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In academia, scholarly journal articles are usually a source of reliable knowledge based on research and evidence. Peer-reviewed or refereed articles have been through a process of scrutiny by other experts in the field.

One author


(Author's surname Year)

Author's surname (Year)


This was seen in an Australian study (Couch 2017)

Couch (2017) suggests that . . .

Two authors


(Author 1's surname and Author 2's surname Year)

Author 1's surname and Author 2's surname (Year)


(Francis and Black 2019)

Francis and Black (2019)

Three or more authors


(Author 1’s surname et al. Year)

Author 1's surname et al. (Year)


(De Keyser et al. 2019)

De Keyser et al. (2019) suggests


  • List the authors' names in the same order as they appear in the article.
  • Go to Getting started > In-text citation to view other examples.

Reference list


With a DOI

Author A (Year) 'Title of journal article', Title of Journal, Vol No.(Issue No.):page–page,

Without a DOI

Author A (Year) 'Title of journal article', Title of Journal, Vol No.(Issue No.):page–page. (Database)

Author A (Year) 'Title of journal article', Title of Journal, Vol No.(Issue No.):page–page, accessed Day Month Year. URL


With a DOI

Tharoor S (1990) ‘The universality of human rights and their relevance to developing countries’, Nordic Journal of International Law, 59(1):139-152, doi:10.1163/157181090X00288

Without a DOI

Tharoor S (1990) ‘The universality of human rights and their relevance to developing countries’, Nordic Journal of International Law, 59(1):139-152. (HeinOnline)

Tharoor S (1990) ‘The universality of human rights and their relevance to developing countries’, Nordic Journal of International Law, 59(1):139-152, accessed 17 December 2020.


  • If there is no DOI, include the database or the URL with an access date instead, preceded by a full stop.

Reference list


Author A (Year) ‘Title of article: subtitle of article’, Name of Journal, [Epub ahead of print OR Online first OR Online early etc], accessed Day Month, Year,

Author A (Year) ‘Title of article: subtitle of article’, Name of Database, accessed Day Month, Year,


Affengruber L, Nussbaumer-Streit B, Hamel C, Van Der Maten M, Thomas J, Mavergames C, Spijker R and Gartlehner G (2024) 'Rapid review methods series: guidance on the use of supportive software', BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, [Epub ahead of print], accessed 11 April 2024, doi:10.1136/bmjebm-2023-112530

Awaya N and Ma L (2021) 'Tree boosting for learning probability measures', arXiv, accessed 3 February 2022, doi:arxiv:2101.11083

Reference list


Author A (Year) 'Title of article: subtitle of article’, Name of Journal, volume(issue):page–page.


Prentice C (2010) ‘Terms of ambivalence: cultural politics and symbolic exchange’, Australian Literary Studies, 25(4):33–54.

Reference list


Author A (Day Month Year) ‘Title of article: subtitle of article’, Name of Newspaper, accessed Day Month Year, URL

Author A (Day Month Year) ‘Title of article: subtitle of article’, Name of Newspaper, accessed Day Month Year, Name of Database.


Mackay M, Price N and Mulheron A (23 January 2024) 'Living through Antarctic snowstorms, Australian scientists are undertaking some of the 'most ambitious' research', ABC News, accessed 24 January 2024,

Clun R (19 January 2021) '365 days later: the alert that heralded disaster', The Age, accessed 19 January 2021, Newsbank.

Reference list


Author A (Day Month Year) ‘Title of article: subtitle of article’, Name of Newspaper.


Peel C (5 June 2019) 'Revealed: who's at most risk of violence', The Australian.

Reference list


Author A (Day-Day Month Year) ‘Title of paper: subtitle of paper’ [conference presentation], Name of Conference, Place of Conference,

Author A (Day-Day Month Year) ‘Title of paper: subtitle of paper’ [conference presentation], Name of Conference, Place of Conference, database name.

Author A (Day-Day Month Year) ‘Title of paper: subtitle of paper’ [conference presentation], Name of Conference, Place of Conference, accessed date, URL


Mareková H (21-23 March 2018) 'Violence as social pathology through the optics of social work', [conference presentation], CBU International Conference Proceedings, Prague, doi:10.12955/cbup.v6.1228

Ren H (7-12 May 2023) '3D meta-optics: a platform for wavefront shaping and optical sensing', [conference presentation], 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, USA, IEEE Xplore.

MacIntyre S (10-12 August, 2008) 'Participation in the classroom, productivity in the workforce: unfulfilled expectations', [conference presentation], Australian Council for Educational Research Conference, Brisbane, Australia, accessed 12 August, 2022,

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