Family law is "the area of law relating to the regulation of domestic or personal relationships and the consequences that flow from the end of such relationships. Family law is concerned with matters such as the welfare of children, property and maintenance disputes between married or de facto partners, and legal termination of marital relationships through divorce or annulment. The Family Court of Australia, the Federal Circuit Court of Australia, and the Family Court of Western Australia are the main courts exercising family law jurisdiction." (From the Encyclopaedic Australian Legal Dictionary)
See also The Law Handbook 2024 - 'Relationships, families and young people'
Look at Halsbury's Laws of Australia - Title 205 Family Law and Lexis+ Practical Guidance AU Family for guidance and forms.
Use the case citator Lexis+ CaseBase or Westlaw Australia (Cases) to find specific cases from Australian courts.
Court judgments (unreported)
International Journals