The study of corporations law includes the regulation of both companies and the securities and futures industries. Business law covers the areas of contract, agency, banking, insurance, finance, and trade practices.
See also the Company, industry and market library guide.
For assistance from the Library, book a 15 minute Zoom meeting with a Librarian or email with questions.
The Centre for Commercial Law and Regulatory Studies (CLARS) at Monash University Law School facilitates innovative research in commercial law, corporate governance and regulation.
For more legislation see Lawlex
Australian corporations legislation databases
Australian corporations legislation reprinted in books
Use the case citator Lexis+ CaseBase or Westlaw Australia (Cases) to find specific cases from Australian courts.
There are a number of Rules, Guidance Notes and Waivers produced by the ASX, including Operating Rules and Listing Rules.
These can be read on the ASX Website in the Regulation section.
Databases containing ASX materials