When citing an entire website with no mention of a specific page or particular information on the website, it is sufficient to give the address of the site in the text. No reference list entry is required.
(Whole website address)
Apple is one of the most visited consumer technology websites in the world (https://www.apple.com).
(Author’s surname, year)
In a recent article on the 1918 flu pandemic Tobias (2020) suggested …
. . . in the 1918 pandemic (Tobias, 2020)
(Organisation name, year of publication)
A webpage regarding educational discounts offered by Samsung (2020) states . .
Information on education discounts are offered by one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies (Samsung, 2020)
Give the first few words of the title. If the title is from an article use double quotation marks. Also include the year of publication.
(“Page title”, Year)
An Australian government agency recommends checking rainwater tanks in Queensland (“Unsealed rainwater tanks”, 2019).
Use the letters n.d. - an abbreviation of the words ‘no date’.
(Author, n.d.)
In a self-published autobiographical article, audiovisual organisation Bose (n.d.) mention . . .
The company’s history is outlined in a self-published autobiography (Bose, n.d.)
Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (YYYY, Month DD). Title of work. Site Name. https://xxxxxx
Craig, E. (2020, April 9). How boredom can inspire adventure. BBC. https://www.bbc.com/travel/story/20200408-how-boredom-can-inspire-adventure
Monash University. (n.d.). A proud history. https://www.monash.edu/about/who/history
Hughes, L., & McMichael, T. (2011). The critical decade: Climate change and health. Climate Council. https://www.climatecouncil.org.au/uploads/1bb6887d6f8cacd5d844fc30b0857931.pdf
Department of Health and Human Services. (2018, March 27). Guide for community and not-for-profit groups: Cake stalls. https://www2.health.vic.gov.au/about/publications/policiesandguidelines/guide-for-community-cake-stalls-mar-18
Author, A. A. [Username if applicable]. (YYYY, Month DD). Post title. Blog name. https://xxxxxx
Author, A. A. (YYYY, Month DD). Title or first sentence [Comment on the article or post title]. Blog name. https://xxxxxx
Thomson, P. (2020, September 7). LitReview–Getting to structure, part one. Patter. https://patthomson.net/
Langan, K. (2020, September 9). This was really useful, thanks so much for sharing! [Comment on the post LitReview–Getting to structure, part one]. Patter. https://patthomson.net/2020/09/07/litreview-getting-to-structure-part-one/#comments
(Author family name, year of publication).
...(National Geographic, 2020)
National Geographic (2020)...
Author, A. A. or Group Name [@username]. (n.d.). Content up to first 20 words [X profle]. X. Retrieved Month DD, YYYY, from https://xxxxxx
Author, A. A. or Group Name [@username]. (YYYY, Month DD). Content up to first 20 words [Post]. X. https://xxxxxx
APA Style [@APA_Style]. (n.d.). Posts [X profile]. X. Retrieved November 8, 2023, from https://twitter.com/APA_Style
National Geographic [@NatGeo]. (2020, August 17). Ravens can plan for the future. Octopuses create armor out of coconut shells. Some animals have senses we can’t even understand [Thumbnail with link attached] [Post]. X. https://twitter.com/NatGeo/status/1295090469072928773
(Author family name or Username or Group Name, year of publication).
. . . (World Health Organization, 2020)
World Health Organization (2020) . . .
Author, A. A. or Username or Group Name. (n.d.). Update title up to first 20 words [Page type]. Facebook. Retrieved Month DD, YYYY, from https://xxxxxx
Author, A. A. or Username or Group Name. (YYYY, Month DD). Update title up to first 20 words [Page type]. Facebook. https://xxxxxx
World Health Organization. (n.d.). Home [Facebook page]. Facebook. Retrieved September 25, 2020, from https://www.facebook.com/WHO/
World Health Organization. (2020, January 14). Urgent health challenges for the next decade: [exclamation mark emoji] Elevating health in the climate debate. The climate crisis is a health crisis [Image attached]. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/WHO/photos/a.167668209945237/2853056008073097/?type=3&theater
World Health Organization. (2020, September 24). How to wear a fabric mask safely during COVID-19: Don'ts. [Video]. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/WHO/videos/1010459366082970
For examples of Web-based documents, see Government and business reports in this guide.
For further guidance, see the Social Media and Webpages and Websites sections in the APA Style website
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