Artificial intelligence
Note Number. Description/Prompt, AI model and version, Developer, Month DD, YYYY, URL (if applicable).
When prompt included in the text:
1. Text generated by ChatGPT-3.5, OpenAI, December 9, 2023,
When prompt not included in the text:
2. Response to “Explain how to make pizza dough from common household ingredients,” ChatGPT-3.5, Open AI, December 9, 2023, edited for style and accuracy.
3. Response to “How many copyeditors does it take to fix a book-length manuscript?,” Gemini 1.0, Google, February 10, 2024,
AI generated images
Figure Number. Image generated by AI model and version, Month DD, YYYY, from the prompt "Prompt description."
Figure 3. Image generated by DALL·E 2, April 7, 2023, from the prompt "An ornate bookshelf with a portal into another dimension."
- Any content generated by a chatbot or similar AI tool must be cited, making it clear how the tool has been used, either in the text or in a footnote.
- If the AI-generated text has been edited or adapted in any way, this should also be acknowledged.
- If any illustration was created by or with the help of AI, that should be noted in the image caption.
- Chatbot conversations are not usually included in a bibliography, though this may be required for assessments. List the bibliography reference under the name of the publisher or developer rather than the name of the tool.
- The date refers to when the content was generated.
- Only include a URL to a publicly archived copy of the conversation.
- Student Academic Success provides advice on appropriately using generative AI in your work and how to acknowledge it.