Note number. Author Full Name. "Title or description of specific page," Title/description of website, Month DD, YYYY (of publication, revision or access), URL.
1. Ankitha Gattupalli. "Understanding Urbanism: Harmony, Justice, and Poetry in Cities," ArchDaily, published January 3, 2024,
2. “National Architecture Prizes & Competitions,” The Australian Institute of Architects, published 2018,
3. Gattupalli, "Understanding Urbanism."
4. “National Architecture Prizes & Competitions.”
Author Surname, First Name, or Organisation. "Title of Webpage." Website Name. Month DD, YYYY (of publication, revision or access). URL.
Gattupalli, Ankitha. "Understanding Urbanism: Harmony, Justice, and Poetry in Cities". ArchDaily. Published January 3, 2024.
The Australian Institute of Architects. “National Architecture Prizes & Competitions.” Published 2018.
Pamphlets, corporate reports, brochures, exhibition catalogues, and other freestanding publications are treated essentially as books. Information on author and publisher may not fit the normal pattern, but sufficient information should be given to identify the document.
Note number. Author Full Name, "Title of Post," Title of Blog (blog), Month DD, YYYY of Post, URL.
1. Martin Earl, 'What Must Be Said," Poetry Foundation (blog), April 10, 2012,
2. Earl, "What must be said."
Author Surname, First Name. "Title of Post." Title of Blog (blog), Month DD, YYYY of Post. URL.
Earl, Martin. "What Must Be Said." Poetry Foundation (blog), April 10, 2012.
Note number. Author Full Name (Author Screen Name), The First 160 Characters of the Post (or nearest phrase if longer), Name of the Social Media Service, Month DD, YYYY of post, URL.
1. Conan O’Brien (@ConanOBrien), “In honor of Earth Day, I’m recycling my tweets,” Twitter, April 22, 2015,
2. O’Brien, “Earth Day."
Author Surname, First Name (Author Screen Name). The First 160 Characters of the Post (or nearest phrase if longer). Name of the Social Media Service, Month DD, YYYY of post. URL.
O’Brien, Conan (@ConanOBrien). “In honor of Earth Day, I’m recycling my tweets.” Twitter, April 22, 2015.
Note number. Title of Game for Operating System, Version, Developer, Publisher, released Month DD, YYYY, additional information of relevance such as URL/author/composer/animator etc.
1. Gran Tourismo 7 for PlayStation 4 and 5, Mojang Studios, Sony Interactive Entertainment, released March 4, 2022.
2. Gran Tourismo 7
Developer. Title of Game. Operating System. Version. Publisher. Released Month DD, YYYY. Additional information of relevance such as URL/author/composer/animator etc.
Mojang Studios. Gran Tourismo 7. PlayStation 4 and 5. Sony Interactive Entertainment. Released March 4, 2022.
Note number. Title of App, Version, Developer, Publisher (if applicable), released Month DD, YYYY, Operating system, additional information of relevance such as URL/author/composer/animator etc.
1. Angry Birds Transformers, v. 2.24.0, Rovio Entertainment, released June 28, 2023, Android 4.4 or later, soundtrack by Vince DiCola and Kenny Meriedeth.
3. Angry Birds Transformers
Developer. Title of App. Version. Publisher (if applicable). Released Month DD, YYYY. Operating system. Additional information of relevance such as URL/author/composer/animator etc.
Rovio Entertainment. Angry Birds Transformers. V. 2.24.0. Released June 28, 2023. Android 4.4 or later. Soundtrack by Vince DiCola and Kenny Meriedeth.
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