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Chicago 18th (A) Notes and Bibliography

Journal and magazine articles

  • Some journals have replaced online article page numbers with a unique article ID. These PDFs are all paginated starting at 1. In a note, cited page numbers precede the article ID. In a bibliography include the article ID only, in place of the page range.
  • Names that follow Eastern order (surname first) rather than Western order (surname last) should not be inverted in a bibliography.
  • Many of the guidelines for citing journal articles apply to magazines also, however there are some differences. See the format below.



Note number. Author Full Name, “Title of Article,” Title of Publication Volume, no. Issue (Year): Page(s), DOI or URL if online.


1. Jennifer Glass and Philip Levchak, “Red States, Blue States, and Divorce: Understanding the Impact of Conservative Protestantism on Regional Variation in Divorce Rates,” American Journal of Sociology 119, no. 4 (2014): 1002-46,

Subsequent note entry

2. Glass and Levchak, “Red States, Blue States, and Divorce," 1002-46.



Author Surname, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Publication Volume, no. Issue (Year): Article page range. DOI or URL if online.


Glass, Jennifer, and Philip Levchak. “Red States, Blue States, and Divorce: Understanding the Impact of Conservative Protestantism on Regional Variation in Divorce Rates.” American Journal of Sociology 119, no. 4 (2014): 1002–46.


  • For quotations and references to specific passages, only the page(s) concerned are given in the footnote. In the bibliography, the first and last page span is given.
  • References to online journal articles include a URL or a persistent Digital Object Identifier (DOI). If allocated, the DOI is preferred. Note that a DOI should be included in the form of a URL starting with
  • Where the source is only available in a Library subscription database that requires a login, it may be preferable to list the name of the database rather than a URL.

Two authors

Note Number. First Author Full Name and Second Author Full Name, “Title of Article,” Title of Publication Volume, no. Issue (Year): Page(s), DOI or URL if online.

More than two authors

Note Number. First Author Full Name et al., “Title of Article,” Title of Publication Volume, no. Issue (Year): Page(s), DOI or URL if online.


1. Dolores Hayden and Gwendolyn Wright, “Architecture and Urban Planning,” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 1, no. 4 (1976): 928,

2. Louis Hoffman et al., "An Existential-Humanistic Perspective on Black Lives Matter and Contemporary Protest Movements," Journal of Humanistic Psychology 56, no. 6 (2016): 595-597,

Subsequent note entry

3. Hayden and Wright, "Architecture and Urban Planning," 929.

4. Hoffman et al., "Existential-Humanistic Perspective," 602.



Two to six authors

First Author Surname, First Name, and Subsequent Author Full Names. "Title of Article.” Title of Publication Volume, no. Issue (Year): Article page range. DOI or URL if online.

More than six authors

First Author Surname, First Name, Second Author Full Name, Third Author Full Name, et al. "Title of Article.” Title of Publication Volume, no. Issue (Year): Article page range. DOI or URL if online.


Two to six authors

Hoffman, Louis, Nathaniel Granger, and Lisa Vallejos. "An Existential-Humanistic Perspective on Black Lives Matter and Contemporary Protest Movements." Journal of Humanistic Psychology 56, no. 6 (2016): 595-611.

More than six authors

Dror, Amiel A., Nicole Morozov, Amani Daoud, et al. "Pre-Infection 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 Levels and Association with Severity of COVID-19 Illness." PLOS ONE 17, no. 2 (2022): e0263069.


  • Multiple authors are listed in the same order as they appear on the title page, which may not necessarily be alphabetical order.
  • For articles with more than two authors, the note citation should list only the first author, followed by “et al.”
  • Only the first-listed name is inverted in the bibliography (i.e. Surname, First Name).
  • Name up to six authors in the bibliography; if there are more than six, list only the first three, followed by “et al.”
  • Note that the example for 'more than six authors' above includes an article ID in place of a page range, see Chicago Manual rule 14.71

No volume

Note number. Author Full Name, “Title of Article,” Title of Publication, no. Issue (Month or Season Year): Page(s), DOI or URL if online.

No issue

Note number. Author Full Name, “Title of Article,” Title of Publication Volume (Month or Season Year): Page(s), DOI or URL if online.


No volume

1. Jie Li, “The Hot Noise of Open-Air Cinema,” Grey Room, no. 81 (Fall 2020): 22–25,

No issue

2. Tan Zhao, “Professionalizing China’s Rural Cadres,” China Journal 89 (January 2023): 48,



No volume

Author Surname, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Publication, no. Issue (Month or Season Year): Article page range. DOI or URL if online.

No issue

Author Surname, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Publication Volume (Month or Season Year): Article page range. DOI or URL if online.


No volume

Li, Jie. “The Hot Noise of Open-Air Cinema.” Grey Room, no. 81 (Fall 2020): 6–35.

No issue

Zhao, Tan. “Professionalizing China’s Rural Cadres.” China Journal 89 (January 2023): 45-69.



Ahead-of-print articles

Note number. Author Full Name, “Title of Article,” Title of Publication, ahead of print, Month DD, YYYY, DOI or URL.

Forthcoming articles

Note number. Author Full Name, “Title of Article,” Title of Publication, accepted Month DD, YYYY, forthcoming, DOI or URL.

Accepted for publication, not yet made available

Note number. Author Full Name, “Title of Article,” Title of Publication Volume (forthcoming).


Note number. Author Full Name, “Title of Article,” preprint, preprint server name, Month DD, YYYY, DOI or URL.


Ahead-of-print articles

1. Ryan Mullan et al., “An Investigation into the Mechanism Mediating Counterillumination in Myctophid Fishes (Myctophidae),” Biological Bulletin, ahead of print, April 5, 2023,

Forthcoming articles

2. Marc K. Chan et al., “The Effect of Job Search Requirements on Family Welfare Receipt,” Journal of Labor Economics, accepted January 6, 2023, forthcoming,

Accepted for publication, not yet made available

3. Margaret Smith, “Permission to Play,” Design 98 (forthcoming).


4. Holt Bodish and Robert DeYeso III, “Obstructing Reducible Surgeries: Slice Genus and Thickness Bounds,” preprint, arXiv, September 4, 2022,



Ahead-of-print articles

Author Surname, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Publication, ahead of print, Month DD, YYYY. DOI or URL.

Forthcoming articles

Author Surname, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Publication, accepted Month DD, YYYY, forthcoming. DOI or URL.

Accepted for publication, not yet made available

Author Surname, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Publication Volume (forthcoming).


Author Surname, First Name. “Title of Article.” Preprint, preprint server name, Month DD, YYYY. DOI or URL.


Ahead-of-print articles

Mullan, Ryan, Alex D. Davis, Tracey T. Sutton, and Sönke Johnsen. “An Investigation into the Mechanism Mediating Counterillumination in Myctophid Fishes (Myctophidae).” Biological Bulletin, ahead of print, April 5, 2023.

Forthcoming articles

Chan, Mark K., Nicolas Hérault, Ha Vu, and Roger Wilkins. “The Effect of Job Search Requirements on Family Welfare Receipt.” Journal of Labor Economics, accepted January 6, 2023, forthcoming.

Accepted for publication, not yet made available

Smith, Margaret. “Permission to Play.” Design 98 (forthcoming).


Holt Bodish and Robert DeYeso III. “Obstructing Reducible Surgeries: Slice Genus and Thickness Bounds.” Preprint, arXiv, September 4, 2022.


  • Use ‘ahead-of-print’ when an article is posted online before the print version. This usually means that volume, issue and page numbers do not yet exist, however you can include these if available.
  • Use ‘forthcoming’ where an article has been accepted for publication but not yet published.
  • Use ‘preprint’ where the article has been posted to a preprint server. Articles not posted to a preprint server are best treated as unpublished manuscripts.



Note number. Author Full Name, “Title of Article,” Title of Publication, Month DD, YYYY, Page(s), URL if online.


1. Helen Lewis, “The Second Elizabethan Age Has Ended,” Atlantic, September 8, 2022,

2. Susie Allen, “Eyes on the Story,” University of Chicago Magazine, Summer 2022, 45.

Subsequent note entry

3. Lewis, “The Second Elizabethan Age.”

4. Allen, “Eyes on the Story,” 46.



Author Surname, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Publication, Month DD, YYYY. URL if online.


Lewis, Helen. “The Second Elizabethan Age Has Ended.” Atlantic, September 8, 2022.

Allen, Susie. “Eyes on the Story.” University of Chicago Magazine. Summer 2022.


  • Specific page numbers may not be available but may be cited if they are.
  • A month or season may replace a full date where the date is not available.

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