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Theses and Course materials

One author


(Author's surname Year)

Author's surname (Year)


This was seen in an Australian study (Couch 2017)

Couch (2017) suggests that . . .


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University theses can be sourced in hardcopy or online via repositories.

Reference list


Author A (Year) Title of thesis: subtitle of thesis [type of thesis], Name of University,

Author A (Year) Title of thesis: subtitle of thesis [type of thesis], Name of University, accessed Day Month Year, URL

Author A (Year) Title of thesis: subtitle of thesis [type of thesis], Name of University, accessed Day Month Year, Database

Author A (Year) Title of thesis: subtitle of thesis [type of thesis], Name of University, accessed Day Month Year, Publisher.


Diemer MJ (2020) Placemaking and streetscape design: exploring the impacts of tram network modernisation on subjective perception of place quality [PhD thesis], Monash University, doi:10.26180/13211444.v1

Halloran JT (2018) Population dynamics in the child welfare system [PhD thesis], University of Chicago, accessed 1 February 2021, Proquest Dissertations Publishing

Reference list


Author A (Year) Title of material [lecture], accessed Day Month Year. URL


Allen K (2019) Week 4 Quantitative study design: Experimental studies and randomised controlled trials (RCTs) [lecture], accessed 20 April 2019.§ion=8


  • Not all unit coordinators allow for the use of unit materials, such as lecture slides, in assignments. Check first to see if these resources are acceptable. The unit coordinator is usually the author unless otherwise noted.

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