(Author Surname Year of publication, Pages)
(Machiavelli 1967, 55)
Author Surname, First Name. Year of publication. Title of Book: Subtitle. Edited by Editor Full Name. Publisher.
Machiavelli, Niccolò. 1967. The Art of War. Edited by Edward Dacres and Peter Whitehorne. AMS Press.
(Author Surname Year of publication, Pages)
(Larkham 2011, 13)
Author Surname, First Name. Year of publication. Title of Diary. Edited by Editor Full Name. Publisher.
Larkham, Thomas. 2011. The Diary of Thomas Larkham, 1647–1669. Edited by Susan Hardman Moore. Boydell.
(Author Surname Year of publication, Pages)
(O’Neill 1991, 60)
Author Surname, First Name. Year of publication. Title of Collection. Edited by Editor Full Name. Publisher.
O’Neill, John. 1991. To His Excellency Thomas Jefferson: Letters to a President. Edited by Jack McLaughlin. Avon Books.
(quoted in Secondary Source Author Surname Year of publication)
In The Memoirs of General Lord Ismay published in 1960 (quoted in Holland 2010) Hastings Ismay states that …
Secondary Source Author Surname, First Name. Year of publication. Title of Work: Subtitle. Location: Publisher.
Holland, James. 2010. The Battle of Britain. St. Martin’s Press.
(Name of the manuscript collection or repository)
In a memorandum entitled “Carrier Pigeons in War”, dated 9 January 1946 (Secret Files from World Wars to Cold War), Thomas Haddon recommends …
Name of the manuscript collection. Name of the repository. URL if online.
Secret Files from World Wars to Cold War: Intelligence, Strategy and Diplomacy.
The National Archives, U.K. http://www.secretintelligencefiles.com.
(Name of website)
In 1969 'black power' was being discussed amongst the members of the Aboriginal Advancement League due to visits to Australia by various people, including Dr. Roosevelt Brown (Reason in Revolt).
Name of Archive. Name of Repository or Website. URL.
Reason In Revolt. https://www.reasoninrevolt.net.au/objects/htm/a000236.html.
(Name of Archive, Location)
Alvin Johnson, in a memorandum prepared sometime in 1937 (Kallen Papers, file 36), observed that ...
Name of archive or Surname, First Name of the person identified with the archive. Type of archive. Name of Repository, Place of Repository.
Kallen, Horace. Papers. YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, New York.
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