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MLA 9th


General works cited tips

  • Do not include https:// when using a URL. If a permalink or DOI is available, use this instead of a URL.
  • The publisher's name can often be found in a copyright notice at the bottom of the homepage, or on a page that gives information about the site.
  • An access date for an online source should be added if the work does not provide a publication date, or if you think the work has been altered or removed.

One author


(Author's surname Page number)




Janke writes...


  • Go to Getting started > In-text citation to view detailed information on in-text citation using MLA, including other examples such as multiple authors and translators. Refer to this section to determine when to include/exclude a page(s) number, as it's not always necessary.
  • Websites do not usually have a page number and can be left out of the in-text citation if this is the case.

Works cited


Last Name, First Name. Name of website. Publisher or sponsor of site, Year of Publication, URL.


Liu, Alan. Voice of the Shuttle. U of California, Santa Barbara, 2023,

Learning for Justice. Southern Poverty Law Center, 2023,

Janke, Terri. First Peoples: A Roadmap for Enhancing Indigenous Engagement in Museums and Galleries. Australian Museums and Galleries Association, 2018,


  • If the publisher's name is the same as that of the author or website, only list it once. If the author is unknown, begin the reference with the name of the website instead.

Works cited


Last Name, First Name. "Title of webpage." Name of website, Publisher or sponsor of site, Year of Publication, URL.


Dyer, Jo. "Living Songs: Music, Law and Culture in Aboriginal Australia." Resonate Magazine, Australian Music Centre, 2009,

"Arts and Disability: A Research Summary." Australia Council for the Arts, Australian Government, 2018,


  • If an article from a webpage includes the date of publication, you may include this if it is relevant.
  • When citing a webpage that does not include a formal title, include a description of the page. Capitalise the first word of the description and proper nouns, using punctuation when necessary. Do not place the description in italics or quotation marks.

Works cited


Reviewer Last Name, First Name. Review of Title, by Creator's First Name Last Name. Website name, day month year, URL.


Galvin, Peter. Review of Mad Max: Fury Road, directed by George Miller. SBS, 15 May 2015,

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