Competition law is the general term for the body of law regulating the market behaviour of corporate and business entities and industrial organisations and structures, so as to preserve competition for the benefit of consumers.
Consumer protection is the protection of consumers against unfair trade or credit practices including misleading and deceptive statements or conduct by suppliers: for example, under the Australian Consumer Law, which replaces the (CTH) Trade Practices Act 1974 s 4B, Pt V.
Australian Consumer Law - A single, national consumer protection and product liability regime applying federally as a law of the Commonwealth pursuant to Pt XI Sch 2 of the (CTH) Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and pursuant to equivalent uniform application laws of the participating States and Territories.
(From the Encyclopaedic Australian Legal Dictionary)
Alternative terms: Antitrust law - Product liability - Restraint of trade -Trade regulation - Unfair competition
The Centre for Commercial Law and Regulatory Studies (CLARS) at Monash University Law School facilitates innovative research in commercial law, corporate governance and regulation.
Australian competition law reading room - extensive list of book, articles, speeches and reports.
Remember to also check the Law databases
Law Reports and cases
Reports and inquiries