Note number. Lecturer Full Name, "Title of Lecture: Subtitle," Unit Code: Title of Unit. Lecture, University Name, Location, Month DD, YYYY. URL.
1. Leah Gerber, “Translation/Transnation: Lecture 3,” APG5555: Translation Studies. Lecture, Monash University, Caulfield VIC, May 1, 2012.
2. Mark Smith, "Baroque Art: Week 4," AHT1111: Art History and Theory. Lecture, Monash University, Caulfield VIC, July 15, 2021.
3. Gerber, “Translation/Transnation.”
Lecturer Surname, First Name. “Title of Lecture: Subtitle.” Unit Code: Title of Unit. Lecture, University Name, Location, Month DD, YYYY. URL.
Gerber, Leah. “Translation/Transnation: Lecture 3.” APG5555: Translation Studies. Lecture, Monash University, Caulfield VIC, May 1, 2012.
Smith, Mark. "Baroque Art: Week 4." AHT1111: Art History and Theory. Lecture, Monash University, Caulfield VIC, July 15, 2021.
Note number. Author Full Name, “Title of Thesis: Subtitle” (Thesis type, University Name, Year of award), page number(s), Database name (Document identifier) or URL.
1. Shakela Carion Johnson, “An Examination of the Social Characteristics and Beliefs of Delinquent and Non-Delinquent Youth” (PhD thesis, Auburn University, 2007), ProQuest (AAI3270975).
2. Ilya Vedrashko, “Advertising in Computer Games” (master’s thesis, MIT, 2006), 59,
3. Johnson, “An Examination of the Social Characteristics and Beliefs of Delinquent and Non-Delinquent Youth”.
Author Surname, First Name. “Title of Thesis: Subtitle.” Thesis type, University Name, Year of award. Database name (Document identifier) or URL.
Johnson, Shakela Carion. “An Examination of the Social Characteristics and Beliefs of Delinquent and Non-Delinquent Youth.” PhD thesis, Auburn University, 2007. ProQuest (AAI3270975).
Vedrashko, Ilya. “Advertising in Computer Games.” Master’s thesis, MIT, 2006.
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