review New Zealand Law Review (continues NZRL Rev)
NZ Med J New Zealand Medical Journal
NZ Val New Zealand Valuer (Continued by New Zealand Valuers' Journal)
New Zealand Valuers' Journal (Continues New Zealand Valuer)
NZACR New Zealand Accident Compensation Reports 1981-1983
NZAR New Zealand Administrative Reports 1976-
NZBLC New Zealand Business Law Cases 1984-
NZBLQ New Zealand Business Law Quarterly
NZBN New Zealand Bibliographic Network
NZBORR New Zealand Bill of Rights Reports (Incorporated in HRNZ) 1990-1992
NZCA New Zealand Court of Appeal Reports 1867-1877
NZCCA New Zealand Court of Criminal Appeal
NZCLC New Zealand Company Law Cases 1981-
NZCLD New Zealand Case Law Digest
NZConvC New Zealand Conveyancing Cases
NZCPR New Zealand Conveyancing and Property Reports 1959-1982, 1982/1986
NZCT New Zealand Current Taxation
NZDSC New Zealand Duties and Sales Tax Cases 1983-1984
NZELC New Zealand Employment Law Cases 1986-
NZELR New Zealand Environment Law Reporter
NZFLR New Zealand Family Law Reports 1981-
NZGSTG New Zealand Goods & Services Tax Guide
NZHC New Zealand High Court
NZILR New Zealand Industrial Law Reports (Continued by Employment Reports of New Zealand) 1987-1990
NZIPJ New Zealand Intellectual Property Journal
NZIPR New Zealand Intellectual Property Reports 1967-
NZJIR New Zealand Journal of Industrial Relations
NZJPA New Zealand Journal of Public Administration (Continued by Public Sector)1938-1977
NZJPIL New Zealand Journal of Public and International Law
NZJTLP New Zealand Journal of Taxation Law and Policy
NZLC Law Commission (NZ)
NZLC PP Law Commission (NZ) Preliminary Paper
NZLC R Law Commission (NZ) Report
NZLGR New Zealand Local Government Reports (Reprinted Decisions from NZLR) 1935-1971
NZLJ New Zealand Law Journal
NZLL New Zealand Law Librarian (NZ Law Librarians' Group - continues NZLLG Newsletter)
NZLLG Newsletter New Zealand Law Librarians' Group Newsletter (Continued by NZLL)
NZLR New Zealand Law Reports 1883-
NZLR CA New Zealand Law Reports, Court of Appeal 1883-1887
NZLRF New Zealand Legal Research Foundation
NZLS New Zealand Law Society
NZMEA New Zealand Mining and Exploration Association
NZNB New Zealand National Bibliography (National Library of NZ)
NZPALRC New Zealand Public and Administrative Law Reform Committee
NZPCC New Zealand Privy Council Cases 1840-1932
NZPD New Zealand Parliamentary Debates
NZPLERC New Zealand Property Law and Equity Reform Committee
NZPTD New Zealand Planning Tribunal Digest
NZRE New Zealand Real Estate
NZRL New Zealand Recent Law (Continued by NZRL Rev)
NZRL Rev New Zealand Recent Law Review (Continued by NZ Law Review)
NZRMA New Zealand Resource Management Appeals (Continues New Zealand Town Planning Appeals) 1992-
NZS New Zealand Standard Specification
NZSC New Zealand Superannuation Cases 1982-
NZSS New Zealand Standard Specification
NZTBR New Zealand Taxation Board of Review Decisions (Continued by TRNZ) 1961-1974
NZTC New Zealand Tax Cases 1973-
NZTCPA Town and Country Planning Appeals (Continued by NZTPA) 1955-1971
NZTGLRC New Zealand Torts and General Law Reform Committee
NZTPA New Zealand Town Planning Appeals (Continues NZTCPA, Continued by NZRMA) 1971-
NZTPR New Zealand Tax Planning Report
NZTS New Zealand Treaty Series 1943
NZULR New Zealand Universities Law Review
NZWCC New Zealand Workers' Compensation Cases  1901-1940
Abbreviation Title
O Ontario Reports (Can) 1882-1900; 1931-1973; 1974-1991; 1991-
South African Law Reports, Orange Free State Provincial Division 1910-1946
O Bridg Carter's Reports tempore Bridgman, Common Pleas 1664-1676
Orlando Bridgman's Common Pleas Reports 1660-1667
OAG Opinions of the Attorneys General of the United States (USA) 1791-1960
OAR Ontario Appeal Reports 1876-1900
OB & F Ollivier, Bell and Fitzgerald's Court of Appeal Reports (NZ) 1878-1880
Ollivier, Bell and Fitzgerald's Supreme Court Reports (NZ) 1878-1880
Obiter Obiter (Journal of the University of Queensland Law Society
Obiter (University of Canterbury Law Students Society)
OBSP Old Bailey Session Papers 1715-1834
Occ Pen Occupational Pensions
Ocean & Coastal LJ Ocean and Coastal Law Journal
Ocean Dev & Int'l L Ocean Development and International Law
OCN Compendium of Case Notes of the Ombudsman (NZ)
Odeneal Odeneal's Reports (Oregon USA)
ODIL Ocean Development and International Law
OFC High Court Reports of Orange Free State (S Afr) 1879-1883
Officer Officer's Reports (Minnesota USA) (1-9 Minn)
OFLR Offshore Financial Law Reports
OFS Orange Free State Reports, High Court, (S Afr) 1879-1883
OFSSA Orange Free State, South Africa
Ogden Ogden's Louisiana Annual Reports (Louisiana USA) (12-15 La Ann)
OGLTR Oil & Gas Law and Taxation Review 
Oh St Ohio State Reports (Ohio USA) 1852-
Ohio Ohio (USA)
Ohio Reports (USA) 1821-1851
Ohio NU Intramural L Rev Ohio Northern University Intramural Law Review
Ohio NU L Rev Ohio Northern University Law Review
Ohio SLJ Ohio State Law Journal
Ohio St J Crim L Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law
Ohio St J on Disp Resol Ohio State Journal on Dispute  Resolution
Ohio St LJ Ohio State Law Journal
Ohio St Ohio State Reports (Ohio USA) 1852-
OHLJ Osgoode Hall Law Journal
OHR Occupational Health Review
OHS Occupational Health and Safety
HOSE Occupational Health and Safety Authority (Victoria)
OHSN Occupational Health and Safety NSW
OJ Official Journal of the European Communities
OJC Official Journal of the European Union: C series (Communications)
OJ Eur Comm Official Journal of the Eureopan Communities
OJL Official Journal of the European Union: L series (Legislation)
OJLS Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
Okla Oklahoma (USA)
Oklahoma Reports (USA) 1890-1953
Okla City U L Rev Oklahoma City University Law Review
Okla Crim Oklahoma Criminal Reports (Oklahoma USA) 1908-1953
Okla L J Oklahoma Law Journal
Okla LR Oklahoma Law Review
OLAA Office of Legal Aid Administration
OLAFS Office of Legal Aid and Family Services
Olc Adm Olcott's US District Court, Admiralty Reports (USA) 1843-1847 (District of New York)
Old Oldright's Nova Scotia Reports (Can) 1860-1867
OLR Ontario Law Reports (Can) 1901-1930
Oregon Law Review
Otago Law Review
O'M & H O'Malley and Hardcastle's Election Cases 1869-1929
Ont Ontario (Can)
Ont App Ontario Appeal Reports (Can) 1876-1900
Ont Dig Digest of Ontario Case Law (Can) 1823-1900
Ont LR Ontario Law Reports (Can) 1901-1931
Ont LRC Ontario Law Reform Commission
Ont Pr Rep Ontario Practice Reports 1850-1900
OPC Office of the Parliamentary Counsel
OPD South African Law Reports, Orange Free State Provincial Division, 1910-1946
OPLR Occupational Pensions Law Reports
OR Official Reports of the South African Republic 1894-1899
Ontario Reports (Can) 1882-1900, 1931-1973
OR 2d Ontario Reports, Second Series (Can) 1974-1991
OR 3d Ontario Reports, Third Series (Can) 1991-
Or LR Oregon Law Review
Or Rev Int'l L Oregon Review of International Law
Oracle Oracle (Monash University Law Society)
ORC Reports of the High Court of the Orange River Colony (S Afr) 1903-1910
Ord Ordinance
Ore Oregon (USA)
Ore Oregon Reports (Oregon USA) 1853-
Orl TR Orleans Term Reports (1, 2 Martin, Old and New Series) (Louisiana USA) 1809-1823; 1823-1830
OSC Occupational Superannuation Commissioner
Osgoode Hall LJ Osgoode Hall Law Journal
OSR Office of State Revenue in New South Wales
Oss Bull Office for the Supervision of Solicitors Bulletin
Ot LR Otago Law Review
OTPR Offshore Tax Planning Review
OTS Office of Treaty Settlements (NZ)
Ott LR Ottawa Law Review
Ottawa LR Ottawa Law Review
OUCLJ Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal
Out Outerbridge's Reports (Pennsylvania USA) (97, 98 Pa St)
Overt Overton's Reports (Tennessee USA) 1791-1816 (1-2 Tenn)
Owen Owen's King's Bench and Common Pleas Reports 1556-1615
OWN Ontario Weekly Notes 1909-1962
OWR Ontario Weekly Reporter 1902-1914
Oxford J Legal Stud Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
Oxford U Commw LJ Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal
Abbreviation Title
P Law Reports, Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division 1891-
Pacific Reporter, (USA) 1883-1931
Peters' United States Supreme Court Reports (USA) 1828-1842 (26-41 US)
P & B Pugsley and Burbidge's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1878-1882
P & CR Planning and Compensation Reports 1949-
Property and Compensation Reports (continuation of above)
P & DP Privacy and Data Protection
P & EB Pensions and Employee Benefits
P & NGLR Papua and New Guinea Law Reports
P & P Practice and Procedure
P & T Pugsley and Trueman's New Brunswick Law Reports (Can) 1882-1883
P 2d Pacific Reporter, Second Series, (USA) 1931-
P Ad Public Administration (Aust)
P Cas Prize Cases Heard and Decided in the Prize Court During the Great War (Trehern & Grant) 1914-1922
P Injury Personal Injury
P Life Police Life
P Wms Peere Williams' Chancery and King's Bench Cases 1695-1735
Pa Pennsylvania (USA)
Pennsylvania State Reports (Pennsylvania USA) 1845-
Pa St Pennsylvania State Reports (USA) 1845-
Pa Super Pennsylvania Superior Court Reports (USA) 1895-
PABB Pay And Benefits Bulletin
PABR Planning Appeals Board Reports (Vic) 1983-1987
PABR Practice Notes, of the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal, reprinted in: Durie, R & Catterns, D Broadcasting Law and Practice, 1987
Pac McGeorge Global Bus & Dev LJ Pacific McGeorge Global Business & Development Law Journal
Pac Rim L & Pol'y J Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal
Pace Envtl L Rev Pace Environmental Law Review
Pace Int'l L Rev Pace International Law Review
Pace L Rev Pace Law Review
PAD Planning Appeal Decisions
Pai Ch Paige's New York Chancery Reports (USA) 1828-1845
Paine CC Paine's 2nd Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1810-1840
Paisner CU Paisner Company Update
Paisner EB Paisner European Bulletin
Paisner EU Paisner Environment Update
Paisner IPB Paisner Intellectual Property Briefing
Palm Palmer's Assizes at Cambridge 1260
Palmer's King's Bench Reports 1619-1629
Palmer's Reports (Vermont USA) (53-60 Vt)
Papy Papy's Reports (Florida USA) (5-8 Fla)
Par Parson's Reports (New Hampshire USA) (65-66 NH)
Par Dec Parson's Decisions (Massachusetts USA) (2-7 Mass)
Park Parker, The Laws of Shipping and Insurance with Digest of Cases 1693-1774
Parker's Exchequer Reports 1743-1767
Parl Parliamentarian (Journal of the Parliaments of the Commonwealth)
Parl Aff Parliamentary Affairs
Paschal Paschal's Reports (Texas USA) (28-31 Tex and Supplement to 25 Tex)
Pat Paterson's Scotch Appeals, House of Lords 1851-1873
Paton's Scotch Appeals, House of Lords 1726-1821
Purchasing Appeals Tribunal
Pat App Craigie, Stewart & Paton's Scotch Appeals 1726-1821
Pat Cas Reports of Patent Design and Trade Mark Cases 1884-
Pat L Rev Patent Law Review
PATA Pacific Association of Tax Administrators
Pater App Paterson's Appeal Cases (Scotland) 1851-1873
Pay Mag Pay Magazine
PBA Pharmacy Board of Appeal (NZ)
PBR Pro Bono Report
PC Privy Council / Privy Councillor
Prize Court
Pleas of the Crown
PC '74-'28 Gold Coast Privy Council Judgements (Ghana) 1874-1928
PC App Law Reports, Privy Council Appeals
PCA Papua New Guinea Companies Legislation
Permanent Court of Arbitration, (Netherlands)
PCC Palmer's Company Cases
Privy Council Cases
PCIJ Permanent Court of International Justice
PCIJ Rep Reports of the Permanent Court of International Justice
PCLB Practitioners' Child Law Bulletin
PCLJ Public Contract Law Journal
PCT Patent Co-operation Treaty
PCT Gazette
PD Law Reports, Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division 1875-1890
PDSC Practice Direction Supreme Court (Qld)
Peabody L Rev Peabody Law Review
Peake Peake's Nisi Prius Reports 1790-1794
Peake Add Cas Peake's Additional Cases 1795-1812
PEAL Publishing Entertainment Advertising Law Quarterly
PEANZ Petroleum Exploration Association of New Zealand
PEBL Perspectives on European Business Law
PEC Planning and Environment Court (Qld)
Peck Peck's Reports (Illinois USA) (11-22 Ill); (24-30 Ill)
Peck's Reports (Tennessee USA) 1821-1824 (7 Tenn)
Peckwell's Election Cases 1802-1806
Peeples Peeples' Reports (Georgia USA) (78, 79 Ga)
Peeples & Stevens Peeples & Stevens' Reports (Georgia USA) (80-97 Ga)
Peere Wms Peere Williams' Chancery and King's Bench Cases 1695-1735
PEI Haszard & Walburton's Reports (Prince Edward Island, Can) 1850-1882
Prince Edward Island (Can)
PEI Rep Haviland's Prince Edward Island Reports (Can) 1850-1872
PEILRC Prince Edward Island Law Reform Commission
PELB Planning and Environmental Law Bulletin
Pelham Pelhams Reports (South Australia) 1865-1866
Pen & W Penrose & Watt's Reports (Pennsylvania USA) 1829-1832
Pen law Pension Lawyer
Pen Week Pensions Week
Pen World Pensions World
PENDC Australian Corporation Law Pending Legislation (Contained within Australian Corporation Law Legislation,Vol2)
PENDT Australian Tax Practice Pending Legislation (Renamed Australian Tax Practice Bills Explanatory Memoranda 1994)
Penn Pennewill's Reports (Delaware USA) 1897-1909 (17-23 Del)
Penn St Pennsylvania State Reports (Pennsylvania USA) 1845-
Penn St Int'l L Rev Penn State International Law Review
Penn St L Rev Penn State Law Review
Penning Pennington's New Jersey Law Reports (New Jersey USA) 1806-1813 (2-3 NJL)
Pens LR Pensions Law Reports
PEPAT Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (1991)
Pepp Disp Resol LJ Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal
Pepp L Rev Pepperdine Law Review
Per & Dav Perry and Davison's King's Bench Reports 1838-1841
Per & Kn Perry and Knapp's Election Cases 1833
Per CS Perrault's Conseil Superieur de Quebec (Can) 1727-1759
Per P Perrault's Prevoste de Quebec 1726-1759
PERIN Penalty Enforcement Registration of Infringement Notice (Victoria)
Pet Haviland's Prince Edward Island Reports by Peters (Can) 1850-1872
Pet Adm Peter's US District Court, Admiralty Decisions (USA) 1780-1807 (Eastern District of Pennsylvania)
Pet CC Peter's US 3rd Circuit Court Reports (USA) 1803-1818
Peters Havilland's Prince Edward Island Reports by Peters (Can) 1850-1872
Peters US Peter's United States Supreme Court Reports (USA) 1828-1842 (26-41 US)
Petty SR Petty Sessions Review (Superseded by NSW CR)
PF Property Finance
PF & D Property Finance and Development
PF & P Practical Forms & Precedents - NSW
Ph Phillimore's Ecclesiastical Reports 1809-1821
Phillips' Chancery Reports 1841-1849
Phillips' Election Cases 1780-1781
Phil Phillips' North Carolina Reports (North Carolina USA) 1866-1868 (62 NC)
Phil El Cas Phillips' Election Cases 1780-1781
Phil Eq  Phillips' North Carolina Equity Reports (North Carolina USA) 1866-1868 962 NC)
Phil LJ Philippine Law Journal
Phill Phillips' Reports (Illinois USA) (152-245 Ill)
Phillim Phillimore's Ecclesiastical Reports 1809-1821
Phillim Eccl Phillimore's Ecclesiastical Judgments 1867-1875
Phillips Phillips Reports (North Carolina USA) (63, 68, NC)
Phip Phipson's Digest, Natal Reports (S Afr) 1858-1859
Phipson's Reports, Natal Supreme Court (S Afr)
Phipson Phipson's Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Natal (S Afr) 1858
PI Personal Injury
PIB Public Information Bulletin (Inland Revenue Department, NZ)
PIB'S Public Information Bulletins (Australian Taxation Office)
PIC Palmer's In Company
Pick Pickering's Reports (Massachusetts USA) 1822-1839 (18-41 Mass)
Pickle Pickle's Reports (Tennessee USA) 1886-1902 (85-108 Tenn)
Pierce L Rev Pierce Law Review
Pig & R Pigott and Rodwell's Registration Appeal Cases 1843-1845
PIJ Planning Inspectorate Journal
Pike Pike's Reports (Arkansas USA) (1-5 Ark)
PILCH Public Interest Law Clearing House (Sydney; Joint Venture between PIAC, NSW law firms and the Law Society of NSW)
PILJ Personal Injury Law Journal
PILMR Personal Injury Law and Medical Review
PILOM Pacific Island Law Officers Meetings
Pin Pinney's Reports (Wisconsin USA) 1839-1852
Pitc Pitcairn's Criminal Trials (Scotland) 1488-1624
PIQR Personal Ingury & Quantam Reports
PJT Prices Justification Tribunal Decisions
PL Public Law
PLA Product Liability Australia
Pla Par Placita Parliamentaria: Pleadings in Parliament with the Judgements thereon during the reigns of Edward 1st and Edward 2nd edited by W Riley 1661
Plac Angl Nor Placita Anglo Normannica: law cases from William 1 to Richard 1 (1066-1195) preserved in historical records; edited by H M Bigelow 1879
PLAN Planning Tribunal Decisions (NZ - available on Kiwinet) 1984-
Plaxton Plaxton's Constitutional Decisions of the Privy Council (Can) 1930-1939
PLB Property Law Bulletin
PLC Practical Law Companies
PLCR Planning Law Case Reports
PLD All Pakistan Legal Decisions 1947-
PLERC Property Law and Equity Law Reform Committee (NZ)
PLI Product Liability International
PLJ Property Law Journal
PLL Papua New Guinea Labour Law
Plowd Plowden's Commentaries or Reports 1550-1580
PLPR Privacy Law & Policy Reporter
PLR Patent Law Review
Pensions Law Reports 1989-
Planning Law Reports
Public Law Review
PMF Provincial & Municipal Finances
PMIM Post Magazine and Insurance Monitor
PN Professional Negligence
PN & L Professional Negligence and Liability
Pn LR Pohnpei Supreme Court Reports 1984- (Pohnpei formerly part of the Federated States of Micronesia)
PNG CA Papua New Guinea Court of Appeal
PNGLR Papua New Guinea Law Reports 1969-
PNGLRC Papua New Guinea Law Reform Commission
PNLR Professional Negligence and Liability Reports
Pol J Police Journal
Polamerican LJ Polamerican Law Journal
PoLAR PoLAR: The Political and Legal Anthropology Review
Police LQ Police Law Quarterly
Policing: Int'l J Police Strat & Mgmt Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management
Policing T Policing Today
Poll Pollexfen's King's Bench Reports1669-1685
Pomeroy Pomeroy's Reports (California USA) (73-128 Cal)
Poph Popham's King's Bench Reports 1592-1626
Port Porter's Reports (Alabama USA) 1834-1839
Porter Porter's Reports (Indiana USA) (3-7 Ind)
Portland U L Rev Portland University Law Review
POS Policy Statements, of the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal, reprinted in:  Durie, R & Catterns, D Broadcasting law and practice, LBC, 1987
Post Post's Reports (Michigan USA) (23-36 Mich)
Post's Reports (Missouri USA) (42-64 Mo)
Potchefstroom Elec LJ Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal
Potter Potter's Reports (Wyoming USA) (4-7 Wyo)
Pow R & D Power, Rodwell and Dew's Election Cases 1847-1856
PP Parliamentary Paper
Professional Pensions
PP & D Practical Planning and Development
PPL Practical Planning Law
PPLR Public Procurement Law Review
PPM Professional Practice Management
PR Philippine Reports 1901-1946
Property Review
Pr C Prize Cases Heard and Decided in the Prize Court During the great War (Trehern & Grant) 1914-22
PR J Prison Journal
PRAC Pacific Rim Advisory Council
Pratt Pratt's Contraband of War 1861
Pratt's Supplement to Bott's Poor Laws 1833
Prec Ch Precedents in Chancery 1689-1722
Precedent Law Bulletin of the James Cook University Law School Inc
Price Price's Exchequer Reports 1814-1824
Price's Mining Commissioner's Cases (Ontario, Can) 1906-1910
Price Pr Cas Price's Notes of Practice Cases in Exchequer 1830-1831
Prison L Rep Prison Law Reporter
Prison Serv J Prison Service Journal
Priv C App Privy Council Appeals
Priv LB Privacy Law Bulletin
Privacy Bulletin Privacy Bulletin (Privacy Committee, Sydney)
PRN Practice Notes, of the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal, reprinted in:  Durie, R & Catterns, D Broadcasting Law and Practice, 1987
PRNZ Procedure Reports of New Zealand 1983/1989-
Pro JQ Provincial Judges Quarterly
Prob Law Reports, Probate Division 1891-
Prob & Div Law Reports, Probate and Divorce 1865-1875
Prob & Prop Probate and Property (ABA)
Prob J Probation Journal
Proc Proctor
Proc ASIL Proceedings of the American Society of International Law
Proc Medico-Legal Soc NSW Proceedings of the Medico-Legal Society of New South Wales
Proc Medico-Legal Soc Vic Proceedings of the Medico-Legal Society of Victoria
Procurement Law Procurement Lawyer
Proctor The Proctor - Newsletter of the Queensland Law Society
Prof Admin Professional Administration
Prof L Professional Lawyer
Prop & Comp R Property & Compensation Reports (UK) 1950-
Prouty Prouty's Reports (Vermont USA) (61-65 Vt)
PRS Political Reference Service
PS Pensions Systems
Police Studies
Property Law Bulletin
PSA Prices Surveillance Authority (Superseded by ACCC)
PSB Public Service Board
PSJ Prison Service Journal
PSR Petty Sessions Review (Continued by NSWCR 1994-)
Psychiatry Psychol & L Psychiatry, Psychology and Law
Psychol Pub Pol'y & L Psychology, Public Policy, and Law
PT Pensions Today
PT Rulings Payroll Tax Rulings (CCH)
PTCJ Res & Ed Patent, Trademark and Copyright Journal of Research and Education
PTMDO Patents, Trade Marks & Designs Office
PTX Papua New Guinea Income Tax Legislation (CCH)
Pub Ad Public Administration
Pub Ad Is Public Administration in Israel & Abroad
Pub Contract LJ Public Contract Law Journal
Pub L Public Law
Pub Land & Resources L Rev Public Land and Resources Law Review
Pub Law Bull Public Law Bulletin
Pub LR Public Law Review
Pub Space: J L & Soc Just Public Space: The Journal of Law and Social Justice
Public F Public Finance
Pug Pugsley's New Brunswick Reports (Can) 1872-1877
Pulsifer  Pulsifer's Reports (Maine USA) (65-68 Me)
PVR Plant Variety Rights
Py R Pyke Lower Canada King's Bench Reports (Quebec, Can) 1809-1810
PYIL The Philippine Yearbook of International Law 1966-