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Library Search guide: Glossary

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Label on screen Description
Available at

Shows the Location/s of physical items and the call number.

Click the title or the location to see more details.

Available in the library Refers to our Physical collection. This does not necessarily mean the items are available to borrow.
Available Online Access to ejournals, ebooks, articles and digitised material.
Barcode Every library item is assigned a unique 14 digit barcode to identify individual items.
Book Chapters Book Chapters are searchable from Ebooks only.
Books Can be available either as a physical item or an electronic resource.

A search operator using the words AND, NOT and OR

Call number Is a unique alphanumeric code given to titles that identifies the location of that title in the library.
Conference proceedings / symposia Is the published record of a conference, congress, symposium or other meeting sponsored by a society or association.

Results will contain the keywords, but may be seperated or in a

different order.

Contains the exact phrase Results will contain keywords exactly as you have entered.
Details Gives bibliographic details about the displayed title.
Dissertations a long essay on a particular subject
Full text online The complete text of a document is available for online viewing, printing, or downloading
Get It Provides the location of the item/s, The library, call number and if the item is available.
General Collection All items that are not in a special or restricted collection

If an item is on hold it means it has been requested by a patron, and is only available for borrowing to the requesting patron.

Library Special Collections A collection that is segregated from the general collection such as rare books, Asian Collection, Music and maps.
Links Provides external links to Google books, Trove or WorldCat for further details of an item.
Maps A special collection that includes maps, charts, plans and atlases

Audio and video recordings, microfilm, microfiche and streamed content.

Multiple Versions

Some title are grouped together. This may be due to different editions of a title or more than one way of viewing the title.

Peer reviewed Before materials are published it will have been reviewed by a board of scholarly reviewers in that subject area to ensure quality and importance.
Open Access Is an external tool that uses digital technology to make research findings freely and widely available.
Rare Books A restricted special collection comprising of materials considered rare because of age, uniqueness or physical beauty.
Recalled The due date of a borrowed item can not be extended, usually due to a hold request or having the item for an extended period of time.
Renewed The item on loan has been extended for an equal amount of time as the initial borrowing period.
Request A service that allows you to place a hold on a book that is on loan or is located at another Monash campus.
Thesis A research project involving original study of an idea, opinion or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved.
Save As Provides options to export an item record or details, such as to endnote, as a permalink or as an email.
Starts With Results will start with the exact keywords you have entered.
symposia / Conference proceedings Is the published record of a conference, congress, symposium or other meeting sponsored by a society or association.
Virtual Browse A tool that displays a scrolling list of titles held in the collection that are in the same subject area as the title searched.