Citing and referencing: Websites

A guide to the styles recommended by Monash schools and departments for students and researchers


An entire website


Last Name, First Name. Name of website. Publisher or sponsor of site, Year of Publication, URL.


Liu, Alan. Voice of the Shuttle. U of California, Santa Barbara, 2020,

Cave, Nick. The Red Hand Files. Nick Cave Productions, 2020,

The Pulitzer Prizes. Columbia U, 2020,

Teaching Tolerance. Southern Poverty Law Center, 2020,

International Council for Traditional Music, 2020,


The publisher's name can often be found in a copyright notice at the bottom of the homepage or on a page that gives information about the site.

If the publisher's name is the same as that of the author or website, only list it once. If the author is unknown, begin the reference with the name of the website instead. 

Do not include https:// when listing a URL. If a permalink or DOI is available, include it instead as it is a more stable link to the resource.


A page on a website


Last Name, First Name. "Title of webpage". Name of website. Publisher or sponsor of site, Year of Publication, URL.


Dyer, Jo. "Living Songs: Music, Law and Culture in Aboriginal Australia." Resonate Magazine. Australian Music Centre, 2009,

"Arts and Disability: A Research Summary." Australia Council for the Arts. Australian Government, 2018,


If the article on a webpage includes the date of publication you may include this if it is relevant. 


A PDF download from a website


Last Name, First Name. Title of Webpage. Publisher or Sponsor of the Site, Date of Publication, URL.


Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies. Guidelines For the Ethical Publishing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Authors and Research From Those Communities. 2015,

Janke, Terri. First Peoples: A Roadmap for Enhancing Indigenous Engagement in Museums and Galleries. Australian Museums and Galleries Association, 2019,

Explanation In the first example, the publisher is the same as the name of the website, so it has only been included once.